Award Criteria (Sept 2013)

Southend Learning Outside the Classroom
Award Criteria
The school has a commitment to providing and developing learning outside the classroom (LOtC) experiences for all pupils
The school’s approach to LOtC is outlined in the schools
policies and website.
A named person is responsible for overseeing LOtC
delivery and development.
A creative approach to curriculum interpretation is
encouraged throughout the school.
All Staff are supported to engage with LOtC.
Parental engagement is actively sought parents are kept
up to date with LOtC developments and activities.
A named person is responsible for overseeing LOtC
delivery and development.
A creative approach to curriculum interpretation is
Staff are supported to engage with LOtC.
Parents are kept up to date with LOtC developments
and activities.
The named person responsible has a clear action plan
for the development of LOtC in their school.
LOtC is highlighted in curriculum planning, delivered in a
range of different activities and experiences.
A named person is responsible for overseeing LOtC
A creative approach to curriculum interpretation is
being developed in the school.
Staff are supported to engage with LOtC.
The school plans learning effectively
The school’s improvement/development plan includes
the development and delivery of LOtC provision.
LOtC is included in curriculum planning for all year
groups, with progression and LOtC is designed with
specific learning outcomes in mind.
A range of different activities and experiences are
provided to suit all learning styles, ages and abilities.
Full use is made of all LOtC activities and experiences
through effective preparation and follow up work.
The named person responsible has a clear action
plan for the development of LOtC in their school.
LOtC is highlighted in curriculum planning.
The school makes good use of all available resources in designing and delivering LOtC
The school makes full use of its school grounds, the
surrounding area and community facilities.
The school has strong links with the local community,
including parents, families and other schools.
The school has a policy of developing links in order to
widen LOtC opportunities.
The school has a good range of resources to support
LOtC learning opportunities.
The school makes good use of its school grounds and
the surrounding area.
The school has links with the local community, including
parents, families and other organisations.
The school has some resources to support specific
areas of LOtC learning.
The school makes use of its school grounds and the
surrounding area for outdoor learning.
The school is making provision to resources the
schools LOtC opportunities.
The school effectively monitors and evaluates the impact of LOtC
The school evaluates academic progress, the
curriculum and its resources.
The school, has procedures in place to monitor less
tangible outcomes e.g. behaviour, level of engagement,
confidence etc.
The named person is starting to evaluate academic
The named person has procedures in place to monitor
and evaluate the use of LOtC in the curriculum and the
impact it has.
The named person monitors LOtC activities and its
use in school.
The school manages risk and perception of risk effectively
A robust LOtC policy is in place covering activities both
on and off site.
The school has a secure risk assessment procedure for
all types of activities.
There is a blanket parental consent in place for low-risk
off site activities as part of the normal school day.
There is an appointed Educational Visits Coordinator or
other nominated teacher to ensure effective risk
management on /out of school LOtC experiences.
He or she will ensure that the educational quality and
risk management level of every LOtC experience is
Effective use of preliminary visits is made to support
creating good risk management plans.
Staff undergo regular training and collaborate effectively
in writing risk management plans.
A clear LOtC policy is in place covering activities both on
and off site.
The school has a secure risk assessment procedure for
all types of activities.
There is a blanket parental consent in place for low-risk
off site activities as part of the normal school day.
There is an appointed Educational Visits Coordinator or
other nominated teacher to ensure clear risk
management on out of school LOtC experiences.
He or she will ensure that the educational quality and
risk management level of every LOtC experience is
Staff undergo regular training and collaborate effectively
in writing risk management plans.
A clear LOtC policy is in place covering activities both
on and off site.
The school has a secure risk assessment procedure
for all types of activities.
There is a blanket parental consent in place for lowrisk off site activities as part of the normal school day.
There is an appointed Educational Visits Coordinator
or other nominated teacher to ensure clear risk
management on out of school LOtC experiences.
The school is committed to SaLT (Southend a learning town), contributes to and uses the website as a resource
The school can demonstrate its use and contribution to
the Southend a Learning Town website and how staff
use it to plan school visits.
They can also demonstrate how teachers are sharing
resources via the site, and creating reviews for other
teachers to reflect on.
The named person can demonstrate its use and
contribution of the Southend a Learning Town website
and uses it to plan school visits.
The named person is using resources or writing reviews
on out of school experiences.
The named person can demonstrate its use and
contribution to the Southend a Learning Town
website and how staff use it to plan school visits.
A certificate to celebrate the school’s achievement
Acknowledgment of award for the school on the SaLT website.
Bronze Award will receive £500 towards educational visits.
Silver Award will receive £750 towards educational visits.
Gold will receive £1000 towards educational visits.
Schools in receipt of the Southend Gold Award will then be suitably prepared for the national Bronze LOtC mark and must apply for this award within 6 months
and use part of the monetary award to support the application (£200).