Regulations on OSKE the Therapeutic stomatology Annex to the Regulation on Ranking At the Department of Therapeutic Dental students 5 courses in the final semester kontse10 rent control method OSCE. Method OSCE held at 8 stations, including 2-station station and theoretical: The station number 2 "X - ray diagnosis", Station number 5 "Recipes" 2 stations and analytical: The station number 6 "Case Studies", Station number 8 "Slides" 4 Station practical: Station number 1 "Supervision of patients' The station number 7 "Modern Medical Technology" Station number 3 "Manual skills on how to diagnosis " Station number 4 "Manual skills on the methods of treatment " 2 stations shadow: The station number 5 "Recipes", Station number 6 "Case Studies" Each station is evaluated according to the criteria set out in the "Regulations on the rating '100 Ball noy e systems, developed by the department. During the final control method OSCE in the room should be quiet, order, and discipline. On the final control method OSCE allowed students receive not less than 55% of the maximum score. Time at each station is given by s 3 minutes. Switching to another station with a beep. Station number 1, "Curation of patients' Purpose: The student spends lens Visual examination the patient, to methods of examination to differential diagnosis, make a preliminary and a final diagnosis, to know the treatment plan. The station number 2 "X - ray diagnostics" Purpose: A student must determine the x-ray image jaw, dental formula to determine the status of the alveolar bone, and a compact disc. Station number 3 "Manual skills on how to diagnosis " Purpose: The student must spend on phantoms basic and advanced methods of research of diseases of the oral mucosa through the steps to perform practical skills. Station number 4 "manual skills on how to treat" Objective: The student should spend on phantoms treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa through the steps to perform practical skills. The station number 5 "Recipes" Goal : The student must write the correct prescription and assign the patient. The station number 6 "Case Studies" Purpose: The student must solve situational problems correctly. The station number 7, "Modern Medical Technology" Objective: The student should be able to choose the advanced technologies and materials tools to know their use. The station number 8 "Slides" Purpose: A student at the slides on the basis of objective data and morphological Sanchez to their element s, to determine at which the disease can occur that element and a preliminary diagnosis. At each station there are options of 25 questions and developed answers to these questions. Practical skills are conducted on models and phantoms. Warden Training Group extends option of questions and it is this version of the questions are answered the students in this group stations OSCE. Beep indicates the start of the final control is declared the students and the students take their seats at the end of time the alarm sounds again, after which students are transplanted. The student card is encrypted OSCE and blank paper with a stamp. At each station after answering the teacher evaluates the student's answer, put the estimate at stake OSCE puts his signature. Students must answer all questions 8 stations (Station number 5 "Recipes", Station number 6 "Case Studies" shadow, the answer is written). Evaluation is carried out on 100 Ball systems is All 8 station equilibrium, if a student at one station receives a failing grade, it is believed that the student fails OSCE, that is, he received a failing grade on the OSCE, according to the order the student is allowed to go around the final control on the OSCE. Criteria for assessing the knowledge and skills of final control method OSCE students 5 course and at the Department of cal and therapeutic dental the Hospital dental therapeutics (Oral mucosa pathology)” therapeutically Sanchez to th Dentistry Number The% Evaluation The degree of knowledge of the student 1 96-100% Excellent "5" 2 91-95% Excellent "5" 3 86-90% Excellent "5" 4 81-85% Good "4" 5 76-80% Good "4" 6 71-75% Well "4" The answer to the questions correct and complete. Answer above curriculum requirements, knows and uses additional literature, with a creative approach to draw conclusions can take solutions., to think creatively, to make conclusions.Independently analyze the question, answers carefully. Situational problem is solved at a high level. task analyzes at a high level. Practical skills are executed completely and fully. Full response. The answer above curriculum requirements, knows and uses additional literature, with a creative approach. Maybe draw conclusions can decide., To think creatively, to make conclusions. Independently analyze the issue, situational problem is solved at a high level. task