Supplementary materials for Diversity of fungal endophytes from the medicinal plant Dendropanax arboreus in a protected area of Mexico Juan Ramos-Garza1, Aída V. Rodríguez-Tovar1, Luis Bernardo Flores-Cotera2, Flor N. Rivera-Orduña1, Maria Soledad Vásquez-Murrieta1, Alejandro Ponce-Mendoza3, En Tao Wang1,* 1. Department of Microbiology, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México D. F., C.P. 11340, México 2. Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Cinvestav-IPN, México D. F., C.P. 07360, México 3. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias, CENID COMEF. Av. Progreso No. 5, Barrio Sta. Catarina Del. Coyoacán C.P. 04010, México D.F. 1 Supplementary Fig. S1. Species accumulation curve for fungal endophytes of D. arboreus based on 97 % ITS sequence similarity. The low coverage value (76 %) suggests that more genotypes (species) await recovery from this tree plant. 2 Supplementary Table S1. Description of morphology of 15 endophytic fungal isolates presenting spores in microculture. Colony morphology Isolate HEH9-0 Elevated Olive green to dark green Black Plane Olive green to dark green Black Orange Alternaria Plane Slightly elevated Plane Olive green to dark green White with pink edges depending on the maturity White center with green and red periphery Creamy center, olive green periphery Black Intensive yellow center and unclear edge Black Orange Buff Alternaria Paecilomyces Yellow Corynespora Black - Stemphylium Creamy - Colletrotrichum - Colletrotrichum - Fusarium - Fusarium Reddish Reddish - Fusarium Fusarium Fusarium Fusarium Fusarium Surface Obverse Reverse HEH6-I HER3-5 Cottony or woolly Cottony or woolly Cottony Cottony HETI-3 Cottony HER7-1 Woolly HEH5-II Powdery Crater center, plane periphery Plane HEH5-1 Cottony Plane White and black with orange particles Black with brown radical mycelium HER6-1 Plane White to creamy with aging HER8-3 Cottony or woolly Cottony White HER2-1 HER6-2 HER9-4 HER3-1 HER2-2 Cottony Cottony Cottony Cottony Cottony Slightly elevated Plane Plane Plane Plane Plane Black, with brown and orange mycelium White with slight purple zones Golden with black zones White Purplish center, white periphery White to slightly creamy with aging White with reddish zones White with reddish zones White to slightly creamy Reddish Reddish Reddish and creamy Reddish and creamy HEH6-1 Conidial identification* Diffusible pigment Orange Texture Alternaria *. Identification based upon both the colony morphology and the conidia morphology based upon the following references for the corresponding genus: Lawrence PD, Gannibal PB, Dugan FM, Pryor BM (2014) Characterization of Alternaria isolates from the infectoria species-group and a new taxón from Arrhenatherum, Pseudoalternaria arrhenatheria sp. nov. Mycol Progress. 13:257-263 Dong Q, Wang H, Xing X, Ji S (2012) Identification and characterization of a specialñ species of Paecilomyces. Ann Microbiol. 62:1587-1592 Rojas EI, Rehner SA, Samuels GJ, Van Bael SA, Herre EA, Cannon P, Sha TT (2010) Colletotrichum gloesporioides s.1. associated with Theobroma cacao and other plants in Panama: multilocus phylogenenies distinguish host-associated pathogens from asymptomatic endophytes. Mycologia 102:1318-1338 Leslie J, Summerell B (2006) The Fusarium Laboratory Manual; Blackwell Publishing Professional: Ames, IA, USA Mmbaga MT, Kim MS, mackasmiel NB, Klopfenestein (2015) Differentiation of Corynespora cassciola and Cercospora sp. in leaf-spot diseases of Hydrangea macrophylla using PCR-mediated method. Can J Plant Sci 95:711-717 3 Supplementary Table S2. Eigen values of correspondence analysis Eigen Vector 1 Eigen value* 1 Proportion of variance (%) 34.2 Accumulate variance (%) 2 0.7 24 58.5 3 0.7 24 82.2 4 0.52 17.8 100 Total 2.92 100 Eigen values where calculated from correspondence analysis. Supplementary Table S3. Manova analysis results for the effects of plant tissues and altitude on distribution of endophytic fungi associated with Dendropanax arboreus DF Sums of squares Means of squares F R2 p-value* Tissue Origin 2 30.7 15.3 1.8 0.54 0.001 Residuals 3 25.5 8.5 Total 5 56.16 Altitude 1 8.8 8.8 Residuals 4 47.3 11.8 0.45 1 0.74 0.16 0.6 0.84 5 56.1 1 Total Analysis of variances was performed with ‘adonis’ function in package vegan (Oksanen et al. 2015), with euclidean distance. * p-value was calculated with 999 permutations 4