COE Biology Submission Checklist 2015

Collection of Evidence January 2015
The required components of a Biology COE
A sufficient biology collection must meet the following requirements:
 The collection consists of at least six and at most eight student
work samples. These six to eight work samples or tasks when
completed are submitted together and compose a collection. All
work samples must be tasks accessed from the inclusion bank
through the online system.
 Biology work is to be completed online under the supervision of
an educational professional and following the guidelines under
testing and administration.
 All work samples must be written in English.
 Work samples must not include any outside source materials.
 Student diagrams are optional and may be included for all
questions. Labeled diagrams are not required as part of a student
response but may be submitted with the tasks. If a student
chooses this option, the diagram must be submitted on the
Biology COE Task Response Labeled Diagram form
Students must designate the use of diagrams within the online
testing system. The paper version of the diagram will be shipped
to the scoring center.
 There are six strands in biology. Each strand must be represented
by at least three different items with the exception of the
Ecosystems (LS2) strand which must be represented by at least
four different items.
 A minimum of two tasks must be chosen as on-demand tasks.
Once completed, the collection is submitted through the COE online
system. The online COE system checks for sufficiency requirements at
the time of submission.
For school and district use only. Not to be submitted with collection. To be retained at the district. 9/2014
Collection of Evidence January 2015
Student Submission Checklist for Biology
Understanding plagiarism and independent work
 I have seen the COE videos about plagiarism.
 I have signed the Collection of Evidence Student Agreement Form and
submitted it to my teacher.
Collection of work samples
 In the online COE site, all of the eligibility and sufficiency checks have a green
"Yes" on the Submission Status screen.
 I have chosen the 6 – 8 work samples to include following the sufficiency
 At least two on-demand tasks are included.
 Each of the six Biology strands is represented by at least three different items
with the exception of the Ecosystems (LS2) strand.
 The Ecosystems (LS2) strand is represented by at least four different items.
Using diagrams in a task
 I have identified the tasks in the online COE system for which I created a
diagram writing “diagram included” in the answer text box and by checking
the “diagram included” box below that answer.
 I used always used the official Biology COE Task Response Labeled Diagram
Form to create a labeled diagram to answer the question.
 I have completed the requested information at the top of each diagram form
including my name, school, the name/title of the task, and the question and
part number (such as 1a or 3b).
 I have turned all of the diagram forms to my teacher.
Reviewing my work
 I have answered all questions in English.
 I have done my best work and the completed tasks represent my own work.
 I have not used included any outside source materials in my tasks.
 I have only used approved calculators and/or a straight edge tool for my
 My teacher has reviewed all of the selected work samples.
Submitting for teacher approval
 I can see the button that says "Submit for Teacher Approval" in the online
COE site next to the samples I have completed.
 I can confirm that the samples are my own work.
 I understand that when I click on the “Submit for Teacher Approval” button I
will no longer able to work on the samples unless the teacher requests
For school and district use only. Not to be submitted with collection. To be retained at the district. 9/2014
Collection of Evidence January 2015
Teacher Submission Checklist for Biology
Teacher review
 I completed all of the steps on the COE Teacher Training Checklist 2014-2015
and have a signed copy of the checklist on file at the school.
 I have ensured all students are eligible to submit on the online COE system.
 I have reviewed and approved all student work.
 I have verified that all sufficiency requirements are met.
 I have printed the work sample documentation form for each student that
included one or more diagrams for their answers.
 I had the student verify that all diagrams listed on the work sample
documentation form are included.
 I can now click the “Submit for principal approval” button.
Gathering diagrams for shipping
 I have kept all diagrams in a secure location.
 I have all of the student diagrams that will be submitted and checked them to
be sure that the work sample documentation form I printed matches the
work of each student. Note: If students have chosen not to answer with any
diagrams there is nothing to print for them.
 I have made a copy of all of the diagrams and work sample documentation
form and am keeping them in a secure location (or handing them to Renton
School District Assessment Department.
 I have organized all diagrams (and the copies) in the order they are listed in
the work sample documentation form and stapled them both (no paper clips)
with the work sample documentation form on the top of each (two per
student, photo copies separate from originals).