analyzes at a high level. practical skills fully implemented. Complete answer, but allows 1-2 errors in the response. Their answers can be applied in practice, with the matter, the concept has independently analyzed the issue.Situational problem is solved in the right direction. Practical skills are OK. Answers to the questions completely ticket admits 2-3 errors in the response. Their answers can be applied in practice, with the matter, the concept has Independently analyze the issue. Situational problem is solved correctly, active .. Who knows, can tell a concept. Practical skills are made with small flaws. Answers to this question are incomplete. The student knows the subject, but can not completely relate .. He knows the subject matter, is responsible, has a concept. Independently analyzes the question. In practice it may apply, understand, can tell, a concept.Situational problem is solved not completely. Practical skills are made with small flaws, has 2-3 errors. The student has learned a topic answers the question correctly, but not completely. Knows the subject matter, is responsible, has a concept. The answer is quite correct. Case study solved correctly, 7 66-70% Satisfactory 3 8 61-65% Satisfactory 3 9 55-60% satisfactory 3 10 50-54% unsatisfactory 2 11 46-49% unsatisfactory 2 12 41-45% unsatisfactory 2 13 36-40% unsatisfactory 2 14 31-35% unsatisfactory 2 but can not justify. Practical skills are not fully satisfied, does no more than 4 errors. The answers are not complete. Case study is not completely solved, with 3 or more errors. Practical skills are made with flaws and errors. The answers are not complete, with errors. Understand the issue, knows, you might say. Has the concept. Has no understanding of the topic. Situational problem is solved correctly. No justification. Practical skills are made with flaws and errors. The answers are not complete, with errors. Understand the issue, knows, you might say. Has the concept. Has no understanding of the topic. Case study is not resolved correctly. Practical skills are made with flaws and errors. The answer is only 1/3 are not fully and correctly. Student does not know the subject, situational problem is not solved. Practical skills are made with flaws and errors. The answer is only ¼ of not fully and correctly. Student does not know the subject, situational problem is not solved., No idea. Practical skills are made with flaws and errors. The answers are not complete, with errors. Situational problem is not solved. No idea. Practical skills are not met. Do not know the subject, confused answers. situational problem is not solved. Practical skills are not met .. Can not answer a question, do not know. Knoweth not the issue. Situational problem is not solved. Practical skills are not met MAP OSCE to monitor the outcome for the 5th year students at the Hospital dental therapeutics (Oral mucosa pathology)” Department of Dentistry, Tashkent Medical Academy Cipher student group ___________________________________ Date проведения______________________________________ Replies in points at stations Number Name of station Maxim.Point Ticket Point Responsible number 1. Curation of patients 100 Assoc. Hasanov LE 2. X-ray diagnostics 100 Ass. Dadamova AD 3. Practical skills on how to diagnose diseases of 100 Ass. Navruzova FR 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. hard tissues of the teeth, periodontal and oral mucosa Practical skills in treatments for diseases of hard tissues of the teeth, periodontal and oral mucosa Recipes Case Studies Modern medical technology Slides 100 Ass. Yusupalihodzhaeva SH 100 100 Assoc. Ibragimova M.KH. Dots.Hasanova LE 100 Assoc. Melkumyan TV 100 Ass. Shukurova WA Total score ________________ Signature studenta_________________ Head of Department of Dentistry prof. Kamilov JP EVALUATION CRITERIA I knowledge and skills at the station "skills for treatments for diseases of hard tissues of the teeth, periodontal and oral mucosa "5th year students and dental faculty for the final control methodOSCE on Hospital dental therapeutics (Oral mucosa pathology)” at the Department of therapeutic Sanchez to second and dentists Number Indicators% Evaluation The degree of knowledge of the student 1 96-100% Excellent "5" Practical skills are performed independently at a high level 2 91-95% Excellent "5" Practical skills are fully implemented. 3 86-90% Excellent "5" Practical skills are fully implemented, with only the help of a teacher. 4 81-85% Good "4" Practical skills are fully implemented, with a few flaws. 5 76-80% Good "4" Practical skills are not fully satisfied, with 2-3 errors 6 71-75% Well Practical skills are not fully satisfied, "4" with 4 and more errors. Satisfactory 7 66-70% In performing skills are errors and shortcomings. 3 8 61-65% Satisfactory In performing skills are errors and shortcomings. 