MTH 065


MTH 065

- Algebra II

Course description :

MTH 065 is a beginning algebra course and the second term in a two-term sequence in Elementary Algebra.

MTH 065 has a two-fold goal: first, to continue to develop basic algebra skills and second, to apply those skills to (level-appropriate) real-world problems. More specifically, MTH 065 is designed: (1) to develop and practice basic operations on polynomial, rational, and radical expressions, (2) to develop skill in the algebraic technique of factoring , (3) to use those operations and techniques to set up and solve equations, (4) to examine a variety of methods and techniques, including graphing, to solve quadratic equations. These concepts will be used to form the foundation of modeling and solving applied, real-world, and theoretical mathematics problems which are presented in this course.

MTH 065 has the competencies from MTH 060: Elementary Algebra I as prerequisites; the course is not college-transferable. MTH 065 is a 4 credit hour (quarter system) course.

Course outcomes:

 solve problems involving quadratic equations using a variety of methods including factoring, the quadratic formula, and graphing

 explain how the algebraic and graphical techniques for solving quadratic equations are related and be able to interpret results obtained by each method, including complex numbers

 simplify, solve and model applied and theoretical mathematical problems using the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and simplification of polynomial equations

 simplify, solve and model applied and theoretical mathematical problems of rational and radical equations

solve linear equations algebraically and graphically

 solve systems of two equations algebraically and graphically

 simplify expressions containing exponents
