A GUIDE TO LEVEL 3 VALUE ADDED IN 2012 Contents Page No. Summary – Interpreting School and College Value Added Scores 2 What is Value Added? 3 The Learner Achievement Tracker 4 Which students are included in Level 3 Value Added and how is their attainment calculated? 5 Calculating Student Value Added scores for Individual Qualifications 8 Calculating School and College Value Added scores for Individual Qualifications 10 Calculating School and College Value Added scores for Qualification Types 11 Calculating School and College Value Added scores for Sector Subject Areas 14 Interpreting School and College Value Added scores 15 When and Where will Level 3 Value Added be published 17 Other Useful Resources 19 Annex A – Complete List of Re-based Points 21 1 SUMMARY – INTERPRETING SCHOOL AND COLLEGE VALUE ADDED SCORES VA measure based on progress Limit of Key Stage 4 to A Level VA Confidence betw een Key Stage 4 Intervals and A Levels Institution Name School A College B School C (centred around zero) 19.9 -1.2 - 14.1 Upper Low er 28.6 8.1 -4.6 11.1 -10.6 -23.6 2 WHAT IS VALUE ADDED? When measuring how effective a school or college is, it is important to look at how well its students perform in their tests and examinations. However, when evaluating examination performance, it is also important to take into consideration that when students first join a school sixth form or college, they have varying levels of ability, i.e. students have many different starting points. So a measure is needed that looks at how much progress students have made from the beginning to the end of their Level 3 qualification (i.e. between the end of Key Stage 4 and the completion of their Level 3 qualification). This is the purpose of Value Added (VA). Analysis shows that there is a very strong relationship between examination performance of students at the end of the previous Key Stage and current Level 3 qualifications. A VA measure uses this relationship to “estimate” how well all students nationally, perform in the current Level 3 qualifications they have opted to study. For Level 3 Value Added, an individual student’s “estimated outcome” in a Level 3 qualification is calculated by looking at the actual performance of all students nationally that studied the same Level 3 qualification and that demonstrated similar ability in their exams at the end of KS4. More specifically, we estimate a student’s Level 3 qualification outcome as the average points achieved by students nationally in this qualification of similar ability at KS4. This estimated outcome in the Level 3 qualification can then be compared against what the student actually achieved in their Level 3 qualification, to see whether or not they exceeded their estimate. The difference between a student’s actual performance and their estimated performance gives the student a Value Added score in the Level 3 qualification. The VA score of all students studying a particular Level 3 qualification in a school or college can then be averaged to find the school or college’s VA score in the Level 3 qualification. This score is used to identify the schools and colleges that are helping their students make more progress or less progress than average. The summary diagram on page 2 shows how to interpret these scores. In total there are around 480 different measures in Level 3 Value Added; this reflects the many combinations of subjects within qualifications offered in school sixth forms and colleges. 3 THE LEARNER ACHIEVEMENT TRACKER Prior to the 1st April 2012, the Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA) was responsible for delivering and publishing the Learner Achievement Tracker (LAT) Value Added measure. However, on the 1 st April 2012, the YPLA converted to become the Education Funding Agency and the responsibility for producing the LAT passed to the Department for Education (DfE). Following the handover of responsibility for the LAT, the DfE have made some changes to the way that the Value Added information is presented and to how schools and colleges access their Value Added data. To reflect these changes, the DfE have decided to re-name the measure as ‘Level 3 Value Added’. All documentation from the 1st April 2012 onwards now refers to the measure by this name. Any reference to LAT relates to Value Added data published prior to April 1st 2012 by the YPLA. It is worth noting though, that some aspects of the LAT measure remain unchanged for Level 3 Value Added. In particular, the methodology used for Level 3 Value Added is the same as was used in the LAT. To see an example of how information will be presented in Level 3 Value Added, please see the Ready Reckoner and the Ready Reckoner User Guide on the Level 3 Value Added webpage (see the ‘Other Useful Resources’ section of the document for a link to the webpage) If you like to find out more information about how to access Level 3 Value Added data, please see the ‘When and Where will Level 3 Value Added be published’ section of this document. 