Grav and Electric Fields Part I

Grav and Electric Fields Part I
137 minutes
107 marks
Q1.When a space shuttle is in a low orbit around the Earth it experiences gravitational forces FEdue
to the Earth, FM due to the Moon and FS due to the Sun. Which one of the following correctly
shows how the magnitudes of these forces are related to each other?
mass of Sun = 1.99 × 1030 kg
mass of Moon = 7.35 × 1022 kg
mean distance from Earth to Sun = 1.50 × 1011 m
mean distance from Earth to Moon = 3.84 × 108 m
FE > FS > FM
FS > FE > FM
FE > FM > FS
FM > FE > FS
(Total 1 mark)
Q2.The gravitational field strengths at the surfaces of the Earth and the Moon are 9.8 N kg −1and
1.7 N kg−1 respectively. If the mass of the Earth is 81 × the mass of the Moon, what is the ratio of
the radius of the Earth to the radius of the Moon?
(Total 1 mark)
Q3.Two stars of mass M and 4M are at a distance d between their centres.
The resultant gravitational field strength is zero along the line between their centres at a
distance y from the centre of the star of mass M.
What is the value of the ratio
(Total 1 mark)
Q4.Mars has a diameter approximately 0.5 that of the Earth, and a mass of 0.1 that of the Earth. The
gravitational potential at the Earth’s surface is −63 MJ kg−1.
What is the approximate value of the gravitational potential at the surface of Mars?
−13 MJ kg−1
−25 MJ kg−1
−95 MJ kg−1
−320 MJ kg−1
(Total 1 mark)
Q5.Two satellites P and Q, of equal mass, orbit the Earth at radii R and 2R respectively. Which one of
the following statements is correct?
P has less kinetic energy and more potential energy than Q.
P has less kinetic energy and less potential energy than Q.
P has more kinetic energy and less potential energy than Q.
P has more kinetic energy and more potential energy than Q.
(Total 1 mark)
Q6.Two horizontal parallel plate conductors are separated by a distance of 5.0 mm in air. The lower
plate is earthed and the potential of the upper plate is +50 V.
Which line, A to D, in the table gives correctly the electric field strength, E, and the potential, V,
at a point midway between the plates?
electric field strength E / Vm−1
potential V / V
1.0 × 104 upwards
1.0 × 104 downwards
1.0 × 104 upwards
1.0 × 104 downwards
(Total 1 mark)
Q7.Two identical positive point charges, P and Q, separated by a distance r, repel each other with a
force F. If r is decreased so that the electrical potential energy of Q is doubled, what is the force
of repulsion?
0.5 F
(Total 1 mark)
Q8.Which path, A to D, shows how an electron moves in the uniform electric field represented in the
(Total 1 mark)
Q9.The diagram shows a negative ion at a point in an electric field, which is represented by the
arrowed field lines.
Which one of the following statements correctly describes what happens when the ion is
When the negative ion is displaced
to the left the magnitude of the electric force on it decreases.
to the right its potential energy increases.
along the line PQ towards Q its potential energy decreases.
along the line PQ towards P the magnitude of the electric force on it is unchanged.
(Total 1 mark)
Q10.The diagram below shows an arrangement to demonstrate sparks passing across an air gap
between two parallel metal discs. Sparks occur when the electric field in the gap becomes large
enough to equal the breakdown field strength of the air. The discs form a capacitor, which is
charged at a constant rate by an electrostatic generator until the potential difference (pd) across
the discs is large enough for a spark to pass. Sparks are then produced at regular time intervals
whilst the generator is switched on.
The electrostatic generator charges the discs at a constant rate of 3.2 × 10−8 A on a day
when the minimum breakdown field strength of the air is 2.5 × 106 V m−1. The discs have a
capacitance of 3.7 × 10−12 F.
The air gap is 12 mm wide. Calculate the minimum pd required across the discs for
a spark to occur. Assume that the electric field in the air gap is uniform.
pd ......................................... V
Calculate the time taken, from when the electrostatic generator is first switched on,
for the pd across the discs to reach the value calculated in part (a)(i).
time .......................................... s
The discs are replaced by ones of larger area placed at the same separation, to give a
larger capacitance.
State and explain what effect this increased capacitance will have on:
the time between consecutive discharges,
the brightness of each spark.
(Total 7 marks)
Q11.Gravitational fields and electric fields have many features in common but also have several
differences. For both radial and uniform gravitational and electric fields, compare and contrast
their common features and their differences.
In your answer you should consider:
the force acting between particles or charges
gravitational field strength and electric field strength
gravitational potential and electric potential.
The quality of your written communication will be assessed in your answer.
(Total 6 marks)
Q12.A small mass is situated at a point on a line joining two large masses m1 and m2 such that it
experiences no resultant gravitational force. Its distance from the centre of mass of m1 is r1 and
its distance from the centre of mass of m2 is r2.
What is the value of the ratio
(Total 1 mark)
Q13.Which one of the following gives a correct unit for
N m−2
N kg−1
(Total 1 mark)
Q14.The gravitational field strength at the surface of the Earth is 6 times its value at the surface of the
Moon. The mean density of the Moon is 0.6 times the mean density of the Earth.
What is the value of the ratio
(Total 1 mark)
Q15.The diagram shows two points, P and Q, at distances r and 2r from the centre of a planet.
The gravitational potential at P is −16 kJ kg−1. What is the work done on a 10 kg mass when it is
taken from P to Q?
– 120 kJ
– 80 kJ
+ 80 kJ
+ 120 kJ
(Total 1 mark)
Q16.A small sphere, of mass m and carrying a charge Q, is suspended from a thread and placed in a
uniform horizontal electric field of strength E. When the sphere comes to rest the thread makes
an angle θ with the vertical and the tension in it is T, as shown in the diagram. Wis the weight of
the sphere and F is the electric force acting on it.
