WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY PROPOSAL FOR GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM COURSES Department ____Chemistry____________________________________ __CHEM 107___________ Course No. Date __November 14, 2011_____________ __Chemistry in Our World_with lab___________________ Course Name ______4______ Credits Prerequisites____none__________________________________________________ GEP Goal Area(s):* CORE GOAL AREAS _____Goal 1: Communication _____Goal 3: Natural Science _____Goal 4: Mathematics/Logical Reasoning _____Goal 5: History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences _____Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts THEME GOAL AREAS _____Goal 7: Human Diversity _____Goal 8: Global Perspective _____Goal 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility __x__Goal 10: People and the Environment * Courses may be submitted for up to two Goal Areas. Additional Requirement Categories: _____Intensive: _____ 1. Writing _____ 2. Oral Communication _____ 3. a. Mathematics/Statistics _____ b. Critical Analysis _____ Physical Development and Wellness Provide information as specified in the previous directions. Attach a General Education Program Approval Form. Department Contact Person for this Proposal: _Jeanne Franz______________________________ ___x5297_________ ___jfranz@winona.edu_____________ Name (please print) Phone e-mail address [Revised 9-6-11] WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM APPROVAL FORM Routing form for General Education Program Course approval. Course__CHEM 107_____ Department Approval _________________________________ Department Chair ________________ Date Dean’s Recommendation _____ Yes _____ No* _________________________________ Dean of College ________________ Date ____________________________________________ e-mail address *If the dean does not approve the proposal, a written rationale shall be provided to the General Education Program Subcommittee. GEPS Recommendation _____ Approved _________________________________ General Education Program Director A2C2 Recommendation _____ Disapproved ________________ Date _____ Approved _________________________________ Chair of A2C2 Faculty Senate Recommendation _____ Disapproved ________________ Date _____ Approved _________________________________ President of Faculty Senate _____ Disapproved ________________ Date Academic Vice President Recommendation _____ Approved _________________________________ Academic Vice President Decision of President _____ Approved _________________________________ President _____ Disapproved ________________ Date _____ Disapproved ________________ Date Please forward to Registrar. Registrar _________________ Date entered Please notify department chair via e-mail that curricular change has been recorded. [Revised 7-13-11] Application for CHEMISTRY 107 Chemistry in Our World (with lab) to satisfy Goal Area 10: People and the Environment Note: Course already approved to satisfy Goal Area 3: Natural Sciences Course Outline: I. Chemical View of Matter A. Electron, atomic structure, periodic table B. Chemical bonding, intermolecular forces C. Gases, liquids, solids, changes of state II. Energy A. Electromagnetic radiation B. Global warming C. Nuclear energy D. Evaluation of EROEI for various fuels III. Chemical Reactivity A. Balanced reactions B. Moles C. Reaction speed D. Reaction destination IV. Acids and Bases A. pH scale B. Acid rain V. Oxidation and reduction A. Reactions B. Batteries C. Fuel cells VI. Nature of Science A. Science uses data to make decisions B. Science is not biased C. Science is collaborative Learning Objective a) Explain the basic structure and function of various natural ecosystems Learning Opportunity Assessment & Evaluation and of human adaptive strategies within those systems. b) Discern patterns and interrelationships of bio-physical and socio-cultural systems. c) Describe the basic institutional arrangements (social, legal, political, economic, religious) that are evolving to deal with environmental and natural resource challenges. d) Evaluate critically environmental and natural resource issues in light of understandings about interrelationships, ecosystems, and institutions. e) Propose and assess alternative solutions to environmental problems. f) Articulate and defend the actions they would take on various environmental issues. Students will read about and discuss various environmental laws and treaties enacted or proposed to deal with environmental issues including the Clean Air Act, the Kyoto and Montreal Protocols, and the Clean Water Act. Discussion will include information about why some laws have been very successful and others have had limited or no success Students will be tested on their knowledge of various important pieces of environmental regulation and