ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Special Edition Digest

ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
Special Edition Digest
SY 2015-2016
Who to Contact with Questions
Request for Paper-based test
Test Preparation Resources
Training and Certification for Test Roles
District Designated Test Coordinator
Test Administrators
Testing Window
WIDA Website User account verification
Accommodations Guidance
Page 1
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Page 9
Online ordering and Test Setup
Do You Contact WIDA-AMS or WIDA?
For Schoolwide and Individual Student
What’s New, What’s Changed, FAQs
Test Preparation Resources
Three ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 test roles
Training required
Training required
Training required
11/30/2015 – 1/29/2016 Testing Window
Action needed by September 30
IEP or 504 Plan
WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS)
Test Materials Ordering, Online Test Setup and online test administration are accessible via the
WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS) at
The WIDA AMS is hosted by Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) the new vendor that replaces
MetriTech for ACCESS 2.0
Requires Test Coordinator login information, which may have gone to your Superintendent.
No more Tiers on computer-based test – The online test for grade 1-12 is a staged adaptive test,
meaning students will progress through the test based on their performance on previous folders and
domains. Due to this adaptability, the online test will not require test administrators to determine tier
placement of students in order to administer the test. Students’ performance on the online Listening
and Reading tests will determine their placement for Speaking and Writing tiers. Therefore, students
first take the Listening test and then the Reading test. Speaking and Writing may be taken in either
order. Grade 1-3 online tests will not use online keyboarding but use a writing booklet instead.
Note: In cases where the paper test continues to be administered, administrators will need to identify
the appropriate tier for proficiency. The protocol for tier placement for paper tests will remain the same
as previous years. (See Request for paper-based test section below).
Who to Contact
Contact: Customer Service 7am to 7pm 1-855-787-9615
For questions regarding:
WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA AMS)
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online and Paper-based Materials Ordering
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online Administration Technology
WIDA AMS/ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online Technical Issues
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Data and Reporting
Contact: WIDA Client Services Center, 866-276-7735,
For questions regarding:
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Suite Training
Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 (Paper-based)
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Grades 1-12 (Paper-based)
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Grades 1-12 (Online Administration)
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 / Special Edition Digest / School Year 2015-2016
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Grades 1-12 (Paper-based)
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Test Administration Procedures (Online and Paper-based)
WIDA MODEL Paper-based Test Administration and Procedures
WIDA ACCESS Placement Test (W-APT) Screener
WIDA Standards and Can Do Descriptors
WIDA Professional Learning
WIDA Research
WIDA Website User Accounts
Request for Paper-based Test
Paper-Based Test
WIDA will provide a paper ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 form for grades 1-12 in cases where students need a
paper accommodation, as outlined in their IEPs, or for districts that do not yet have the technology
needed for online testing. In cases where the paper test is necessary, administrators should note that
grade clusters will change to the following clusters in 2015-16: Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grades 4-5,
Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12. They will be updated to have the same clusters as the online test in 201617. In addition, both Listening and Speaking will be media-delivered. For Listening, the test
administrator will play the pre-recorded passages and students will respond in a test booklet, as is the
case with the current test. For Speaking, the test administrator will play pre-recorded questions and
score students’ responses.
Past certifications on ACCESS for ELLs for grades 1-12 are no longer valid for either the paper test
(significantly changed). Administrators of paper-based test must complete new training.
Students are to take all domains in the same mode (either ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online or ACCESS for ELLs
2.0 Paper), including situations where a paper accommodation is only needed for a single domain.
Requesting schoolwide paper-pencil assessment administration
Maine schools wanting to give the upcoming Maine English Language Proficiency Assessment ACCESS for
ELLs 2.0 developed by WIDA as a paper-pencil test rather than online must submit a request to the
Department. The online assessment will replace the current paper-based version of ACCESS for ELLS for
Grades 1-12. The paper-based request applies only to schools who wish to offer the paper-pencil
version to all students.
This year will be the first time the required statewide English language proficiency assessment is
administered in an online setting. The computer delivery will better allow the replication of the kinds of
communicative situations (and the language needed to be processed or produced within them) that
might be encountered in different school contexts. In addition, it will more accurately measure English
language proficiency, give educators and parents more timely information to inform instruction, and
allow for a more efficient, cost-effective administration.