Under these conditions, which one of the following equations is incorrect?
T sin θ = EQ
T = mg cosθ + EQ sinθ
T2 = (EQ)2 + (mg)2
mg = EQ tanθ
(Total 1 mark)
Q17.When a charge moves between two points in an electric field, or a mass moves between two
points in a gravitational field, energy may be transferred.
Which one of the following statements is correct?
No energy is transferred when the movement is parallel to the direction of the field.
The energy transferred is independent of the path followed.
The energy transferred is independent of the start and finish points.
Energy is transferred when the movement is perpendicular to the field lines.
(Total 1 mark)
Q18.A beam of electrons, moving with a constant velocity v in a vacuum, enters a uniform electric
field between two metal plates.
Which line, A to D, in the table describes the components of the acceleration of the electrons in
the x and y directions as they move through the field?
acceleration in x direction
acceleration in y direction
(Total 1 mark)
Q19.Two charges, each of + 0.8 nC, are 40 mm apart. Point P is 40 mm from each of the charges.
What is the electric potential at P?
180 V
360 V
4500 V
(Total 1 mark)
Q20.Which line, A to D, in the table correctly describes the trajectory of charged particles which enter
separately, at right angles, a uniform electric field, and a uniform magnetic field?
uniform electric field
uniform magnetic field
(Total 1 mark)
Q21.The diagram below shows the orbits of two Earth satellites, a communications satellite in a
geosynchronous orbit and a monitoring satellite in a low orbit that passes over the poles.
The time period, T, of any satellite in a circular orbit around a planet is proportional to r3/2,
where r is the radius of its orbit measured from the centre of the planet. For a satellite in a
low orbit that passes over the poles of the Earth, T is 105 minutes when r is 7370 km.
Calculate the height above the surface of the Earth, in km, of a satellite in a
geosynchronous circular orbit.Give your answer to an appropriate number of
significant figures.
height above surface .............................. km
Calculate the centripetal force acting on the polar orbiting satellite if its mass is
650 kg.
centripetal force ................................ N
These geosynchronous and polar satellites have different applications because of their
different orbits in relation to the rotation of the Earth.
Compare the principal features of the geosynchronous and polar orbits and explain the
consequences for possible uses of satellites in these orbits.
In your answer you should explain why:
a low polar orbit is suitable for a satellite used to monitor conditions on the Earth.
a geosynchronous circular orbit above the Equator is especially suitable for a
satellite used in communications.
The quality of your written communication will be assessed in your answer.
(Total 12 marks)
State, in words, Coulomb’s law.
The diagram below shows two point charges of +4.0 nC and +6.0 nC which are 68 mm
Sketch on the diagram above the pattern of the electric field surrounding the
Calculate the magnitude of the electrostatic force acting on the +4.0 nC charge.
magnitude of force ................................ N
Calculate the magnitude of the resultant electric field strength at the mid-point of the
line joining the two charges in the diagram above.
State an appropriate unit for your answer.
electric field strength ................................ unit ...............
State the direction of the resultant electric field at the mid-point of the line joining the
(Total 12 marks)
Which one of the following statements about gravitational fields is incorrect?
Moving a mass in the direction of the field lines reduces its potential energy.
A stronger field is represented by a greater density of field lines.
Moving a mass perpendicularly across the field lines does not alter its potential energy.
At a distance r from a mass the field strength is inversely proportional to r.
(Total 1 mark)
An object on the surface of a planet of radius R and mass M has weight W.What would be
the weight of the same object when on the surface of a planet of radius 2R and mass 2M?
(Total 1 mark)
The gravitational field strength on the surface of a planet orbiting a star is 8.0 N kg –1. If the
planet and star have a similar density but the diameter of the star is 100 times greater than the
planet, what would be the gravitational field strength at the surface of the star?
0.0008 N kg–1
0.08 N kg–1
800 N kg–1
8000 N kg–1
(Total 1 mark)
Two satellites, P and Q, of the same mass, are in circular orbits around the Earth. The
radius of the orbit of Q is three times that of P. Which one of the following statements is correct?
The kinetic energy of P is greater than that of Q.
The weight of P is three times that of Q.
The time period of P is greater than that of Q.
The speed of P is three times that of Q.
(Total 1 mark)
The force between two point charges is F when they are separated by a distance r.If the
separation is increased to 3r, what is the force between the charges?
(Total 1 mark)
A beam of positive ions enters a region of uniform magnetic field, causing the beam to
change direction as shown in the diagram.
What is the direction of the magnetic field?
out of the page and perpendicular to it
into the page and perpendicular to it
in the direction indicated by +y
in the direction indicated by -y
(Total 1 mark)
Three vertical tubes, made from copper, lead and rubber respectively, have identical
dimensions. Identical, strong, cylindrical magnets P, Q and R are released simultaneously from
the same distance above each tube. Because of electromagnetic effects, the magnets emerge
from the bottom of the tubes at different times.
Which line, A to D, in the table shows the correct order in which they will emerge?
resistivity of copper = 1.7 × 10–8 Ωm
resistivity of lead
= 22 × 10–8 Ωm
resistivity of rubber = 50 × 1013 Ωm
emerges first
emerges second
emerges third
(Total 1 mark)
The graph shows how the magnetic flux, Φ, passing through a coil changes with time, t.
Which one of the following graphs could show how the magnitude of the emf, V, induced in the
coil varies with t?
(Total 1 mark)
Using the circuit shown, and with the switch closed, a small current was passed through
the coil X. The current was slowly increased using the variable resistor. The current reached a
maximum value and was then switched off.
