The Seven Flags Healthcare Preparedness

Seven Flags Healthcare Preparedness Coalition Committee
Trauma Service Area T
Article I – Name, Purpose, Responsibilities
The Seven Flags Healthcare Preparedness Coalition Committee (HPCC) was created as
stipulated by the office of the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response - Hospital
Preparedness Program Healthcare Capabilities for Trauma Service Area T on July 1, 2013.
The HPCC primary responsibility is to improve surge capacity and enhance community and
healthcare systems preparedness for public health emergencies; assist participating healthcare
facilities in the TSA-T region, in the development, implementation, review and update of
comprehensive preparedness and response plans to serve the healthcare delivery systems and
public health needs in the event of an All hazardous event; and to evaluate and make
recommendations to assist in decision making on financial fiscal supporting operations systems
involving the HPCC.
The Committee’s specific responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
1. To advise HPCC members directly on matters regarding their healthcare facilities
pertaining to healthcare systems preparedness in Trauma Service Area T.
2. Develop Healthcare Systems Region Response Plans.
3. Work to achieve Healthcare Preparedness Capabilities, performance measures, and
to maintain minimum levels of readiness.
4. Participate in planning and exercises/training workshops.
5. Monitor progress for each capability as described by ASPR Texas Hospital
Preparedness Program.
6. Develop, sustain, or improve Regional Preparedness and Response projects related
to Healthcare Systems described by ASPR Texas Hospital Preparedness Program.
7. Coordinate with local, regional and state officials/jurisdictions in planning efforts for
the healthcare community.
8. Identify and determine gaps in planning, resources, education, or training.
9. Develop action plans to support educational and process refinement.
10. Facilitate integration with local, regional and state response partners.
11. Assist in development and execution of exercises and drills based on identified
needs/issues, formulate corrective action plans, and perform follow-up measures to
ensure best practices have been instituted.
12. Ensure sustainment of medical coordination through support of the Texas
Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Region 11 Medical Operations Center.
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Seven Flags Healthcare Preparedness Coalition Committee
Trauma Service Area T
13. Coordinate planning with response partners for unique needs of special medical
populations/at-risk individuals.
14. Disseminate planning and response initiatives.
15. Provide and receive guidance and recommendations to/from other Committees,
including ad hoc committees, on planning initiatives, program development and
grant expenditures.
16. Ensure that no HPP funds or assets are to be used to maintain, conform, or meet
requirements an organization may have for local, state, or federal licenses or
Article II - Membership
HPCC Members
The participating members will consist of following:
Healthcare providers/facilities, EMS Providers, Emergency Management/Public Safety,
Long-term care/acute providers, hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, Mental/behavioral
health providers, Private entities associated with healthcare (e.g., Hospital
associations), Specialty service providers (e.g., dialysis, pediatrics, woman’s health,
stand-alone surgery, urgent care), Support service providers (e.g., laboratories,
pharmacies, blood banks, poison control), Primary care providers, Community Health
Centers, City and County Public health, Tribal Healthcare, and Federal entities.
HPCC Voting Members
The eight (8) HPCC voting members are composed of essential partners listed under
capability one of the ASPR National Guidance for Healthcare System Preparedness
(January 2012). Agency must submit a letter to HPCC liaison identifying their appointed
Non Voting Members
1. City of Laredo Health Department - HPP staff member shall serve as HPCC’s liaison
and shall attend each HPCC’s meeting.
2. Additional members shall participate in general assembly discussion, participate in
sub-committees and assessments, and act as consultation to the coalition.
3. Any additional members not listed on Figure 1 as voting are to be considered as nonvoting.
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Trauma Service Area T
A vacancy occurs when
A member’s healthcare agency no longer participates in the Hospital
Preparedness Program; or
A member’s term expires and the member is not reappointed; or
A member resigns (resignations shall be in writing to the HPCC liaison and the
Chair); or
Membership committee recommendations.
Members are expected to attend all meetings.
Attendance records documenting HPCC member absences will be maintained by
the HPCC liaison. If a member is unable to attend a scheduled meeting the
member must submit a letter to HPCC liaison prior to the meeting indicating a
designated proxy who assumes all the voting rights and responsibilities of the
An appointed member is removed when, within one calendar year, he or she
misses 75% of the minimum number of meetings to be held. The appointed
member will be notified in writing of such removal.
Members so removed may appeal in writing to the HPCC Committee within two
(2) weeks of the date of notification. Appeals will be dealt with in a timely
manner and the member will be notified in writing of the decision by the HPCC
Article III - Officers
The HPCC members will consist of three officers a Chair, Vice-Chair, and
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Trauma Service Area T
The HPCC members shall elect officers from among its members.
The Vice Chair will ascend to the Chair position; therein the Vice-Chair and
Secretary will be elected.
Officers serve two-year term.
In the event a Chair is unable to fulfill his or her term, the Vice-Chair will ascend
To the Chair’s position, and the respective Chair’s two-year term will begin that
In the event a Vice-Chair is unable to fulfill his or her term, the Secretary will
ascend to the Vice-Chair’s position, and the respective Vice-Chair’s two-year
term will begin that day.