As a result, the Department is highly recommending schools give the test electronically but is making a
paper-pencil option available to those that lack the necessary technology infrastructure for a successful
schoolwide administration. Schools concerned about their technological readiness should visit to review the requirements, support and
To submit your school’s concern about readiness to offer an online assessment and request to offer a
paper-pencil version instead, please contact Nancy Mullins at The Maine
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 / Special Edition Digest / School Year 2015-2016
DOE will assume that any school that does not submit its request will be delivering the assessment
Requesting paper-pencil ACCESS assessment for individual students
The Department is highly recommending schools give the test electronically but understands there may
be individual students who are unable to access the assessment using a computer (e.g., medical reason
for avoiding screen viewing). For those cases, the Maine DOE is providing a procedure for requesting a
paper-pencil version of the assessment. Please note, this is a different process than choosing to provide
a schoolwide paper-pencil administration of the assessment.
Before requesting a paper-pencil test for an individual student, please review the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
Accessibility and Accommodations Guidelines and Descriptions and that
outline the accommodations available to support a student. If the available accommodations do not
provide an acceptable level of access for an individual student, a paper test may be requested. In some
cases, a student may have a paper-pencil accommodation for instruction/assessment on an IEP or 504
Plan, though you will not find this specifically listed as an accommodation. In other cases, there may be
students, even students without disabilities, who are unable to take the assessment via technology for
other reasons.
If approved for a paper-pencil test administration, a student will no longer have the option of taking a
computer-administered version or any computer-administered domain of the test. The student will also
not have access to the enhanced features of the computer-administered version.
To request a paper-pencil test for student(s) you know will require one, please complete Individual
Student Paper Test Request ACCESS 2.0 for each student and fax it to 207-624-6789. We will send our
approval decision back to you at the fax number you provide.
About ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
What’s New in ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
Overview of Online ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Webinar Recording.
2015-2016 Maine will Transition to computerized English language proficiency assessment.
WIDA ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 encompasses (online and paper versions) assessments for Kindergarten,
Grades 1–12, and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, an assessment for English learners with significant cognitive
disabilities. In 2015-2016 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0, the computerized English Language Proficiency
assessment, will replace the current paper-based version of ACCESS for ELLs for Grades 1-12. The paperbased assessment will continue to be available as an accommodation. Note: Kindergarten is not
included in the changes and will remain an interactive, paper-based kit for the near future. Since there
have been changes to testing procedures and scoring in some cases, many educators who are involved
in ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 test administration will be required to complete updated training.
Grade 1 will have its own test form; Grades 2-3 will form a new grade cluster
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 / Special Edition Digest / School Year 2015-2016
ACCESS 2.0 will continue to assess each of the four language domains of Listening, Speaking, Reading,
and Writing separately.
The Speaking domain will not be delivered face-to-face. Speaking prompts will be delivered by
computer and student speech samples digitally recorded and centrally scored.
The Listening prompts will be pre-recorded and delivered by computer.
The Listening and Reading domains will be automatically scored by the computer.
Writing domain for ACCESS for ELLS 2.0 online administration offers tow response modes Keyboard (KB)
or Handwritten (HW) . For both modes, students will listen to and read prompts online and will either
keyboard or handwrite their response in booklets. For Grades 1, 2-3 will be handwritten (HW) and for
Grades 4-5 will be keyboard (KB).
4-12 will view writing prompts on the computer screen. Whether they keyboard their responses or
handwrite them in Student Response Booklets will depend on their grade. WIDA and CAL are conducting
research to determine whether students in grades 4-5 and lower tier students should keyboard their
responses or respond on paper. For grades 1-3, both the prompts and responses will continue to be
The target administration times for each section of the test are:
Listening: Up to 40 minutes
Reading: Up to 35 minutes
Speaking: Up to 30 minutes
Writing Tier A: Up to 45 minutes
Writing Tiers B/C: Up to 60 minutes
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
The Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration Manual 2015–16 is now posted to the
Training Course on the WIDA website. After you log in, you see the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Training.