The maximum reading on the microammeter occurred when
the small current flowed at the start.
the current was being increased.
the current was being switched off.
the current in X was zero.
(Total 1 mark)
When a mobile phone is being recharged, the charger heats up. The efficiency of the
transformer in the charger can be as low as 15% when drawing a current of 50 mA from a 230 V
mains supply. If the charging current required is 350 mA, what is the approximate output voltage
at this efficiency?
4.9 VB
11 VC
28 VD
33 V
(Total 1 mark)
(a) Figure 1 shows an electron at a point in a uniform electric field at an instant when it
is stationary.
Figure 1
Draw an arrow on Figure 1 to show the direction of the electrostatic force that acts
on the stationary electron.
State and explain what, if anything, will happen to the magnitude of the electrostatic
force acting on the electron as it starts to move in this field.
Figure 2a shows a stationary electron in a non-uniform electric field. Figure 2b shows a
stationary proton, placed in exactly the same position in the same electric field as the
electron in Figure 2a.
Figure 2a
Figure 2b
State and explain how the electrostatic force on the proton in Figure 2b compares
with that on the electron in Figure 2a.
Each of the particles starts to move from the positions shown in Figure
2a andFigure 2b. State and explain how the magnitude of the initial acceleration of
the proton compares with that of the electron.
Describe and explain what will happen to the acceleration of each of these particles
as they continue to move in the electric field.
The line spectrum of neon gas contains a prominent red line of wavelength 650 nm.
Show that the energy required to excite neon atoms so that they emit light of this
wavelength is about 2 eV.
An illuminated shop sign includes a neon discharge tube, as shown in Figure 3.A pd
of 4500 V is applied across the electrodes, which are 180 mm apart.
Figure 3
Assuming that the electric field inside the tube is uniform, calculate the minimum
distance that a free electron would have to move from rest in order to excite the red
spectral line in part (c).
answer = ................................ m
(Total 15 marks)
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) uses magnetic fields to confine fast-moving charged
particles travelling repeatedly around a circular path. The LHC is installed in an underground
circular tunnel of circumference 27 km.
In the presence of a suitably directed uniform magnetic field, charged particles move at
constant speed in a circular path of constant radius. By reference to the force acting on
the particles, explain how this is achieved and why it happens.
The charged particles travelling around the LHC may be protons. Calculate the
centripetal force acting on a proton when travelling in a circular path of
circumference 27 km at one-tenth of the speed of light. Ignore relativistic effects.
answer = ................................ N
Calculate the flux density of the uniform magnetic field that would be required to
produce this force. State an appropriate unit.
answer = ...................................... unit ........................
The speed of the protons gradually increases as their energy is increased by the LHC.
State and explain how the magnetic field in the LHC must change as the speed of the
protons is increased.
(Total 12 marks)
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) uses magnetic fields to confine fast-moving charged
particles travelling repeatedly around a circular path. The LHC is installed in an underground
circular tunnel of circumference 27 km.
In the presence of a suitably directed uniform magnetic field, charged particles move at
constant speed in a circular path of constant radius. By reference to the force acting on
the particles, explain how this is achieved and why it happens.
The charged particles travelling around the LHC may be protons. Calculate the
centripetal force acting on a proton when travelling in a circular path of
circumference 27 km at one-tenth of the speed of light. Ignore relativistic effects.
answer = ................................ N
Calculate the flux density of the uniform magnetic field that would be required to
produce this force. State an appropriate unit.
answer = ...................................... unit ........................
The speed of the protons gradually increases as their energy is increased by the
LHC.State and explain how the magnetic field in the LHC must change as the speed of
the protons is increased.
(Total 12 marks)
required pd ( = 2.5 × 10 6 × 12 × 10−3 ) = 3.0(0) × 104 (V)
charge required Q (= CV) = 3.7 × 10−12 × 3.00 × 104
( = 1.11 × 10−7 C)
Allow ECF from incorrect V from (a)(i).
time increases
(larger C means) more charge required (to reach breakdown pd)
Mark sequentially i.e. no explanation mark if effect is wrong.
or time ∝ capacitance
spark is brighter (or lasts for a longer time)
more energy (or charge) is stored or current is larger
Mark sequentially.
or spark has more energy
(Total 7 marks)
M11.The candidate’s writing should be legible and the spelling, punctuation and grammar
should be sufficiently accurate for the meaning to be clear.
The candidate’s answer will be assessed holistically. The answer will be assigned to one of
three levels according to the following criteria.
High Level (Good to excellent): 5 or 6 marks
The information conveyed by the answer is clearly organised, logical and coherent, using
appropriate specialist vocabulary correctly. The form and style of writing is appropriate to
answer the question.
The candidate gives a comprehensive account of the similarities and differences between
gravitational and electric fields, referring to both radial and uniform fields. There are clear
statements showing good to excellent understanding of the forces between masses/charges,
gravitational and electric field strengths, and gravitational and electric potentials and of how
aspects of them differ for gravitational and electric effects.
A High Level answer must refer to at least two valid similarities
and at least two valid differences, and must also contain
information about both radial and uniform fields.
Intermediate Level (Modest to adequate): 3 or 4 marks
The information conveyed by the answer may be less well organised and not fully coherent.
There is less use of specialist vocabulary, or specialist vocabulary may be used incorrectly. The
form and style of writing is less appropriate.
The candidate’s comparisons are less complete but good understanding is shown of the factors
affecting the respective forces and of the definitions of field strength and potential. There may
be limited reference to radial and uniform fields. Similarities between gravitational and electric
effects are better known than differences.
An Intermediate Level answer must refer to at least two
valid similarities and at least one validdifference, and must also
consider either radial or uniform fields, or both.