3 9 55-60% satisfactory In performing skills are errors and shortcomings. 3 10 50-54% unsatisfactory In performing skills are errors and omissions .. 2 11 46-49% Unsatisfactory In performing skills are errors and shortcomings. 2 12 41-45% Unsatisfactory Practical skills are not learned, are not met. 2 13 36-40% Unsatisfactory Practical skills are not met .. 2 14 31-35% unsatisfactory 2 Practical skills are not met .. The criteria for assessment of knowledge and skills at the station "skills for diagnostic procedures for diseases of hard tissues of the teeth, periodontal and oral mucosa "5th year students and dental faculty for the final control method OSCE on Hospital dental therapeutics (Oral mucosa pathology)” at the Department of therapeutic Sanchez to second and dentists Number component% Evaluation The degree of knowledge of the student 1 96-100% Excellent "5" 2 91-95% Excellent "5" Practical skills are performed independently at a high level Practical skills are fully implemented. 3 86-90% Excellent "5" 4 81-85% Good "4" 5 76-80% Good "4" 6 71-75% Well "4" 7 66-70% Satisfactory Practical skills are fully implemented, with only the help of a teacher. Practical skills are fully implemented, with a few flaws. Practical skills are not fully satisfied, with 2-3 errors Practical skills are not fully satisfied, with 4 and more errors. In performing skills are errors and shortcomings. 3 8 61-65% satisfactory In performing skills are errors and shortcomings. 3 9 55-60% Satisfactory In performing skills are errors and shortcomings. 3 10 50-54% unsatisfactory In performing skills are errors and omissions. 2 11 46-49% unsatisfactory In performing skills are errors and shortcomings. 2 12 41-45% unsatisfactory Practical skills are not learned, is not to be implemented. 2 13 36-40% Unsatisfactory Practical skills are not met .. 2 14 31-35% unsatisfactory 2 Practical skills are not met .. The criteria for assessment of knowledge and skills at the station "Case Studies" 5 year students and dental faculty for the final control method OSCE on Hospital dental therapeutics (Oral mucosa pathology)” at the Department of therapeutic Sanchez to second and dentists Number component% Evaluation 1 96-100% Excellent "5" 2 91-95% Excellent "5" 3 86-90% Excellent "5" 4 81-85% Good "4" 5 76 - 80% Good "4" 6 71-75% Well "4" 7 66-70% Satisfactory The degree of knowledge of the student Situational problems are solved at the highest level. Analyzes problems. Situational problems are solved at the highest level, making the right conclusions. Analyzes problems Case study solves in the right direction, with a few flaws. Actively involved in solving situational problems in the right direction. Case study does not fully solve. Case study does not fully solve, no more than 3 errors. Case study is correct, can not be justified. 3 8 61-65% Satisfactory Case study is not resolved. The answer is not justified. 3 9 55-60% Satisfactory Case study echilgan solved. 3 10 50-54% Unsatisfactory 2 11 46-49% Unsatisfactory 2 12 41-45% Unsatisfactory On the third question the answer is not completely and correctly. Student does not know the subject. On the fourth question the answer is not completely and correctly. Student does not know the subject. On the fifth question situational problem answers are wrong. 2 13 36-40% Unsatisfactory On the tenth questions answers are wrong. 2 14 31-35% unsatisfactory 2 No answer to solve situational problems. The criteria for assessment of knowledge and skills at the station "Slides" 5 year students and dental faculty for the final control method OSCE on Hospital dental therapeutics (Oral mucosa pathology)” at the Department of therapeutic Sanchez to second and dentists Number The% Evaluation The degree of knowledge of the student 1 96-100% Excellent "5" 2 91-95% Excellent "5" 3 86-90% Excellent "5" 4 81-85% Good "about 4" 5 76 - 80% Good "4" 6 71-75% Well "4" 7 66-70% Satisfactory 3 8 61-65% Satisfactory 3 9 55-60% Satisfactory 3 10 50-54% unsatisfactory The answer to the question is complete and correct at the highest level, with a creative approach, above the requirements of the program Uses knowledge of primary and secondary literature independently analyzes and making the right conclusions. The answer to the question of full, high, above the requirements of the program. Uses knowledge of primary and secondary literature, independently analyzes and making the right conclusions. The answer to the question is full, allow 1-2 errors. Independently analyzes and making the right conclusions. The answer to the question is full, allow 2-3 errors. May by to practice, understand the essence, has an idea. The answer is not complete. The student knows the subject, but it can not open properly. Understands the nature, has an idea. The answer is correct but not complete. Student learned subject, do not give a complete answer. Understands the nature, has an idea quite the right answer. The answer to the question posed half. The student has learned the theme, but does not give a complete answer, some questions are answered. The answer to the question posed is not half full and with errors. According to some, the notion of topic areas and poor judgment. The answer to the question posed half do not complete with errors. In some areas, the notion of theme and misjudgment. The answer to the third question is not complete with errors. The student does not know the subject. 