Click on Alternate ACCESS Grades 1–12.
Test Preparation Resources
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 page:
Preparation and training available for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 2015-2016.
All training materials will be available virtually through web-based modules and online resources. The
training course components could include e.g. a Checklist, web-based module(s), Test Administration
Manual, and a quiz (for roles that require quizzes). The checklists will link to the materials contained
and will allow people to check off what they’re completing. Once done, they’ll receive Certificates of
Completion. All training materials are available on the WIDA Test Preparation Resources page
Training and Certification for Test Roles
There are three ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 test roles (Test Coordinator, Test Administrator and Technology
Coordinator). Individuals may perform one of more of the three roles. It is recommended that Test
Coordinators and Test Administrators complete all trainings related to their role(s) and the test(s) they
will administer. Previously trained educators should take all pertinent sections of ACCESSS for ELLS 2.0
training, with the exception of those who hold Kindergarten or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs certifications,
which will remain valid for 2015-2016. Past certifications on ACCESS for ELLs for grades 1-12 are no
longer valid for either the paper test (significantly changed) or the online test (all new) in 2015-2016. All
training materials will be available virtually through web-based modules and online resources. The
training course components could include e.g. a Checklist, web-based module(s), Test Administration
Manual, and a quiz (for roles that require quizzes). The checklists will link to the materials contained
and will allow people to check off what they’re completing. Once done, they’ll receive Certificates of
Completion. Some aspects of ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 training require certification by completing a quiz with
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 / Special Edition Digest / School Year 2015-2016
a passing rate of 80% or higher, whereas others require completion of an electronic checklist of training
tasks. The detailed training requirements (readings, tasks, and/or media-based materials) for each
assessment and role are listed in the training checklists at Test Preparation Resources.
Records of individuals’ training checklist and certification quiz progress will be available within the
online training portal at and individuals can print a certificate listing completed training
components. Test Coordinators use this portal to monitor the training components before a Test
Administrator gives ACCESS for ELLs 2.0. Test Coordinators should confirm completion of Technology
Coordinator training and preparation steps, as outlined in both roles’ checklists. All training must be
completed prior to administering the ACCESS for ELLS 2.0.
District Designated ACCESS Test Coordinator
The 2015-16 administration of the computer-based ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 developed by WIDA, requires
districts to designate a District ACCESS Test Coordinator. This district-level person will be critical in the
overall management of the testing schedule and assessment processes to make sure that the schools
within their district are prepared to administer the assessment. District ACCESS Test Coordinators are
are responsible for the overall coordination of test administration activities. They will coordinate with
Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) to set up user accounts within the new WIDA Assessment
Management System (WIDA AMS) and set up test administrators in WIDA’s Training Course. The Test
Coordinator role addresses the computer-based ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 testing session setup and student
test tickets. Throughout the testing window dates, DRC Customer Service will send communications to
the district ACCESS Test Coordinators that have accounts through the WIDA Assessment Management
System (WIDA AMS). These communications provide information, reminders, and support for districts
throughout the various phases of the testing process. District ACCESS Test Coordinators will complete
the training course and verify that test administrators and technology coordinators have also completed
their trainings and checklists.
The District ACCESS Test Coordinator will in turn identify ACCESS Test Administrators.
Test Coordinator login information may have gone to your Superintendent.
WIDA is developing a series of short, web-based modules that educators can complete on their own
schedule. The new course will include electronic checklists that allow designated users to chart their
progress and will include links to all needed materials, such as Test Administration Manuals and the
web-based modules. Each of the overview webinars will include a presentation followed by a question
and answer session. The webinars are scheduled for up to 1.5 hours and the content for any repeat
webinars will be the same. The webinars will be recorded and posted to the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Test
Preparation Resources page.
Test Coordinator guidance for Kindergarten and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is covered in their respective
Test Administration Manuals and in the Test Coordinator training for the other Grades 1-12 tests.
