Distribution of Fascioloides magna in Elk in Southwestern Alberta Drs. L.H. Laméris Abstract Fascioloides magna is a trematode that occurs in the liver of infected wild and domestic ruminants mainly in North America. Previous research has shown a high occurrence of F. Magna in Southwestern Alberta. The following study was performed to produce an overview of the distribution of F. magna in Southwestern Alberta, because concerns were raised of this parasite circling within the wildlife population and possible transmission to cattle. To acquire the necessary data nine herds were selected for having contact with cattle (Beauvais Lake, Crowsnest Pass, Waterton, Castle Carbondale, Livingstone, Porcupine and Whaleback) or having no interaction with cattle (Jasper, Yaha Tinda). Fecal samples were obtained from March-May 2010. The fecal samples were processed using the flukefinder (Visual Difference, Moscow, Idaho, USA). Animals shedding F. Magna were demonstrated in five of the nine herds with percentages between 1,4 % and 76.7 %. Several factors that can affect the differences in occurrence of F.magna between the herds have been considered and options for further research are given. Introduction F. magna, also named the giant liver fluke, the large American liver fluke or deer fluke, is a trematode that occurs in the liver of infected wild and domestic ruminants mainly in North America. In Southwestern Alberta there have been reports of high prevalence’s of F. magna amongst elk. (Kingscote et. al 1987, Pybus 1990). Not in all ruminants however, will the fluke fully develop into an egg producing adult fluke. Bovids are dead-end hosts, which means that the flukes successfully reach the liver, but rarely mature into egg producing flukes (Pybus 2001). Nevertheless it is possible that the flukes reach adulthood and produce eggs, but because the fluke is encysted in the liver, or sometimes in other tissues, the eggs will not be released in the environment (Craig 2007). F. magna has several definitive hosts, including elk/Wapiti (Cervis canadensis). Adult flukes, that occupy the liver of infected definitive hosts, produce eggs which are released with the feces into the environment. In the proper surroundings (aerated water) eggs hatch and release miracidia, that need a suitable intermediate host for their further development. These intermediate hosts are aquatic snail species. The miracidia enter the intermediate host and develop Figuur 1 Life Cycle of F. magna (Pybus 2001) further into rediae. In the liver of the intermediate host these rediae produce cercariae that leave the snail, encyst on the vegetation and are then called metacercariae. Metacercariae are ingested by grazing ruminants and eventually, in a suitable definitive host like elk, migrate to the liver and mature in adult liver flukes. They become encapsulated in the liver parenchyma, where they start producing eggs. (Pybus 2001). It can take an average of five months to finish the lifecycle. The dispersal of F. 1 magna is determined by the presence of a suitable intermediate host and a reservoir of definitive hosts to allow the cycle occur (Kennedy et. al.1990). An infection with flukes is transmitted seasonally. Transmission of the miracidia to the intermediate host occurs during the latter half of the snail activity season. In colder climates snails hibernate during winter and stay underground. (Craig 2007) Conditions that are suitable for snails include footprint pools created by livestock, mud flats bordering slow moving rivers or streams, river backwater, permanent or seasonal runoff streams, irrigation ditches, dugouts and marshy areas (Dunkel et. al. 1996, Kennedy et. al. 1990) Also the hatching of the miracidia is influenced by the surrounding temperature. Temperatures below around 20 °C slow down the development and also the level of moisture has an important effect. There are two periods where transmission to a final host is most common, namely in late summer and fall when great numbers of the infectious state of the fluke are present in in the environment and in spring when final hosts seek lush wetlands to feed (Pybus 2001). There are several factors that can influence the prevalence within a herd, for example higher density of animals and favorable environmental factors tend to increase the prevalence. Furthermore prevalence increases in definitive hosts with age and stabilizes in the adult age groups (Pybus 2001). Also the amount of time spent in one location, where the intermediate host is present, plays an important role. The longer an infected herd resides in one place, the more the parasite pressure will rise and with it the prevalence within the herd. To diagnose an infection with F. magna in live definitive hosts a fecal sample is taken and examined to find eggs of this liver fluke. The eggs of F. magna (~160-96 μm) are recognizable through their size, oval shape, thin shell and operculum. This method is not usable to diagnose an infection with F. magna in a dead-end host, because no eggs will be shed in the feces. A diagnosis of an infection with F. magna in a dead-end host is usually obtained post-mortem from inspection of the liver. To diagnose an infection in a live dead-end host it would be necessary to