The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Integration and Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP2) Comparison of Forest Landscape Models (CoFoLaMo) (Simulation protocol for forest landscape models only, for the general, cross-sectoral part of the protocol refer to the file: ISI-MIP2_protocol_general.docx ) Contributors: Matthias Speich, Dirk Schmatz, Giorgio Vacchiano, Heike Lischke, Laura Schuler, Björn Reineking, Paola Mairota, Vincenzo Lerronni, Josef Bruna, Dominik Thom Harald Bugmann, Koen Kramer, Rupert Seidl, Annabel Porte, Robert Scheller, Hong He Rationale for multi-landscape-model simulations in ISI-MIP2 and PROFOUND This is a protocol to support multi-model simulations of forest landscapes, i.e. spatially interacting forest areas embedded in non-forest-areas, for both model evaluation with observed data but also for model projections under climate change. In addition to the general ISI-MIP input data to be used for these simulations (mostly climate data), a number of regions has been selected for which a range of forest landscape models can be rather easily initialized and observational data is available for model evaluation. General setup of the study The study comprises several regions, models and scenarios and will be done in three phases: Warm-up (until Beginning 2016) Dischma Standard-Scenario, Validation-simulation Comparison (until mid 2016) Dischma, Aosta, Bavarian/Bohemian forest, Puglia Standard-Scenario + Variations Validation + Future („Catch-up“) Spin offs (later…) Other sites: Atlantic coast of France, Veluwe-forest in the Netherlands Specific questions: e.g. invasion of mediterranean species in Atlantic France, large herbivores in Veluwe 1 Please formulate Models involved LANDIS II Landclim TreeMig, ForHyCS Iland Regions Dischma in North-eastern Switzerland Aosta in the North-west Italian Alps Bavarian Forest in Czech Republic and Germany Puglia in Southern Italy Resolution Input data: climate 100m Models as they come but as a fraction of 100: Landclim 25m and LANDIS 20m Treemig 100m Forhycs100m Iland??? Evaluation: 100m, or smallest common denominator Research questions Overarching research questions for forest landscape models How are forest landscapes (on different scales) affected by Climate change (different scenarios, in space) Forest management and land use change ISI-MIP questions Model evaluation Extreme events (both in future and how well do models get extremes in past (model evaluation). Region specific questions … Scenarios Climate/CO2 Validation: Hindcasted (1500-1900) + Historical observations (1900-2012). Spatial grid 100m. Current CO2 2 For Hindcasting we use a predefined random sequence of the first 20 years of the observations from 1500-1900. The climate for these years is used for the entire simulation area. Future: Hindcasted (1500-1900) + Historical observations (1900-2012)+ HadGEM2ES (1951-2005) + HadGEM2-ES- Scenarios RCP 2.6, 4.5, 6, 8 (2006-2100). Corresponding CO2, where possible, otherwise current CO2 Spin-up TreeMig, ForHyCs, Landclim: 1500-1950 (2012 in Validation run) Landis II: takes output of TreeMig or Landclim from 1900 as initialization 3 Management Standard per site, also in future In future also “no management” Land use Land use here means a) “forests are allowed by humans to grow ” versus b) “forests are not allowed to grow by humans”. For current forests a) means all current forest area + other not managed natural areas (meadows) . For future (potential) this means current forest area plus areas where forest might be allowed in future minus areas where forests might be converted by humans to other land use categories. additionally currently extensively used pastures and meadows. This has to be defined by expert knowledge of the region responsible. One example is that extensively used meadows and pastures will be abandoned. In the simulations this future potential forest becomes available in 2006! Validation simulations: current land use Future simulations: 1. Current 2. potential land use Disturbances As included in the models. Random in TreeMig/ForHycs Random means by frequency distributions of intensity or areas Both variants: 1. Random or spatially linked in LandClim and LANDISII (Paola and Giorgio) 2. spatially linked in LANDISII (Josef) Dispersal 1. 