Low Level (Poor to limited): 1 or 2 marks
The information conveyed by the answer is poorly organised and may not be relevant or
coherent. There is little correct use of specialist vocabulary. The form and style of writing may
be only partly appropriate.
The candidate has a much weaker ability to convey the similarities and differences between
gravitational and electric fields. There is likely to be little or no reference to radial and uniform
fields. Factors affecting the respective forces are known, but understanding of field strength is
likely to be weaker and understanding of potential may be poor or absent.
A Low Level answer must refer to at least one valid similarity but
may not identify any valid differences.
The explanation expected in a competent answer should include a coherent selection of
the following points.
(D) = valid difference.
Good candidates are likely to mention other valid differences e.g.
electrostatic forces depend on the medium whereas gravitational
forces don’t, possibility of shielding an electric field but
impossibility of shielding a gravitational field.
In a radial field, both gravitational and electric involve an inverse square relationship.
In both cases the force is proportional to a product (masses / charges).
In both cases a spherical body may be considered to act as a point mass or charge
placed at the centre of the sphere.
In a uniform field the force is constant at all points.
Gravitational forces are always an attraction whilst electric forces may be attraction or
repulsion. (D)
Gravitational forces are usually much smaller than electric forces (unless very large
masses are involved). (D)
Field Strengths
Both are defined as a force per unit mass or charge.
In both cases the field strength in a radial field is proportional to 1/r2
In both cases the field strength in a radial field is proportional to the magnitude of the
mass or charge that produces it.
In a uniform field the field has the same magnitude and same direction at all points.
A gravitational field is always directed towards the mass producing it whereas an electric
field is directed towards a negative charge but away from a positive charge. (D)
A mass of 1 kg is small in terms of the gravitational field it produces but a charge of 1 C
would produce a very strong electric field. (D)
Definitions of both involve work done in moving a mass or charge from infinity to a point.
Both definitions involve the work done per unit mass or charge.
Both types of potential are proportional to 1/r in a radial field.
Both types of potential are proportional to the mass or charge producing them.
In a uniform field the potential varies linearly with distance.
The work done in moving a mass or charge across a potential difference is calculated by
multiplying the mass or charge by the potential difference.
Gravitational potential is always a negative quantity but electric potential is negative for
negative charges and positive for positive charges. (D)
(max 6)
from which
= 5.73
and rE (= 5.73 × 7370) = 42 200 (km)
height above surface = 42 200 − 6370 = 35 800 or 35 900 (km)
to 3SF only
Full solution derived from Newton’s law of gravitation is acceptable
for all 4 marks.
[or Newton ’s law approach for 1st two marks:
∴rE3 =
(=7.54 × 1022)
from which rE = 42 200 (km)
For 3 mark, final answer must be expressed in km.3SF mark is
centripetal force (= m ɷ2r) =
= 4800 (4760) (N)
If both T and r values for the geosynchronous satellite are
substituted, award 0 marks for (ii).
[or centripetal force
and v =
gives v = 7350 (m s−1) and centripetal force =
= 4800 (4760) (N)
[or centripetal force
= 4800 (4770) (N)
If only one correct T or r value for the polar satellite is substituted,
mark (ii) to max 1.
The candidate’s writing should be legible and the spelling, punctuation and
grammar should be sufficiently accurate for the meaning to be clear.
The candidate’s answer will be assessed holistically. The answer will be assigned to one
of three levels according to the following criteria.
High Level (Good to excellent): 5 or 6 marksThe information conveyed by the answer is
clearly organised, logical and coherent, using appropriate specialist vocabulary correctly.
The form and style of writing is appropriate to answer the question.
Four aspects must be considered in a high level answer:Features of polar orbit.Features of geosynchronous orbit.Why
polar orbit is suitable for monitoring.Why geosynchronous orbit is
suitable for communication.
The candidate gives a comprehensive comparison of the principal features of the satellite
orbits and explains the consequences for the uses of the two types of satellites. There are
clear statements showing good understanding of why the polar satellite is suitable for
monitoring, and of why the geosynchronous satellite is useful for communications.
Intermediate Level (Modest to adequate): 3 or 4 marksThe information conveyed by
the answer may be less well organised and not fully coherent. There is less use of
specialist vocabulary, or specialist vocabulary may be used incorrectly. The form and style
of writing is less appropriate.
The candidate’s comparison of the principal features of the orbits is less complete and the
consequences for the uses of satellites in them are less well understood. The candidate
has an acceptable appreciation of why the polar satellite is suitable for monitoring, and of
why the geosynchronous satellite is useful for communications.
Low Level (Poor to limited): 1 or 2 marksThe information conveyed by the answer is
poorly organised and may not be relevant or coherent. There is little correct use of
specialist vocabulary. The form and style of writing may be only partly appropriate.
The candidate has a much weaker knowledge of the principal features of the orbits and
very limited knowledge of consequences for the uses of satellites in them. Understanding
of why the polar satellite is suitable for monitoring, and why the geosynchronous satellite
is suitable for communications, is limited or absent.
The explanation expected in a competent answer should include a coherent
selection of the following points.
Low polar orbit
Orbital period is a few hours
Earth rotates relative to the orbit
Many orbits with different radii and periods are possible
Orbit height is less than geosynchronous satellite
Speed is greater than that of geosynchronous satellite
Satellite scans the whole surface of the Earth
Applications: surveillance of conditions / installations on Earth, mapping, weather
observations, environmental monitoring
Gives access to every point on Earth’s surface every day
Can collect data from regions inaccessible to man
Contact with transmitting / receiving aerial is intermittent
Aerial is likely to need a tracking facility
Lower signal strength required than that for geosynchronous satellite
Geosynchronous orbit above Equator
Orbital period matches Earth’ rotational period exactly
Satellite maintains same position relative to Earth
Only one particular orbit radius is possible
Travels west to east above Equator (in same direction as Earth’s rotation)
Orbit height is greater than polar orbit satellite
Speed is less than that of polar orbiting satellite
Scans a restricted (and fixed) area of the Earth’s surface only
Applications: telecommunications generally, cable and satellite TV, radio, digital
information, etc.
