Mailing Address: 4730 Willingdon Ave, Powell River, BC, V8A 2N4 All Member Inquiries: Tel: (604) 223-1357 Email: Membership Package Checklist Name: _____________________ Date: ___________________________ Phone number: ____________________Email: ____________________________ Please check that your membership package includes the following: ☐ Application for Registration – signed and dated ☐ Code of Conduct – read, checked boxes, signed and dated ☐ Photocopy of government issued photo ID ☐ Passport sized photo – certified as likeness Physician's Statement* or copy of MMAR license DO NOT AFFIX PHOTO ☐ Included ☐ Has been/will be faxed * For the following conditions, only a confirmation of diagnosis is required. ADHD AIDS/HIV Anxiety/Stress Disorder Arthritis Asthma Brain/Head Injury Cancer Cerebral Palsy Chemotherapy Treatment Chronic Pain Colitis Crohn's Disease Depression Eating Disorders Eczema Emphysema End of life/Palliative care Epilepsy Fibromyalgia Glaucoma Hepatitis C Irritable Bowel Syndrome Chronic Migraines Multiple Sclerosis Muscular Dystrophy Nausea – Chronic and debilitating Neuralgia Paraplegia/Quadriplegia Psoriasis Parkinson's Disease Radiation Therapy Seizure Disorders Sleep Disorders Spinal Cord Injury Substance Addiction/Withdrawal All other diagnoses require a recommendation for the use of cannabis from your health care practitioner. Please note: when you pick up your card, you must show your photo ID. No exceptions. For office use only: Notes: _________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________ Date of approval:_____________ Contacted by:☐ phone or ☐Email Date:___________ Membership number: ____________ Mailing Address: 4730 Willingdon Ave, Powell River, BC, V8A 2N4 All Member Inquiries: Tel: (604) 223-1357 Email: APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION Applicant's Name:__________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________City:___________Prov:_______ Postal code:___________________Phone number(s):_______________________ Date of Birth__________________E-mail_________________________________ MMAR # (if applicable) _____________________________________________________ Medical condition(s) and symptoms:________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Physician's name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________City:________________Prov:______ Postal code: __________Phone number(s):________________________________ Optional: Are you presently taking any prescription pharmaceuticals? yes☐no☐ If you answered “yes”, please list your drug regimen as well as any side effects:_____________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ How long have you been using cannabis?_______________________________________ How long have you been using cannabis as a medicine?___________________________ How does cannabis affect your symptoms?_____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ How much/how often do you use cannabis?_____________________________________ How did you hear about Grassroots Cooperative? _____________________________ I hereby declare that the information stated above is factual: APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE:____________________________________________ DATE SIGNED:________________________________________________________ PRINTED NAME:______________________________________________________ All Dispensary members who provide an email address will receive email updates about medical marijuana activism. If you do not wish to receive emails please check ☐ *GRASSROOTS COOPERATIVE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT THE AMOUNT OF MEDICATION Mailing Address: 4730 Willingdon Ave, Powell River, BC, V8A 2N4 All Member Inquiries: Tel: (604) 223-1357 Email: CODE OF CONDUCT: PLEASE CHECK EACH BOX AFTER READING THE SECTION. VIOLATION OF THESE CODES OF CONDUCT WILL RESULT IN A TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT SUSPENSION OF SERVICES. NO RESELLING. NO SHARING. We provide medicinal cannabis for you only. Any reselling or sharing of your medicine is forbidden. If you are caught reselling any products purchased from the VDS you will be permanently banned from receiving services. BE POLITE. We are doing our best to provide a service to our clients. Please treat the staff and other members of the VDS with politeness and respect. BE RESPONSIBLE. Please use your medicine in a respectful and responsible way. Please do not smoke cannabis on the street or by our front door. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery if you are impaired by cannabis. KEEP US INFORMED. Please let us know about any quality issues you have with our products. Good or bad, please let us know what works and what doesn't work. DO NOT TRANSPORT ANY CANNABIS OUT OF CANADA. CAUTIONS: IMPAIRMENT: Cannabis may potentially cause a temporary decrease in coordination and cognitive abilities, and short-term memory loss while medicated. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery if impaired by cannabis products. Be especially careful of impairment when eating cannabis products or using extracts. Do not eat cannabis products before swimming or driving. ALCOHOL: Cannabis mixed with alcohol may cause vomiting and nausea. We recommend limiting or stopping your intake of alcohol when using cannabis products. IRRITATION: Heavy smoking with no harm reduction techniques may lead to respiratory irritation. BLOOD PRESSURE: Initial increase in heart rate and/or blood pressure may be problematic for those with heart conditions or severe anxiety. Those receiving digitalis or other cardiac medications should use cannabis under careful supervision by a medical doctor. WITHDRAWAL: There are no significant withdrawal effects when cannabis use is ceased or decreased, however minor restlessness, nausea, and fatigue may be experienced. Symptom relief will also cease or be decreased. THE LAW: It is still illegal in Canada to possess, grow, or distribute cannabis. Know your rights and take precautions to avoid the harmful effects of arrest, cannabis seizure, imprisonment and criminal record. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: ☐ I accept that the GBWC makes no guarantees or medical claims, and I hereby agree for myself, my heirs and executors to waive any claims against the GBWC and its employees. ☐ I have read this form and agree to abide by the code of conduct and cautions listed above. Name:________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________ Date:_________________________________________________ Grassroots Cooperative reserves the right to terminate membership at any time. All documents submitted to Grassroots Botanicals Wellness Cooperative (GBWC) are the property of GBWC and are held in the strictest confidence. Mailing Address: 4730 Willingdon Ave, Powell River, BC, V8A 2N4 All Member Inquiries: Tel: (604) 223-1357 Email: Dear Health Care Practitioner, Your patient is requesting to receive services with the Grassroots Botanicals Wellness Cooperative (GRWC) has created safe and supportive access to high quality, organic, affordable cannabis for those in medical need. In order to maintain the level of legitimacy expected from our organization, GRB requires a confirmation of diagnosis and/or recommendation from a Physician, Naturopath or Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine as a condition of membership. As part of our orientation to GRB, members learn about the safe and effective use of cannabis and the variety of alternative delivery methods available to them, such as vaporizing, edibles and tinctures. We have attached some legal and medical information for you to read. For more information on the use of cannabis for specific symptoms and conditions, please check In the Canadian Medical Association Journal (issue 161(8), pg. 1024 October 19, 1999), Dr. Morris Van Andel, then deputy registrar of the College of Physician's and Surgeons of BC, advises doctors to write a “confirmation” of a patient's medical condition rather than an illegal prescription. “I would say 'I am writing to confirm that Mr. Smith is HIV positive and that he has indicated that his chronic pain is helped by marijuana and therefore should such a substance be available to him, that on the basis of my knowledge of him, he should be eligible for that type of help.'” Please fill in the attached Practitioner's Statement and fax it to our office. If you feel uncomfortable recommending cannabis due to medical, legal, or other concerns, please indicate this in the space provided. If you only feel comfortable confirming your patient's diagnosis, you may do so on our form, or a confirmation of your patient's diagnosis with the date and your name and signature on your letterhead or a prescription pad. We will call you to verify that the fax did indeed come from your office. For more information, please contact us at 604-223-1357 In healing, Grassroots Botanicals Wellness Cooperative Mailing Address: 4730 Willingdon Ave, Powell River, BC, V8A 2N4 All Member Inquiries: Tel: (604) 223-1357 Email: Physicians Form Patient's name __________________________________________________________/______/___ I am willing to confirm that Mr./Mrs./Ms._____________________________________ at phone number (______)___________________ has been diagnosed with___________________________________ and is presenting symptoms of ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Please check the most appropriate statement: I recommend cannabis to help my patient with her/his symptoms. This patient has reported that her/his symptoms are helped by cannabis and therefore, on the basis of my knowledge, s/he should have access to it. This patient has reported that her/his symptoms are helped by cannabis. I do not recommend the use of cannabis for the reasons stated below: Medical: Please specify ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Legal: Please explain _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Other: please explain _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ This patient is in a critical stage of their illness or treatment and requires immediate attention. My patient and I would like to be part of an ICM process with GBWC’s social worker to monitor progress PRACTITIONER'S SIGNATURE:__________________________________________ PRINTED NAME:______________________________________________________ DATE SIGNED:________________________________________________________ PRACTITIONER'S PHONE:______________________________________________ PRACTITIONER'S ADDRESS:____________________________________________ Mailing Address: 4730 Willingdon Ave, Powell River, BC, V8A 2N4 All Member Inquiries: Tel: (604) 223-1357 Email: The Canadian Medical Protective Association recommends to memberphysicians assisting patients in their application under the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations that they ask patient-applicants to sign a release from liability. The following form of release was developed and approved by The Canadian Medical Protective Association: I, , (print name of applicant) agree not to make any claim or complaint or commence any proceedings against Dr(s). (print name of physician signing the medical declaration) in relation to the application process under the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations or my use of marihuana. I release Dr(s). from any and all actions, causes of actions, claims, complaints and demands for damages, loss or injury whatsoever arising directly or indirectly as a consequence of my application under the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations or my use of marihuana. This release from liability is to be binding on my heirs, executors and assigns. Signature of Applicant Date Signature of Witness Date