Webinar Date Time
Test Coordinator Overview Webinar
(1 webinar offered two dates/same times both days) (live webinar, to be recorded/archived)
September 23 11:30am and 2:00pm Test Coordinator Overview Webinar Registration link
September 24 11:30am and 2:00pm Test Coordinator Overview Webinar Registration link
Optional face-to-face training for designated District ACCESS Test Coordinators
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 / Special Edition Digest / School Year 2015-2016
The Maine DOE is offering a half-day optional training October 19 to support school districts as they
prepare for the administration of the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 developed by the WIDA Consortium. The
online ACCESS test coordinator trainings, webinars, toolkits, and checklists are available on the WIDA
Test Preparation Resources page as are other ACCESS test administration resources including tutorials
and online training material. The online ACCESS test coordinator training at is required for
certification. However, Maine DOE is offering optional face-to-face training for designated district
ACCESS Test Coordinators. Districts are invited to send one representative from each district to attend
the training and the Department recommends that the individual attending be the designated district
ACCESS Test Coordinator. The district ACCESS Test Coordinator could then train school ACCESS test
coordinators if needed to assist ACCESS test administrators in their district.
Register by September 30, and after that deadline, registrations for additional staff will be accepted as
space allows on a first-come, first-served basis. Attendees are to bring their laptops.
Training will address:
▪ WIDA Assessment Management System
▪ INSIGHT Testing Engine
▪ Technology Coordinator Responsibilities- to order only what is needed
▪ Key Dates
▪ System & Network Requirements
▪ Questions
The ACCESS test coordinators training will be held Monday, October 19 at the Department of Public
Safety, Florian Hall, 45 Commerce Avenue, Augusta, Maine. The morning session is from 8 a.m. to noon
and the afternoon session is from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
To Register
Test Administrator
Test Administrator: The Test Administrator role for computer-based ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 testing is
considered a proctoring position. Test Administrator trainings, webinars, toolkits and checklists are
available on the WIDA Test Preparation Resources page.
 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0: Question and Answer Session
Provides Test Administrators with information about the transition to the operational test and
rollout plans for 2015-16.
Webinar Date Time
WIDA is developing a series of short, web-based modules that educators can complete on their own
schedule. The new course will include electronic checklists that allow designated users to chart their
progress and will include links to all needed materials, such as Test Administration Manuals and the
web-based modules. The overview webinar will include a presentation followed by a question and
answer session. The webinar is scheduled for up to 1.5 hours and the content for any repeat webinars
will be the same. The webinars will be recorded and posted to the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Test Preparation
Resources page.
Test Administrator Overview Webinar (2 webinars that are the same)
September 30 11:30am and 2:00pm Test Administrator Overview Webinar
(live webinar, to be recorded)
Registration link
All designated testing staff or staff who will have access to test materials are to complete Test
Administrator training for the online tests.Once Test Coordinators or Test Administrators have
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 / Special Edition Digest / School Year 2015-2016
submitted a completed online training checklist or certification quiz, their training certificates with the
WI”DA website portal will be updated as a record of completion.
Technology Coordinator: Technology Coordinator trainings, webinars, toolkits and checklists are
available on the WIDA Test Preparation Resources page
 Initial Technology Coordinator Webinar provides Technology Coordinators with planning
information to prepare for multiple online assessments.
 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Technology Page: :
 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Tech/Headsets:
Any headset with a microphone will work. Women’s headsets with built-in microphones work
best for smaller students. The online test platform may limit the number of students able to
participate in the speaking at one time.
WIDA has received questions about whether headphones that are purchased for other assessments can
be used for the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online test. To clarify the headset requirement, students may use
any headphones for the Listening, Reading, and Writing tests. For these domains, students will only use
the headphones to listen to the test directions. For the Speaking test, students will need headsets,
which include a built-in microphone. Unlike academic content testing, English Language Proficiency
assessment includes a speaking component, and this audio is recorded electronically. While it might be
possible to add a stand-alone microphone in addition to headphones to capture audio, in practice, this
increases the complexity of the technology needed for the assessment. WIDA recommends against this
approach, as the microphones often need drivers that can create a more complicated test set up.
For more information on headset specifications, please refer to the Recommendations for Headset
Specifications document on the WIDA website. As noted in the document, because the online Speaking
test is administered to small groups (3-5 students), individual Test Administrators will only need
headsets to administer to that number of students.