Satellite is in continuous contact with transmitting / receiving aerial
Aerial can be in a fixed position
Higher signal strength required than that for polar satellite
max 6
force between two (point) charges is proportional to (product of) charges
and inversely proportional to the square of their distance apart
Formula not acceptable. Accept “charged particles” for charges.
Accept separation for distance apart.
lines with arrows radiating outwards from each charge
more lines associated with 6nC charge than with 4nC
lines start radially and become non-radial with correct curvature
further away from each charge
correct asymmetric pattern (with neutral pt closer
to 4nC charge)
3 max
= 4.6(7) × 10−5 (N)
Treat substitution errors such as 10−6(instead of 10−9) as AE with
ECF available.
(= 3.11 × 104 V m−1) (to the right)
For both of 1st two marks to be awarded, substitution for either or
both of E4 or E6 (or a substitution in an expression for E6 - E4) must
be shown.
= (4.67 × 104 V m −1) (to the left)
If no substitution is shown, but evaluation is correct for E4 and E6,
award one of 1 st two marks.
Eresultant = (4.67 − 3.11) × 104 = 1.5(6) × 104
Unit: V m−1 (or N C−1)
Use of r = 68 × 10−3 is a physics error with no ECF.
Unit mark is independent.
direction: towards 4 nC charge or to the left
horizontal arrow to the left
the electrostatic force is unchanged
because electric field strength is constant
forces are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction
(E is the same for both and) Q has same magnitude but opposite sign
acceleration of proton is (much) smaller (than acceleration of electron)
because mass of proton is (much) greater (than mass of electron)
acceleration of proton increases and acceleration of electron decreases
correct reference to changing strength of electric field (for either or both)
energy of photon
= 3.06 × 10–19 (J)
energy required =
= 1.91 (eV)
electric field strength
= 2.50 × 104 (V m–1)
distance =
= 7.64 × 10–5(m)
(magnetic) field is applied perpendicular to path
or direction or velocity of charged particles
(magnetic) force acts perpendicular to path
or direction or velocity of charged particles
force depends on speed of particle or on B [or F ∞ v or F = BQv explained]
force provides (centripetal) acceleration towards centre of circle
[or (magnetic) force is a centripetal force]
shows that r is constant when B and v are constant
radius r of path =
(allow 4.3km)
= 4.30 × 103 (m)
centripetal force
= 3.50 × 10–16(N)
magnetic flux density
= 7.29 × 10-5
magnetic field must be increased
to increase (centripetal) force or in order to keep r constant
[or otherwise protons would attempt to travel in a path of larger radius]
[or, referring to
, B must increase when v increases to keep r constant ]
(magnetic) field is applied perpendicular to path
or direction or velocity of charged particles
(magnetic) force acts perpendicular to path
or direction or velocity of charged particles
force depends on speed of particle or on B [or F ∞ v or F = BQv explained]
force provides (centripetal) acceleration towards centre of circle
[or (magnetic) force is a centripetal force]
shows that r is constant when B and v are constant
radius r of path =
(allow 4.3km)
= 4.30 × 103 (m)
centripetal force
= 3.50 × 10–16(N)
magnetic flux density
= 7.29 × 10-5
magnetic field must be increased
to increase (centripetal) force or in order to keep r constant
[or otherwise protons would attempt to travel in a path of larger radius]
[or, referring to
, B must increase when v increases to keep r constant ]
E1.In this question the candidates had to decide about the relative magnitudes of the forces from the
Earth, the Moon and the Sun acting on a spacecraft when close to the Earth. Values for the
relevant masses and distances were provided in case candidates needed to perform a
calculation, or to carry out a check on their intuition. Obviously the spacecraft would not be in
orbit around Earth if FE was smaller than either of the other two forces. Hence FE must be the
largest of the three forces. The relative sizes of FM and FS then comes down to the ratio M / R2,
because the local gravitational field strength caused by each of the masses is GM / R2. The
facility of the question was 56%. 29% of the candidates chose distractor C; they appreciated
that FE is largest but thought that FM would be greater than FS.
E2.In this question there were two further tests of gravitational field strength which candidates found
demanding, with facilities of 46% and 50% respectively. The question required candidates to
find the ratio RE : RM when gE : gM are in the ratio 9.8:1.7 and ME is 81 × MM. Forgetting to take the
square root of (RE /RM)22 when applying the equation g = GM / R2 was probably responsible for
the incorrect response of the 27% of the candidates who chose distractor C.
E3.In this question there were two further tests of gravitational field strength which candidates found
demanding, with facilities of 46% and 50% respectively. The question required candidates to
find the ratio RE : RM when gE : gM are in the ratio 9.8:1.7 and ME is 81 × MM. Forgetting to take the
square root of (RE / RM)2 when applying the equation g = GM / R2 was probably responsible for
the incorrect response of the 27% of the candidates who chose distractor C. This question was
concerned with the position of the point between masses of M and 4M at which there would be
no resultant field strength; distractor D was the choice of 26% of the candidates.
E4.In this question the subject was gravitational potential. This question had been used in a previous
examination; the facility of 65% this time was no different to when it was last used. Successful
solutions involved arriving at VM / VE = MM RE / ME RM and then applying the given data. More than
one fifth of the candidates chose distractor B.
