Henry Bertie and Florence Mabel Gritton Postdoctoral Fellowship

Scholarships Office
Level 5 Jane Foss Russell Building G02
Telephone +61 2 8627 8112
Facsimile +61 2 8627 8485
email research.training@sydney.edu.au
Henry Bertie and Florence Mabel Gritton Postdoctoral Fellowship
Application Procedures and Conditions of Award
The purpose of the Henry Bertie and Florence Mabel Gritton bequest is to promote the
knowledge and study of Chemistry in relation to Industry and Agriculture, including
Chemistry connected with Electrical Engineering, Metallurgical Chemistry and Chemistry in
its application to Mining and the winning and treatment of minerals and natural products of
the soil. Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Fellowship to conduct full time research at
the University.
The Fellowship shall be open (a) to graduands or graduates of universities which are
members of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, or (b) to graduands or
graduates of any university who are either citizens of a Commonwealth country or who are
Permanent Residents of Australia. Applicants will need to have a doctoral qualification of no
more than five years standing as at 1 March 2013.
The fellowship will be available for two years, subject to satisfactory progress.
fellowship must commence within six months of an offer being made.
The remuneration package includes a base salary of $78,252 to $83,998 p.a. (Academic
staff Level A, Steps 6-8), leave loading and up to 17% employer’s contribution to
superannuation. A relocation grant and a research maintenance allowance will also be
Application Procedures
Intending applicants must first contact a senior academic staff member in the relevant
School or Academic Unit of the University with whom collaboration is planned to formulate a
research proposal in Chemistry in relation to Industry and Agriculture. Information on the
School’s or Academic Unit’s research interests and contact details are available from:
Six (6) identical sets of completed Application Form, together with supporting
documentation and attachments, must be submitted to:
Gritton Fellowship applications
Scholarships Office
Level 5, Jane Foss Russell Building, G02
The University of Sydney
NSW 2006 Australia
by 22 March 2013. Late, faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted. Do not
staple or bind your application form and supporting documents – use one paper clip or
foldback clip only for each set of the application.
Enquiries: Please contact Carmen Ng in the Scholarships Office, telephone: 02 8627 8116
or email: carmen.ng@sydney.edu.au.
All applicants will be advised by late May 2013.
Conditions of Award
The Henry Bertie and Florence Mabel Gritton Research Scholarships may be awarded at
postdoctoral or postgraduate level and shall be tenable at The University of Sydney only.
The following are extracts from the conditions of award pertaining to the postdoctoral
Established in 1957 by a bequest of £60,243 from the estates of Henry Bertie Gritton and his
wife Florence Mabel Gritton, the scholarships shall be awarded under the following
Each scholarship shall be named a Henry Bertie and Florence Mabel Gritton Research
The object of the scholarships is to promote the knowledge and study of Chemistry in
relation to Industry and Agriculture, including Chemistry connected with Electrical
Engineering, Metallurgical Chemistry and Chemistry in its application to Mining and the
winning and treatment of minerals and natural products of the soil.
The scholarships may be awarded at and shall be tenable at the University of Sydney.
The scholarships shall be awarded on the basis of academic merit and appropriateness
of proposed programs of research.
The scholarships shall be open (a) to graduands or graduates of universities which are
members of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, or (b) to graduands or
graduates of any university who are either citizens of a Commonwealth country or who
are Permanent Residents of Australia. This condition must be met by the time of the
Selection Committee meeting.
A scholarship at postdoctoral level:
(a) may be awarded only to an applicant who holds the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
or who possesses such equivalent standing as may be approved by the Academic
Board. Applicants must not have held a doctoral degree for more than five years as
at 1 March in the year of application.
(b) shall be tenable for two years, subject to satisfactory progress.
(c) shall be within the range of Steps 6-8 of the University’s Level A Academic Staff
salary scale*.
(d) shall provide a travel grant of up to $5,000 to cover airfare and relocation expenses
for the holder and his/her family. The airfare shall be economy class air travel by the
most direct route and the most economical rate available at the time.