asked to explain reasons for success and/ or failure Current environmental issues without a resolution will be discussed. Students will be asked to research the facts in the case and use life cycle analysis of evaluate the interrelationship between all the stakeholders, benefits, and costs in the system and make a determination of the best course of action based on the evidence. If this course was taught in Fall 2011, a relevant issue might be whether Winona County should allow sand mining. Opportunity addresses both d and f. Students will produce a well referenced paper in which all facts relevant to making a decision are laid out, a lifecycle analysis of the interrelationships between the facts is spelled out, and a final, well-reasoned conclusion is given. Many environmental problems and some of their solutions will be discussed in class. Where viable solutions have already been proposed, students will assess the solutions for their impact on all stakeholders. Where viable solutions have yet to be determined, students will propose solutions and evaluate them on their viability. Examples of this might be alternatives to oil for powering cars or ways to make intermittent renewable sources replace base load fossil fuel derived electricity Discussion questions will help students explore the chemical basis of, for example, electric vehicles or corn derived ethanol and then based on chemical principles and societal acceptance propose solutions Current environmental cases, perhaps the same one as examined in part d, will be examined critically for their impact on the environment. After a good understanding of the relevant issues, students will make a determination as to the best course of action Students will produce a well referenced paper in which all facts relevant to making a decision are laid out, a lifecycle analysis of the interrelationships between the facts is spelled out, and a final, well-reasoned conclusion is given. Chemistry 107 Chemistry in Our World with Lab Winona State University Spring 201* 4 credits Instructor: Dr. Jeanne Franz Office: Pasteur 344 Phone: (457)-5297 Lecture: MWF 11-11:50 Lab: 9-10:50 Wednesday Office hours: M 8-11, T 11-12, W 12-2, and F 12-2 or by appointment * I can also be reached via email or voice mail if I am not in my office. Required texts: The Joy of Chemistry 2010 by Cobb and Fetterolf and The Discovery of Global Warming Revised and Expanded edition 2008 by Spencer Weart, in addition, students will need access to the OWL online homework system Course Web Page can be found on D2L General Information: Chemistry 107 is a University Studies course intended for students with little or no Chemistry background. It meets the Natural Science requirement of the Arts and Sciences Core of the University Studies and General Education program. It also satisfies Goal Area 10, People and the Environment, for the General Education Program. This course is intended both for University Studies/ General Education students and as a first course for students who have not had high school chemistry and wish to prepare to take other chemistry classes. After completing this course, it is hoped students will be able to critically evaluate chemical information they encounter in the popular media. Exams: There will be 2 in class hour exams plus a final exam. Exam dates will be Friday February 11 and Friday March 25. The final exam is scheduled for Thursday May 5 from 8-10AM. Makeup exams and quizzes will not be allowed, a valid written excuse for any absence must be given for a missed exam to be excused. For an excused absence, the other exams will be weighted in place of the missed exam. Examples of excused absences are serious illness documented by a physician or serious illness or death in the family. Concepts presented in class or discussed in the assigned chapters will be the basis for exam material. Nature of Science: One of the goals for this course is for you to gain an appreciation for the nature of science. To help you achieve this goal you will be reading Spencer Weart’s book “The Discovery of Global Warming”. In addition, we will be doing several in-class activities throughout the semester to help you understand how science is done. Laboratory Safety: Approved safety goggles are required at all times in the laboratory and will be available for purchase during the first week of classes. Students who wear contact lenses are strongly urged not to wear them during labs. Laboratory: Students are responsible for reading each experiment before entering the lab. Pre-lab assignments are due at the beginning of the lab, late pre-labs will not be accepted. Lab reports are due at the next laboratory session unless otherwise announced. Laboratory attendance is required. An unexcused absence will result in a grade of zero for that lab. Three lab grades of zero will