2. Seeds enter a cell only by dispersal Seeds are present everywhere („extraterrestrial seeds“) Input data As grids, spatial resolution 100m Climate Daily T, P, solar radiation Observational data (1900-current) ideally as timeseries of grids, otherwise station data Downscaling (Dirk) of observational data and HadGem scenarios Output: As timeseries, as netcdf Upscaling to monthly data by Heike or Laura Soil: Field capacity, AWC (water holding capacity),or bucket size with information to which depth it refers Soil type 4 Soil depth, if available Usual forest management As simple rules, ideally as probability and intensity. + additional information Random disturbances As frequency distribution of intensities Land use mask On sufficiently fine resolution, e.g. 25 m in Puglia, 100m in Davos. Current and potential (see above) Comparison data Whatever we can get! Modis, Sentinel, lidar, NFI, historical maps, MAB Note year! Preferedly including 2003/2007 Output data All per cell and spec ies From 1900 – 2100 : entire region, transient Biomass LAI Variables per height –class or age Experiments and possible analyses Standard simulations To avoid to have to run all combinations of scenarios we will focus on one standard simulation and explore differences with respect to this standard. This standard consists of Climate: Hindcasted + Historical climate + RCP4.5; With dispersal, disturbances, management, current land use for past and future Variations=Scenario combinations 5 Dimensions of ISI-MIP comparison scenarios 5 2: Past/Future Playground 2 Dispersal/ubiquitous seeds System dispersal, disturbances, management, current land use for past and future Comparison against standard: 5*(5+2+2+2+2+2+2)=55 1 Climate model 1 Climate Standard: RCP4.5, with 2: yes/no Disturbances •Stand forest models •Landscape forest models 2: yes/no 5 Current, RCP 2.6, 4.5, 6, 8 2 Current/none 2 2 Current /potential Human influence Table 1 Variables to be reported by forest landscape models. Abbreviations are provided in Table 2. Variables should be reported as documented in section XXX (section 6 main protocol). long name units output variable name Essential (mandatory) outputs All outputs per species and grid-cell and averaged over grid-cells and species Biomass Kg/ha per species and cell biom_<species/total> Average Tree Height m per species and cell total height_<species/total> Basal Area m²ha-1 per species and cell total ba_<species/total> Volume of Dead Trees m³ha-1 per species and cell total mort_<species/total> Harvest m³ha-1 per species and cell total harv_<species/total> Remaining stem number after disturbance and Trees/ha per species and cell total stemno_<species/total>_<dbhclass> 6 management by dbh class Cell Volume m³ ha-1 per species and cell total vol_<species/total> Tree age by dbh class yr per species and cell total age_<species/total>_<dbhclass> Gross Primary Production kg m-2 s-1 per species and cell total gpp_<species/total> Net Primary Production kg m-2 s-1 per species and cell total npp_<species/total> Autotrophic (Plant) Respiration kg m-2 s-1 per species and cell total ra_<species/total> Heterotrophic Respiration kg m-2 s-1 per species and cell total rh_<species/total> Net Ecosystem Exchange kg m-2 s-1 per cell nee_<total> Mean Annual Increment m³ ha-1 per species and cell total mai_<species/total> Fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation % per species and cell total fapar_<species/total> Leaf Area Index m2 m-2 per species and cell total lai_<species/total> Species composition % (biomass) per ha species_<species> Total actual Evapotranspiration kg m-2 s-1 per species and cell total evap_<species/total> Evaporation from Canopy (interception) kg m-2 s-1 per species and cell total intercep_<species/total> Water Evaporation from Soil kg m-2 s-1 per cell esoil Transpiration kg m-2 s-1 per species and cell total trans_<species/total> Soil Moisture kg m-2 per cell soilmoist 7 Optional outputs Distribution limit distance from reference point; total (=treeline), per species treeline_<species/total> Removed stem numbers by size class by management Trees/ha per species and cell total harvstemno_<species/total>_<dbhclas > Volume