4 WHICH STUDENTS ARE INCLUDED IN LEVEL 3 VALUE ADDED AND HOW IS THEIR ATTAINMENT CALCULATED? Level 3 Value Added is a measure that looks at the progression students make between Key Stage 4 and the end of their Level 3 qualification. The measure covers all students that: Were aged 16, 17 or 18 at the beginning of the Academic Year (31st August) Have completed a qualification approved for Level 3 Value Added Have results at the end of Key Stage 4 Are in a School or College with a valid institution identifier For further information on which students are included and excluded, please see the Data Specification on the DfE Level 3 Value Added webpage. How to calculate each Student’s Key Stage 4 starting point The starting point for Level 3 Value Added is the average attainment of the student at the start of their Level 3 qualification, also known as prior attainment. For students aged 17 and 18, this is calculated as the average of their attainment at Level 2 and below (or Key Stage 4) in exams taken up to two years before their outcome in the Level 3 qualification. For students aged 16, this is calculated as the average of their attainment at Level 2 and below (or Key Stage 4) in exams taken up to one year before their outcome in the Level 3 qualification. This is summarised in the table below: Example A B C Age of Student* 18 17 16 Eligible Qualifications for a Student's Prior Attainment at Key Stage 4 Level 2 qualifications and below up to age 16 (that is two years before) Level 2 qualifications and below up to age 15 (that is two years before) Level 2 qualifications and below up to age 15 (that is one year before) *Age at the beginning of academic year in which the Level 3 qualification was completed Each student’s Key Stage 4 outcome is calculated by adding together the total QCA points for the applicable Key Stage 4 qualifications and dividing the total through by the combined size of the qualifications. For example, GCSEs are equivalent to a size of 1 in the size system administered by the Teaching Agency. All other qualifications are sized relative to one GCSE. Examples of how to calculate Key Stage 4 average point scores are shown below: Example A: Student A takes ten GCSEs at age 16 and progresses to complete a Level 3 qualification at age 18. The student’s prior attainment is calculated as the total point score in the ten GCSEs divided by a volume of 10 (each GCSE is 5 equivalent to a size of 1). Example B: Student B takes four GCSEs and an OCR Level 2 National Certificate at age 15; the student then goes on to take a Level 3 qualification at age 17. The student’s prior attainment is the total point score in the four GCSEs and the OCR Level 2 National Certificate divided by a volume of 8 (that is, four GCSEs with a size of 1 and one OCR Level 2 National Certificate with a size of 4). Example C: Student C attains two Bs, three Cs and one U in GCSEs at age 15 and a merit in an OCR Level 2 National Certificate at age 15; student C then goes on to take a Level 3 qualification at age 16. The student’s prior attainment is the total point score in the six GCSEs and the OCR Level 2 National Certificate (2 x 46) + (3 x 40) + (1 x 0) + (1 x 196) = 408 divided by a volume of 10 (six GCSEs with size 1 and one OCR Level 2 National Certificate with size 4). This gives an average point score of (408 / 10) = 40.8. How to measure achievement in Level 3 qualifications for Value Added As with the calculation of prior attainment, a point score system (now administered by the Teaching Agency) is used to assign points to grades for Level 3 qualifications. However, the inclusion of fails in the Value Added measure means that there are unequal gaps between the lowest grades possible in Level 3 qualifications and a fail. For example, in A Levels there is a 30 point gap between each grade from A* to E but there is a 150 point gap between an E and a fail. This creates issues with the statistical modelling. For this reason, Level 3 Value Added re-bases the point scores to create even sized gaps between grades and also between the lowest grade and a fail for all qualification types. This allows fails to be included in Level 3 Value Added but also retains the scale for the other grades. The diagram below demonstrates how re-basing works. A B C D Rebase E Large gap between an E and a FAIL A B C D E Equal distance between all outcomes FAIL 6 The table below shows how point scores are re-based for a selection of Level 3 Value Added qualification types. 