E5.This question provided poorer discrimination between candidates’ abilities than any other question
in this test. Candidates ought to know that satellites speed up as they move into lower orbits,
and therefore gain kinetic energy if their mass is unchanged. It should also be clear that
satellites lose gravitational potential energy as they move closer to Earth. Therefore it is
surprising that only 55% of the candidates gave the correct answer. The fairly even spread of
responses amongst the other distractors suggests that many candidates were guessing.
E6.This question was another re-used question, and its facility of 43% this time was a slight
improvement over the previous occasion. Candidates’ responses showed that 75% of them
recognised that the electric field acts downwards, but those who chose distractor D were
evidently under the impression that there is a constant value of potential at all points between
two parallel plates. Similar weaknesses in understanding the properties of the field between
parallel plates were also evident in Section B of this Unit 4 test.
E7.The question on Coulomb’s law also needed candidates to know that V ∝ (1 / r) in an electric field;
if V is doubled r must have been halved. Therefore the force must have been increased by a
factor of 4. The facility of the question was 61%, and the most common incorrect choice
(distractor C) had the force increasing by a factor of 2.
E8.In this question, once it has been appreciated that this force acts in the opposite direction to the
field direction, the choice is narrowed by the elimination of distractors C and D. The correct
answer cannot be B, because the force continues to move the electron upwards whilst it
remains in the field. 65% of the responses were correct, but 15% chose C and 13% chose B.>
E9.This question was answered correctly by two-thirds of the candidates. No doubt it was
misunderstanding of the direction of the force that acts on a negative ion that caused 19% of the
candidates to select distractor B.
E10.Very few candidates experienced any difficulty in (a)(i), where the product of field strength and
plate separation readily led to 30,000 V. In the other parts of Question 2 the principal failing of
many of the candidates’ attempts was to resort to time variations that were exponential. Part (a)
puts this question clearly in the context of a charging current that is constant, so any references
to exponential changes or time constants showed misunderstanding and were irrelevant.
Arithmetical slips sometimes caused the loss of marks in part (a)(ii), but Q = CV and t = Q /
I were usually applied correctly to arrive at 3.5 s.
In part (b) it was essential for candidates to realise that both the charging current and the
breakdown pd remain constant at their original values when the capacitance is changed. The
majority of candidates could see in part (b)(i) that the time between discharges would increase.
Many also gave an acceptable explanation, either by stating that the charge stored would have
to be larger before the breakdown pd was reached, or by reference to t = CV / I, where V and I
are both unchanged. A common misconception in part (b)(ii) was to think that the brightness of
the spark would be unchanged because the breakdown pd would be the same as it had been
originally. It was expected that candidates would know that increased capacitance at the same
pd would mean that the energy stored by the capacitor would be greater, so each spark would
transfer more energy and would therefore be brighter. Alternatively, explanations in terms of the
greater charge stored were also accepted.
E11.This communications question on gravitational and electric fields gave plenty of scope for
candidates to show what they had learned, and there were fewer totally unsatisfactory answers
than have been presented in previous Unit 4 examinations. In this kind of question candidates
should pay particular attention to the wording of the question and then make sure that their
answer addresses its main requirements. On this occasion in a high level answer (5 or 6 marks)
the examiners were looking for at least two valid similarities, at least two valid differences, and
meaningful statements about radial and uniform fields. Relatively few answers satisfied these
criteria, and so the majority of the candidates limited themselves to no more than 4 marks out of
6. Candidates who failed to identify at least one valid difference could not progress beyond 2
marks. One of the difficulties faced by candidates was that of recognising a valid difference. The
differing constants of proportionality for gravitational and electric effects were not accepted as a
valid difference, for example, since they are little more than conversion factors between different
The presentation of some of these answers was very impressive, whilst other answers were
incoherent, disorganised and badly written. When deciding on the mark to award, examiners are
inevitably influenced by the standard of presentation of the answer. It was often difficult for
examiners to decide whether candidates were addressing what they thought were similarities,
or differences, in their answer.
Free writing in communications questions gives candidates opportunities to reveal their
misunderstandings and weaknesses. Amongst the answers there were many stating that forces
are inversely proportional to separation (missing out the ‘squared’), whilst others referred to
indirect proportion. Not uncommonly the product of the masses (or charges) was called
the sumof them. Candidates quoted g = F / m together with E = V / d – whether intended as a
similarity of a difference wasn’t clear – although these two equations are not really suitable to
represent either. There were also many incorrect statements indicating that g = F /m and E = F /
Q apply only to uniform fields. Some candidates thought it would be adequate to reproduce a
comparison table of formulae, of the kind that might be used as a summary when teaching this
topic. References to the definitions of gravitational and electric potential regularly quoted the
incorrect direction of displacement of the mass or charge (‘from the point to infinity’ instead of
‘from infinity to the point’).
E12.This question, which involved determining the position of the point between two masses at which
there would be no resultant gravitational force, was repeated from an earlier examination. Two
thirds of the responses were correct, the most common incorrect one being distractor D – the
inverse of the required expression.
E13.This question was on gravitational effects. Rearrangement of possible units to obtain the ratio of
the quantities g2 / G was required; almost 70% of the candidates could do this correctly but 20%
chose distractor B (N kg-1 instead of N m-2).
E14.This question was more demanding algebraically and involved use of a density value to
determine the ratio of Earth’s radius to the Moon’s radius. Slightly under half of the candidates
chose the correct value; incorrect responses were fairly evenly spread between the other
distractors and the question discriminated poorly. This suggests that many were guessing.
E15.Candidates found this question, on gravitational potential, a little easier, because its facility was
almost 60%. Whether the work done was positive or negative must have troubled many,
because distractor B (-80 kJ rather than +80 kJ) was the choice of 28%.
