STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Page |1 Patient Access Scheme (PAS) Full Application NOTE: Complete this full application for proposed simple schemes that do not comply with all pre-defined clauses of the Standard “PAS Submission” for Simple Scheme and for proposed complex schemes. Refer to ‘NHS Scotland Patient Access Scheme (PAS) Guidance’ document for further information and guidance on completion. Completed application to be saved as a Microsoft Word® document using following naming convention: Generic Drug Name (Brand Name) PAS Application Pack YYYYMMDD V0.1 (Initial) General Information Brand name: Insert brand name of medicine ® Approved name: Insert approved name of medicine Company name: Insert company name HTA submission type: Select HTA submission type Submission date: Insert submission date Anticipated PAS start date: Insert anticipated effective date PAS indication: Insert indication being reviewed within HTA submission or specific indication for PAS population (if different) Preparations not included in PAS: Enter details including pack sizes that have marketing authorisation but not marketed within UK or enter N/A Existing PAS in Scotland: Indicate if existing PAS Stated discount will be available if HTA outcome is ‘not recommended’: Indicate if stated discount will be available to individual Boards should outcome of HTA be that general prescribing for PAS indication is not recommended (e.g. PACS requests) Additional information: Enter other additional information or enter N/A Company contact details: Insert name Insert position Insert address Insert contact no. Insert email address NHS Scotland PAS Full Application V1.0 (Final) STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Page |2 Details of Proposed PAS Proposed PAS type: Please indicate the type of proposed PAS: Simple PAS with amendment to Standard “PAS Submission” for Simple Scheme Insert response Complex scheme Insert response Proposed cost reduction mechanism (with all stated prices excluding VAT): The cost reduction mechanism will be Choose an item For simple PAS only Strength Form Pack Size NHS List Price (£) Discount (%) PAS Price (£) strength form size £XXXX.XX XX.X% £XXXX.XX strength form size £XXXX.XX XX.X% £XXXX.XX strength form size £XXXX.XX XX.X% £XXXX.XX strength form size £XXXX.XX XX.X% £XXXX.XX strength form size £XXXX.XX XX.X% £XXXX.XX strength form size £XXXX.XX XX.X% £XXXX.XX For proposed complex schemes, outline the details of the cost reduction mechanism and associated processes / funding flow, or enter N/A The following supporting documents have been enclosed with the application: PAS Patient Registration Form Insert response PAS Claim Form Insert response Other supporting documents Insert response List any additional supporting documents NHS Scotland PAS Full Application V1.0 (Final) STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Page |3 Setting: Prescribing: State the anticipated prescribing setting for scheme i.e. primary, secondary and/or tertiary care. Please indicate if the scheme excludes any potential future prescribing settings that may occur within the lifetime of the PAS Supply: State the anticipated supply route for scheme i.e. hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy and/or medicines homecare arrangements. Please indicate if the scheme excludes any potential future supply route that may occur within the lifetime of the PAS Medicines Homecare: State any medicines homecare arrangements including: (i) manufacturercommissioned homecare providers, and (ii) confirm access to PAS scheme via other NHS-commission homecare providers Identifying PAS population: For complex schemes, state how it is intended that the NHS and company will identify the patient population that the PAS applies as well as those patients where the PAS does not apply (e.g. other licensed indications). Identify any equity or equality issues and how these have been addressed. For simple schemes, enter N/A. Patient numbers and estimated total discount Year Estimated no. new patients Estimated total no. of patients (including new patients) Estimated total discount (£) [not cumulative] 1 XX XX £XXXX 2 XX XX £XXXX 3 XX XX £XXXX 4 XX XX £XXXX 5 XX XX £XXXX Please provide details about how the information above has been derived for NHS Scotland. In addition, for complex PAS, please provide the equivalent simple discount and estimation of patient numbers where the PAS does not apply (e.g. other licensed indications) NHS Scotland PAS Full Application V1.0 (Final) STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Page |4 Additional patient monitoring: Outline any additional patient monitoring over and above what would be required if the PAS was not in use PAS uptake monitoring: Describe how the uptake of this PAS will be monitored NHS operational costs: For complex schemes, outline the estimated costs across NHS Scotland to implement and operate the scheme, including (i) initial set-up costs [e.g. developing local SOPs and verification record, staff training and awareness] across 14 NHS Boards, and (ii) recurring costs [e.g. cost per patient to administer scheme including registration, initiating claims and reconciling payments]. Please provide as much details as possible, including basis of costs e.g. time per activity, NHS staff grade and source of information. Burden minimisation : Outline what steps have been taken to minimise the operational burden of the scheme for the NHS NHS engagement: Describe any engagement with NHS Scotland in the PAS development NHS Scotland PAS Full Application V1.0 (Final) STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PAS Operational Flow Diagram (for complex schemes only): NHS Scotland PAS Full Application V1.0 (Final) Page |5 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Page |6 Rationale