Training Menu - Complete Track and Field

Track and Field
Training Menu
Barefoot warmup Series
up on toes fwd, bkwd
toes in, out
inverted, everted foot
double, sngle toe grabs
medial lateral shuffle
heel walks
Joint mobility Series
head circles
trunk circles
hip circles
ankle circles
wrist circles
shoulder circles
Movement Exercise Series
fwd, bkwd skipping
fwd, bkwd run
Side slide
karioka step over
low skip & scoop
fwd, bkwd groucho
cross over bound
Warm-up exercise Series
wide jumping jacks
long straddle hops
highland fling
Prisoner squat
single leg 1/4,1/2
wave squat
front lunge
wide outs
sngl, dbl thrust
Air TJs
star jumps
speed skater
speed skate runs
Hip Mobility/Strength Series
fire hydrant f,m,b
fwd, bkwd knee circle
3 pt extender
lateral straight leg reach
fwd trail leg fence
bkwd trail leg fence
compiled by Ron Grigg, Jacksonville Univ. Track and Field
Dynamic Mobility Series
supine SL raise
side OL raise
side IL raise
lead leg pickups
trail leg pickups
supine iron cross
prone scorpions
inverted splits
inverted scissors
rockers into hurdle
linear leg swings
lateral leg swings
figure 8s
hurdle seat change
Balance Series
front scale
side scale
back scale
sngl leg 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 eagle
sngl leg 1/4 TI
sngl leg 1/4 TO
in place crow hops
sngl leg fwd, bkwd
sngl leg side to side
jump to single leg
karate kids
General Strength Series
pushups (variations)
cradle pushups
push ups w/ clap
pullups (over & under)
dbl leg Russian hamst
sgl leg Russian hamst
Pillar Series
chinnies(sngl, dbl)
v ups
L overs
side ups
leg whippers
un/spotted sole touches
superman series
4 Navy seals variations
Hurdle Mobility
alternate walkovers
right lead, left trail walkovers
left lead, right trail walkovers
lateral walk overs
over 2 back 1
Over and under
Under-Unders (bounce)
Dynamic Hurdle Mobility
Alt. hurdle tops straight leg
sngl leg hurdle tops straight
static dynamic walkovers
static dynamic skipovers
(5 footsteps apart)
CUBA Hurdle Mobility(fast)
Alt. Trail leg skip overs
Lateral skip overs bent leg
single leg hurdle tops bent
alt. hurdle tops straight leg
hurdle action skipovers
(1-3 footsteps apart)
Sprint Drills Series 1 mv
Marching Run (step over calf,
ankle, knee)
Ankle Pops (ticking)
A Skip
straight leg shuffle
straight leg bound
fast leg variations
Gs (Reverse Drill)
Sprint Drill Series 2 acc
Wall Drill
Bullet belt skip
Bullet belt walk
Bullet belt run
Bullet belt run & Release
Light Sled
Hurdle Drills Series
A &C Skip
Trail leg fence
Partner trail leg
Reverse drill
Skip lead or trail@ 2m
1 step half hurdle @ 3m
3m bent lead, ground react
6-7m 3 step middle
Alternate 4 step drills
hurdle rhythm runs
Multi Throws Series A
Square Overhead Forward
Overhead Forward w/Step
Shoulder (opposite) Forward
with Step
Hammer Throw Left
Hammer Throw Right
Multi Throws Series B
Squat Chest
Lunge Chest
Overhead Back
Underhand Forward
Multi Throws Series C
Hop Forward + Overback
Hop Forward + Underforward
Step Off Box Backwards +
Step Off Box Forwards +
2 Hops + Chest
Multi Throws Series D
Box + 2 Springs Forward +
2 Springs Forward + 1 Back
+ Chest
Standing Triple Jump +
Single Leg Drop Forward Off
Box + Chest (each leg)
Stadium or Remedial Series
Small knee flexion/vertical
Free leg slightly in front
Medial hops
Lateral hops
Single leg hops
RLRL hops
RRLL hops
Jump Technique Series
Skips for height
Skips for distance
Run, run, Pen, TO
10ft Hurdle Gallops
Short Jump Series
Standing Long Jump
Standing Triple Jump
3 dbl leg SLJs
Bound Series A
Straight Leg Bounds
Alternate Bounds RLRL
All Rights
All Lefts
Bound Series B
TJers can add 5 step jog
Ankle/Sand Simple Hops
Side straddle hops
Front straddle hops
Crossover hops
Diagonal hops
Bunny Hops fwd/back
Bunny Hops diagonal
Depth Jump A
2 ft landings
Box, SLJ
Box, 3 dbl SLJs
Box, Hurdle, SLJ
Box, STJ
In Place Series A
Line hops
Buttkick jumps
Speed skate
Squat Freeze Jumps
Step up jumps (harvards)
Depth Jump B
Box, Box SLJ
Box, Box Hurdle, SLJ
In Place Series H
Tuck Jumps
Air TJs
Lunge Jumps
Single leg lateral turn
Single leg medial turn
compiled by Ron Grigg, Jacksonville Univ. Track and Field
Start Progression Series
jackknife falling start
nose to knee bow, touch & go
3 pt
lunge each leg
push up
hop hop
back roll and go
belly roll roll and go
Squat Walk Series
turn in, out squats walk
fwd, bkwd squat walk
R, L, lateral squat walk
push up walk
Crocodile Walks
Hurdle Stretch Series
Leg Cradle
Knee to Chest foot on H
Quad foot to rear on H
Hamstring trail on H
Static Stretching Series
supine knee to chest sing,dbl
straddle stretch R,L,M
sit on your heels
cradle the baby
stand straddle R,L,M
tip over fwd
lateral squat toe down
lateral squat toe up
sprinter stretch
over, under straddle stretch
chair stretch
pretzel stretch
hurdle seat lead & trail
figure four stretch
Pre Practice Endurance Runs
800= 3:10 = 95
1200= 4:50 = 96.7 = 24.2
1600= 6:30 = 97.5 = 24.4
2400 = 10:00 = 100 = 25