Race equality charter mark staff and student survey

Race equality charter mark staff and student survey
[The introductory text to the survey is long, and we do not expect you to use all of it in the actual
survey you disseminate. It is provided to give ideas for wording and to help anticipate questions
which the survey may generate.]
Why we are running this survey now
[The institution] is committed to addressing racial inequalities and creating an inclusive culture
and environment where individuals are able to thrive, irrespective of their race or ethnicity. To
help facilitate progress, we are currently involved in a trial of a race equality charter mark which is
being rolled out across the higher education sector.
We want to hear your views on working and/or studying at [the institution] and whether you think
there is anything we can do to advance race equality. This survey is just one of the ways you can
be involved and we will be communicating regularly to keep you up to date with the race equality
work we are undertaking and seeking your views on actions going forward.
For more information about our involvement in the charter mark please contact [enter contact].
For more information about the charter mark itself and what the process involves, please see the
website of the ECU, who run the race equality charter mark: www.ecu.ac.uk.
Who is this survey for
Whilst we value the views and experiences of all staff and students, this survey is specifically for
those who self-identify as being from a minority ethnic background. That includes, but is not
limited to:
Individuals from Black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups, for example Arab
Individuals from White minority ethnic groups, for example White Polish, Irish Traveller
Individuals from mixed ethnic backgrounds
International staff and students who may face differences in experience based on their
ethnic background and/or national origin
The survey relies on individuals self-defining whether they are included in this description, but if
you require any further clarity, please contact [insert contact].
Why take part
This survey is part of a wider piece of work looking to understand the culture of the [university]
and advance race equality. By taking part you are informing and adding to the knowledge of the
[institution] and helping us to identify areas for improvement.
The results of this survey will be included in our application to the race charter mark, and if
successful, the application will then be published on our website. We hope you will see your views
and ideas reflected within that application form and will see that we are acting upon the survey
If our application is successful, we will be repeating this survey every three years to continue to
gather views and make progress in race equality.
The format of the survey
This survey is divided into three parts in an attempt to safeguard personal anonymity. Some staff
and students will be happy to answer some generic questions, but will not want to disclose any
other personal information, including whether they are a student or member of staff.
Part one comprises general questions pertinent to both staff and students so that responses can
be considered collectively, and you do not have to disclose your role [at the institution].
You then have the option of proceeding to either section 2, specifically for staff, or section 3,
specifically for students. All respondents will also have the opportunity to disclose personal
information to add context to your answers but you are under no obligation to do so.
Data security and anonymity
Throughout the survey, please only answer questions with which you are comfortable.
All data will be held confidentially in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act.
It will only be viewed and accessed by a limited group of people [add in a full description of how
data will be held securely and how anonymity will be assured]. At no point will the information
you provide be shared in a way that would allow you to be personally identified. Any published
material will be anonymised.
If you have any questions about this research that have not been answered by this information
page, please contact [insert contact details].
Proceed to the survey
To proceed to the survey please tick the box below to indicate that you self-identify as being from
a minority ethnic background, as described above:
Section one
This section is for everyone to complete, regardless of whether you are a student or staff member.
To what extent do you agree with these statements. If you are unsure of the answer, please
choose the ‘neither agree nor disagree’ option:
1a). [My institution] is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all staff and students,
irrespective of their ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
1b). [My institution] values diversity and recognises the benefits of having an ethnically diverse
staff and student population.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
1c). Individuals at [my institution] are treated on their merits irrespective of their ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
1d). I am treated equally by my manager/lecturers/supervisor irrespective of my ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
1e). I am treated equally by my colleagues/fellow students irrespective of my ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
1f). If I reported a race-related incident to my institution, I believe appropriate action would be
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
1g). Please use the space below to expand on any of your answers above
[insert open text box]
I am a member of staff and would like to complete the staff-specific section of this survey [go to
section 2]
I am a student and would like to complete the student-specific section of this survey [go to
section 3]
I would prefer not to respond to any staff or student specific questions [continue to question 1h]
1h). Please use the space below to raise any other issues in relation to race equality within [the
[insert open text box]
1i). Please use the space below to outline what, if anything, you would like [the institution] to do
in relation to race equality. Please be as specific as possible [as these ideas will be considered by
the institution’s race equality self-assessment team]:
[insert open text box]
[Provide an option here for people to provide personal details, including ethnicity and gender, in
as much or as little detail as they feel comfortable. Feel free to use whichever categories and
questions your institution wants to use to help you with your race charter mark application, as
long as it allows you to analyse results by ethnic group, and to identify between home/UK staff
and students and international staff and students. There is suggested wording below at Annex 1
which could be used for all respondents.]
Section 2
These questions relate specifically to working at [your institution]. In your answers you are
welcome to provide information relating to your specific situation and department but please only
provide information with which you are comfortable disclosing.
