Dear Parents of NETT Junior Players: Welcome to the Spring 2014

Dear Parents of NETT Junior Players:
Welcome to the Spring 2014 season of the NETT Junior Team Tennis league. The USTA mission for Jr. Team
Tennis is to provide young players with “fun, fitness, and friendship” through learning and playing the
lifelong game of tennis. Our junior leagues run in the Spring & Fall each year. We are excited to offer 11 flight
levels within our league, and 7 flight winners (*below) will be invited to represent NETT during the USTA Texas
Sectional Championships the weekends of.
Below is some important information regarding the 2014 Spring season. Matches will be played on Sunday
afternoons for all levels beginning on March 2, 2014 and should end in late April.
Flight Name:
Match Format:
8U QuickStart
10U QuickStart
12U Beginner
*12U Intermediate
*12U Advanced
*14U Beginner
*14U Intermediate
*14U Advanced
18U Beginner
*18U Intermediate
*18U Advanced
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
2:30 pm
2:30 pm
2:30 pm
2:30 pm
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
1 game to 7 points
4 game set
6 game sets**
6 game sets**
6 game sets**
6 game sets**
6 game sets**
6 game sets**
6 game sets**
6 game sets**
6 game sets**
sudden “victory” at 3 all
tiebreak at 5 all
tiebreak at 5 all
tiebreak at 5 all
tiebreak at 5 all
tiebreak at 5 all
tiebreak at 5 all
tiebreak at 5 all
tiebreak at 5 all
tiebreak at 5 all
** First player to reach 6 games is the winner. (e.g: 6-4 or 6-2, etc)
In addition, here are some helpful guidelines to ensure a good league experience for all:
 Please arrive 20 minutes prior to match time with all appropriate equipment: tennis racket, a few
practice balls, hand towel, large water jug, snack if wanted, hat/sunglasses and sunscreen.
 Please have your child wear tennis shoes with non-marking soles. Tennis court shoes are the best &
offer stability while track shoes may allow ankle to roll. Boys need to wear shorts with pockets; girls
can wear shorts or a tennis skirt to hold extra balls.
 Only the team captain or a designated parent volunteer may coach the players during the allotted
changeover time or if tiebreak assistance is needed. No coaching is allowed during the first
changeover. Coaching is only allowed through the fence unless the court layout prevents such
communication. (e.g: CSHS courts are separated by a wall rather than a fence so the captain must
enter playing area to coach).
 No parents or family members are allowed on the tennis court to sit and watch.
 In addition, no coaching or negative comments are allowed from the parents, only words of praise.
If parents see a problem, they may notify the coach. The goal is to help the kids but we also want them
to work out any issues on their own.
 1 player per team will be awarded a NETT sportsmanship award this season.
 Each player must play in 3 team matches (3 separate dates) to qualify for post-season play.
 You should receive a weekly e-mail from your captain or team parent regarding your upcoming match.
Please respond promptly and inform them of your availability. If you are not getting
e-mails from your team coach, please inform Sarah Swanston at
Each team should have a team parent to help with e-mails, phone calls and snacks.
Any grievances should be submitted to the grievance committee via the league coordinator. A
grievance form is located on the NETT website HOME page at under FORMS-Downloadable Forms.
 NETT will grant a $350.00 team lodging scholarship to each NETT JTT team that attends the Texas
Sectional Championship. Below are some other junior and youth scholarships available from NETT. .
Application forms can be found on the NETT website at under FormsDownloadable Forms.
Thank you again for playing with us and we hope you have a fun season!!!
Best regards,
Sarah Swanston
NETT USTA JTT Coordinator
NETT Scholarships For Junior Tennis Players
I. Advanced Junior Players (managed by VP of Administration)
Tournament Participation (ZAT’s, Champs, Super and Nationals)
* Caveats (1) ZATS’s overnight participation $50 per event
(2) Champs tournaments $100 per event
(3) Supers tournaments $100 per event
(4) National tournaments $200 per event
* Overnight outside of DFW area
II. Junior Team Tennis (managed by VP of Junior Programs)
A.*Sectional Playoffs/ 4-7 teams (semi- annually up to $350 per team)
B. Junior Team Tennis (National Advancements at $600 per team)
*Caveat: Each NETT team that participates at Sectionals would be awarded up to $350, semi-annually, to help offset
tournament expenses such as registration, room and board. Receipts must be provided and funds should be divided
among all participants.
III. Hardship Scholarship (managed by VP of Administration)
Funds have been set aside to assist area juniors who would not be able to participate in tennis
lessons, training or tournaments without financial assistance. (Up to $300 per player per year)
IV. Junior Excellence Scholarship (managed by VP of Administration)
Funds are available to assist area junior players who have achieved national or world ranking. Up to $500 per player
per year may be awarded.