for PAS: Outline the rationale for submitting a patient access scheme and, if applicable, justification for the complex cost reduction mechanism Other PAS: Outline if the proposed PAS (or identical rebate scheme) is currently in use or proposed for this indication or other indications in NHS Scotland or elsewhere Current position: Describe any previous or current SMC or NICE advice for this medicines (including other indications) Future position: Describe any anticipated SMC or NICE HTA submissions or future licenses within the next five years NHS Scotland PAS Full Application V1.0 (Final) STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Page |7 Further clinical information Posology: Insert standard treatment dose, dosing schedule and duration of treatment Posology adjustments: Insert any necessary posology adjustments (e.g. due to adverse effects or due to hepatic / renal impairment) Treatment discontinuation: Insert the percentage of patients expected to discontinue treatment and provide a breakdown of when treatment is discontinued (if possible) NHS Scotland PAS Full Application V1.0 (Final) STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Page |8 “PAS Submission” for Insert scheme type 1. General Information Drug: Insert approved name of medicine (Insert brand name of medicine®) Supplier name: Insert company name PAS indication: Insert PAS indication for proposed complex schemes OR insert following statement for simple schemes ‘To avoid the need for individual patient tracking, the discount will apply to all purchases of the Drug, including future licensed indications, without prejudice to paragraph 4 below.’ PAS No: PAS No. XXX (Secretariat to complete) The Common Services Agency (NHS NSS) acts for and on behalf of NHS Scotland Boards (“Boards”) in the establishment of the Patient Access Scheme (PAS) Agreement. 2. Defined Terms Defined terms employed in this PAS Submission as indicated by the use of initial capital letters have the meanings ascribed to them in the NHS Scotland Standard Terms for Patient Access Schemes. 3. Constitution of PAS Agreement The PAS Agreement between the Supplier and each Board for the above Drug will be established by the issue of the PAS Approval Letter by NHS NSS on behalf of and with the authority of each Board and such PAS Agreement will be constituted by and governed by the PAS Approval Letter, this PAS Submission and the NHS Scotland Standard Terms for Patient Access Schemes (“Terms”). It is acknowledged that Board approval for use of the Drug in the treatment of Patients as described herein through the Scottish Medicines Consortium forum and / or National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Multiple Technology Appraisal (MTA) as endorsed by Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) is dependent on establishment of the PAS Agreement. 4. Duration 4.1 The PAS Agreement will commence on Insert anticipated effective date and applies to Supply of the Drug by the Supplier after that date for the treatment of Patients in accordance with the following clauses of this PAS Submission. 4.2 While it is anticipated that the PAS Agreement and Board approval as aforesaid will continue once established, it may be necessary to review the situation due to changing circumstances. Accordingly, without prejudice to paragraph 5 below, either Party may terminate the PAS Agreement at any time after a period of five years from Insert anticipated effective date providing not less than three months’ prior notice in Writing to the other, and the PAS Agreement will terminate on the expiry of the notice period. NSS should be informed in Writing of the date of termination (addressed to the Patient Access Scheme Assessment Group (PASAG) Secretariat). 5. Material Breach The importance of maintaining the confidentiality of Supplier Confidential Information noted in paragraph 10 below is acknowledged. Accordingly, disclosure by a Board, NSS or HIS of Supplier Confidential Information will constitute a material breach entitling the Supplier to terminate the PAS Agreement to which this PAS Submission relates by notice in Writing to NSS as representative of the Board (addressed to the Patient Access Scheme Assessment Group (PASAG) Secretariat); And Provided further that, in the event such a material breach negatively impacts, or is demonstrated by the Supplier to be substantially likely to negatively impact the price achieved for the Drug out with Scotland as a result of Confidential Information being used as a reference price, the Supplier shall be entitled to terminate the PAS Agreement to which this PAS Submission relates with each and every Board; Provided that no notice of termination shall be given unless and until the Supplier has submitted evidence of the alleged material breach and afforded NSS and the Board or Boards in PAS for Insert brand name of medicine® PAS No. XXX (Secretariat to complete) Insert anticipated effective date STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Page |9 question an opportunity to consider the evidence and respond thereto and the Supplier shall have regard to the process for dealing with matters arising in relation to the application of PAS described in section 9 (Unresolved Matters) of the NHS Scotland Standard Terms for Patient Access Schemes. 6. Effect of Early Termination In the event of early termination, the Supplier will work with NSS and individual Boards to ensure continuity of care for those patients already initiated on treatment. 7. Scope of Agreement and Cost Reduction Mechanism The PAS agreement is for Patient treated with Insert approved name of medicine (Insert brand name of medicine®). The cost reduction mechanism will be Choose an item. Outline details of the cost reduction mechanism, relevant prices (excluding VAT), patient population, the setting that the PAS is offered and any other relevant information. Refer to Standard “PAS Submission” for Simple Scheme within Concise Application for recommended formatting of clauses. 