MCSD High School 2015-2016 School Improvement Action Plan Hardaway High School School-wide Problem-of-Practice: (Abbreviated Data Analysis Narrative) Baseline data for the Georgia Milestones Assessments will be made available in October 2015. Department/Grade Level: All end of course assessment subjects in core content areas. SMART Goal Statement # 1 The percentage of students scoring as Developing Learner, Proficient Learner, and Distinguished Learner will increase by three percent from the 2014 – 2015 school year (see attached scores) by the end of the 2016 school year as measured by the Georgia Milestones EOC administrations. System Focus Area Alignment ___X___ Response to Intervention ___X___ Co-Teaching ____X____ Standards Based Classrooms Georgia Keys Alignment ___X___ Curriculum ___X___ Instruction ___X___ Professional Learning ___X___ Assessment ___X___ Planning & Organization _____ Leadership ______ Student, Family & Community Support _______ School Culture Prioritized Strategies for Improvement Results Indicators (insert your 1-3 measurable instructional, programmatic, organizational, or leadership strategies) (a measurable, percent, increase in student learning results) Implement data teams who will analyze data from Quarterly Benchmark Assessments in all EOC subjects/courses. Teams will regularly analyze assessment data in order to determine student needs, improve instruction, and chart student growth. Increased class assessment scores. Increased mean score (3 percent). Increased percentage of students scoring Developing/Proficient/Dis Primary Leadership/ Budget (Designate the team, teacher and/or leader responsible, insert budget and projected costs) Academic Dean (Data Team Leader) Data Team members (includes teachers of EOC courses, Academic Coach, and administration). Evidence Artifacts (Create descriptors of proficient teacher/leader practices to look for.) (Insert what student/adult data you will monitor) Data Team meetings will be held following common unit assessments (pre and post assessments). Reflection Sheets. QBA post-test data analysis and student Agendas. Data team minutes/Reflec tion Sheets. Post-test results on QBAs. Graphic organizers tinguished on the EOC (3 percent). grouping is evident through Data Team. Evidence of student growth following intervention strategies. EOC scores in all content areas. EOC retest scores. Focus Walk data. Incorporate Formative Assessments Lessons (FALs) into math instruction. Utilize differentiated learning strategies and other Standards-Based Classroom (SBC) strategies (including essential questions and collaborative learning) into all classes to support student learning. Increased class assessment scores. Increased mean score (3 percent). Increased percentage of students scoring meets/exceeds on the EOC (3 percent). CCGPS Coordinate Algebra teachers led by Academic Coach. Increased class assessment scores. Increased mean score (2 percent). Increased percentage of students scoring meets/exceeds on the EOC (3 percent). Principal/Assistant Principals West GA RESA. Lesson Plans reflect FALs Lesson plans. Classroom observations show evidence of FALs implementation. Classroom observation data. Lesson plans reflect differentiation and SBC strategies Lesson plans. Budget: All teachers Administration to monitor Budget: Classroom observations document SBC and differentiation strategies in use. Instructional funds. Student work samples. Classroom observation data from Focus Walks and TKES. Student work samples. Observation 360 data. Improve instructional reading strategies by implementing use of the Comprehensive Instructional Sequence Module (CISM) with fidelity. Increase the percentage of teachers completing quarterly CISM lessons and meeting at least 80% of submission criteria. CISM Team Walkthrough data Academic Dean/Academic Coach CISM Calendar CISM Artifacts and Evidence Reports Student Work CISM Lesson Plans What are some things you anticipate you will need to do to ensure success? (Identify professional development expectations, effect and cause data collection frequency and practices, resources, etc.) Data team training will be needed for EOC teachers and department chairs, monthly monitoring will need to be done by the administrative team, FALs training will be needed for Math teachers, weekly focus walks to be scheduled/rotated by administrators, resources include Data Team training material, successful co-teaching strategies, and common core vocabulary. New teachers will need to complete CISM training. © 2010 by The Leadership and Learning Center All rights reserved. Copy only with permission. (866) 399-6019 School-wide Problem-of-Practice: (Abbreviated Data Analysis Narrative) In the 2014-15 academic school year, there were 328 incidents of Out of School Suspensions (181 students or 25% of population) and 380 incidents of In School Suspensions (214 students or 16% of population). By using best practices in discipline as well as positive behavior interventions and supports, there will decrease of students having multiple incidents resulting in suspensions. Department/Grade Level: All Departments / Every Grade Level SMART Goal Statement # 2 The number of discipline referrals resulting in ISS and OSS from the 2014 – 2015 school year will decrease by 5 percent during the 2015 – 2016 school year. System Focus Area Alignment ___X___ Response to Intervention ______ Co-Teaching ________ Standards Based Classrooms Georgia Keys Alignment ______ Curriculum ___X___ Instruction ___X___ Professional Learning ______ Assessment ___X___ Planning & Organization __X___ Leadership ___X___ Student, Family & Community Support ___X___ School Culture Prioritized Strategies for Improvement Results Indicators (insert your 1-3 measurable instructional, programmatic, organizational, or leadership strategies) (a measurable, percent, increase in results) Primary Leadership/ Budget (Designate the team, teacher and/or leader responsible, insert budget and projected costs) Evidence Artifacts (Create descriptors of proficient teacher/leader practices to look for.) (Insert what student/adult data you will monitor) Incorporate positive intervention plans with the Learning Support students. Increase documentation on all learning support students with chronic behavior issues (more than 7 referrals) to include behavior tracking by 5 percent. Specific case managers of learning support students that meet this criteria Engage parents after first behavior incident. Lead Learning Support Specialist Discipline Administrator Specific case managers will keep accurate records which will be available to Lead Learning Support Specialist Behavior Modification Plans Documentation of discipline consequences in Infinite Campus Reports in Infinite Campus The Administrative Team will analyze the number of referrals during the first semester and provide professional development opportunities for teachers with more than twelve referrals per semester. Reports in Infinite Campus. Budget: $0 Continuing to follow administrative discipline ladder with clear and concise procedures for students whose behavior is disruptive to the learning process. Decrease the number of In School and Out of School Suspensions by 5 percent. Provide support for teachers with significant discipline referrals in order to create better classroom management skills. Decrease the number of teacher referrals by any individual teacher by 3 percent from the first semester to the second semester if the number of referrals is greater than 12 per semester. Administrative Staff Discipline Secretary Budget: $0 All faculty of Hardaway Administrative Staff – Specifically Assistant Principal over Discipline Budget: $0 PD360 transcripts (professional learning). What are some things you anticipate you will need to do to ensure success? (Identify professional development expectations, effect and cause data collection frequency and practices, resources, etc.) Continuous monitoring of reports in Infinite Campus to anticipate discipline trends and number of referrals by individual teachers will be needed. Specific professional development opportunities for teachers will need to be developed and the Lead Learning Support Teacher and Instructional Specialist will need to monitor for the accurate documentation of behavior plans. © 2010 by The Leadership and Learning Center All rights reserved. Copy only with permission. (866) 399-6019 School-wide Problem-of-Practice: (Abbreviated Data Analysis Narrative) In 2014, the four-year cohort graduation rate was 84.8 percent. Even though we have made gains in this area, we are still not where we want to be. Other factors hindering the graduation rate include a lack of response to intervention among struggling ninth and tenth grade students. Department/Grade Level: 9-12 SMART Goal Statement # 3 The percentage of students of students meeting the requirements for earning a regular education high school diploma in their cohort group will increase from 84.8 percent in 2014 to 90 percent at the end of the 2016 school year. System Focus Area Alignment ___X___ Response to Intervention ___X__ Co-Teaching ______ Standards Based Classrooms Georgia Keys Alignment _____ Curriculum ______ Instruction ______ Professional Learning ______ Assessment ___X___ Planning & Organization __X__ Leadership __X__ Student, Family & Community Support ___X___ School Culture Prioritized Strategies for Improvement Results Indicators (insert your 1-3 measurable instructional, programmatic, organizational, or leadership strategies) (a measurable, percent, increase in student learning results) Implement an effective record keeping/releasing system to ensure that official documentation is on file from receiving schools. Increase the percentage of official documents from receiving schools by 20 percent. Primary Leadership/ Budget (Designate the team, teacher and/or leader responsible, insert budget and projected costs) Assistant Principal Attendance Clerk Guidance Counselors Budget: $0 Evidence Artifacts (Create descriptors of proficient teacher/leader practices to look for.) (Insert what student/adult data you will monitor) Official request for records form. Workflow charts. Documents uploaded into documents tab in Infinite Campus. Percentage of requests received from accepting schools. Reduce the percentage of retentions in each grade by offering Credit Recovery opportunities. Monitor Senior grades and attendance. Decrease the percentage of retentions by 1 percent each year. Administration. Student signature sheets. Credit Recovery Coordinator. Employee time sheets. Student achievement data (pre and post-tests) Student work and rubrics. EOC scores. EOC retest scores. Student growth percentiles. Graduation Coach Instructional Extension Program funding: $20,000 Senior Updates. What are some things you anticipate you will need to do to ensure success? (Identify professional development expectations, effect and cause data collection frequency and practices, resources, etc.) Continuous monitoring of the success rate of withdrawal processes and record keeping/releasing. Records audits must occur monthly. Imbedded credit recovery strategies that will eliminate the need for extended school year sessions. Identify struggling students early in the semester. Secure more highly qualified teachers to offer services for after school tutoring. © 2010 by The Leadership and Learning Center All rights reserved. Copy only with permission. (866) 399-6019