Roles and Guidelines for Claro enablers and Learning support tutors This page outlines the role of Claro Enablers, Enhanced Enablers and Learning Support Tutors. In addition, at the end of this section you will find guidelines applicable to all Claro staff. The Role of Enablers The role will vary depending on the needs and disability of the student but may include: Taking notes in lectures and seminars Assistance with mobility around campus, field trips or other visits associated with their course Attending any venues which are inaccessible to the student, i.e. checking notice boards, etc. Assistance in the library with locating books, photocopying, etc. Reading chapters from books, journal articles, etc. onto tape or scanning onto computer Typing transcriptions of tape recorded material The Role of Enhanced Enablers Some of the tasks, although not exhaustive, may include: Helping the student with management of work load and meeting course deadlines Assisting the student with timetabling and attendance issues Encouraging and assisting the student to participate in the university social environment i.e. joining relevant societies etc. Helping the student in situations in which mental health conditions could be triggered Informing Claro Learning of concerns relating to the students disability, e.g. symptoms of mental ill health Assisting the student with mobility around the campus, and on field or other trips associated with their course Ensuring that the student has relevant information (especially if it is difficult to access), e.g. checking notice boards, etc. Assistance in the library with locating books, photocopying, etc. Reading chapters from books, journal articles, etc. onto tape or scanning onto a computer Taking notes for the student Typing transcriptions of tape recorded material – such as lectures and written assessment work – such as essays The Role of Learning Support Tutors Claro Learning Support Tutors provide individually tailored learning support. Qualified and experienced tutors work by identifying strategies for independent learning. Using the preferred learning style of the client they work on a one-toone basis to maximize the individual’s potential. The support is offered when and where it is convenient for the client, according to individual needs. Tutors assist with specific skills areas such as: Time Management & Organisation Note-Taking & Note-Making techniques Exam & Revision Strategies Preparing For Lectures, Seminars or Presentations Action Planning & Target Setting Research Methods Structuring information, Referencing & Sourcing Data Academic Writing processes and techniques Numeracy and literacy strategies Incorporating assistive technology Learning Support Tutors do not undertake (not allowed under the Disabled Student’s Allowance): proofreading the work for students (the strategies they learn enable them to become independent in their studies) specific Subject Tuition (Learning Support Tutors do not teach the subject – students are encouraged to approach their University subject tutors who are subject specialists) counselling services (all Claro consultants are familiar with student support services and signpost accordingly). Guidelines - all Claro consultants including Enablers, Enhanced Enablers, and Learning Support Tutors should: be responsible for organising their own workload arrive early for each session not complete work on behalf of the student, provide advice or counselling, or participate in lectures or seminars discuss the work to be carried out and allow for feedback from the student on a regular basis maintain professional boundaries at all times. For example, it is acceptable to exchange mobile numbers and/or email addresses for work purposes, provided both parties are happy with this arrangement, and Claro would encourage contact during normal university hours. Claro do not recommend the use of social networking sites such as Facebook for contact not spend breaks and lunchtimes with the student and should let him/her make their own arrangements, unless there is a good disability related reason not under any circumstances invite a student their home carry out a risk assessment if the work requires the consultant to work at the students’ residence In addition, Enablers and Enhanced Enablers should also adhere to the following: Wherever possible, Enablers and Enhanced Enablers are advised to discreetly introduce themselves to the lecturer whose sessions they are attending either at the start of term, or when they start working with a student Enablers and Enhanced Enablers should encourage the student to be independent and respect professional boundaries. This may include encouraging them to ask other students and staff for information, or standing back whilst they form into groups for work. Enablers are advised not to pair up with the student. The student should work with other members of their course. Enablers and Enhance Enablers should be aware that some students would prefer their peers to remain unaware that they have support. They are encouraged to discuss anonymity issues on an individual basis.