Fanying Sun L09 THE KEY OF HANDALING SEWAGE TREATMENT Fanying Sun ( the blowout preventer valves, but these attempts didn’t work. Then, researchers tried to put a 125-ton containment dome over the leak and pump the spill oil to a container on the surface. However, these efforts were also unsuccessful. Thus, setting a small complete sewage system is not the ends, engineers should have continuous responsibility to enhance the wastewater treatment and serve the society. Introduction Engineers are those people who have the duty to improve the quality of people’s lives and bring more convenience to society. Nowadays, engineers have had a huge success in society. In order to treat the water pollution, engineers have designed a complete sewage treatment. However, as civilization develops, a complete wastewater treatment is not enough. Engineers have to face more difficult challenges than before. As water pollution becomes one of the most serious problems in society, engineers should have a continuous responsibility and an environmental awareness to think in establishing a perfect sewage system to improve the quality and quantity of water. Engineers who only have competencies and ignore the importance of ethics will not achieve success. Nowadays, most water is used in agricultural irrigation. In order to save water during irrigation, engineers now use drip irrigation instead of surface irrigation. Simple irrigation systems were used in the early 19th century. Water is released drop by drop through tiny holes and delivered to roots of plants. However, tiny holes are easily clogged by small particles. After World War ll, drip irrigation improved by using plastic emitters which released water through larger holes. Due to the improvement of the drip irrigation system, water is now irrigated efficiently now. Evaporation and runoff of water are also reduced. Sewage Treatment The treatment of industrial wastewater is complicated. Most industries use sedimentation techniques to remove the solids, then Skimming devices are later used to remove the oil and grease in the water. Some biodegradable organics in wastewater can also be cleaned efficiently by using a sludge process and a trickling filter process. Chemicals such as acids and alkalis can normally be neutralized. Toxic materials which are the most harmful pollutants are treated by landfilling or recycling. Although engineers have solved problems on how to use water efficiently, new problems appear. In order to use fertilizers more effectively, today’s irrigation normally mixes fertilizer with water, but the irrigation causes damage and pollution. As Christy Goodman said in the Washington Post, “drip-irrigation sewage system would post risk” [1] Nowadays, some irrigation systems are set near shopping malls. Most wastewater which is produced during drip irrigation is filtered through the field near the shopping malls. If engineers don’t do upkeep on drip-irrigation systems in this area, pipes will break in the drip field. As Klein says in the Washington Post, “the community is worried about poorly treated sewage coming to the surface grounds in fields where kids could be playing”[2]. A drip-irrigation sewage system does not seem as environmentally friendly as engineers used to think. Since drip irrigation will post risk to people, engineers should be environmentally conscious to find a good position where it could occur. It seems like engineers have already created a good sewage system to treat the wastewater. However, when engineers meet with industrial incidents, these wastewater treatments are useless. The BP oil spill has been reported as one of the worst disasters in the world. The well in the Gulf of Mexico exploded on April 20th and began to spill over the ocean. It is estimated that 162,000 barrels of oil leaked per day. The government tried to prevent the oil by capping the wellhead, but the spill flow rate decreased to 62,000 barrels of oil leak per day. The large flow rate still has an effect on the natural balance of the environment. The government attempted to stop the oil spill, but efforts have failed. The scientific researchers first attempted to use underwater robots to close The Importance of Ethics University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering Oct.28th 2010 1 Fanying Sun The study of Engineering Ethics is valuable and important. Although many freshmen go to the Engineering school, they actually don’t know why they want to be engineers. May be, engineering is just their random pick or their parents’ expectation. By studying ethics in the engineering, students will understand how engineers impact the whole society. After reading many articles and codes, I began to understand the responsibility in bringing safety and protection of the environment to the public. Also, I began to recognize the existence of risk and harm to humans. As William M. Sullivan said, “Engineering education cannot fully prepare students to handle successfully the most difficult situations in which their work seems to entail risks to the public, but helping students to understand and deeply internalize the core values of safety and environmental protection can sensitize them to these issues and flag for them the kinds of situation in which action of some kind may be necessary.”[6]Therefore, I think the study of ethics is essential and valuable. It is important for engineers to have a good understanding of the NSPE Code of Ethics. By reading through the canons, engineers can know what they should or should not do in their professional field. In order to serve the whole society, engineers should not only have professional competencies but also possess engineering ethics. It is said in the NSPE Code of Ethics “Engineering has a direct and vital impact on the quality of life for all people. Accordingly, the services provided by engineers require honesty, impartiality, fairness, and equity, and must be dedicated to the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Engineers must perform under a standard of professional behavior that requires adherence to the highest principles of ethical conduct.”[3] Thus, ethics and profession are inseparable. According to the NSPE Code of Ethics, “Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.”[4] As water pollution becomes one of the most serious problems in society, engineers are trying their best to establish a perfect system to control water pollution. Nowadays, sewage systems are widely used in industries, agriculture and domestics. The reason why engineers are so considered with the improvement of water treatment is because they have the duty of bringing safety, health and welfare to the civilization. It is the ethics that force engineers to find the goal and the duty of serving the public. However, when facing huge disasters, like the BP Oil Spill, engineers are obliged to have continuous duty of preventing water pollution. If engineers didn’t have a full recognition of ethic codes, they would not know that sewage systems are still not good enough to handle big contaminative accidents and would not try their best to reduce the damage to the ecosystems. Thus, ethics is crucial to the profession of engineering. Conclusion Ethics and profession are inseparable. As the continuous development of the civilization, engineers will face more challenges in the future. Engineers should consider the Ethics, holding the safety and health of the public first and foremost. Also, while improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment, engineers are ought to recognize the potential risks to humans. Reference [1]Washington Post Staff Writer (2008) the Washington Post “Development Draws Fire in Calvert” [online] 28Development+Draws+Fire+In+Calvert%3B+Sewage+Treatment+Would +Pose+Risks%2C+Group+Says%29+and+date+is+August+24%2C+2008[2 ]The Washington Post (2008) “Development Draws Fire in Calvert” [online] 28Development+Draws+Fire+In+Calvert%3B+Sewage+Treatment+Would +Pose+Risks%2C+Group+Says%29+and+date+is+August+24%2C+2008[3 ]National Society of Professional Engineers “Code of Ethics for Engineers”[4] National Society of Professional Engineers “Code of Ethics for Engineers”[5]National Society of Professional Engineers “Code of Ethics for Engineers” [6] Journal of Engineering Education “Ethics Teaching in Undergraduate Engineering Education” As water now is considered a limited resource, engineers should know the importance of environmental sustainability. It is said that “Engineers shall at all times strive to serve the public interest. Engineers are encouraged to adhere to the principles of sustainable development in order to protect the environment for future generations.”[5]While engineers are working on the treatment to the water, they should be aware of some potential risks. It is reported that some irrigation systems may post risks on environment. If engineers didn’t think this ethic code as a part of their work, sewage treatment would aggravate water pollution. Acknowledgement I would like to thank the writing instructor, Jame Spears, who gave me good advice. I would also like to thank my The Value of Ethics 2 Fanying Sun chemistry instructor, Len Kogut, who helped me collect related information. 3