(e) shall provide a research maintenance allowance of $3,000 per annum.
Scholarships shall be awarded by the Academic Board on the recommendation of a
committee consisting of the Chair of the Academic Board and the Deans of the Faculties
of Agriculture and Environment, Engineering and Information Technologies, and Science
and the Head of the School of Chemistry, or their nominees.
A base salary $78,252 to $83,998 per annum, leave loading and up to 17% employer’s
contribution to superannuation.
Henry Bertie and Florence Mabel Gritton Postdoctoral Fellowship
2013 Application Form
Other Names:
Male / Female
Country (if not Australia):
Telephone number:
Are you a citizen of a Commonwealth
Country of citizenship:
Are you a permanent resident of Australia? YES / NO
Are you a graduand or graduate of a University which is a member of the Association of
Commonwealth Universities?
If YES, name of University:
Name of School or Department in which you wish to conduct your proposed research:
Name of Supervisor/Mentor who has agreed to support your application:
Academic referees – please give the names and contact details of two academic referees who are
familiar with your research. You must forward the attached Referee’s Report form to each referee
and request them to send their reports directly to the Scholarships Office by 22 March 2013. The
University will not contact referees on behalf of applicants.
First Referee
Name of Institution and Country (if not Australia):
Second Referee
Name of Institution and Country (if not Australia):
Supporting documentation - please attach to each copy of your application:
copy of your passport or citizenship certificate and if applicable, relevant documentation
concerning your permanent resident status in Australia;
original or certified copy of your academic transcripts of your undergraduate and postgraduate
proof that all requirements for the award of a doctoral degree have been met;
an up-to-date curriculum vitae, including your career and opportunities for research over the last
five years and scholarly publications (books; book chapters; refereed journal articles; conference
papers, presentations and posters);
an outline (no more than 4 pages including bibliographic references) of your proposed research
project including project title, aims and significance, research plan, methods and techniques, and
explain how your project relates to the purpose of the Henry Bertie and Florence Mabel
Gritton bequest. Please note that if you are awarded a Gritton Postdoctoral Fellowship, you
must work on the proposed project as described in this application.
I declare that the information provided by me on this form and supporting documentation is complete
and correct. I am aware that there are severe penalties for providing false or misleading information,
including exclusion of my application and cancellation of the fellowship. I am also aware that giving
false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code (Commonwealth).
A total of SIX (6) SETS of this form and attachments must be submitted to:
Gritton Fellowship applications
Scholarships Office
Level 5, Jane Foss Russell Building, G02
The University of Sydney
NSW 2006 Australia
by 22 March 2013. Applications submitted by fax or electronically will not be accepted.
Privacy Statement
In accordance with The University of Sydney Privacy Policy, the information you provide for this
application is collected and held by the University in order to assess candidates for the Henry Bertie
and Florence Mabel Gritton Postdoctoral Fellowship, and for administrative and statistical purposes
including publicising the names, areas of research and other relevant details of the successful
applicant. Enquiries regarding access to and correction of the personal information should be
directed in the first instance to the Scholarships Office.
The University of Sydney
Henry Bertie and Florence Mabel Gritton Postdoctoral Fellowship
CONFIDENTIAL – to be mailed, emailed or faxed directly to the Scholarships Office.
Applicant’s Name: _______________________________________________________________
Proposed Project title: _____________________________________________________________
Please comment specifically on the following (attach an additional page if necessary):
1. Research record of the applicant, including quality of work and capacity to undertake the
proposed research, and
2. The relevance of the applicant’s proposed research project to the purpose of the Henry Bertie
and Florence Mabel Gritton bequest.
Name of Referee: ____________________________ Signature: __________________________
Telephone: _________________ E-mail: __________________________ Date: ______________
This report is confidential to members of the Selection Committee. Please mail, email or fax the signed report
directly to the Scholarships Office, Level 5, Jane Foss Russell Building, G02, The University of Sydney, NSW
2006 (email: research.training@sydney.edu.au, fax: 02 8627 8485) by 22 March 2013.
The Scholarships Office would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your report. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact us on 02 8627 8112.