develop an Elisa. For F. Magna this has not yet been done, but for the diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica enzyme-linked immunoassays for blood and milk are available. An infection with F. magna usually has little clinical consequences, for bovids as well as for elk, but can sometimes cause significant health problems and even death. Moreover, infection in cattle can bring about considerable economic losses, because the livers have to be condemned at slaughter. (Wobeser et al. 1985, Foreyt et al. 1976). Thereby are the possible subclinical effects, for example higher susceptibility for other pathogens, lower nutrition efficiency or loss of body condition, caused by F. magna never assessed. Aberrant hosts (figure 1), mostly Ovine species, are however very sensitive to infection with F. Magna. In these aberrant hosts the parasite is not able to finish the migration within the animal, but does cause significant tissue damage, which often results in death. (Pybus 2001) F. magna spreads in different hosts through natural and artificial means. Translocation of wild animals by humans to for example reestablish a population in an area, creates a risk of spreading disease carried by the translocated animals to naïve regions. In the case of F. magna it creates a risk for not only the definitive hosts, but also for the aberrant hosts and the deadend hosts. For this reason it is important to get an overview of the distribution of F. magna in southwestern Alberta. (Pybus 1990) Moreover, if there is (spatial) interaction between wildlife and livestock, which is the case in the southwestern Alberta region, there is a risk of transmitting diseases. Natural infections with F. magna occur in a variety of domestic livestock in North America. Wild definitive hosts act as reservoirs of infection for domestic species in enzootic areas. (Pybus 2001) Therefore F. magna is commonly found in livestock 2 that shares pastures with infected wild definitive hosts like elk. (Foreyt et al. 1976). In Alberta cow-calf ranches near Waterton National Park were confronted with massive infections of their livestock with F. Magna and even loss of calves and heifers. Concerns were raised by veterinarians and ranchers about F. magna circulating in the wildlife populations and the transmission to cattle. This gave ground for performing this survey of the distribution of F. Magna within elk herds residing in southwestern Alberta. Materials and Methods Study design Fecal samples have been collected from elk herds in southwestern Alberta, which have been selected based on either high or low (spatial) interaction with livestock. In collaboration with the Elk Montane research project the information about the interaction was obtained through 140 elk, which have been equipped with a GPS collar at several occasions and since 2007 the equipped elk are followed. These collars provide information about the location of the elk and are also used to assess the elk home ranges. These home ranges are also assessed by performing winter surveys (counts of elk from airplane or helicopter by governmental wildlife agencies) and local knowledge from, for example wildlife officers, ranchers and scientists. Based on all the information collected, 7 herds (Beauvais Lake, Porcupine, Livingstone, Crowsnest Pass,Whaleback, Castle Carbondale and Waterton) were selected for having interaction with livestock. Two control herds (Jasper and Yaha Tinda) were included for having no interaction with livestock. Information about herd size and herd location were also obtained through the collaboration with the Elk Montane research project. Elk fecal samples were obtained between March 3rd and May 15th 2010 starting with the herds in the National Parks and concluded with the herds in the ranch land areas. As mentioned before the home ranges of the different elk herd were determined by information obtained from the GPS collars and from local knowledge. The sampling strategy used consisted of three parts. On location the sampling strategy commenced with the observation of the herd, which includes identification of movement patterns, subgroup identification and dynamic of the subgroups and takes a couple of days. The following step is identification of the optimal herd situation for sampling and the final step is the actual collection of the samples. The main objective of this strategy is to collect fresh samples from distinct individuals. Important for determining the percentage of shedding animals as close as possible in a study like this, it is essential to have representable samples of the whole population being sampled. Wildlife sampling can sometimes give rise to several difficulties to overcome. One of these difficulties is convenience or subjective sampling, which means the sampling is not random and is not a correct presentation of the population sampled (Anderson 2001). In the case of this study the elk herds were composed of unstable subgroups that besides this travel large areas, which made randomized sample collection not feasible. Also identifying individuals can be difficult, but was tried to overcome by making careful notes of the location of feces and in certain areas the bedding places of individual animals were easily distinguished. Another reason that made randomized sampling a challenge was the sometimes poor accessibility to the elk herds. From the seven herds having either low or high interaction with livestock, six of them were not encountered as a whole, comparing the numbers to the counts of the herds by the Elk Montane research project, and therefore some parts of the herd couldn’t be sampled. The risk of resampling was minimized by the large spatial distribution of the individual animals and by selecting the right herd situation (static/resting). 