Warm up questions week 10 - Gull Lake Community Schools

Biology A - Fall 2014
Unit 4: Carbon Cycle, Photosynthesis and Respiration
Warm up questions week 10:
Monday 11/3: This is the week we were testing for state with ipads and there were no questions.
Warm up questions week 11
Monday 11/10: what chemical need to enter plants in order for photosynthesis to happen? Where do they enter
11/11 what is conservation of energy? What is an energy transformation aka energy conversion
11/12 what is conservation of matter? How does the equation for photosynthesis show this?
11/13 what do we mean when we use the word ‘cycles’ in things like The Carbon Cycle?
11/14 no question
Warm up questions week 12
11/17 photosynthesis has 2 parts, light reactions and dark reactions – what is the difference?
11/18 SNOW DAY
11/19 define concentration
11/20 write the equation for cellular respiration
11/21 5 questions you want covered in review
Academic vocabulary
I can statements
I can describe autotrophs and heterotrophs
I can write the complete, balanced equations for respiration and photosynthesis
I can explain the carbon cycle and show where photosynthesis and respiration are happening in the carbon cycle
Unit 3: Chemistry of Life
Warm Up Questions Week 6:
Monday 10/6: Look up Gram staining – what does Gram positive mean?
Tuesday 10/7: List 6 infections caused by bacteria
Wednesday 10/8: How did you prepare for this test?
Thursday 10/9: Name 6-10 chemical found in your body
Friday 10/10: What is the Gram Atomic mass of sucrose (table sugar) whose formula is C 12H22O11
Warm Up Questions Week 7
Monday 10/13: What is an ion?
Tuesday 10/14: what is a chemical bond? List several types
Wednesday 10/15: explain a covalent bond. Give examples
Thursday 10/16: explain an ionic bond. Give examples
Friday 10/17:compare and contrast covalent bonds to ionic bonds
Warm Up Questions Week 8
Monday 10/20: Balance this equation
____ N2 + _____ H2 = _____ NH3
Tuesday 10/21: Explain (yes, again….) what an ionic bond is
Wednesday 10/22: Define carbohydrate and give 5+ examples (not sources, but actual examples)
Thursday 10/23: Give 4 examples of proteins (examples of actual proteins, look them up, Not sources of protein)
Friday 10/24: No school today - Conferences
Warm Up Questions Week 9
Monday 10/27: define monomer and polymer
Tuesday 10/28: what is an amino acid
Wednesday 10/29: how does DNA store information ?
Thursday 10/30: Explain how you studied for todays test
Friday 10/31:
Academic Vocabulary
Chemical bond
I Can Statements
I can identify protons, neutrons, electrons
I can tell if a molecule will have an electrical charge
I can calculate valence electrons
I can c/c ionic and covalent bonds
I am familiar with the periodic table of elements
I can list elements found in the human body
I can balance an equation
I can list the 4 major organic macromolecules (classes of organic compounds)
Unit 2: Classification
Warm Up Questions Week 4: 9/22 – 9/26
Monday 9/22: Explain how to focus a microscope start with stage down, add slide, correctly place in stage clips, center
the slide, move the stage UP, then turn on light and look in – starting with lowest power turn course adjustment knob
down (away) about a ¼ turn until can see object. Move to fine adjustment – move to larger magnification. Do NOT
move course adjustment up and down!
Tuesday 9/23: List the 6 kingdoms used to classify living organisms Eubacteria, Archeobacter, Protista, Fungi, plant and
Wednesday 9/24: What characteristics and traits are needed to call something a “plant”? must be multicellular, made
of eukaryotic cells. cells have cell walls of cellulose and contain chlorophyll plants are autotrophic and do
photosynthesis. Have tissues arranged into leaves, flowers, roots, stems that contain vascular tissue
Thursday 9/25: What are the common traits found in all fungi? Cell wall of chitin, no chlorophyll, no photosynthesis,
made of eukaryotic cells. many colors/ pigments, variety of reproductive structures, one cell (yeast) or multicellular
(portabella). Absorptive nutrition
Friday 9/26: What are the common features used to classify an organism as a “Protista”? made of eukaryotic cells.
Exactly one cell. Can be plant like, fungi like or animal like but are only one cell. Variety of nutrition sources, variety
of cell walls, some have movement.