75 60 45 30 15 0 Re-based Point Score 135 120 105 90 75 0 Point Score A B C D E FAIL BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Outcome 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 Re-based Point Score Re-based Point Score 300 270 240 210 180 150 0 Point Score Point Score A* A B C D E FAIL AS Level / Vocational GCE AS Single Award Outcome Outcome A Level / Vocational GCE Single Award D* D M P FAIL 270 225 195 165 0 150 100 66 33 0 7 CALCULATING STUDENT VALUE ADDED SCORES FOR INDIVIDUAL QUALIFICATIONS Before examining how to calculate student Level 3 Value Added scores, it is important to first understand how the measure is structured. The nature of provision in sixth forms and colleges means that there is a very wide range of different subjects offered to students as well as a wide range of different types of qualifications that students can study. To reflect this diverse range of qualifications, Level 3 Value Added is structured so that there is a separate Value Added measure for every qualification (subject) offered within each qualification type. The area highlighted blue in the diagram below shows the qualification level of the hierarchy. The result of using the approach above is that each student will have a separate value added score for every Level 3 qualification that they study. In order to calculate a student’s value added score in a particular qualification, the first step is to use a statistical model to calculate an “estimated outcome” for the student in the qualification. This estimate is calculated based on the actual outcomes of all students nationally that have taken the same Level 3 qualification and with the same level of prior achievement at the end of Key Stage 4. For example, a student that scored an average of 52 points at Key Stage 4 would have their estimated outcome in A Level Geography calculated by the statistical model based on the actual outcomes of all students nationally taking A Level Geography that also scored an average of 52 points at the end of Key Stage 4. A student’s Value Added score is then calculated by subtracting their estimated outcome in the qualification from their actual outcome in the qualification. Using the same example, if a student achieves an ‘A’ (150 points after re-basing) in their A Level Geography and they are estimated to achieve a ‘B’ (120 points after re-basing) by the statistical model, then the student has 8 a Value Added score of +30 points (150 points – 120 Points). The positive score tells us that this student has exceeded their estimated A Level Geography outcome. If the Value Added score was negative, then this would tell us that the student scored less than their estimated A Level Geography outcome. The table below summarises the calculation described above. Student's Actual KS4 Average Point Score Performance of all pupils taking A Level Geography with an average score of 52 at KS4 used to estimate student's performance in A Level Geography (using statistical model) 52 Points Student's Estimated A Level Geography Score Student's Actual A Level Geography Score Difference (Actual Estimate) B (120 Points) A (150 Points) +30 Points (150-120) Section 16 of the ‘Calculation of VA Scores’ Level 3 VA specification provides a more detailed description of how students’ estimated scores and their Value Added scores are calculated. The specification can be found on the Level 3 Value Added webpage on the DfE website. Level 3 Value Added webpage 9 CALCULATING SCHOOL AND COLLEGE VALUE ADDED SCORES FOR INDIVIDUAL QUALIFICATIONS Once student VA scores have been calculated for a particular qualification (e.g. OCR National Certificate in Business Studies), we take the average of all the student VA scores in that qualification within the school or college. We then apply the shrinkage factor, an adjustment that provides a better estimate of VA scores for schools and colleges with small numbers of pupils. The diagram below shows an example of how a school/college VA score is calculated from an example of five student VA scores in an individual qualification. STEP 1 - FIND THE AVERAGE OF STUDENT SCORES IN THE QUALIFICATION Student 1 VA Score Student 2 VA Score Student 3 VA Score Student 4 VA Score Student 5 VA Score Average of the Student VA Scores = School/College Unshrunken VA Score in Qualification = School/College Shrunken VA Score in Qualification STEP 2 - APPLY THE SHRINKAGE FACTOR School/College Unshrunken VA Score x Shrinkage Factor For more information on calculating school and college Value Added scores, including the application of shrinkage factors, please see Section 18 of the ‘Calculation of VA Scores’ Level 3 VA specification. The specification can be found on the Level 3 Value Added webpage on the DfE website. Level 3 Value Added webpage 10 CALCULATING SCHOOL AND COLLEGE VALUE ADDED SCORES FOR