This page is available on my website, so links are embedded there.

Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales
(This page is available on my website, so links are embedded there.)
Click on this link for many reliable areas of interest regarding The Canterbury Tales:
Or this, the official Canterbury Tales site:
*Or this, the official Canterbury Cathedral website:
*Don’t miss the virtual tour of Canterbury Cathedral:
Images of Canterbury Tales, including characters:
^ Take a look at that link, and scroll around to find the character whose tale you’ve been assigned. These images are wonderful resources in helping you to
understand what Chaucer wants readers to think about each character, via their physical description. (Remember: SATIRE is being used here.)
**Other links needed?
Search in Google under “Canterbury Tales” or “Geoffrey Chaucer” and investigate. One can usually determine the quality of the site on first glance.
There are over 4 million possibilities for all of the above; learn to select quality sites, save those links and save yourself hours of additional searching.