of disturbance damage m³ha-1 per species and cell total dist_<dist_name> Nitrogen of annual Litter g N m-2a-1 per species and cell total nlit_<species/total> Nitrogen in Soil g N m-2a-1 cell total nsoil_<total> Net Primary Production allocated to leaf biomass kg m-2 s-1 per species and cell total npp_landleaf__<species> Net Primary Production allocated to fine root biomass kg m-2 s-1 per species and cell total npp_landroot_<species> Net Primary Production allocated to above ground wood biomass kg m-2 s-1 per species and cell total npp_abovegroundwood_<species> Net Primary Production allocated to below ground wood biomass kg m-2 s-1 per species and cell total npp_belowgroundwood_<species> Root autotrophic respiration kg m-2 s-1 per species and cell total rr_<species/total> Carbon Mass in Leaves kg m-2 per species and cell total cleaf_<species> Carbon Mass in Wood kg m-2 per species and cell total cwood_<species> Carbon Mass in Roots kg m-2 per species and cell total croot_<species> Temperature of Soil K per cell tsl 8 Note: If you cannot provide the data at the temporal or spatial resolution specified, please provide it the highest possible resolution of your model. Please contact the coordination team ( to for any further clarification, or to discuss the equivalent variable in your model. 9 Table 2: Codes for species, disturbance names and dbh classes as used in protocol (species, dist_name, dbhclass) OTHER SPECIES to be added long name Short name Fagus sylvatica fasy Quercus robur quro Quercus petraea qupe Pinus sylvestris pisy Picea abies piab Pinus pinaster pipi Eucalyptus globulus eugl fire fi wind wi insects ins drought dr grazing graz diseases dis DBH_class_0-20* dbh_c0 comment 10 DBH_class_20-40* dbh_c20 DBH_class_40-60* dbh_c40 DBH_class_60-80* dbh_c60 DBH_class_80-100* dbh_c80 DBH_class_100-120* dbh_c100 DBH_class_120-140* dbh_c120 DBH_class_>140* dbh_c140 *the boundaries of the dbh classes should interpreted as follows: dbh_class_0-20 = 0 to<20 cm; dbh_class_20-40 =20-<40 cm, etc…. the dbh class dbh_c140 includes all trees of 140cm dbh and larger. 11 12 Experiments from the stand modelers of TG3(?). We should discuss latest in Davos what exactly we do. Historic runs and validation exercise – Experiments 1a These are the core simulations for ISI-MIP2.1A. For the sites mentioned in Error! Reference source not found., a detailed comparison of model-data(mis)match is envisaged, especially with a focus on past extreme events (e.g. 2003) and variability. The data in <BIOME data table, link once in final document> may also be interesting for some additional validation tasks that can be carried out during postprocessing. The simulations of Experiment 1a listed in Error! Reference source not found. are needed for this experiment. ISI-MIP Fast-track catch-up runs – Experiments 2a These are simulations for the sites mentioned in Error! Reference source not found. using ISI-MIP Fast track climate scenarios to project forest development under climate change in the future. These are interesting for cross-scale comparisons with DGVMs, cross-sectoral analysis of climate impacts and multi-model climate change impact projections. The simulations of Experiment 2a listed in Error! Reference source not found. are needed for this experiment. Influence of disturbances – Experiments 1b and 2b These are historic and future simulations as described in sections 0 and 0 but with dynamic disturbances switched on for those models that actually simulate such dynamics. These simulations can be used to isolate the effects of disturbances vs. climate or to consider the joint impact of climate change and disturbances on forest products and services. The simulations of Experiment 1b and 2b listed in Error! Reference source not found. are needed for this experiment. Isolation of climate effects (optional, future experiment) Simulate time slices (i.e. same cell as growing in past simulations is repeatedly simulated for different time slices of maybe 20-30 years) to isolate the effects of climate change from the effects of forest dynamics. Some cells are already very old and would reach 200 years or more of age in 2100. Climate input uncertainty (optional, future experiments) To do list Warm up 13 Comparison 14 15