QUALIFICATION TYPES The previous section showed how to calculate value added scores for each qualification offered by a school or college; it is also possible to aggregate a school or college’s qualification scores up to calculate qualification type Value Added scores for the school or college. The blue shaded area in the diagram shows the qualification type level of the hierarchy. A qualification type Value Added score (e.g. AS Levels) is calculated by finding the average of all the qualification Value Added scores that belong to the qualification type. For example, a school or college’s AS Level qualification type score is found by averaging all the AS Level qualification Value Added scores (e.g. AS Level History, AS Level Economics, AS Level Maths) offered by the school. The calculation is also weighted by the number of students taking each qualification; this gives greater weight to qualifications being taken by more students. The example below demonstrates how to calculate an AS Level qualification type Value Added score for a school/college offering three AS levels: AS Level VA Score = ( + 1.5 x 50 ) + ( -2.3 x 20 ) + ( + 0.5 x 100 ) ( 50 + 20 + 100 ) = + 0.46 AS Level History VA Score = + 1.5 AS Level Economics VA Score = - 2.3 AS Level Maths VA Score = + 0.5 Cohort Size = 50 Cohort Size = 20 Cohort Size = 100 11 Which Qualification Types are Included? In order for a qualification type (e.g. A Levels) to be included within Level 3 Value Added, it must first be a Level 3 qualification type but it also must have a graded outcome. This means that the qualification type needs to have four or more possible outcomes, for example, A Levels have seven different outcomes (A*, A, B, C, D, E and FAIL). Additionally, there needs to be a minimum of 80 students and 5 institutions offering the qualification type nationally in order for it to be included in Level 3 Value Added. The list below shows the full list of qualification types included in Level 3 Value Added for the publication based on 2011/12 examination data. Qualification Type A Level AS Level GCE AS Level Double Award International Baccalaureate Free Standing Maths Applied GCE Single Award Applied GCE AS level Applied GCE Double Award BTEC National Award BTEC National Certificate BTEC National Diploma OCR National Certificate OCR National Diploma OCR National Extended Diploma IFS Level 3 Certificate in Financial Studies CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Child Care and Education IFS Level 3 Diploma in Financial Studies CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Child Care and Education L3 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Certificate OCR Level 3 Certi for Young Enterprise EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Beauty Therapy Techniques EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Diploma Edexcel BTEC Level 3 90-credit Diploma RSL Level 3 Extended Diploma for Music Practitioners RSL Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma for Music Practitioners ABC Level 3 Diploma in Fashion Retail (QCF) 12 * For the 2012/13 Academic Year, the OCR National Qualification Types are known as ‘Cambridge Technicals’. However, Level 3 VA is a retrospective measure and is based on examination data from Academic Year 2011/12 prior to OCR Nationals being re-released as Cambridge Technicals. 13 CALCULATING SCHOOL AND COLLEGE VALUE ADDED SCORES FOR SECTOR SUBJECT AREAS It is also possible to group together school and college value added scores in similar subjects; the subject groupings are known as Sector Subject Areas (SSAs). Aggregating to SSA level involves combining Value Added scores from different qualification types, for example, if a school has a Value Added score in AS Level Maths and A Level in Biology, both VA scores would contribute to the schools ‘Science and Maths’ Sector Subject Area Value Added score. The relative size of the qualification type (compared to A Levels) is also taken into account in the calculation of SSA Value Added scores. The example below demonstrates how to calculate a ‘Science and Maths’ SSA Value Added score for a school/college offering one A Level and one BTEC National Certificate: The table below shows the full list of Sector Subject Areas in Level 3 Value Added. SSA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SSA Title Health, Public Services and Care Science and Mathematics Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies Construction, Planning and the Built Environment Information and Communication Technology Retail and Commercial Enterprise Leisure, Travel and Tourism Arts, Media and Publishing History, Philosophy and Theology Social Sciences Languages, Literature and Culture Education and Training Preparing for Life and Work Business, Administration