2 11 46-49% unsatisfactory The answer to ¼ the question is not complete, with errors The student does not know the subject. 2 12 41-45% unsatisfactory The answer to the fifth question is not complete and is invalid. 2 13 36-40% unsatisfactory The answer to the tenth question wrong. Theme does not know the answers confusing .. 2 14 31-35% Unsatisfactory No answer to the question, the subject does not know. 2 The criteria for assessment of knowledge and skills at the station "Curation patients' 5th year students and dental faculty for the final control method OSCE on Hospital dental therapeutics (Oral mucosa pathology)” at the Department of therapeutic Sanchez to second and dentists Number component% Evaluation The degree of knowledge of the student 1 96-100% Excellent "5" 2 91-95% Excellent "5" 3 86-90% Excellent "5" 4 81-85% Good "4" 5 76-80% Good "4" 6 71-75% Well "4" 7 66-70% Satisfactory The answer to the questions and correct the above program requirements, with additional literature, with a creative approach. Independently analyze, think creatively, to make the right conclusions. The answer is full, the above requirements of the program, with additional literature, with a creative approach. Independently analyze, think creatively, to make the right conclusions. The answer to the question is full, but the 1-2 errors.Own analyzes Complete response, with 2-3 errors. Answers can be applied in practice, with the matter, has an idea. The answer is not complete. Student knows the subject, but has not been fully understood. Understand the issue is the concept. Correct, but not polnyy.Student have svoil, but the answer is not completely mud. Understand the issue enough answers correctly, has an idea. The answer to half the questions posed. The student knows the subject, but does not answer the question fully, some of them knew the answer. 3 8 61-65% Satisfactory 3 9 55-60% Satisfactory 3 10 50-54% unsatisfactory 2 The answer to half the questions posed. Responsible not completely in error. Has a representation in some areas of the topic. Has the concept. A half issues. Responsible not completely in error. Has a representation in some areas of the topic. Has a fuzzy concept. The answer to the third question, part-time, with errors. Student does not know the topic. 11 46-49% Unsatisfactory The answer to Fourth question, part-time, with errors. Student theme does not know. 2 12 41-45% unsatisfactory 2 13 36-40% unsatisfactory The answer to the fifth question. Student does not know the topic. Answer is not complete and is invalid. Reply tenth question wrong. Theme knows confused. Theme is not learned .. 2 14 31-35% unsatisfactory The answer is no, absolutely not know the topic. 2 The criteria for assessment of knowledge and skills at the station "Recipes" 5 year students and dental faculty for the final control method OSCE on Hospital dental therapeutics (Oral mucosa pathology)” at the Department of therapeutic Sanchez to second and dentists Number component% Evaluation The degree of knowledge of the student 1 96-100% Excellent "5" 2 91-95% Excellent "5" 3 86-90% Excellent "5" 4 81-85% Good "4" 5 76-80% Good "4" 6 71-75% well "4" 7 66-70% satisfactory Recipe written completely and correctly. Response to the above requirements of the program, with a creative approach, additional literature knows. Independently analyzes the question with a creative approach, making conclusions. The recipe is correct and complete. Answer the above requirements of the program, with a creative approach, additional literature knows. Independently analyzes the issue, with a creative approach. Recipe written in full, with 1-2 errors. Independently analyzes the question. Complete answer, 2-3 errors. Recipe can be applied in practice, with the matter, has the concept. The answer is incomplete. With the matter, has the concept. The recipe is written correctly, but not completely. Understands the essence of the issue is the concept., Not adequately responding. A half issues. The student knows the subject, but there is an error in the recipe. 