What is our school code? Our CEEB Code is 390

What is our school code?
Our CEEB Code is 390-488
How many students are in the class of 2015?
There are approximately 515 students in the class of 2015.
How do I find out my class rank for my college application?
The Central Bucks School District does not report class rank.
What grading scale does our school utilize?
We are on a 4.0 scale.
Is my cumulative GPA Weighted?
Yes, we report Weighted GPA. Honors courses are weighted .25, AP Courses are weighted 1.0.
Accelerated and Advanced courses are not weighted.
What is my Guidance Counselor's contact information?
Mrs. Elizabeth Carr and Mr. George Moustakas
Guidance Phone Number 267-893-2310
Guidance Fax Number 267-893-5844
CB East 2804 Holicong Rd. Doylestown PA 18902
What should I list as my high school start date since 9th grade is in the middle school?
Students who attended 9th grade in Central Bucks should list 09/2011 as their "high school" start
date even though that grade is housed in our middle schools. If you transferred into Central
Bucks School District later than the beginning of 9th grade, list your transfer date.
How do I request that the guidance office sends my transcripts to colleges?
You will need to complete a Transcript Request Form (TRF) for each college to which you wish
to have your transcript sent. You can access the TRF form on the CB East Guidance Website.
How do I submit my TRF to the Guidance Office?
You will stop by the Guidance Office to sign up for a brief time slot to submit your forms to
Mrs. West. During this short appointment she will review your forms and provide you with a
Teacher Recommendation Checklist.
How much money do I need to include with my TRF?
Please include $1 for each TRF that you submit. You may pay with a check, or $1, $5, $10, $20.
Please use the smallest bills possible. We cannot accept coins.
The TRF requires the college address and due date. How do I find this out?
You will need to complete this information prior to your meeting with Mrs. West. Utilize the
college websites to find their address and due dates.
How do I ensure that my Common App and transcript are matched up?
It is essential that you know for which applications you utilized the Common App and for which
you used the regular college applications. After you complete your Common App, you will login
to Naviance and click on Colleges>Colleges I'm Applying to>Common App Account Matching .
Type the email address that you utilized to create your Common App account. Your information
including first name, last name, email address and birthdate must all match the information listed
in Naviance in order for your accounts to sync.
What happens if I want to submit my transcripts before I am sure if I am going to use the
Common App or the regular college
Your transcript and other materials will NOT be received by the college if you do not properly
notify the guidance office of the application that you submitted to the college. The sync function
is the only way that your materials will be matched from the CB Guidance Office and the
admission offices. It is essential that you know which applications you submitted for every
school to which you are applying! Stay organized.