Moose Lake-Windemere Area Sanitary Sewer District Approved Regional Meeting Minutes January 27, 2015 @MLWSSD Office A special regional meeting of the MLWSSD was called to order on January 27, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Byron Kuster. Those in attendance included: Byron Kuster, Henry Gretsfeld, Joan Strandlie, Cliff Koski, and Eric Nielsen. Also in attendance were Superintendent Keith Newman; Executive Director Darla Hall; Mayor Ross Rose, City of Sturgeon Lake; Scott Helfman, City of Sturgeon Lake, and Kelly Yahnke, Bolton & Menk. An email had been sent out to the Cities of Sturgeon Lake, Kettle River, Moose Lake and Barnum inviting those folks to the meeting. Director Hall noted that she had not received a response as to whether any would be attending the meeting. Kuster called the meeting to order and indicated the purpose of the meeting was to review the Moose Lake-Windemere Sanitary Sewer District Regionalization proposal as submitted by Bolton & Menk and submitting to the State to request funding. Kuster pointed out that at this point we are encompassing the entire area and will scale back if necessary in the future. It was noted that they may look at some of the smaller lakes in the future as indicated on the map but will depend on what parts of the project are done. Kelly Yahnke, Bolton & Menk reviewed the proposal and indicated that as they are doing the project, Bolton & Menk will be talking with the MPCA and will be checking with other communities on their phosphorus and nitrates levels, etc. The report will encompass historical data on lakes. Kelly pointed out that Bolton &Menk will use interns for going door to door to collect information regarding onsite systems. Yahnke went on to say that before beginning the project a kick off meeting would be held with the Lake and Land Owners committee’s so they are aware of what is taking place and can help spread the word of the study being done. Kelly noted that once the study is complete an EAW (Environmental Assessment Worksheet) would be completed as part of this and submitted to the MPCA so that in the future if we do move forward with sewering the areas it will be ready. He noted we can always go back and amend the report in the future. Yahnke also noted the report would include the advantages and disadvantages in sewering the areas. It was questioned how a regional district would be created if and when we would get to that point. Yahnke noted that typically Cities do a joint powers agreement asking for authority to change the District legislatively. The discharge location was discussed and Yahnke indicated there may be more than one discharge location. Helfman noted not to forget about the option of land application as a possible discharge process. Kelly indicated what he hopes to see is Island Lake being hooked up in the next three to five years. The entire project cost for doing the twenty year comprehensive plan/facility plan is $271,476.28, with $86,586.28 already being completed and paid for by the District. Kelly indicated the information gathered already would be utilized in the report so the remaining cost of the project would be $184,890. MLWSSD Regional Meeting Minutes January 27, 2015 Page 1 A motion was made by Gretsfeld second by Strandlie to have Bolton & Menk prepared a cover letter and submit the proposal of $184,890 to the legislature for possible funding. Motion carried 5/0. It was agreed that the letters should be submitted to Representatives – Mike Sundin, Jason Rarick and Tony Lourey. The group discussed having a letter sent to the City of Moose Lake indicating we are seeking funding from the State for the 20 year comp plan/facility plan and that if the funding is obtained we are looking for cooperation from the communities in the region by providing any available data for the report to Bolton & Menk. After much discussion, it was decided to wait and see if the funding is obtained first. There being no further business to discuss a motion was made by Koski second by Gretsfeld to adjourn the regional meeting. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m. Minutes by Darla Hall, Executive Director MLWSSD Regional Meeting Minutes January 27, 2015 Page 2