Useful revision Web-sites by Subject English BBC Bite Size GCSE English Language English Quizzes BBC Bite Size GCSE English Literature – ask your teacher for specific guidance on what to revise Maths Log in details as follows: Centre id: brislington Login: JBlogg (your first name’s initial and your surname) Password: JBlogg (the same as your Login) Oasis Brislington Maths revision site – accessible from Oasis Brislington Website: 5-a-day Past Examination Papers and marking schemes Exam Questions – arranged by topic Bread and butter questions (currently used as homework) – Questions that every student needs to be able to answer before they walk into the exam. Required Equipment Every student should own a scientific calculator – Casio brand. Mathematical set-protractor, ruler, compass and rubber. Expectations Attend all lessons. Homework is set every week and all students are expected to hand in homework on time and completed to the best of their ability. Masterclass – Thursday 15:00hrs – 16:00 hrs in Room 122 Science This website allows you to review your learning with a quick test at the end to check understanding. However playing the games will not help you make progress! This is an excellent website with short video tutorials, checklists and worksheets. There is a small fee for joining but if you do not want to pay, most of the videos are on YouTube. Type in ‘my_gcse science’ and either C1, B1 or P1. Use your revision guide to help you focus on the correct sections. Ask your science teacher if you are not sure. This website has masses of information and can really help to make you an expert in answering exam questions. This is best tackled once you are confident with the contents of the course. There are some useful facts about exam techniques and revision ideas. Perhaps get your parents to look at this one so they know what you are going through. This has lots of information and is well explained. Remember you are doing GCSE Science now so ignore the KS3 stuff. Do not get distracted by the adverts Geography BBC Bite Size GCSE Geography SAM Learning How to be a good geographer Maps of the world, continents and countries The Living Planet – Rainforests Weather and Climate Settlements and People History BBC Bite Size GCSE History revision- ask your class teacher to tell which sections are relevant. RE Modern Foreign Languages Login: mfloab Password: mflbris BBC Bite Size GCSE covers all Modern Foreign Languages. Resistant Materials Personal Revision Calendar How to use these pages: 1. Highlight YOUR examination dates from the exam timetable you have been given. 2. On the following pages, block out any sessions where you are busy and cannot revise (e.g. attending clubs, part time job). 3. For the other sessions not shaded (when you will be in school!), you need to devote time to completing tasks for revision, set aside specific times to revise each subject. Write in these subjects at the times you will revise them. 4. You should be doing the equivalent of 2 hours per day OUTSIDE of school as a minimum for the next three weeks to maximise your success. 5. Make use of the revision websites your teachers recommended earlier in this booklet. 6. Use techniques you were shown in your study skills session on 25th March: The Journey technique (attach things you need to remember to planned steps) Mnemonics (make up your own and make them catchy!) Mind mapping (see how later in this booklet) Numbers for letters (see the examples later in this booklet) TOP TIP: You need a chair and table or desk in a quiet space with no distractions (for example the TV should be switched off). This will help you to make best use of your time when working. Half Term Monday 25th May Tuesday 26th May Wednesday 27Th May Thursday 28th May Friday 29th May Saturday 30th May Sunday 31st May Monday 1st June Tuesday 2nd June Wednesday 3rd June Thursday 4th June Friday 5th June Saturday 6th June Sunday 7th June Monday 8th June Tuesday 9th June Wednesday 10th June Thursday 11th June AM PM 3:30pm until 5.00pm 5.00pm until 6.30pm 6.30pm until 8.00pm AM PM Master Classes/ After School 5.00pm until 6.30pm 6.30pm until 8.00pm AM PM Master classes/ After School 5.00pm until 6.30pm 6.30pm until 8.00pm Friday 12th June Saturday 13th June Sunday 14th June Monday 15th June AM Tuesday 16th June Wednesday 17th June Thursday 18th June Friday 19th June Saturday 20th June Sunday 21st June Tuesday 23rd June Wednesday 24th June Thursday 25th June Friday 26th June Saturday 27th June Sunday 28th June Thursday 2nd July Friday 3rd July YEAR 10 GRADUATION DAY Saturday 4th July Sunday 5th July Exams Start PM After School/ Period 6 5.00pm until 6.30pm 6.30pm until 8.00pm Monday 22nd June AM PM Exams Finish After school/ Period 6 5.00pm until 6.30pm 6.30pm until 8.00pm Monday 29th June AM PM After School/ Period 6 5.00pm until 6.30pm 6.30pm until 8.00pm Tuesday 30th June Wednesday 1st July NUMBERS = LETTERS: Use this technique to help to remember information around a date/number: Examples: 1. Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 1928 = “A discovery by AlexFlem” 2. The Second World War broke out in 1939 1939 = “A worldwide war commenced”