8. Claims Procedure Insert the following statement or variation for proposed simple schemes: ‘No claims procedure is required by the Board when the Drug is supplied though secondary and tertiary care, and medicines homecare arrangements as the PAS discount is provided at the point of invoice. When the Drug is supplied in primary care then a rebate will be claimed (as outlined in paragraph 7).’ OR insert claims procedure for proposed complex schemes (including reference to any patient registration or claim forms, timeframes for claims and any requirement for Boards to provide list of authorised persons). 9. Verification Record Insert the following statement for proposed simple schemes: ‘The Board is not required to maintain a Verification Record for PAS Agreements for simple schemes. No additional patient monitoring is required over and above what would be required if the PAS agreement was not in use.’ OR insert the following statement for proposed complex scheme: ‘The Board shall maintain the following Verification Record for a period of six years’ and specify any required information to be maintained by the Board to validate claims, when this will be done and any audit requirements. The Supplier will provide PAS monitoring data to the Patient Access Scheme Assessment Group (PASAG) Secretariat on request and may be shared with the relevant NHS Board subject to the obligation of confidence contained in NHS Scotland Standard Terms for Patient Access Schemes. 10. Supplier Confidential Information Insert supplier confidential information is subject to the obligation of confidence contained in NHS Scotland Standard Terms for Patient Access Schemes. 11. Supplier Representative The Supplier’s Representative for the purposes of the PAS Agreement is Insert name or such other person as may be notified to the Board in accordance with the Standard Terms. To be signed by director or company secretary or authorised signatory of Supplier. In case of execution by authorised signatory, Board minute or other document confirming authority should be exhibited and a copy retained with the PAS Submission. Signature: Print name: Insert name Position: Insert position Date: Insert date “PAS Approval Letter” for Insert scheme type PAS for Insert brand name of medicine® PAS No. XXX (Secretariat to complete) Insert anticipated effective date STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL P a g e | 10 National Procurement NHS Scotland National Distribution Centre Canderside 2 Swinhill Avenue Larkhall ML9 2QX Telephone 01698 794400 Fax 01698 794403 Insert date NOTE: PASAG Secretariat to add date if PAS approved and medicine accepted for use Insert name Insert position Insert company name Insert address Insert email address Dear Insert name, The Patient Access Scheme (PAS) proposed by Insert company name (the “Supplier”) for Insert approved name of medicine (Insert brand name of medicine®) (the “Drug”) has been accepted for use in NHS Scotland by PASAG and the medicine accepted for use by SMC and / or NICE and endorsed by HIS. The PAS is for Patients treated for Insert PAS indication for proposed complex schemes OR insert following statement for proposed simple schemes ‘those indications accepted for use by SMC and / or NICE and endorsed by HIS, and in addition the discount will apply to all purchases of the Drug, including future licensed indications.’ I am pleased to confirm that the Common Services Agency (commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) has approved the establishment of the PAS Agreement on behalf of and with the authority of each Board. As such the individual Boards’ representatives need not be listed. The PAS shall be governed by the following terms and conditions:a) b) c) The NHS Scotland Standard Terms for Patient Access Schemes the Supplier’s PAS Submission this PAS Approval Letter The date on which the PAS shall come into effect is Insert anticipated effective date. If you require any further information relating to the approval of the Patient Access Scheme however, please contact the PASAG Secretariat at Yours sincerely Director of Procurement, Commissioning & Facilities NOTE: PASAG Secretariat to add signature if PAS approved and medicine accepted for use Chair Chief Executive Director Professor Elizabeth Ireland Ian Crichton Colin Sinclair NHS National Services Scotland is the common name of the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service. PAS for Insert brand name of medicine® PAS No. XXX (Secretariat to complete) Insert anticipated effective date STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL P a g e | 11 For PASAG Secretariat use only Enter other additional information or issues for consideration Reviewed by: Insert name Checked by: Insert name Date of scheduled PASAG Meeting: Insert date The decision of the PASAG is as follows: PAS approved PAS not recommended unless the following modifications to scheme made: PAS not recommended due to following reason(s): I/We (delete as appropriate) confirm the decision above and that I/we (delete as appropriate) have no declarations of interest relevant to this patient access scheme. Signed: PASAG Co-chair Date: Insert date PASAG Co-chair Date: Insert date National Procurement Approval I recommend that the “PAS Approval Letter” for Simple Scheme is approved for signing by the Director of Procurement, Commissioning and Facilities on behalf of all the Boards. Director of Procurement, Commissioning and Facilities Date: Insert date SMC recommended / NICE accepted and HIS endorsed: Yes If recommended, PAS Number: PAS No. XXX (Secretariat to complete) NHS Scotland PAS Full Application V1.0 (Final) No