CCI Texting for Better Care Grant Report: Documenting Progress

CCI Texting for Better Care Grant Report:
Documenting Progress, Successes & Challenges
Time Period of Reporting:
Organization Name: Asian Health Services
Primary Contact Name:
Primary Contact Title:
Primary Contact E-mail:
Primary Contact Phone: __________________
Instructions: In each section below, please fill in key completed and planned activities for your CCI Texting for Better Care project, the staff
responsible for the tasks, and the timeframe for when they have or will occur. If a section is not applicable to your project, please write N/A. The gray
prompts are intended to help you think about potential aspects of your project. The orange text provides examples of project activities.
Project Components
Implementing software or hardware needed to
integrate texting into your organization
Prompts: having discussions or contracting with IT
consultants/vendors, integrating software into EHR,
determining or purchasing appropriate software
Determining the content of and process for the
text message communication
Prompts: determining appropriate message content for
different aspects of the project, creating algorithms or
logic to determine when and how participants receive
certain messages, working with partners on content
Key Activities
Completed Activities
Prepared and finalized a scope of work with IT
vendor, TextMe
Jane Doe, IT Project
Feb 1–March 15
John Doe, Project
March 1–21
Planned Activities
Determine possibility of integrating with EHR
Completed Activities
Reviewed and finalized text message content (see
enclosed attachment of draft messages to be sent)
Planned Activities
Distribute consent forms to target population
Project Components
Preparing the organization and staff for this
Prompts: creating awareness of the project, securing
buy-in from senior leaders, training front line staff
Key Activities
Completed Activities
Planned Activities
Creating protocols, procedures or tools needed
for project implementation
Prompts: creating model prototypes or protocols,
determining and adjusting staff workflow for project,
ensuring security and HIPAA compliance
Getting consent from participants to use texting
as a communication method (as appropriate)
Prompts: requesting that participants mark preferred
communication methods, creating consent forms
Completed Activities
Planned Activities
Completed Activities
Planned Activities
Implementing the texting project
Prompts: launching text messaging with participants,
tracking and monitoring responses, troubleshooting
challenges as they arise
Completed Activities
Planned Activities
Assessing project impact
Prompts: aggregating and examining final project data,
assessing the overall successes and challenges,
extracting lessons learned, determining cost-benefit to
the organization, considering strategies for
sustainability as appropriate
Completed Activities
Planned Activities
Project Components
Moving forward
Prompts: closing the pilot project; continuing with
current level of project; expanding the project to
additional sites, populations or conditions
Key Activities
Completed Activities
Planned Activities
Other activities
Is there anything else related to this project that you
have completed or are planning to work on that has not
already been mentioned?
Completed Activities
Planned Activities
Instructions: Please briefly answer the following questions regarding your CCI Texting for Better Care project.
1. Has anything changed or evolved from your original plans?
a. If so, what has changed and why?
2. Has your project encountered any barriers or challenges over the past three months?
a. If so, how, if at all, have you addressed them?
3. What are some the key lessons learned, new insights or “a-ha!” moments you have encountered while implementing (or planning
for) this texting project? Consider your experience selecting and using software or hardware for the texting; determining the content of and
process for the text messaging; preparing the organization and staff for the project; creating protocols, procedures or tools; getting consent from
participants; launching the text messaging with participants; tracking and monitoring responses and impact data.
4. Are there any resources, support or assistance that would be helpful as you continue working on your project (e.g., from CCI,
Informing Change, others)?
5. Is there anything else that you think is important for us to know about your project at this time?
Instructions: Please submit your data on the following measures. If you have don’t have data on a specific measure at this point in the project, please
indicate this by writing N/A. If your data are in a spreadsheet format, please feel free to include an attachment with the data. In addition, if you are
using a control group, please report on both the treatment and the control group.
Participant eligibility criteria:
Asian Health Services patient
Either 18-24 years old or will turn 18 years old within six months
From low-income, limited-English speaking or un/underinsured families Asian and Pacific Islander families
_____ Total number of patients determined eligible for project
_____ Number of patients who are eligible but are not included in the project
Explanation of reasons for exclusion from project:
_____ Number of patients who did not have a phone
_____ Number of patients who had a phone number but clinic could not reach with a text message (e.g., land line, disconnected line, did not have
texting capabilities on their phone, etc.)
_____Number of patients who opted out of the project themselves
Explanation (and count, if possible) of reasons for patients opting out (e.g., thought the texting would be cost-prohibitive, do not know
how or are not comfortable texting, other reasons)
_____Number of patients included in this project as participants (i.e., who receive the first text message)
_____ Total number of text messages sent to participants
_____ Number of text messages sent that do not request a response (e.g., one-way texts)
Type of one-way text messages sent to participants (e.g., introductory messages, reminders, educational messages, encouraging messages)
_____ Number of text messages sent that request a response (e.g., two-way or bi-directional texts)
Type of text messages sent to participants (e.g., request for report on self-management goals, request for appointment confirmation, etc.)
_____ Number of text message responses received from participants
As appropriate, describe the types of responses received (e.g., confirming appointment, acknowledging text, etc.)
_____ Number of youth participants who indicate an interest in insurance counseling:
_____ Number of youth participants who indicate an interest in insurance counseling who receive counseling or assistance at AHS
_____ Number of youth participants who indicate an interest in insurance counseling who enroll in insurance
Type of insurance that each of these youth are enrolled in (e.g., Covered CA, Medi-Cal, other insurance)
Note: At a later point in the project, Informing Change will check in about the feasibility of conducting a short survey with youth participants and
project staff about the utilization of texting as a way to communicate and connect youth to health resources and support.
Thank you!