To what extent do you agree with these statements:
2a). Recruitment and selection
2a-1). [My institution] has clear and transparent recruitment and selection processes.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2a-2). [My department/faculty] follows clear and transparent recruitment and selection processes.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2a-3). Vacancies in [my department/faculty] are advertised fairly and openly.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2a-4). Internal candidates are encouraged to apply for vacancies or promotions fairly and
transparently irrespective of their ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2a-5). Applicants are selected and employed based on merit irrespective of their ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2a-6). Please use the space below to expand on race equality in the recruitment and selection
processes at [the institution and in your department]. Please include information on what you
would like [your institution] to do to address any issues that you raise.
[insert open text box]
2b). Career development, promotion and pay
2b-1). In [my department/faculty] work is allocated on a clear and fair basis irrespective of
ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2b-2). My manager values my previous work experience and encourages me to use those skills and
experiences in my current role.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2b-3). My manager actively encourages staff to take up career development opportunities,
irrespective of their ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2b-4). My manager provides equal access to career development opportunities to staff,
irrespective of their ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2b-5). I understand the promotions process and am clear about the required criteria.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2b-6). There are clear career progression pathways for people in my role.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2b-7). My manager encourages staff to apply for promotion opportunities equally, irrespective of
their ethnicity or race
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2b-8). If I apply for promotion I have an equal chance of success, irrespective of my ethnicity or
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
 Slightly agree
 Agree
 Strongly agree
2b-9). [My institution] has a fair and transparent pay system.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2b-10). Staff at [my institution] are paid equitably regardless of their ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2b-11). Please use the space below to expand on career development, promotion and pay in
relation to race equality. Please include information on what you would like [the institution] to do
to address any issues that you raise.
[insert open text box]
2c). Culture, colleagues and wellbeing
2c-1). I feel able to be myself at work without feeling that I have to act differently because of my
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2c-2). My colleagues are supportive of me and I feel like one of the team.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
 Agree
 Strongly agree
2c-3). Racially inappropriate behaviour, language and banter are not tolerated in my workplace.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2c-4). Work-related social events such as staff parties and network events are welcoming to
anyone, regardless of their ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2c-5). I know where to go to access support to maintain my own personal wellbeing and health at
[the university].
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2c-6). The personal wellbeing and health support available is good.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2c-7). I would recommend [my institution] to a prospective employee.
 Strongly disagree
 Disagree
 Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
2c-8). Please use the space below to expand on culture, colleagues and wellbeing in relation to
race equality. Please include information on what you would like [your institution] to do to
address any issues that you raise.
[insert open text box]
2d). Final comments
[These questions are the same as question 1h and 1i at the end of the previous section. If you are
using an online survey system, you might want to route all respondents to the same place for their
final comments so that they are collated for ease of analysis.]
2d-1). Please use the space below to raise any other issues in relation to race equality within [your
[insert open text box]
2d-2). Please use the space below to outline what, if anything, you would like [the institution] to
do in relation to race equality. Please be as specific as possible [as these ideas will be considered
by the institution’s race equality self-assessment team]:
[insert open text box]
[Provide an option here for people to provide personal details, including ethnicity and gender, in
as much or as little detail as they feel comfortable. Feel free to use whichever categories and
questions your institution wants to use to help you with your race charter mark application, as
long as it allows you to analyse results by ethnic group, and to identify between home/UK staff
and students and international staff and students. There is suggested wording below at Annex 1
which could be used for all respondents.]
Part three
These questions relate specifically to studying at [your institution]. In your answers you are
welcome to provide information relating to your specific situation and department but please only
provide information with which you are comfortable.
3a). Campus culture and wellbeing
3a-1). I feel able to be myself without feeling that I have to act differently because of my
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3a-2). I feel safe in and around [my university’s] campus(es).
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3a-3). Racially inappropriate behaviour, language and banter are not tolerated at [my university].
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3a-4). My fellow students treat me with respect irrespective of my ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3a-5). University staff across the campus(es) treat me with respect irrespective of my ethnicity or
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3a-6). I know where to go to access support to maintain my own personal wellbeing and health at
[the university].
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3a-7). The personal wellbeing and health support available is good.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3a-8). I would recommend [my institution] to prospective students.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3a-9). Please use the space below to expand on campus culture and wellbeing in relation to race
equality. Please include information on what you would like [your institution] to do to address any
issues that you raise.
[insert open text box]
3b). Course content
3b-1). Where relevant, my course curriculum considers the contributions of, impact on and
opinions of a variety of cultures.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3b-2). The research and publications cited within my course include work from academics from a
diversity of ethnic backgrounds.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3b-3). Where relevant, issues of ethnicity and race are considered and discussed within my course.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3b-4). When relevant, my course tutors and lecturers are confident and competent in facilitating
discussions around ethnicity and race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3b-5). When relevant, I feel comfortable raising and discussing issues of race and ethnicity in
academic discussions.
