Individual Health Care Plan & Medication Policy 1304-20 1304.22 (c) Policy KI BOIS Head Start will recognize and respond to the individual health care needs of each child. Procedure 1. When a child has an identified medical condition requiring special care an Individual Health Care Plan will be developed for the child. 2. The child will be allowed to attend the KI BOIS Head Start program only when all required information is provided by the Parent and Health Care provider and has been approved by KI BOIS Head Start Administrative Staff. 3. Parents are required to provide health care instructions from the child’s Health Care Provider. The instructions may be documented on the KI BOIS Head Start Individual Health Care Plan form KHS-103 or on a form generated from the Health Care Provider. If form is generated from the HCP, attach form KHS-103 to instructions for required signatures. 4. If the Health Care Provider indicates medication be administered to the child, parents will be encouraged to arrange a schedule, for giving the medication at home rather than at the center. 5. In all cases Parent Permission and Health Care Provider’s Instructions must be signed and filed in child’s folder prior to the administration of medication in the classroom. (Parent/Guardian consent for medication signatures are at the bottom of the Medication Log KHS-104). 6. The Center Director will receive a copy of the Health Care Provider’s instructions. These instructions must include: name of medication, dosage, time interval, method of administration and duration of administration. 7. Center Director will ensure that all prescription medication is in the original container properly labeled by the pharmacist with the child’s name, frequency and amount of dosage, name of the drug, duration of administration, expiration date, storage, date filled, and name of the prescribing physician. The container must be child-proof. 8. Head Start Staff, School Nurse or Center Director will administer the medication. Persons responsible for administering medication will be trained before child attends Head Start. Training may be given by child's parent or a professional Health Care Provider depending on the severity of the situation. In all cases the information from the Health Care Provider (as stated on the Individual Health Care Plan) will be followed. 9. Medication will be kept in a locked drawer or cabinet to reduce the potential for misuse or loss. Medication that requires refrigeration will be kept in a locked box in the refrigerator at the center. 10. Used needles should be put in a closable, puncture resistant container and placed in a plastic bag with a secure tie and taken to the dumpster immediately. 11. Documentation of medication administered will be maintained by center staff trained to administer medication. a. The Medication Log KHS-104 will be used to document each time a medication is given. Documentation will include: The date, time, name of medication and signature of person administering the medication and any observed behavior changes following the administration of the medication. b. The current medication record will be kept with the child’s medication and will be monitored by both the Center Director and Health Coordinator. c. Health Care Provider’s telephone number will be posted by Center phone for emergency use. Parent Notification. If the child refuses to take the medication or if no system can be established to ensure correct regular administration of medications, the parent must be notified immediately. Unused medications must be returned in person back to the parent or be disposed of or destroyed when treatment is complete or at the end of the school year. 12. The child will not be allowed to attend the program until all required information is provided by the Parent and Health Care Provider and has been approved by KI BOIS Head Start Administrative Staff. Plans will be updated as needed. 13. The Diabetic Monitoring Form KHS-105 will be used to monitor a child's blood sugar level when needed. 14. If a child has a food allergy that is not severe, CACFP regulations will be followed. Documentation must be on file and available for individual participants who are unable, because of medical or other special dietary needs, to consume certain foods. Substitutions due to medical needs shall be supported by a statement from a recognized medical authority and should include recommended alternate foods. KI BOIS Administrative Staff must approve the food allergy documentation before the child is allowed to attend Head Start. 15. Known Medical Conditions/Respiratory Distress/Severe Allergic Reaction Rescue medications authorized by the Individual Health Care Plan, are to be kept in close proximity to the child (out of reach of children). Authorized rescue medications are to be kept in the classroom and taken as part of a portable first aid kit during field trips or activities outside the center. When indicated by the child's plan, injectable medications should be taken wherever the child goes even within the center or program (e.g., to the playground, gymnasium, etc.). 16. Centers collaborating with the public school pre-school program may follow the public school’s Health Care Plan and Medication policy. 6-2015