Frequently Asked Questions


Program Affiliation Fee

Frequently asked Questions

Affiliation Fee Program

As the student delegates, task force committee, steering committee, staff and board members worked through the developmental process many questions came to our attention. To help provide you with questions that may come up and the answers to them we have developed the following FAQ (Frequently

Asked Questions) bank to provide you with a better understanding of how the Affiliation Fee program will work.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do we need an alternative to the current dues payment we have used for years?

A: The option to provide all students in agricultural education class with the FFA experience they may not choose to do on their own. This could be due to them not understanding the value of what FFA has to offer. They may not e able to afford to pay the dues. They do not have the mentoring or reinforcement at school or home that would encourage them to become involved.

There are many scenarios that would apply. The ability of educators to provide the opportunity to every student will give them a chance to engage all students in the FFA circle of the three circle model and make a difference to every student in the program by providing them with new opportunities on a daily basis. Now valuable class time is used to engage students rather than encouraging them to pay dues, collect dues and write receipts. No more handling dues money and doing the accounting process to turn in paper work. Time can now be spent on what you do best, making a difference in their leadership education.

Q: How do I determine my chapter size?

A: Chapter size for affiliation fee payment is figured on the

 Number of secondary school students enrolled in all agricultural education classes and/or eligible for active FFA membership.

 All graduated students wishing to continue active FFA membership to be qualified for degrees, activities and scholarships.

 All middle school students that choose to be active FFA members or are required by state determination.

Q: Where is the income going from increased numbers?


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 Being a not for profit organization we will use any additional dollars to provide increased opportunities for the increasing number of members. We always have more good ideas than we do time or money.

 The fixed cost for every student of $2.25 will go to provide the magazine.

 You will start to hear more about the newly approved “Mission Based Performance

Network” this is designed to assist all FFA members by collecting their information, tracking their involvement/progress in their education and leadership activities allowing them to build a portfolio, apply for awards, scholarships and degrees without duplicating efforts on most all the applications continue to build their resume to apply for internships and career opportunities, track work as an alumni member and allow FFA to support them in their future. It will assist with collecting completer data and data to support ag education for the future.

 We are already working on ways to enhance engagement of local members with programs and resources teachers can utilize at the local level.

Q: How do I get the affiliation fee paid for if I do not collect dues from students?

A: There are a number of options and every program will need to assess the situation to see what is best for them. Below are several that have been used successfully. There are other ways that may be determined to be even more successful for your local programs support.

 School administration pays them just like they would activities association dues for athletics, debate, music or other school activities associations at the state and national level.

 Local FFA Alumni chapter assists the local program by picking up the cost.

 Donations by local supporters to ensure agricultural educations future in the community.

 Fund raisers by the local program to support the investment for all students.

Q: How do you know my count is correct?

A: The national FFA membership team will work closely with state staff. State staff will provide the national FFA membership staff with approval of those programs taking part in the affiliation process. As a result state staff will have the ability to ensure your membership matches your class count from documents such as the state report. We also

Q: Does this change my membership reporting system? What do I do with my post graduate members?

A: There will be no difference in the process if you use the membership roster and pay dues or you use the program affiliation fee process. The forms are virtually the same outside of a couple check boxes. The only difference is you will place every student in all your classes and those post

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secondary students remaining active for competitive events, awards, offices and degrees on the roster.

Q: What are the benefits of participating in the program affiliation fee?

A: There will be services and benefits to reward programs who include all students. Many of these items will be released ahead of the membership year and others will be released throughout the year in a special e-newsletter highlighting benefits and promising practices to affiliate programs and state leaders. The benefits will include as an example. o Free Shipment of items during specific times of the year o Free packages of promotional items and resources for program use o Services provided at no charge if you are an affiliate program o Continued special services and resources for extended periods of time o Early registration to selected events and programs o All of these items and more will be highlighted in the Special Affiliate e-newsletter going to all participating chapters

Provide opportunities to Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day

Provide EQUAL opportunity for all students in ALL parts of the agricultural education model

(classroom, SAE and FFA).

Repositions FFA as INTEGRAL part of agricultural education in the classroom and removes the club connotation.

Create more EFFICIENT use of class time and resources (cost per student, teacher’s time, less money handling in dues collection).

Opens access for ALTERNATIVE FUNDING sources to pay just one fee.

Ability for program to budget at the end of the school year for the coming year by using the previous year’s roster to pay from

Q: What if I only have a student for one year, block schedule or one class students?

A: These students are only counted for in the time they were involved. Engagement of the student for that year to include the three circle model will benefit them in their education. We would hope they see the value as a result and continue to enroll in additional classes and for an extended period of time. Encouragement, mentoring and involvement will provide the opportunity for this to become reality.

Q: How do I add kids to the roster through the year?

A: Just like you do now with a supplemental form or on line determined by the state choice.

Q: What about students that transfers into the program?

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A: The student who transfers from a program that was participating in the programs affiliation fee will not need to pay national or state dues as they have already been covered for the year. For students who transfer from a school paying dues to a program using the affiliation fee process they will be added to the roster at no charge.

Q: How do I turn in student names?

A: Just like you do now. They will need to be placed on the roster and all required fields will need to be completed so they receive all benefits. They will all receive the magazine and have all benefits any active FFA member would have.

Q: Can I upload my role sheet?

A: We are always looking to develop ways to save time for teachers and state staff and will continue to look for technology to make this available. At the current time we are not able to provide this as there are so many forms of class rosters that are used across the country. You can bet we have our eye on it and will let you know if we find an answer. Until then we appreciate your willingness to make sure all students are listed so we can assist you in providing service to all of them.

Q: When is my roster due?

A: There is currently no change in due dates. The state will determine when they are due.

Q: Will each student still have a membership number?

A: Yes, they will be assigned a membership number just as every member has been provided in the past.

Q: Will the program affiliation numbers affect the delegate count for states.

A: Yes, every student who is part of the affiliation process will be added to the overall total membership number for a state. If all states participate the changes may be minimal but the 475 delegates are determined by total membership percentage of membership from a state of the overall organization total.

Q: Activities/programs/awards need to be established to serve the interest/needs the nontraditional and/or short term students. Is this being addressed for all students including those who teachers will add using the program affiliation fee process?

A: Yes, national FFA is currently reviewing all activities. programs and awards to establish increased opportunities for all members and especially new opportunities at the local level. We will continue to update teachers and state staff as they become available.

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