and Law 14 INTERPRETING SCHOOL AND COLLEGE VALUE ADDED SCORES The previous three sections have shown that schools and colleges have value added scores at qualification, qualification type and Sector Subject Area level. The approach for interpreting the value added scores at the different levels of aggregation is the same. A school or college’s VA score at qualification, qualification type or SSA level can be used as a measure of their effectiveness, but it is important to note that a value added score is based on a given set of students' results for a particular test paper on a particular day. A school or college could have been equally effective and yet the same set of students might have achieved slightly different results in their Level 3 qualification on the day. And the school or college would almost certainly have shown slightly different results in the Level 3 qualification with a different set of students. This element of uncertainty needs to be taken into account when interpreting a school or college’s VA score; this is done using confidence intervals. A confidence interval is a range of scores within which we are statistically confident that a school or college’s true VA score will fall. A school or college’s confidence interval is always centred on the school or college’s VA score. For example, if a school or college’s VA score is +10 and the size of their confidence interval is 5 points, then the confidence interval ranges between +5 and +15 (i.e. 5 points either side of the VA score). The size of the confidence interval is largely determined by the number of students in the school or college that completed the Level 3 qualification. Schools and colleges with fewer students completing the qualification have wider confidence intervals because their VA score is based on a smaller number of students, so there is less evidence on which to judge the school or college’s effectiveness. To judge a school or college’s effectiveness, both the VA score and the associated confidence interval need to be taken into account. If the whole range of the confidence interval is above the national average of zero (i.e. the lower bound is greater than zero), we can say the school/college score is above the national average and this is statistically significant. Therefore, we can be confident the school/college is helping its students make better than average progress in the qualification. An illustration of how to interpret school/college VA scores is given overleaf. Similarly, when the entire range of the confidence interval is below zero (i.e. the upper bound is less than zero), we can say the school/college score is below the national average for the Level 3 qualification and this is statistically significant. Finally, if the confidence interval straddles the national average of zero, then 15 we can say that the school/college is not significantly different from the national average for the qualification, in other words, we cannot confidently say that the school or college’s VA score is definitely above or definitely below the national average for the qualification. The table and diagram below shows how a school/college’s VA score and confidence intervals should be interpreted to reach one of the three definitions above. School A is an example of a school that is significantly above national average, College B is not significantly different from national average, and School C is significantly below national average. School VA Score Upper Confidence Interval Lower Confidence Interval School A +10 +15 +5 College B 0 +5 -5 School C -10 -5 -15 For more information on the calculation of confidence intervals, please see Section 18 of the ‘Calculation of VA Scores’ specification. The specification can be found on the Level 3 Value Added webpage: Level 3 Value Added Webpage 16 WHEN AND WHERE WILL LEVEL 3 VALUE ADDED BE PUBLISHED? There are two Level 3 Value Added publications based on 2011/12 examination data; the first was on Thursday 1st November 2012 and was based on unamended examination data; the second was on the 14th February 2013 and was based on amended examination data. The Level 3 Value Added publication based on unamended data was made available on two websites, which are; The Provider Gateway The Performance Tables Checking Website Level 3 Value Added data can be found in the ‘Level3VA’ folder in the Document Exchange section of the Provider Gateway. This folder contains a sub folder called L3VA-Restricted where you will find an Excel based Level 3 VA report which shows data specific to your school or college. There will also be a second report called the Level 3 VA Summary report which is made available in a second sub-folder called L3VA-Open. There will be no Level 3 VA data published within the LAT