KINGSTON-BELLEVILLE FC ("K.B.F.C.") PRO SOCCER ACADEMY ATHLETE'S MEDICAL INFORMATION Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Date of birth: Day ___________ Month ___________ Year ___________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: _______________ Telephone: ( ____ ) _______________________ Provincial Health Number (optional): __________________________________________________________ Mother’s Name: _______________________Father’s Name:____________________________ Contact Telephone Numbers: Mother _____________________ Father __________________ Alternate emergency contact (if parents are not available) Name: _______________________________________ Telephone: _____________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Doctor’s Name: _______________________________ Telephone: (____) _______________ Dentist’s Name: _______________________________Telephone: (____) _______________ Date of last complete physical examination: _________________________________________ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Previous history of concussions Fainting episodes during exercise Epileptic Wears glasses Are lenses shatterproof Wears contact lenses Wears dental appliance Hearing problem Asthma Trouble breathing during exercise Heart Condition Diabetic – Type 1_____ Type 2_______ Medication Allergies Wears a medical information bracelet or necklace For what purpose? ____________________________________________________________ Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Has any health problem that would interfere with participation on a soccer team Has had an illness that lasted more than a week and required medical attention in the past year Has had injuries requiring medical attention in the past year Has been admitted to hospital in the last year Surgery in the last year Presently injured. Injured body part: ________________ Vaccinations up to date Hepatitis B vaccination Give details if you answered “Yes” to any of the above. Use separate sheet if necessary ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Medications: _________________________________________________________________ Allergies: ____________________________________________________________________ Medical conditions: ____________________________________________________________ Recent injuries: _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Any information not covered above: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________Signature: ___________________________________________