E16.This question was more demanding than most of those in the first half of this paper.In this
question required the simple facts that F = EQ in an electric field and F = mg in a gravitational
field, but was also a synoptic test of resolving forces in an equilibrium situation. This was
complicated by the need to choose an incorrect equation. More than a fifth of the candidates did
not see that resolving along the direction of the thread would lead to the expression in distractor
B being correct.
E17.This question turned out to be the hardest in the test, with a facility less than 40%, possibly
because it required rather abstract thinking about energy transfer in fields. More than one
quarter of the candidates did not spot that the displacement described in distractor D amounts
to movement along an equipotential line, and so selected this as the correct answer.
E18.This question required an understanding of whether the accelerations in two perpendicular
directions are constant or zero when a beam of electrons travels through a uniform electric field.
This was well known, giving over 70% of correct responses.
E19.This question required students to understand that electric potential is a scalar, and that the
potential at a point close to two charges is therefore the sum of the potentials due to each of
them. This was understood by fewer than half of the candidates, and so the facility of the
question was only 45%. Almost a third of responses were for distractor A (zero) and almost a
fifth for distractor B (the potential due to one charge alone).
E20.This question had appeared in an examination previously; it tested the fairly familiar knowledge
of the trajectory of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields and this time had a facility of
E21.Use of the relation T ε r3/2 provided a swift method to the required answer in part (a)(i), but the
mathematics involved appeared to be beyond the skills of many of the candidates. Answers
which derived an expression for r 3 from first principles, or which quoted r = (GMT2/4π2)1/3directly,
were equally acceptable. The major error in most answers was a failure to subtract the radius of
the Earth from the value of r when finding the height of the satellite. On this occasion the
number of significant figures required in the final answer was three, because all of the data had
been provided to at least 3SF. Following the expectation of recent papers, a large proportion of
answers only included 2SF.
Candidates had been concentrating on the geosynchronous satellite in part (a)(i) and a
proportion of them failed to read the question sufficiently carefully in part (a)(ii), thereby failing to
spot that it was about the polar orbiting satellite. Their responses therefore quoted T and r
values for the geosynchronous orbit, not answering the question set. For those who used
the Tand r values given in the question, this part usually provided two straightforward marks
using F= mω2r, or F = mv2 /r, or F = GMm/r2.
The features of the orbits and the applications of the two types of satellite were quite well
known. This gave most candidates a better opportunity to score a rather better mark on a
communications question in part (b) than has often been the case in previous Unit 4
examinations. Nevertheless, only a few answers giving a comprehensive and coherent
treatment, expected for 5 or 6 marks, were produced. The majority gave some relevant (and
sometimes unrelated) facts and many were written sufficiently well to merit an intermediate level
mark. In the case of the polar orbit, only a minority of answers made any reference to the fact
that the Earth rotates under the orbiting satellite, and that it is this feature which allows the
satellite to provide complete coverage of the Earth’s surface. Other features of the polar satellite
that were often overlooked were that orbits with different radii are possible, that data can be
collected from inaccessible regions, and that contact is intermittent. Features of the
geosynchronous orbit not often mentioned included the fact that the radius of the orbit is unique,
that the direction of travel is west to east and that the signal strength required is higher than that
for a low orbit. A few candidates stated that the orbital period of the geosynchronous satellite is
one year.
E22.Many completely correct statements of Coulomb’s law were seen in part (a). Common omissions
were failure to state that the law is concerned with the force between two charges, or failure to
state that the force is inversely proportional to the square of the separation. Sometimes the
separation distance was called “radius”; when this was undefined no mark could be given.
Responses to the electric field diagram in part (b)(i) were mixed. Many attempts showed
vaguely circular lines around each charge. The examiners were looking for radial lines outward
from each charge, with more lines starting on the larger charge, lines that curved in the correct
directions away from the charges, and a left-of-centre point of zero field strength. Some
candidates tried to use longer field lines, instead of more concentrated field lines, in their efforts
to represent the field of the larger charge.
The application of Coulomb’s law in part (b)(ii) provided two very accessible marks for
candidates who could substitute values correctly in the force equation and then use their
calculator correctly.Use of 10-6 instead of 10-9 for nano- was common, leading to the loss of one
mark. One mark was also lost when candidates failed to square r in their evaluation, after
having substituted correctly. In part (c) many successful answers for the resultant field strength
were presented but some candidates confused field strength (•∝ 1 / r 2) with potential (∝ 1 / r),
whilst others added the component values of E instead of subtracting them. The unit of electric
field strength – either Vm-1 or NC-1 – was less well known than expected, and the direction given
for the resultant field was often incorrect, with some impossibly incorrect responses such as
“upwards” and “into the page”.
This question tested knowledge and understanding of gravitational fields. 57% of the
students selected the required incorrect statement in this question One in five of them chose
distractor A. This may have been caused by them thinking they were supposed to choose
thecorrect statement, or it may have been caused by a general misunderstanding of
gravitational potential that was also evident in Section B of this paper.
This question which had a facility of 70%, was an algebraic test of the relationship between
the weight of an object at the surface of a planet and the mass and radius of that planet. This
question discriminated well and had no particularly strong distractor.
This question which tested how g is connected to the diameter for two stars of similar
density, was the most demanding question on the test – its facility was only 39%.
Equating mgwith GMm / R2 and then substituting (4/3) π R3ρ. for M ought to have shown
that g is proportional to the product Rρ. Consequently, if ρ is taken to be the same, g ∝ R. Yet
33% of the students suggested that g would be 100 times smaller (distractor A), and not 100
times bigger, when the diameter was 100 times larger.
This question with a facility of 41%, was also demanding. Here several factors - kinetic
energy, weight, time period and speed - had to be considered for two satellites in different
circular orbits. The three incorrect answers had a fairly even distribution of responses.