 I have handed all of the prepared diagram packets for my students directly to
a representative of Renton School District Assessment Department by district
submission deadline (district review is January 23, 2015 for January
 I have communicated to the principal or designee that student collections
must be approved online.
 I have provided a list of students submitting collections to the principal or
 I have allowed time for principal approval and district review prior to
submission deadline (district review is January 23, 2015 for January
 I have gone back into the online COE system and confirm that all collections
are now in the “Submitted to OSPI” status before final submission date
(January 28, 2015 for January submission).
For school and district use only. Not to be submitted with collection. To be retained at the district. 9/2014
Collection of Evidence January 2015
Principal Submission Checklist for Biology
To implement the COE in your school, you are required to sign off on each
student’s collection. If you have not already done so, you will need to sign in
to EDS and request the eCOESchool Principal role for your school. If you have
questions or need help, call 360-464-6708.
In preparation for submission:
 I have cross-referenced the teacher’s list of student collections
with the online COE system
 I am using the online system to approve each student’s collection
and by selecting the student name(s) from the list presented and
clicking the “Approve” button. (This submits the collection to
OSPI, and the collection is no longer available to the student or
teacher for revisions.)
 I have ensured that the labeled diagrams for all of the students
have been handed directly to a representative of Renton School
District Assessment Department by district submission deadline
(district review is January 23, 2015 for January submission).
How to use the online COE system
1. Log in to EDS (
2. Choose "eCOE" from the list of applications
3. On the left hand side of the screen look in the Status area and click on
Principal Signature.
4. You will be presented with a list of students who are waiting for
5. Click the check box in front of the students you want to approve. To
select all students, click the check box at the top of the list.
6. Click either the "Approve" button or the "Return to Teacher" button.
7. When collections are approved they are sent to OSPI for scoring and
cannot be returned.
For school and district use only. Not to be submitted with collection. To be retained at the district. 9/2014
Collection of Evidence January 2015
District Submission Checklist for Biology
Steps to implement the Collection of Evidence in your district:
 Teacher and student conduct a sufficiency review at the school.
 Principal approves each student collection using the online COE
 District Assessment Coordinator or designee collects student
diagram packets (one per student) from COE Biology teachers.
 District Assessment Coordinator or designee conducts a final
review of all submitted work prior to submission deadline.
 Compile a district-wide list of submitted collections including
student name, school and content area.
 Contact schools directly for any submissions that were expected
to be submitted but do not have as their status: “Submitted to
Shipping Biology diagrams:
 Ensure student diagrams are placed behind the work sample
documentation form and stapled correctly.
 Ensure each stapled student diagram packet is placed into a 9X12
envelope to be submitted to the scoring center. Each student's
work should be in a separate envelope. It is not necessary to label
the envelope in any way.
 Put all work from a school (or district) in a single box or larger
 Place only biology diagrams in the box or large envelope and
clearly mark it "Biology Diagrams" to facilitate handling.
 Ship collections by the submission deadline date in order to be
considered on time.
 Utilize a carrier with a tracking system for shipping (such as UPS
or FedEx)
 Shipping address: COE Scoring Center, ESD 113, 6005 Tyee Dr
SW, Tumwater, WA 98512
For school and district use only. Not to be submitted with collection. To be retained at the district. 9/2014
Collection of Evidence January 2015
Keys to a successful submission:
COE inclusion tasks and work samples must be kept in a secure location
Keep the collection pages clean and free from damage (holes, tears, folds, stains)
Place one single staple in the upper left-hand corner of each work sample
Place the work sample documentation form on the top with all work samples in
sequential order
5. Check for student name, title of task and question numbers on the work sample
documentation form
6. Maintain copies of student work as a backup
7. Package each student’s collection in a separate envelope (at least 9x12 or larger)
8. Put all envelopes from a school (or district) in a box for shipping
9. Generate a list of all collections being submitted with student name and content area
10. Utilize a tracking system for shipping (such as UPS or FedEx)
For school and district use only. Not to be submitted with collection. To be retained at the district. 9/2014