result in a grade of “F” for the course regardless of exam scores. If an unavoidable conflict comes up which causes you to miss a lab, arrangements may be made to make up that lab in another section. You must make these arrangements with your instructor and your group prior to your scheduled lab. Lab will constitute 25% of your total grade for this course. Lab Schedule: Lab Day January 12 January 19 January 26 February 2 February 9 February 16 February 23 March 2 March 16 March 23 March 30 April 6 April 13 Experiment No lab Check-in, Safety, and the Scientific Method Density Challenge Gluep Production Lab Popcorn Lab No lab, All University Assessment Day The Case of the Basement Lab week 1 The Case of the Basement Lab week 2 Hold the Heat: Global Warming and Calorimetry Acid/ Base Natural Indicator Water and Soil pH week 1 Water and Soil pH week 2 Check out Homework: Mastery of Chemistry best comes from working problems. This course will use an online homework system called OWL. It is extremely likely that exam material will be drawn from problems and questions similar to those found in the online homework. Another goal of this course is for you to gain an appreciation for Chemistry that is presented in the popular media. One way this will be accomplished is by finding articles related to Chemistry in the popular media. We will have discussions about this to help deepen your understanding of issues of current importance. One of the articles will be the subject basis for your final group project. Class attendance: While class attendance is the student’s responsibility, it is strongly urged that students attend every class. Students are responsible for any announcement made in class. Several times in class we will be doing in-class assignments. These assignments cannot be made up without a valid written excuse. Excused absences were detailed above. In order to best understand material presented in class, it is recommended that students read the appropriate text before coming to class. I will be facilitating the formation of study groups for interested students. Grading: Homework Nature of Science readings and activities Final Project Laboratory Exam 1 Exam 2 Final Exam Thursday May 5 8-10AM Total Grades are non-competitive and will be assigned as follows: 10% 10% 10% 25% 15% 15% 15% 100% 88% + A 78% + B 68% + C 55% + D Lecture Schedule Topics Textbook Chapters Online Homework Due date Chemical View of Matter Introduction, Chapter 14 January 19 Electrons, Atomic Structure, Chapters 1 and 2 Refer to D2L and OWL page Periodic Table Chemical bonding, states of Chapters 6,8,10, and 11 Refer to D2L and OWL page matter, bonding, intermolecular forces, gases, liquids, and solutions, changes of state Energy, Electromagnetic Chapter 13 and 18 Refer to D2L and OWL page radiation, global warming Chemical reactivity, balanced Chapters 7, 15, and 17 Refer to D2L and OWL page equations, moles, reaction speed and destination Acid and Base reactions Chapter 4 Refer to D2L and OWL page Oxidation and Reduction, Chapter 5 Refer to D2L and OWL page Batteries, Fuel Cells In addition, as time permits we will discuss organic chemistry, the chemistry of life, and pharmaceutical chemistry * Scattered throughout the semester will be lecture periods devoted to the Nature of Science The Discovery of Global Warming Reading Due Dates Chapters 1 and 2 read by January 24 Refer to D2L for the rest of the “Discovery…” due dates Completion of this course will include requirements and learning activities that promote your abilities to achieve the following outcomes: a. Demonstrate understanding of scientific theories. b. Formulate and test hypotheses by performing laboratories and simulations. This experimental component will develop, in greater depth, your laboratory experience in the collection of data, its statistical and graphical analysis, and an appreciation of its sources of error and uncertainty. c. Communicate your experimental findings, analyses, and interpretations both orally and in writing. d. Evaluate societal issues from a natural science perspective, ask questions about the evidence presented, and make informed judgments about science-related topics and policies. e. Describe the basic institutional arrangements (social, legal, political, economic, religious) that are evolving to deal with environmental and natural resource challenges. f. Evaluate critically environmental and natural resource issues in light of understandings about interrelationships, ecosystems, and institutions. g. Propose and assess alternative solutions to environmental problems. h. Articulate and defend the actions they would take on various environmental issues. Successful completion of in class laboratories, simulations, problem based activities, and the final project will promote your abilities to achieve Outcomes a to h.