3 A sample size between 55 and 70 per herd (depending on the herd size) was chosen in order to detect a 5% prevalence with 95% confidence. Overall, there are 9 herds of which fecal samples (720 samples) have been collected. Herd descriptions For this study nine herds in southwestern Alberta have been sampled. The Waterton-herd consists of about 800-1000 animals. The Castle Carbondale herd includes around 600 animals. During sampling there were one big group of around 120 animals and several smaller subgroups of 20-30 animals present and sampled. In Beauvais Lake there are many subgroups present and they are spread out over a large area. The part of the herd sampled in the Livingstone area consists of about 110-130 elk of the total of around 300 animals. In the Whaleback area there are 3 subgroups of different numbers (20,60,120) of elk sampled. The whole herd in the Whaleback region consists of about a 1000 animals. A group of about 100 elk and a smaller subgroup were sampled in the Porcupine region from the total of 1200 elk that are part of this herd. The Whaleback and Porcupine herd consist of so many animals that reside in such large areas, from which only portions are part of the study area, which consequently means that not the whole herds are part of the study. In Crowsnest Pass two subgroups were sampled of respectively 20 and 40 animals. The rest of the herd, which in total contains 200 animals, couldn’t be found. In the Yahatinda area one main herd was found of about 200 animals and one smaller herd of 40 males. In Jasper there were several smaller sub-groups of 10-40 elk found and mixing between groups occurred. The elk present here were really habituated to people, which facilitated sampling of these groups. 4 Laboratory methods To detect eggs of F. magna in the samples taken from the elk herds a sedimentationflotation technique has been used. Two grams of feces of each sample have been processed using the flukefinder (Visual Difference, Moscow, Idaho, USA). The flukefinder consists of a two sieved system with different pore size. The first sieve has a larger pore size, which makes sure the largest pieces of debris in the fecal samples are removed. The eggs of F. magna will pass through this first sieve. The second sieve has a smaller pore size than the first, which will retain the eggs of F. magna. Subsequently the second sieve will be flushed with water and this solution is collected in a cup. The solution is than poured into a tube and several sedimentation steps follow. The objective of these sedimentation steps are the removal of more debris, as the eggs will sink. The sediment obtained after following the protocol (addendum 1) is analyzed using a dissecting microscope and any eggs found have been counted. Results Of all the samples taken 30 of each herd were already processed. Of the following herds, Castle Carbondale (51), Whaleback (63), Crowsnest pass (9), Beauvais Lake (41), Porcupine (39) and Livingstone (46) all the remainder of the samples (between the parenthesis) were analyzed. From the other three herds, Waterton, Yaha Tinda and Jasper, only the 30 samples processed previously have been analyzed. In three of the herds which have contact with cattle, Beauvais Lake, Crowsnest Pass, Waterton, animals shedding F. magna have been found. Besides these herds, the control herds, Jasper and Yaha Tinda, show animals shedding F. magna eggs. In the other herds, Castle Carbondale, Livingstone, Porcupine and Whaleback no positives have been found. The result of the analysis are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Result of sample analysis Discussion Before it is possible to conclude anything from the results it is important to put the samples in perspective. As mentioned in the introduction, the prepatent period for F. magna takes around five months. The samples that were analyzed during the last two months have been collected in the period March until May of the year 2010. This would mean the samples are taken in the right period, because the transmission to the final host takes place in late summer-early fall. But taken into account the fact that in Alberta winter can be very rigorous and temperatures can stay low until May, the samples are possibly taken too early in the year. Because, as 5 mentioned before, temperature has a great retarding influence on the developing eggs, as well as on the miracidia. This can cause a lower parasite pressure and less shedding animals. Since the collection of the samples, they have been saved in a -80 °C freezer for this whole period, which may also have an effect on the quality of the samples. Of each sample two grams was taken. Because the samples were frozen and had to be