In the event a Secretary is unable to fulfill his or her term, the HPCC shall elect a
replacement at a regular or specially called meeting, who serves for the
remainder of the unexpired term.
Duties of the Chair
The Chair presides at the meetings of the HPCC.
In the case of a tie during a vote which a quorum is present, the Chair will be
deemed to have the authority to break the tie.
The Vice-Chair performs the Chair's duties in his or her absence.
The Secretary performs the Vice-Chair’s duties in his or her absence.
Working with the HPP staff on setting the agenda and ensuring that agenda
items are addressed.
Facilitating achievement of committee priorities.
Identifying planning gaps within the purview of the HPCC and addressing those
issues in an appropriate manner.
Referring planning gaps or concerns outside the purview of the HPCC to the
appropriate committees/departments.
Article IV - Meetings
Meeting dates will be coordinated and voted on by the members.
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Trauma Service Area T
Written notice, including an agenda, of each regular meeting shall be prepared
by the HPCC liaison and electronically transmitted, or hand-delivered to each
HPCC member at least three (3) business days before the meeting date.
The Chair may call special meeting as necessary; however a quorum must be
present to assure any action.
A request by the membership for a special meeting must be in writing,
addressed to the Chair, and describe the purpose or purposes of the meeting.
Only that business reasonably related to the purpose or purposes described in
the request may be conducted at a special meeting.
Notice of any special meeting shall be given at least 72 hours prior to the special
Quorum and Action
An elected officer, the majority of the total voting membership, and the HPCC
contract liaison, excluding vacancies, constitutes a quorum for conducting HPCC
A majority vote of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is
present is necessary for action by the HPCC. During a meeting at which a
quorum has been established, and then subsequently lost due to members
leaving, all remaining business items requiring a HPCC vote or action must be
postponed until the next scheduled meeting at which a quorum is established.
If a quorum is not met, the agenda may be discussed but items requiring a HPCC
vote or action must be postponed until the next scheduled meeting at which a
quorum is established.
The Chair will pre-approve all satellite or teleconference meetings.
Open Meetings and Records
All meetings of the HPCC shall be open to the public. The meetings are not
subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
Minutes of the HPCC meetings, documents distributed and other records are the
property of City of Laredo Health Department HPP Contractor. The HPCC liaison
shall keep the tape recordings of all HPCC meetings for a period of ninety (90)
days after each meeting. Print copies of summary minutes for each meeting shall
be permanently maintained on file. These materials are available for public
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Trauma Service Area T
view, at the City of Laredo Health Department website and offices, upon receipt
of a written request by the interested party.
Except where these bylaws require otherwise, the City of Laredo Health
Department shall govern the conduct of HPCC meetings.
Conflict of Interest
1. Committee Members cannot have a partnership associated with any vendors
selected to support HPP activities.
2. HPP Contractor (City of Laredo Health Department) staff may NOT hold an officer
position within the CLHDHPCC.
Article V – Committees
Ad Hoc
Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the Chair with the approval of the
HPCC and shall serve for special purposes to comply with special needs.
Membership on ad hoc committees shall be established to achieve the purpose
for which the committee was created.
The method for calling ad hoc committee meetings shall be the same as that for
calling HPCC meetings or at the discretion of the ad hoc committee membership
to discharge their responsibility.
The Chair shall appoint the ad hoc Committees Chair.
Article VI - Amendments
By Healthcare Preparedness Coalition Committee
The HPCC may amend these bylaws at a regular or special meeting. The written text of
a proposed amendment must be included with the notice of the meeting at which the
amendment will be considered.
Effective Date
An Amendment to the bylaws takes effect when approved by the HPCC Committee
unless the amendment specifies a later effective date. Copies of amended bylaws will
be distributed to HPCC members by the CLHDHPCC liaison.
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Seven Flags Healthcare Preparedness Coalition Committee
Trauma Service Area T
Voting Members Agencies
8 Voting Members
South Texas Development Council
Webb County Fire Department
Laredo Medical Center
Laredo Fire Department
Zapata County Fire Department
Doctors Hospital of Laredo
Quality Ambulance Service
City of Laredo Health Department
Non Voting Members
City of Laredo Health Department – HPP Staff
Additional Members
City of Laredo Health Department–PHEP Staff
DSHS Staff
Figure 1.0
City of Laredo Health Department Preparedness Coalition
Planning Sub Committee
Trauma Service Area T
The HPCC Planning Sub Committee will be established to create a Regional Healthcare
Preparedness and Response Plan (RHRRP). To create the RHRRP, the Planning Sub Committee
will follow the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) eight (8) Healthcare
Preparedness Capabilities Work-plan.
Capability 1: Healthcare System Preparedness
Capability 2: Healthcare System Recovery
Capability 3: Emergency Operations Coordination
Capability 5: Fatality Management
Capability 6: Information Sharing
Capability 10: Medical Surge
Capability 14: Responder Safety and Health
Capability 15: Volunteer Management
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