September 17, 2014

LASC Behavioral & Social Science Department
Meeting Minutes
September 17, 2014
Next meeting:
J. Scott Stafford, T. Howard, K. Wright, A. Corneal, W. Powel, A. CranonCharles, M. Walke, S. Gardette, A. Umoja, B. Foy, R. Saafir, L.
Apenahier, T. Truitt, L, Robert, D. Thomas-Whitman, S. LapeyreMontrose, M. Cunin Borer, S. Lee, M. Jones, J. Soto, S. Thornton, G.
Ponticelli, M. Johnson
October 15, 2014 1:00pm SSEC 309
Dr. Howard
II. Agenda Items
 Psychology 37, 64 and 65 pre-requisite for 37
 None of our history courses qualify for CSU/UC transfer. Dr. Howard has created a
spreadsheet to assess need.
o SLO assessment
o SLO review course outline
 CTE- Dean Hodge has implemented a new policy in which CTE existing and new
programs must complete a report summarizing goal, outcomes, resource requests etc. A
copy of this form will be disseminated to the department for interested disciplines. If you
have a certificate that is tied to workforce development and placement, you can complete
the report to request Perkins funds for the next school year.
 Semester Plans- View by discipline, and verify the plan is correct. Once plans are printed,
in their final version, they will be sent to counseling with a course list.
Winter and Spring Gallies
Winter gallies have been completed. Spring gallies will be sent out shortly. Please email any
schedule changes/preferences for spring, to Dr. Howard and CC Ms.
Program ReviewProgram Reviews are due to Dr. Howard 10/10/14.
Work Environment Planning
Please report extreme classroom conditions to Dr. Howard. If necessary, dismiss students to go
speak with Dr. Bradford, Trimble, etc. A student had to go to the hospital, to seek treatment for
heat exhaustion. Students need to stand-up for themselves. Dr. Wright, Dr. Lee and Dr. Howard
are getting students together, to organize and be vocal. In the SSEC, at least four of the
classrooms have technology that is inoperative. Dr. Lee will put together a list of issues for V.P.
Trimble’s areas: facilities, technology and security. Dr. wright is going to have a social media
Event Planning
 AJ is planning a workshop on police shootings
 Dr. Wright is facilitating an ongoing Media Literacy Project. The first meeting will be
Department Clubs
Clubs that are under the BSS Department are Anthropology, Black Student Union, Hip Hop
Congress, and SAADA. We need information from all club advisors, to update the department
website. Ms. Johnson will contact the ASO President to obtain information regarding fundraising,
advisor responsibilities and club social media pages.
 Anthropology Club will have their first meeting 9/29/14
 Hip-Hip Congress will have their 1st meeting 10/1/14
 BSU will have their first meeting 10/7/14
 SAADA will have their regular meeting
C.I. Tracking
This will be a good tool for the department to utilize. This will show the need for our computer lab.
Discipline Meetings
 ASL-Only Prof. Corneal was present
 Administration of Justice- Prof. Saafir discussed SLO assessments, curriculum and also
upcoming AJ workshops.
 Anthropology- Dr. Cunin, Prof. Lapeyre-Montrose and Prof. Walker made changes to the
anthropology semester plans. The group decided they would communicate, via email,
with other discipline instructors regarding the program review.
 Education-Not in attendance
 History-Prof. Powell, Prof. Soto and Prof. Gardette decided that, several course outlines
of record (CORS) in History need to be looked at. They went over the CORS in History 1,
2, 11, 12, 13, 5, 6, 41, 42, 43, 52. It was for the most part agreed that the COR's for the
courses offered currently at Southwest are acceptable and updated. Prof. Powell brought
up the possibility of enhancing the current program by putting in for the implementation of
a course on the History of China. It was also brought up by Prof. Soto as to whether we
should consider reviving the World History sections 86 & 87 as well. These issues are
inconclusive at this time. It was agreed that that several courses need prioritization to
have the addendum's updated immediately so as to remain in compliance for
accreditation. We are currently working on several course addendum's at this time for
History 1, 5, 6, 12, & 43 which require high prioritization. We should have these
addendum's completed by the end of October 2014 and placed on ECD.
 Political Science-Prof. Cranon-Charles, Dr. Howard, Prof. Scott-Stafford, Dr. ThomasWhitman and Dr. Umoja decided how each course would be assessed, for SLO
assessments. Developed new SLO’s for two courses and reviewed and reaffirmed the
SLO for the rest.
 Psychology-Dr. Apenahier and Dr. Lee made changes to the psychology semester plans.
Also, they obtained all necessary signatures, for the new curriculum, pertaining to
psychology 37. In addition, they’ve already completed the psychology program review.
 Sociology- Prof. Wright and Prof. Jones agreed to both assess SOC 1 and. Prof. Wright
also agreed to assess SOC 11. And Prof. Jones will assess SOC 12. No one was present
that taught other SOC classes listed for SLO assessment (SOC 19 or 20). Also, Prof.
Wright will complete COR updates for SOC 23 and SOC 45. Prof. Wright so I will reply to
Dr. Howard's email to see if adjunct faculty that teaches SOC 7 and SOC 20 can do
those COR updates. If not, Prof. Wright will do them at some point. The group also
discussed having one SOC SOCIAL each semester. Prof. Wright sent an email out to
SOC faculty, but only 3 so far have replied so no date has been set. The topic will be
Sociology: Career Pathways and Prof. Truitt agreed to facilitate.
III. Questions/Comments
VI. Adjournment
Dr. Howard 3:00pm