 Strongly disagree
 Disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3b-6). There is no expectation or pressure on me to contribute to discussions because of my
ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3b-7). Please use the space below to expand on course content in relation to race equality. Please
include information on what you would like [your institution] to do to address any issues that you
[insert open text box]
3c). Academic support
3c-1). I am well supported by my course tutors and lecturers and am able to approach them with
any questions or queries.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3c-2). My course tutors and lecturers encourage all students to participate and engage in lectures
and seminars, regardless of their ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3c-3). My course tutors and lecturers have high expectations and aspirations for all students
regardless of their ethnicity or race.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3c-4). I am comfortable approaching my [personal tutor/equivalent] with any questions or
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3c-5). The assessment of my work is fair and transparent and is not affected by my ethnicity or
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3c-6). I know where to go to get additional academic support if and when I need it.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3c-7). The academic support available to me is good.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3c-8). Please use the space below to expand on academic support in relation to race equality.
Please include information on what you would like [your institution] to do to address any issues
that you raise.
[insert open text box]
3d). Students’ union
3d-1). The students’ union is an inclusive and safe environment.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3d-2). The events and activities organised by the students’ union do not tolerate racially offensive
or inappropriate behaviour.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3d-3). The students’ union takes steps to advance race equality and inclusivity through its events
and communications.
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly Agree
3d-4). Student clubs and societies encourage everyone to join, irrespective of their ethnicity or
Strongly disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Slightly agree
Strongly agree
3d-5). Please use the space below to expand on socialising and student societies in relation to race
equality. Please include information on what you would like [your students’ union] to do to
address any issues that you raise.
[insert open text box]
3e). Final comments
[These questions are the same as question 1h and 1i at the end of the first section. If you are using
an online survey system, you might want to route all respondents to the same place for their final
comments so that they are collated for ease of analysis.]
3e-1). Please use the space below to raise any other issues in relation to race equality within [your
[insert open text box]
3e-2). Please use the space below to outline what, if anything, you would like [the institution] to
do in relation to race equality. Please be as specific as possible [as these ideas will be considered
by the institution’s race equality self-assessment team]:
[insert open text box]
[Provide an option here for people to provide personal details, including ethnicity and gender, in
as much or as little detail as they feel comfortable. Feel free to use whichever categories and
questions your institution wants to use to help you with your race charter mark application, as
long as it allows you to analyse results by ethnic group, and to identify between home/UK staff
and students and international staff and students. There is suggested wording below at Annex 1
which could be used for all respondents.]
Evaluation of this survey
This survey has been developed as part of ECU’s higher education race equality charter mark. ECU
is keen to gather feedback on the survey in order to evaluate its value and effectiveness. If you
have the time, please let ECU know:
Generally how you feel about the survey and race equality charter mark
Whether the survey should include anything else
Whether anything should be removed or changed within the survey
Whether you think the survey should remain part of the application process for the race
equality charter mark
Whether institutions should be able to choose their own questions
Whether the questions should be part of a wider staff survey which is focussed on all staff
Anything else you think is relevant, including any personal details.
Please send your thoughts to racecharter@ecu.ac.uk or phone ECU on 0207 438 1010. Any
responses will be held in confidence and will only be used for the purposes of evaluating the race
equality charter mark trial.
Annex 1: Personal details
So that we can understand your answers in more context we would be grateful if you could
provide us with some personal information below. The amount of information you provide us with
is entirely up to you; please only disclose information with which you are comfortable, but the
more you provide, the more useful it will be for us when analysing your survey response.
Where you do not wish to disclose information, please choose the ‘prefer not to say’ option, or
leave those questions blank.
All of the information you provide will be held in the strictest confidence and will only be seen by
[insert details of how the information will be held and who has access to the data].
Are you:
A member of staff
A student
For staff:
In which [department/faculty] do you currently work?
[You may want to include specific option here to ease analysis based on your institution’s
What is your current role and grade?
[you may want to include specific options here to ease analysis based on your institution’s grading
What is your mode of working?
Prefer not to say
Which type of contract are you on?
Permanent or open-ended contract
Fixed-term or temporary contract
Prefer not to say
Is your nationality:
UK/British, including English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, Channel Islands and Isle of Man
From within the European Union
From outside the European Union
Prefer not to say
For students
In which [department/faculty] do you currently study?
[You may want to include specific option here to ease analysis based on your institution’s
At what level are you currently studying?
Postgraduate taught
Postgraduate research
Please specify:
Prefer not to say
Please specify the title of your course:
Are you studying:
Prefer not to say
Are you registered as:
A UK home student
An international student from inside the EU
An international student from outside the EU
Prefer not to say
With which ethnic group do you most identify? (options are listed alphabetically)
Asian or Asian British
Any other Asian background, (specify if you wish)
Black or Black British
Any other Black background, (specify if you wish)
Chinese or other Asian ethnic group
Any other Asian ethnic background, (specify if you wish)
White and Asian
White and Black African
White and Black Caribbean
Any other mixed background, (specify if you wish)
Gypsy or traveller
Any other white background, (please specify)
Prefer not to say
What is your sex?
Prefer not to say
Is your gender identity the same as the gender you were assigned at birth?
Prefer not to say
What is your age?
Prefer not to say
With which religion or belief do you most identify with?
No religion or belief
Other, please state
Prefer not to say
What is your sexual orientation?
Gay man
Gay woman/lesbian
Other, please state
Prefer not to say
Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment, health condition or learning difference
which has a substantial and long-term impact on your ability to carry out day to day activities?
Prefer not to say