3 8 61-65% Satisfactory A half issues. The recipe is not written completely, there are errors. Has no clear idea about some of 3 9 55-60% the ways the theme .. satisfactory The recipe is written correctly by only ½, there are shortcomings and mistakes. 3 10 50-54% unsatisfactory The recipe is written correctly only on the third, there are errors. 2 11 46-49% unsatisfactory The recipe is written correctly by only ¼,the answer is incomplete, with errors. 2 12 41-45% Unsatisfactory Recipe is written correctly by only 1/5,incomplete, with errors. 2 13 36-40% unsatisfactory Recipe written correctly by only 1/10 parttime, with errors. 2 14 31-35% Unsatisfactory There is no answer, the student is not aware topic .. 2 The criteria for assessment of knowledge and skills at the station "Modern medical technology" 5th year students and dental faculty for the final control method OSCE on Hospital dental therapeutics (Oral mucosa pathology)” at the Department of therapeutic Sanchez to second and dentists Number component% Evaluation The degree of knowledge of the student 1 96-100% Excellent "5" 2 91-95% Excellent "5" 3 86-90% Excellent "5" 4 81-85% Good "4" He knows modern medical technology, can choose and use. He knows modern medical technology, can choose and use. He knows modern medical technology, can select and use part. He knows modern medical technology, but allows 1-2 shortcomings in the selection. 5 76-80% Good "4" 6 71-75% Well "4" 7 66-70% Satisfactory 3 Knows modern medical technology, but not at a high level. Knows modern medical technology at a good level. Has disadvantages in choosing modern medical technology, to show how to use can not. 8 61-65% satisfactory 3 9 55-60% Satisfactory Has disadvantages in choosing modern medical technology, to show how to use can not. The question is not open, modern medical technology know enough, can not choose. 3 10 50-54% Unsatisfactory With TERM medical technology knows enough tools can not show. 2 11 46-49% unsatisfactory 2 12 41-45% Unsatisfactory The answer to the fourth question has errorsThere is no concept of C-TERM medical technology does not know. The answer to the fifth question. C-TERM medical technology does not know 2 13 36-40% Unsatisfactory 2 14 31-35% unsatisfactory The answer to the tenth question. No concept of a medical technology TERM knows. The student is not known since TERM medical technology, he has no idea. 2 The criteria for assessment of knowledge and skills at the station "X-ray diagnostics" 5 year students and dental faculty for the final control method OSCE on Hospital dental therapeutics (Oral mucosa pathology)” at the Department of therapeutic Sanchez to second and dentists Number component% Evaluation The degree of knowledge of the student 1 96-100% Excellent "5" 2 91-95% Excellent "5" 3 86-90% Excellent "5" 4 81-85% Good "4" Complete and correct answer. Correctly pointed jaw and tooth number. Independently analyzes the question is creative, able to draw conclusions. Correctly diagnoses. The answer to the question is correct. Correctly pointed jaw and tooth number. Independently analyzes the question is creative, able to draw conclusions. Correctly diagnoses. The answer to the question with 1-2 errors. Correctly pointed jaw and tooth number.Independently analyze the question, is able to draw conclusions. Correctly diagnoses. Complete answer, but admitted mistakes 23. Correctly pointed jaw and tooth number. 5 76-80% Good "4" 6 71-75% Well "4" 7 66-70% Satisfactory 3 8 61-65% Satisfactory 3 9 55-60% satisfactory 3 10 50-54% unsatisfactory 2 11 46-49% unsatisfactory 2 12 41-45% unsatisfactory 2 13 36-40% Unsatisfactory 2 14 31-35% unsatisfactory 2 May be put into practice, with the matter. correct diagnoses. The answer is incomplete. The student knows the subject, but has not been fully understood. Understand the issue is the concept. Incorrectly specified chelyus Toughness, tooth number is correct. correctly diagnoses .. The answer is correct but incomplete. Student knows the subject, but can not fully answer. Understand the issue is the concept. The answer to half the questions. Jaw and teeth correctly points out, but is not fully responsible. Diagnosis puts wrong .. A half issues. A partial response, with errors, has a concept. Jaw and teeth correctly pointsThe diagnosis is wrong. The answer to half the questions. Jaw and teeth correctly points out, but is not fully responsible. Diagnosis puts wrong .. A half issues. A partial response, with errors, has a concept. Jaw and teeth correctly pointsThe diagnosis is wrong. The answer to the fourth question is incomplete, with errors. Student does not know the topic. Jaw and teeth incorrectly indicates The diagnosis is wrong The answer to the fifth question. Student does not know the topic part-time and a wrong answer. Reply tenth question wrong. Theme does not know the answers confusing. Themed absolutely does not know. No answer to questions. Theme does not know.