Role of mixed layer depth in surface frontogensis: the Agulhas Return Current front Tomoki Tozuka and Meghan F. Cronin 1 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 2 NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA, USA Supplementary Material The Monin-Obukhov depth, ag 0 ò q ( z) dz r0 c p -H ag (Qnet - qd ) 2 r0c p m0u*3 + H MO = MO (1) [Kraus and Turner, 1967; Niiler and Kraus, 1977; Qiu and Kelley, 1993], is a useful diagnostic to examine the relative importance of wind speed and surface heat flux in determining the mixed layer depth (MLD) when the ocean is subject to a positive buoyancy flux and the mixed layer is in shoaling phase [cf. Morioka et al. 2012]. In fact, Schneider and Müller [1990] analyzed observational data obtained during the Hawaii-to-Tahiti Shuttle Experiment and found that the MLD and the Monin-Obukhov depth are significantly correlated when only data points with surface heat flux into the ocean are larger than 20 W m-2. Here, m0 is an efficiency coefficient of wind stirring, and we use m0 = 0.5 following Davis et al. [1981]. The frictional velocity u* is defined by ( u* = raCDu102 ro ) 12 , (2) where r a is the density of air, CD (=0.00125) is a drag coefficient, u10 is the wind speed at 10 m height, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Also, q ( z ) is the downward shortwave radiation at depth z and parameterized by 1 é z zù (3) q ( z ) = q ( 0) ê R exp + (1- R) exp ú g1 g2û ë [Paulson and Simpson, 1977], where R (=0.58) is a separation coefficient, and g 1 (=0.35 m) and g 2 (=23.0 m) are attenuation length scales. These values are for the case of water Type I (clear water) of Jerlov [1976]. In regions where the net surface heat flux cools the ocean, MLD is not represented by Eq. (1), but instead will tend to deepen until the surface cooling is balanced by advective processes. To quantitatively understand the difference in the MLD on both sides of the SST front in austral summer, we calculate the Monin-Obukhov depth using the atmospheric data used to force OFES listed in Table 1 for 45°E-50°E. The Monin-Obukhov depth is 38.9 m (21.0 m) in the northern (southern) box, and the shallower mixed layer on the southern side of the SST front may be explained by the stronger buoyancy gain by net surface heat flux. This is because if we use wind speed at 10 m height averaged over both boxes to calculate Monin-Obukhov depth, we obtain 42.5 m (18.7 m) for the northern (southern) box, but we obtain 24.5 m (29.3 m) if we use net surface heat flux averaged over both boxes to calculate Monin-Obukhov depth. We note that the Monin-Obukhov depth is systematically shallower than the simulated MLD of 63.9 m (39.2 m) in the northern (southern) box [cf. Schneider and Müller; 1990]. This systematic bias may stem from Ekman advection [Rintoul and England, 2002; Sallée et al., 2006; Thomas and Lee, 2006]. The westerly winds transport colder and denser water to the north by equatorward Ekman transport. As a result, water column is destabilized and the mixed layer becomes deeper [Rintoul and England, 2002; Sallée et al., 2006; Thomas and Lee, 2006]. Since the Monin-Obukhov depth is derived by assuming that the temperature field is horizontally uniform, this Ekman transport effect is not taken into account. Moreover, this effect is stronger on the northern box because the meridional SST gradient is largest at the southern periphery of the northern box. We note that Ekman advection must be viewed carefully since Ekman transport will be modified in a frontal region [Thompson, 2000; Cronin and Kessler, 2009]. This is because wind stress is balanced by the total surface shear, including both the Ekman ageostrophic and geostrophic thermal wind components of the shear. However, the near-surface zonal current shear at 42.25°S in the 45-50°E band in January is 4.78x10-3 s-1, and this is much larger than the surface geostrophic shear of 0.12x10-3 s-1 calculated 2 from the meridional surface density gradient. The main reason for much smaller contribution from the geostrophic component in this mid-latitude SST front compared with the SST front in the cold tongue region of the tropical Pacific is that the geostrophic shear is inversely proportional to the Coriolis parameter and the Coriolis parameter near the equator is much smaller than at the mid-latitudes. Therefore, the Ekman transport may partly explain why the Monin-Obukhov depth diagnostics underestimate the MLD. 3 Tables Table 1: Wind speed at 10 m height, net shortwave radiation at the sea surface, net surface heat flux, MLD simulated by OFES, and Monin-Obukhov depth in the northern and southern boxes in the 45°E-50°E band in January. u10 q ( 0) Qnet H mix H MO (m s-1) (W m-2) (W m-2) (m) (m) North 6.64 220.0 53.8 63.9 38.9 South 7.57 210.1 124.4 39.2 21.0 4 References Cronin, M. F., and W. S. Kessler (2009), Near-surface shear flow in the tropical Pacific cold tongue front, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 39, 1200-1215. Davis, R. E., R. de Szoeke, and P. Niiler (1981), Variability in the upper ocean during MILE. Part II: Modeling the mixed layer response, Deep-Sea Res., 28A, 1453-1475. Jerlov, N. G. (1976), Marine optics, Elsevier, 231 pp. Kraus, E. B., and J. S. Turner (1967), A one-dimensional model of the seasonal thermocline: II. 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