remained frozen, it was not possible to mix the entire sample. Mixing of the entire sample would assure a representative part of the sample to be processed with the flukefinder. All these factors, concerning the samples, named above, could result in an underestimation of the number of infected animals. An essential condition for an infection of fascioloides to establish in a herd of elk is the presence of the intermediate host. The intermediate host in an aquatic snail species, Lymnaeid species and in the introduction favorable environmental conditions for survival of this species are described. The presence of the intermediate host is highly dependable on the environmental conditions, which includes at least slow running water and a temperature that is not too low. The differences in numbers of infected animals between the herds could be explained by differences in vegetation, elevation and favorable habitats for the intermediate host of the study areas. Each research area probably also differs in food and water availability, which also has an influence on the need for travelling of the herd to find other food/water sources if these are not sufficient. If this is not the case, there is no need to move and the herd will stay in one place for a longer amount of time. This predilicts for a rise in the incidence of F. magna, because of a rise in infection pressure. There are several herd characteristics that could play part in the distribution of F. magna. For example, prevalence can rise if the density of elk in the area increases. Density of animals is usually higher if there are food and water sources readily available. The different sampling area´s should be compared on these aspects to assess differences in food and water availability. The Waterton herd shows a high prevalence for F. Magna in which density can play a part. In Waterton national park wild life management entails the protection of elk from hunting and this has had an increase in density as consequence. Not only elk can serve as a definitive host for F. magna, but also other cervids, like whitetailed deer and caribou, can act as a definitive host and contribute to sustaining the contamination of the surroundings with infectious stages of F. magna. To put the results in perspective it is important to know the number of other definitive hosts present in the sampled areas. If in certain areas where elk reside, the number of definitive hosts other than elk are considerably higher, the incidence of F. magna is probably also higher. More definitive hosts means more chance for the completion of the lifecycle of F. magna and there are more susceptible animals to be infected. The herds, Jasper, Yaha Tinda, Crowsnest Pass and Wateron, were selected for having no or low contact with cattle. Interestingly, the results show the highest prevalence in these herds. As mentioned before cattle are a dead end host for F. magna. Consequently if cattle gets infected no eggs will be shed by the infected animal, which means this animal will not contribute to the contamination of the environment and no transmission to other animals will take place. Another factor to take into account is that the intake of infectious stages of the liver fluke by cattle can cause a lower infection pressure for the definitive hosts, such as elk. This hypothesis could explain the results from this study, which show higher incidence of F. magna in herds that have no or low interaction with cattle. Protocol evaluation 6 The method used for detecting the F. magna eggs has been evaluated. Eggs were collected from a positive fecal sample, using a pipet (10µl). The known number of eggs were then added during step 3 of the protocol before pouring the suspension of feces into the flukefinder and the rest of the protocol was finished as usual. (see addendum 1) The analyzing of the sample was also done as usual and in the same time (20 minutes). The results of the test evaluation are shown in table 2&3. Table 2 results of test evaluation Table 2 shows the results of the evaluation when just one egg was added each time to the mixture before using the flukefinder. The 10µl pipet used for carrying out this experiment contained too much volume and this in combination with the high number of eggs in the positive sample used to get the eggs for this experiment, is probably the cause for finding the two eggs in the first try. Table 3 results of test evaluation Table 3 shows the results of the evaluation when 30 eggs were picked and added to the mixture before using the fluke finder. The processing of the samples has been done with the flukefinder. The flukefinder method has been used in many different studies to determine liver fluke ova in fecal samples (Foreyt 1992, Knapp et. al.1992), but the test qualities of the fluke finder have never been undoubtedly established. The protocol evaluation done in this study is not elaborate and accurate enough to draw conclusions about the fluke finder technique on this matter, but it would be good to determine the test qualities of the method used to process the samples. Possibilities for further research First it is important to finish the processing of the rest of the samples. There are some questions about the period in which the