Webinar Date Time
WIDA is developing a series of short, web-based modules that educators can complete on their own
schedule. The new course will include electronic checklists that allow designated users to chart their
progress and will include links to all needed materials, such as Test Administration Manuals and the
web-based modules. Each of the overview webinars will include a presentation followed by a question
and answer session. The webinars are scheduled for up to 1.5 hours and the content for any repeat
webinars will be the same. The webinars will be recorded and posted to the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Test
Preparation Resources page.
Technology Coordinators may complete training requirements via the WIDA AMS at
Technology Coordinator Overview Webinar (2 webinars are the same)
October 7
4:00pm Technology Coordinator Overview Webinar
(live webinar, to be recorded)
Registration link
October 9
11:00am Technology Coordinator Overview Webinar
(live webinar, to be recorded)
Registration link
External keyboards are recommended.
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 / Special Edition Digest / School Year 2015-2016
Currently, experiencing and investigating a technology issue of administering the Speaking domain on
ipads only but not on other tablets.
Ipad minis are not supported
Maine ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Test Cycle Administration Dates (2015-2016)
Start Date
End Date
Test Materials Ordering
9/21/2015 10/23/2015
Online Test Setup
Districts Receive Test Material (On or Before)
11/16/2015 11/16/2015
Test Window
Additional Test Material Window
Districts Pack Completed Test Material
Districts Ship Completed Test Material to DRC*
All Test Material Received at DRC
Districts Receive Reports - Printed and Online (On or Before)
visit the WIDA website at WIDA website (
WIDA Website User account verification
In an effort to verify user accounts and clean up the Secure Portal system, WIDA took the following steps
for all user accounts starting on August 19, 2015. Rest assured that no user data will be deleted and that
WIDA has the ability to recreate/reactivate accounts as needed.
1. All current system users were sent an account verification email (see following).
2. Accounts with an undeliverable email address will be removed and archived.
3. Users will be asked to confirm their account with an opportunity to opt-out. Accounts for users
that opt-out will be removed and archived.
4. Remaining users will be asked to follow a link to the WIDA Secure Portal login screen.
5. After logging in to the My Account & Secure Portal page, users will be able to review and update
profile information as needed.
Any users who do not verify their account by logging in to the Secure Portal between August 19, 2015
and September 30, 2015 will have their account automatically inactivated in the system. Verified
accounts retain the same user permissions currently in effect within the system.
If you did not receive the following email from WIDA or you have any questions or concerns, please
contact the WIDA Client Services Center – or 866-276-7735.
Dear WIDA Website User, (From: WIDA Client Services Center)
As a currently registered WIDA website user, we wanted to let you know about updates that may affect your user
account as we make improvements to the system. To ensure uninterrupted access to the Secure Portal area of the
WIDA website, please confirm your interest in maintaining an account by following the steps below. Any website
roles and permissions currently assigned to your account will not be affected by this process.
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 / Special Edition Digest / School Year 2015-2016
1. If you no longer wish to maintain a WIDA website user account, please reply to this email with the phrase “optout” in the body of the message.
2. To verify your continued interest in a WIDA website account, please sign into your account using this link: .
3. If you have forgotten your user name or need to reset your password, you may use the following link for the reset
tool: . Follow the on screen instructions by typing in your email
address and clicking on the Submit button. You will receive an email message with your user name and a link to
reset your password. Then you are able to type in and confirm your new password. Note that the password reset
link expires after one hour.
4. When you arrive on the page ( ), please review the right column and
make updates as needed.
5. Congratulations! You have completed the account verification process.
6. If no action is taken by September 30, 2015, your account will be inactivated in the system. No user data will be
Please note the new look and organization for the My Account & Secure Portal page. Resources are now organized
into the following sections based on badge (permission) type: ACCESS for ELLs Training, Screener Test Materials &
Training, Professional Learning Opportunities, State or District Administrator Resources, and Assessment/Data
Links. You will see only those sections and badges that have been assigned to you.
Accommodations and Guidance
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Accessibility and Accommodations Guidelines
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Accessibility and Accommodations Descriptions
Accommodations FAQs