Warm Up Questions Week 5
Monday 9/29:
Tuesday 9/30:
Wednesday 10/1:
Thursday 10/2:
Friday 10/3:
Academic Vocabulary for Unit 2
Prokaryotic cell
Eukaryotic cell
I Can Statements for Unit 2:
can list the kingdoms of living organisms
can give examples of organisms in each kingdom
can use a dichotomus key to name organisms
can compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
can compare and contrast a bacteria and a virus
Unit 1: Introduction to Science, Tools and Characteristics of Living
Warm Up Questions Week 1: 9/2 -9/5
Tuesday 9/2: Welcome to Biology. Biology is the study of living things (organisms). What characteristics or traits make
something “living”? (must respond, have DNA, made of cells, use energy, homeostasis)
Wednesday 9/3: What is a variable? (something that changes – either manipulated in experiment or as a result of the
Thursday 9/4: What is a scientific model? (used to represent something very small or very large – solar system model or
cell model) used to represent lots of data points (storm tracker radar)
Friday 9/5: What is the difference between an independent (manipulated) variable and a dependent (resultant)
variable. Caution = they both say variable, so they BOTH VARY, that means “change”…. (independent is manipulated or
investigated “IF”, the dependent is the results of what you did “THEN”)
Warm Up Questions Week 2: 9/8 – 9/12
Monday 9/8: Define hypothesis and give two examples (If then statement that is testable and measurable that predicts
the outcome of an experiment. If the plants get more fertilizer then they will be taller. If the student studies more
times then they will do better on their test)
Tuesday 9/9: Give an example of a claim or data set that uses the correlative scientific method. (Weather prediction
and storm trackers correlate things like ground or water temp with air temp and wind speed to tell the location and
intensity of a storm – don’t really do labs that go out and create storms )
Wednesday 9/10: What is technology? What is biotechnology? How are they alike? How are they dif? (Technology means
using a tools to make something easier. Biotechnology means using a living organism as a tool – using bacteria to make
insulin. They are alike because they both involve tools and using something to make something else easier. They are
different because in biotech a living thing is the tool)
Thursday 9/11: What is DNA? (a chemical found in living things that tells how to make all the proteins required to build
the cell and to run the cell)
Friday 9/12: Give examples of genetic engineering (gen. eng bacteria that make insulin for diabetics and gen. eng
crosses like labradoddles  )
Warm Up Questions Week 3: 9/15 – 9/19
Monday 9/15: Look up the definition of the term ‘homeostasis’ the process of maintaining the same, steady internal
state when the environment changes. Shiver when its cold to keep core body temp 98.6, release glycogen from liver
when blood sugar levels are low, etc
Tuesday 9/16: Describe the word ‘development’ changing of structures as an organism matures. Changes to facial
features as you age, changes to reproductive structures and characteristics. Changing from a tadpole to a frog
Wednesday 9/17: What is the difference between unicellular and multicellular? Unicellular has exactly one cell, all the
time (bacteria, yeast) multicellular has many (thousands, millions, billions) of cells that are specialized … blood
cells ,bone cells, muscle cells, etc
Thursday 9/18: How did you prepare for this quiz? … flash cards? Rewrite notes? Online book? End of chapter questions?
Friday 9/19: What does CLM mean? Compound Light Microscope. Many lenses, light passes through object and slide,
used to view things that are small. Ours are 40X, 100X and 400X. some go to 1000X
Academic Vocabulary for this unit (1)
Variable = something that changes or varies
Science = a specific way of knowing based on data;
Latin scire means ‘to know’, science is ‘to be knowing’
Hypothesis = testable explanation of a question or experiment; predicted outcome; frequently written as an If….
Then…. Therefore…. Statement. Sometimes written as a claim.
Theory = a broad statement that attempts to explain a scientific concept with the currently available technology and
data. Very strongly based on scientific evidence. Examples would include; The Modern Atomic Theory that explains the
size, charge and position of protons, neutrons and electrons and even quarks, neutrinos and positrons based on data
collected over decades of research. Germ Theory that explains the pathway of contagious bacteria and the importance
of hand washing and sterile technique in hospital and lab settings. Sometimes new data from new technology adds or
subtracts layers to a theory, but things like atoms and germs/ bacteria, even though unseen are not suddenly untrue.
I Can Statements for this unit (1)
I can construct a graph from data in a data table
I can read a graph and make predictions about and based on trends in the data
I can list, and give examples of each, the characteristics of living organisms
I can correctly use biology terms to describe situations and explain characteristics of living organisms
I can correctly use an electronic balance
I can correctly name and use glassware
I can correctly use a microscope and sketch a model of what I saw
I can determine whether a proposed experiment has a control set, standardized variables, a testable independent
variable and a measurable dependent variable.
I can tell the difference between hypothetical-deductive experimental design and correlative design
I can give several examples of biotechnology