Below you find a list of the required data to make the following documents: cover front page invitation announcement Cover and first page must be requested at least 10 working days before submission of the proof version! (will be sent by the student secretariat to other universities and institutes) ! Please keep in mind ! only forms which are fully filled out, will be taken into consideration. It is not possible to make the cover, if this form is not completely filled out. When details required in this form are unknown, you should first of all consult the ‘My Doctoral File’ ( In the second place, if information is still lacking, you could contact the administrative director (or contact person) of your faculty or your promoter. Faculty of Architecture and Art: Els Hannes Faculty of Business Economics: Laurien Stuvers (research group EEC: Sarah Elshout) Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences: Veronique Pousset Faculty of Engineering Technology: Machteld Schots Faculty of Law: Ingrid Vrancken / An Vrancken Faculty of Sciences: Isabel Thys School for Transportation Sciences: Kristel Hertogs 1. Choose the language of the cover. (This is the same language as your thesis.) 2. Personal information: Name: First name: M / F: 3. Information PhD study: Title dissertation: Promoter (+ correct titles, e.g. Dr, Ir, Prof.,…): Co-promoter(s) (+ correct titles, e.g. Dr, Ir, Prof.,…): 4. Double degree or Joint degree? [The UHasselt logo (and if applicable the UMaastricht logo) together with the logo of the partner university will be shown on double and joint PhDs] ☐ No ☐ Yes If YES: Name partner university: Promoter (+ correct titles, e.g. Dr, Ir, Prof.,…) partner university: Co-promoter(s) (+ correct titles, e.g. Dr, Ir, Prof.,…) partner university: 1 5. Indicate your discipline (max. 1): [Only the UHasselt logo will be shown on the PhD cover of PhDs in the following disciplines] Discipline: Faculty of Architecture and Art ☐ Architecture ☐ Audiovisual and Visual Art Faculty of Business Economics ☐ Applied Economic Science Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences ☐ Medical Science ☐ Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy Faculty of Engineering Technology ☐ Engineering Technology Faculty of Sciences ☐ Science ☐ Science: Biology ☐ Science: Chemistry ☐ Science: Mathematics ☐ Science: Physics School for Transportation Sciences ☐ Transportation Sciences [The UHasselt and UMaastricht logo = (tUL)* will be shown on the PhD cover of the PhDs in the following disciplines] Discipline: Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences ☐ Biomedical Science Faculty of Law ☐ Law Faculty of Sciences ☐ Science ☐ Science: Information Technology ☐ Science: Mathematics ☐ Science: Statistics *(- De transnationale Universiteit Limburg is een uniek samenwerkingsverband van twee universiteiten uit twee landen: Universiteit Hasselt en Maastricht University. - De opleidingen informatica/kennistechnologie, statistiek en biomedische wetenschappen/moleculaire levenswetenschappen zijn reeds ondergebracht in dit samenwerkingsverband. De voltijdse opleiding in de rechten is een gezamenlijk initiatief van Universiteit Hasselt, Maastricht University en KU Leuven. Ook in andere wetenschapsdomeinen wordt gezocht naar samenwerking met andere universiteiten.)1 6. Should one of the following logos be added? ☐ No ☐ Yes: UHasselt research institute: ☐ BIOMED ☐ CMK ☐ CENSTAT ☐ EDM ☐ IMO ☐ IMOB ☐ KIZOK 1 This text is shown on each document. 2 7. Logo of other institution(s) involved? ☐ No ☐ Yes: Other institution(s) involved: (Please annex the logo to this form.) ☐ funding company: viz. ☐ strategic research center (VITO, IMEC, VIB, iMinds): viz. ☐ hospital: viz. ☐ public fund: viz. ☐ other: viz. NO OTHER LOGO WILL BE INCORPORATED IN THE DISSERTATION (unless in the case of double degree/joint degree doctorates) The front page is an exact copy of the cover. Institutes and sponsors will be mentioned in the foreword and/or the concluding word. If desired, the logo of the UHasselt research institution will be shown on the front page at the bottom on the left, or at the back of the cover. On the second page (this is the page after the front page) logos of other external institutes can be shown, such as the logo of a funding company, a strategic research center, a hospital or a public fund. 8. Additional information for: Dissertation Depot number (already applied for via Number of pages (+/-): (this information is needed to determine the thickness of the cover) Public defence - Day and date:* Public defence - Room and time:* *Fill out the planned date (only if the date of the public defence is not known yet): pages Room: ; o’clock Planned date: Invitation Followed by a reception: - - If yes, should attendants notify their presence at the reception: If yes, via tel, mobile, and/or e-mail. ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No and/or Tel: Mobile: and/or E-mail: Total amount of printed copies of the invitation: - Invitation: - Language: Announcement Total amount of printed copies of the announcement: Total: ☐ Digitally ☐ Printed on paper ☐ Both ☐ Dutch ☐ English ☐ Bilingual Total: Click here for more info. 3 9. Invoice details (please contact your promoter): Kredietcel (financial cell of your faculty): Kostenplaats (correct financial UHasselt account from which printing cost will be paid: More info: Please send this application form to, with subject “Application form COVER dissertation”. Kind regards, Layout-dienst room: R4.03 (Rectoraat Hasselt) 4