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Ye Ethiopia Cancer Assocation (YECA)
Compassionate Home Project
Hereunder is presented a brief history of beneficiaries with emphasis on the period of
time ranging between days of diagnosis up to the time of treatment staying at the
My name is Habtam Zeru. I was born in North Wollo Zone Amhara regional State. I am
twenty one years old. My mam and dad died eleven years ago when I was ten years old.
As I grew older, I was employed to work in bar as a waitress. While working as a
waitress, I became sick and became weaker and weaker. I could not perform my day to
day duties. Thus my employers threw me out of my job. I think that they have
considered me useless. As I had no choice, I went to my former neigh hover since I
have no other family or place to go to and to be with.
After sometimes passed by, my neighbors took me to Dessie Hospital. To my immense
horror, the doctor told me that I have contracted cancer and HIV-AIDS and referred
me to Black Lion Hospital for advanced treatment. Before that black day, I had no
knowledge of cancer. My neighbors told me that cancer is a killer disease even worse
than HIV-AIDS. I was shocked and worried for a long period of time.
Then again my neighbors took me to Black Lion Hospital. There I started treatment
with no one to help me for food and shelter. I had no choice but to continue my
treatment sleeping at night on street pavement and begging for food. It was difficult
for me to take drug with empty stomach and hunger on top of the discomfort from
sleepless nights and sever cold.
One blessed day, however, the head nurse took up my card and told me to talk to the
care giver from Ye Ethiopia Cancer Assocation. She filled out some forms and told me
that she was to take me under the care of the association’s Compassionate home
project. Oh! I could not believe what I heard. Thanks God I am to be saved from
hunger, cold night of street. Now I am receiving three meals per day, boarding and
transportation to and from Black Lion Hospital and I am taking the treatment properly.
Not least, I have acquired a fairly good knowledge about my illness and cancer in
My name is Wagayehu Worku. I was born in Shire Zone Tigray Regional state in 1987
E.C. My parents died when I was a child. I don’t have formal education. I have been
earning my livelihood working as a laborer. After some years passed by, I began to feel
sick. Going to hospital for check-up and possible treatment, I was diagnosed as having
been victimized by breast cancer.
I was horror stricken and moaned for days and weeks that followed. On referral hoping
to get treatment, I came to Black Lion Hospital. Starting treatment was not that hard
but getting the basic necessities was indeed hard. The problem of getting food and
shelter during my treatment days bothered me a great deal. I approached my childhood
friend who lived some distance away from Addis Ababa to take me in to her home. She
complied to offer only shelter I accepted it as I had no a better alternative, I stayed
for weeks with her getting shelter from her but food and transport expense from what
I get from begging.
One day, I became late from the treatment. My doctor became angry and asked why I
was late. I told him all the story. Being impressed and sympathetic he took me to the
screening committee of the Ye Ethiopia Cancer Assocation Compassionate Home
project. I passed the screening and was taken in.
Now I am receiving food, shelter and transportation service from the assocation and
arrive on time to the hospital. Additionally. At the Home Cancer survivors and nurses
inspired my life. I hope I will also be one of the few survivors as I have been enabled to
take the course of my treatment without interruption”.
My name is Deselech Tagese. I was born in Hadya Zone Southern Nations and
Nationalities Regional State. I earn my living by working on a small scale agriculture.
When I become sick, I sold my only one cow and ox to pay for treatment. The doctor in
Hadya hospital informed me that I had been caught with cancer. He and he referred me
to Black Lion Hospital where. I began treatment. As few days passed by, however, I
was faced by money shortage. I run out of means, I slept on street and beg for food.
It was very difficult to withstand the effect of drugs with un appropriate food and
sever night cold.
One day a nurse who was assisting the doctor in my treatment listen to my story and
took me to the head nurse. The head nurse on his part counseled with another nurse
who later I came to know to be the care giver at Ye Ethiopia Cancer Assocation. The
caregiver told me that I was to be admitted in the association’s compassionate home
project on where I could get food, shelter and transportation. I was very happy to hear
that. I joined the assocation and am receiving proper care and support. My health
condition is now improved I hope I will be cured in the near future.
Case 4
My name is Sentayheu Tefera. I was born in Wolega Zone Oromia Regional State I
have one year old child , My child and I are dependent on my husband who is a labourer .
As I began to feel sick my husband took me to Nekemte Hospital. Unfortunately, I have
caught cancer upon being informed both my husband and I cried. Since here I have not
seen my husband my husband went to unknown place. Still now I don’t know where he is.
My doctor referred me to Black lion Hospital for additional treatment I have no money.
I have to beg for my transportation expense from Wolega to Addis Ababa I came to
Black Lion Hospital with my daughter. No food, no shelter. We slept on the street and
begged g for food. It was very difficult to take drug on empty stomach.
One day, my doctor took me to the head nurse and asked him to help me be admitted to
Ye Ethiopia Cancer Assocation. I was taken in to association’s compassionate home
project. The assocation is providing food and shelter for rural poor cancer patients in a
compassionate home. Happily I joined the assocation.
Now thanks to God my child and I are receiving food, shelter and transportation
service. I am taking treatment properly and my health condition is improved from time
to time.