Mythology Pathfinder

Of Gods and Men: The A to Z of Mythology and Legend - A terrific little
dictionary of mythological figures. Near the bottom of the page you will find
an A-Z index.
Godchecker: Your Guide to the Gods - "Mythology with a twist."
The Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology - From MythWeb where you can
also read stories of the gods and heroes.
Greek Mythology Link - From Carlos Parada, author of the Genealogical
Guide to Greek Mythology. Fairly comprehensive, with divine, mortal, and
semi-divine characters, genealogy, maps, a bibliography and great list of
Windows to the Universe - Classical Mythology - This astronomy site
includes mythology because of the many cultures that associate objects in
the sky with their gods and goddesses. Good information.
Classical Myth: the ancient sources - Find images and ancient texts at this
Mythology Web: Folklore, myths and legends.
Greek Mythology - Fairly comprehensive, with the players, the places and
their stories.
Greek Mythology - A who's who, stories, and a map of the area. A student
Greek Mythology Link - Based on the book Genealogical Guide to Greek
Mythology. A comprehensive guide to the myths of Greece, their
genealogy and ancient and modern sources. Not terribly user-friendly.
Bulfinch's Mythology: the age of fable or stories of gods and heroes Online version of the classic text.
Mythology Project - In conjunction with a college level class on classical
mythology. Some incomplete entries.
From Myth to Eternity - Too many frames and stuff moving all around -but when you finally get to the content,
it's pretty good.
The Pantheon - Overview of Greek mythology: the gods, titans, ages of
man, and creation.
The Mythology of the Constellations
The Ancient Gods - Brief entries on the major players.
Look for more using Argos, a search engine that searches ancient- and
medieval-related sites.
Perseus Project - A scholarly, digital library of sources for studying the
ancient world.
Theoi Project - "A guide to the Ancient Greek Pantheon of Gods (Theoi),
Spirits (Daimones) and Monsters (Theres)." Includes source references
and many illustrations.
Encyclopedia of the Celts - Includes legends and mythology.
Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts - Collected from a number of
Germanic Myths, Legends and Sagas - A companion site to the one
Germanic Myths - College student project.
Greek vs. Norse Mythology - A comparison.
Norse Mythology - "Basic information" and links to more.
Enter the Mist: Comparative Mythology - Norse, Celtic, Roman, Greek,
Baltic, Slavic, Persian, Hittite, Hindu.
Myths and Legends - Links to Web sources for world mythologies.
Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable - Online version of an older
edition of a standard reference work.
Genesis Project - Creation myths.
Ancient World Web: Mythology and Religion - Broad listing of Web sites.
Egyptian Gods Description - Brief entries.
Brief Biographies of Egyptian Gods
Myths and Legends of Ancient Korea