samples are taken. The first opportunity could be to take the samples in spring/early summer (starts in Alberta around May) and compare the results of the analysis of the new samples to the results obtained from this study. For some of the herds, like for example Crowsnest Pass, it is necessary to take more samples to get a more reliable result of the prevalence. The analyzing method used in this study is the fluke finder. This method has never been tested for specificity and sensitivity qualities. Here also lies an opportunity and this knowledge would give more clarity how to interpret the results obtained in this survey. To get more certainty about which factors play a part in the differences in occurrence of F. Magna between the herds it would be necessary to do a survey of the sampled areas for as well the intermediate host as other final hosts (white tailed deer, moose 7 etc.) and take a closer look at other environmental factors. Interesting to know would also be the prevalence of F. Magna within populations of other definitive hosts and compare this to the prevalence found in elk. This part of the research focuses on the infection in elk populations, but it would also be interesting to see the exposure in cattle. To diagnose the infection in live dead-end host the development of a serologic test is essential. At this moment in Calgary an western blot is being developed to obtain a serological diagnosis of F. magna in cattle and the results are promising. 8 Literature ANDERSON D.R., (2001) The need to get the basics right in wildlife field studies Wildlife Society Bulletin 29(4) 1294-1297 CRAIG T.M. (2007) Beef Cattle; Epidemiology and Control of Internal Parasites Department Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas A&M University College Station, TX, USA, 79th Western Veterinary Conference DUNKEL A.M., ROGNLIE M.C., JOHNSON G.R., KNAPP S.E. (1996) Distribution of potential intermediate hosts for Fasciola hepatica and Fascioloides magna in Montana, USA Veterinary Parasitology 62 63-70 FOREYT W.J. (1992) Experimental fascioloides fagna infections of mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus) Journal of Wildlife Diseases 28(2) 183-187 FOREYT W.J., TODD A.C. (1976) Effect of six fasciolicides against F. magna in whitetailed deer Journal of Wildlife Diseases 12 361-366 KENNEDY J.M., ACORN R.C., MORAIKO D.T. (1990) Survey of F. magna in farmed wapiti in Alberta Canadian Veterinary Journal 40 252-254 KINGSCOTE B.F., YATES W.D.G. TIFFIN G.B. (1987) Diseases of Wapiti utilizing cattle range in Southwestern Alberta Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23(1) 86-91 KNAPP S.E., DUNKEL A.M., HAN K., ZIMMERMAN L.A. (1992) Epizootiology of fascioliasis in Montana Veterinary Parasitology 42 241-246 PYBUS M.J. (1990) Survey of hepatic and pulmonary helminths of wild cervids in Alberta Canada Journal of Wildlife Diseases 26(4) 453-459 PYBUS M.J. (2001) Liver Flukes, In: SAMUEL W.M., PYBUS M. J., KOCAN A.A., Parasitic diseases of wild mammals 2nd ed. Iowa State University Press, Ames 121-136 WOBESER G., GAJADHAR A.A., HUNT H.M. (1985) F. magna: Occurrence in Saskatchewan and Distribution in Canada Canadian Veterinary Journal 26 241-244 Acknowledgements This study was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Karin Orsel and Mathieu Pruvot. Dr. Susan Kutz provided the laboratory and supplies for processing the samples. Thanks to all. 9 Addendum 1 “Flukefinder®” Procedures 1. Fit the 2 units together with the label upright and at the top. 2. At a slight angle with vent hole facing upward, wet the screens with water running through the top. 3. Mix known volume of feces (2 grams) with 30ml of water in a plastic cup and pour into the top section of the column. Make sure the feces are dissolved completely. 4. Tap flukefinder against the side of the sink to expedite the passing of water through the screens. 5. Briefly hold the column under a cold tap running the stream at half force. 6. Repeat steps 5, than 4, 3 times. Then separate the top unit from the bottom. Invert top section and backwash debris into the sink until clean. 7. Invert bottom unit over a cup and backwash the eggs and debris from the screen into the cup with a strong stream from a squirt bottle of water. Make sure the screen is completely clean. 8. Swirl suspension in the cup and pour into a 16x125 test tube and allow to settle (about 4 minutes for a completely full test tube, 2 minutes for half full test tube). 9. Slowly, in 1 fluid movement, pour supernatant from the tube without disturbing the sediment and refill tube with 3 inches of water, making sure sediment is well dispersed. 10. Let stand for 2 minutes only and pour supernatant from the tube. 11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 two or three times (until no more debris remains suspended after a two minute sedimentation). 12. Pour off supernatant, swirl to resuspend sediment and pour quickly into the shallowest concentric striped petridish. Rinse test tube and pour into dish. Look for eggs using a dissecting microscope at 25x or compound scope at 4x magnification. A drop of methylene blue dye will greatly enhance viewing. 13. Thoroughly rinse flukefinder after use to ensure accuracy of the next essay. 10