This question moved on to electric fields. Question 15, a direct algebraic test of Coulomb’s
law, had appeared in a previous examination. The 2012 students dealt with it much better than
their predecessors, causing the facility to increase from 49% to 80%.
This question 61% of the students could apply the rule correctly, but almost one quarter of
them chose distractor B, where the magnetic field would have acted “down” into the page
instead of “up” out of it.
This question on the emf generated by a moving magnet and the consequences of Lenz’s
law, had been used in a previous examination. The facility of 67% this time was slightly better
than when it was last used. Curiously, the most common incorrect response was distractor A
(chosen by 18%), where the order in which the magnet would emerge is the exact opposite of
the correct order.
This question was a graphical test of the relationship between an induced emf and the rate
of change of magnetic flux causing it. 59% of the students saw that the increasing gradient of
the original graph had to imply that the emf would increase, and that therefore only graph
Dcould be correct. 24% of the responses were for distractor B, where the emf is shown to
decrease at an increasing rate.
This question needed students to spot that the most rapid change of flux in a transformer
circuit occurs when a current is suddenly interrupted, leading to a maximum emf and (in this
case) the largest current in the secondary circuit. A conventional car ignition system, now
increasingly rare, illustrates this principle most effectively. The facility of the question was 43%,
with 25% of the students opting for distractor B (when the primary current is steadily increased).
This question amounted to a traditional transformer efficiency question, but it was set in the
context of a mobile phone charger circuit with low efficiency. The facility of the question was
71%. There was no strong distractor, and the question discriminated much better than it had
done when pre-tested.
Parts (a) and (b) of this question, about forces and accelerations of charged particles in
electric fields, was more demanding than expected. The direction of the arrow in part (a)(i) was
frequently wrong, and was often shown in a vertical direction. A clear force arrow, starting on
the electron and directed horizontally to the left, was expected. However, in part (a)(ii) most
students recognised that this situation produces a constant force; the explanation that the force
is caused by a constant electric field strength was sometimes less clear.
More careful consideration of the wording of the questions, and subsequent review of the
answers they had written, would have benefitted many students when answering part (b). For
example, it was common for a student’s attempt at part (i) to try to answer the issues raised in
part (iii). Students should know that a force has two attributes, magnitude and direction. Both
had to be addressed in satisfactory answers to part (i), where both particles are at exactly the
same point in an electric field of exactly the same field strength. In part (ii) the relationship
between forces and accelerations was usually well understood and both marks were usually
awarded. Failure to discuss the accelerations of the proton and electron separately was
common in part (iii), leading to many wrong answers. Parabolic and circular motion were often
referred to here. Some of the less able students stated that the electron would decelerate,
probably because they were unable to distinguish between deceleration and decreasing
Students who had revised their AS Physics, and who presented their working fully, were well
rewarded in part (c)(i). Part (c)(ii), although it is basically a simple question, proved to be much
more challenging. The common acceptable approach was to calculate the strength E of the
uniform electric field and then divide 1.91 (or 2) V by E. A slightly longer procedure was divide
the energy calculated in part (i) (3.06 × 10-19 J) by the force on the electron – which had to be
calculated. However the question could be answered using simple ratios: (2 / 4500) of 180 mm
is 0.080 mm.
It was rare for all four marks to be awarded in part (a). The essence of this question was
well understood, but poor use of English and an inability to write logically limited the mark that
could be given. An alarming proportion of answers made no reference at all to the magnetic
field; these students appeared to be answering a more general question about circular motion.
Many of the students evidently thought that the purpose of the magnetic force (presumably
acting outwards) was to balance the centripetal force, rather than to provide it. Relatively few
correct solutions were seen that used r = mv / BQ to show that r is constant when B and v are
The common error in part (b)(i) was failure to deduce the radius of the path of the protons from
the 27 km circumference of the LHC. This only meant the loss of one of the three marks,
however, provided the principles of the rest of the calculation were correct. Careless arithmetic
such as failure to square v, and/or forgetting to convert km to m, was also a frequent source of
loss of marks. F = BQv was usually applied successfully in part (b)(ii), where the unit of
magnetic flux density was quite well known. Almost inevitably, there was some confusion
between flux density and magnetic flux.
The fact that had to be appreciated in part (c) was that in the LHC the radius of the path of the
charged particles must remain constant as they are accelerated. A large proportion of students
thought that it was necessary to maintain a constant centripetal force for this to happen,
whereas it ought to have been clear to them that F must increase as v increases if r is to be
It was rare for all four marks to be awarded in part (a). The essence of this question was
well understood, but poor use of English and an inability to write logically limited the mark that
could be given. An alarming proportion of answers made no reference at all to the magnetic
field; these students appeared to be answering a more general question about circular motion.
Many of the students evidently thought that the purpose of the magnetic force (presumably
acting outwards) was to balance the centripetal force, rather than to provide it. Relatively few
correct solutions were seen that used r = mv / BQ to show that r is constant when B and v are
The common error in part (b)(i) was failure to deduce the radius of the path of the protons from
the 27 km circumference of the LHC. This only meant the loss of one of the three marks,
however, provided the principles of the rest of the calculation were correct. Careless arithmetic
such as failure to square v, and/or forgetting to convert km to m, was also a frequent source of
loss of marks. F = BQv was usually applied successfully in part (b)(ii), where the unit of
magnetic flux density was quite well known. Almost inevitably, there was some confusion
between flux density and magnetic flux.
The fact that had to be appreciated in part (c) was that in the LHC the radius of the path of the
charged particles must remain constant as they are accelerated. A large proportion of students
thought that it was necessary to maintain a constant centripetal force for this to happen,
whereas it ought to have been clear to them that F must increase as v increases if r is to be