folder on the Provider Gateway. Any information in the LAT folder is effectively an archive of LAT data. The Excel Level 3 VA report and the Level 3 VA Summary report are also made available through the Performance Tables checking website. The reports are exactly the same as published on the Provider Gateway. The two reports can be found on the documents page in folders called ‘Level 3 VA Report’ and ‘Level 3 VA Summary’. Schools and colleges that are part of a consortium have an additional Excel report published on the Provider Gateway and the Checking website. This is an anonymised report that shows Level 3 Value Added information for all schools and colleges within the consortium. The Level 3 Value Added publication based on amended data is made available on three websites, which are; The Provider Gateway The Performance Tables Checking Website The Performance Tables Website As with the unamended publication, the Excel Level 3 VA report and the Level 3 VA summary report is made available in the same locations detailed above on the Provider Gateway and the Performance Tables Checking website. Schools and Colleges in a consortium will again receive a third anonymised report showing Level 3 Value Added data for all for all schools and colleges within the consortium. Level 3 Value Added scores based on amended data are also published on 17 the Department for Education’s Performance Tables website. The Performance Tables website shows qualification type value added scores for every school and college (e.g. an A Level VA score or a BTEC National Diploma VA Score). 18 OTHER USEFUL RESOURCES As well as this guide, there are also a number of other useful resources on Level 3 Value Added. The resources detailed below can all be found on the Department for Education’s Level 3 Value Added webpage: Level 3 Value Added Webpage There is also a mailbox which you can contact if you have any questions on Level 3 Value Added though we advise that you check the FAQs document first: Level3VA.HELPDESK@education.gsi.gov.uk Frequently Asked Questions: A list of Frequently Asked Questions can be found at the link above on the Level 3 Value Added webpage. Level 3 Value Added Ready Reckoner and Guide: A Level 3 Value Added ready Reckoner is also available at the link above. Unlike the Level 3 VA Reports, the Ready Reckoner allows the user to input their own data to calculate Value Added scores for specific groups of pupils. For consistency, the output from the Ready Reckoner is in the same format as the VA Reports. A guide on how to use and interpret the VA Reports and Ready Reckoner can also be found on our webpage via the link above. Level 3 Transition Matrices: One of the outputs from the Learner Achievement Tracker was a series of charts, known as ‘Chance Charts’, that showed the probability of students achieving each grade in each qualification from a range of different starting points at Key Stage 4. In Level 3 Value Added, this information will continue to be provided but in the format of a Transition Matrix for each qualification. This format provides all information for a qualification within the same grid rather than over a series of charts. For Level 3 Value Added based on 2011/12 examination data, the Transition Matrices will be made available shortly after the publication of Level 3 VA reports based on unamended data in November 2012 and again in February 2013 based on amended data. The Transition Matrices will be published on the Level 3 Value Added webpage at the link above. 19 Level 3 Value Added Specifications: The specification used to produce Level 3 Value Added scores can also be found at the link above. The specification is effectively the technical annex to this guide and is split into three parts; The Data Specification – a definition of the dataset used to calculate Level 3 Value Added scores The Methodology Specification – A technical description of the methodology used to calculate Value Added scores The ‘Calculating Scores’ Specification – A description of the formulae used to calculate the Value Added scores in the reports and the Ready Reckoner 20 ANNEX A – COMPLETE LIST OF RE-BASED POINTS The table below (and overleaf) provides a complete list of re-based points for each qualification type. Qual Qualification Type Description Grade Code 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 121 121 121 121 121 121 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 150 150 150 150 150 150 A Level A Level A Level A Level A Level A Level A Level AS Level AS Level AS Level AS Level AS Level AS Level GCE AS Level Double Award GCE AS Level Double Award GCE AS Level Double Award GCE AS Level Double Award GCE AS Level Double Award GCE AS Level Double Award GCE AS Level Double Award GCE AS Level Double Award GCE AS Level Double Award GCE AS Level Double Award International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate Free Standing Maths Free Standing Maths Free Standing Maths Free Standing Maths Free Standing Maths Free Standing Maths * A B C D E FAIL A B C D E FAIL AA AB BB BC CC CD DD DE EE FAIL 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 FAIL A B C D E FAIL Points Re-based Points 300 270 240 210 180 150 0 135 120 105 90 75 0 270 255 240 225 210 195 180 165 150 0 1518 1485 1452 1419 1386 1353 1320 1287 1254 1221 1188 1155 1122 1089 1056 1023 990 957 924 891 858 825 0 45 40 35 30 25 0 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 75 60 45 30 15 0 150 135 120 105 90 75 60 45 30 0 780 750 720 690 660 630 600 570 540 510 480 450 420 390 360 330 300 270 240 210 180 150 0 21 16 11 6 1 0 21 Qual Qualification Type Description Grade Code 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 225 225 225 225 225 225 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 262 262 262 262 263 263 263 263 263 263 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 283 283 283 283 293 293 293 293 294 294 294 294 610 610 610 610 610 610 Applied GCE Single Award Applied GCE Single Award Applied GCE Single Award Applied GCE Single Award Applied GCE Single Award Applied GCE Single Award Applied GCE Single Award Applied GCE AS level Applied GCE AS level Applied GCE AS level Applied GCE AS level Applied GCE AS level Applied GCE AS level Applied GCE Double Award Applied GCE Double Award Applied GCE Double Award Applied GCE Double Award Applied GCE Double Award Applied GCE Double Award Applied GCE Double Award Applied GCE Double Award Applied GCE Double Award Applied GCE Double Award Applied GCE Double Award Applied GCE Double Award BTEC National Award BTEC National Award BTEC National Award BTEC National Award BTEC National Certificate BTEC National Certificate BTEC National Certificate BTEC National Certificate BTEC National Certificate BTEC National Certificate BTEC National Diploma BTEC National Diploma BTEC National Diploma BTEC National Diploma BTEC National Diploma BTEC National Diploma BTEC National Diploma BTEC National Diploma OCR National Certificate OCR National Certificate OCR National Certificate OCR National Certificate OCR National Diploma OCR National Diploma OCR National Diploma OCR National Diploma OCR National Extended Diploma OCR National Extended Diploma OCR National Extended Diploma OCR National Extended Diploma IFS Level 3 Certificate in Financial IFS Level 3 Certificate in Financial IFS Level 3 Certificate in Financial IFS Level 3 Certificate in Financial IFS Level 3 Certificate in Financial IFS Level 3 Certificate in Financial * A B C D E FAIL A B C D E FAIL ** *A AA AB BB BC CC CD DD DE EE FAIL D M P FAIL DD DM MM MP PP FAIL DDD DDM DMM MMM MMP MPP PPP FAIL D M P FAIL D M P FAIL D M P FAIL StudiesA StudiesB StudiesC StudiesD StudiesE StudiesFAIL Points Re-based Points 300 270 240 210 180 150 0 135 120 105 90 75 0 600 570 540 510 480 450 420 390 360 330 300 0 270 225 165 0 540 480 420 360 300 0 810 757.5 705 625.5 600 547.5 495 0 270 225 165 0 540 450 330 0 810 675 495 0 135 120 105 90 75 0 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 75 60 45 30 15 0 360 330 300 270 240 210 180 150 120 90 60 0 150 105 45 0 300 240 180 120 60 0 450 397.5 345 292.5 240 187.5 135 0 150 105 45 0 300 210 90 0 450 315 135 0 75 60 45 30 15 0 22 Qual Qualification Type Description Grade Code 612 612 612 612 612 612 614 614 614 614 614 614 615 615 615 615 615 615 616 616 616 616 617 617 617 617 617 618 618 618 618 618 619 619 619 619 620 620 620 620 620 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 621 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 622 Points CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Child Care andAEducation 742.5 CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Child Care andBEducation 660 CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Child Care andCEducation 577.5 CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Child Care andDEducation 495 CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Child Care andEEducation 412.5 CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Child Care andFAIL Education 0 IFS Level 3 Diploma in Financial Studies A 270 IFS Level 3 Diploma in Financial Studies B 240 IFS Level 3 Diploma in Financial Studies C 210 IFS Level 3 Diploma in Financial Studies D 180 IFS Level 3 Diploma in Financial Studies E 150 IFS Level 3 Diploma in Financial Studies FAIL 0 CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Child Care and A Education 270 CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Child Care and B Education 240 CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Child Care and C Education 210 CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Child Care and D Education 180 CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Child Care and E Education 150 CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Child Care and FAIL Education 0 L3 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design D 540 L3 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design M 450 L3 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design P 330 L3 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design FAIL 0 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma * 270 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma D 225 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma M 195 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma P 165 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma FAIL 0 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Certificate * 135 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Certificate D 112.5 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Certificate M 97.5 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Certificate P 82.5 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Certificate FAIL 0 OCR Level 3 Certi for Young Enterprise D 81 OCR Level 3 Certi for Young Enterprise M 67.5 OCR Level 3 Certi for Young Enterprise P 49.5 OCR Level 3 Certi for Young Enterprise FAIL 0 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma * in Beauty Therapy 405 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma D in Beauty Therapy 337.5 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma M in Beauty Therapy 292.5 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma P in Beauty Therapy 247.5 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma FAILin Beauty Therapy 0 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma *** 810 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma **D 765 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma *DD 720 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma DDD 675 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma DDM 645 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma DMM 615 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma MMM 585 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma MMP 555 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma MPP 525 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma PPP 495 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma FAIL 0 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Diploma ** 540 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Diploma *D 495 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Diploma DD 450 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Diploma DM 420 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Diploma MM 390 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Diploma MP 360 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Diploma PP 330 EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Diploma FAIL 0 Re-based Points 412.5 330 247.5 165 82.5 0 150 120 90 60 30 0 150 120 90 60 30 0 300 200 66 0 135 90 60 30 0 67.5 45 30 15 0 49.5 36 18 0 Techniques 202.5 Techniques 135 Techniques 90 Techniques 45 Techniques 0 345 300 255 210 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 240 195 150 120 90 60 30 0 23 Qual Qualification Type Description Grade Code 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 623 624 624 624 624 625 625 625 625 626 626 626 626 Edexcel BTEC Level 3 90-credit Diploma ** Edexcel BTEC Level 3 90-credit Diploma *D Edexcel BTEC Level 3 90-credit Diploma DD Edexcel BTEC Level 3 90-credit Diploma DM Edexcel BTEC Level 3 90-credit Diploma MM Edexcel BTEC Level 3 90-credit Diploma MP Edexcel BTEC Level 3 90-credit Diploma PP Edexcel BTEC Level 3 90-credit Diploma FAIL RSL Level 3 Extended Diploma for Music D Practitioners RSL Level 3 Extended Diploma for Music M Practitioners RSL Level 3 Extended Diploma for Music P Practitioners RSL Level 3 Extended Diploma for Music FAIL Practitioners RSL Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma for MusicDPractitioners RSL Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma for MusicMPractitioners RSL Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma for MusicPPractitioners RSL Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma for MusicFAIL Practitioners ABC Level 3 Diploma in Fashion Retail (QCF) D ABC Level 3 Diploma in Fashion Retail (QCF) M ABC Level 3 Diploma in Fashion Retail (QCF) P ABC Level 3 Diploma in Fashion Retail (QCF) FAIL Points Re-based Points 405 371.25 337.5 315 292.5 270 247.5 0 742.5 618.75 453.75 0 337.5 281.25 206.25 0 472.5 393.75 288.75 0 180 146.25 112.5 90 67.5 45 22.5 0 453.75 330 165 0 206.25 150 75 0 288.75 210 105 0 24