EXPERIENTIAL TOOL Aviation Personal Orientation Project (POP) AVIATION Activity Guide This activity guide was created in collaboration with experts in the field and is intended to be used in the classroom under teacher supervision. The information it contains is not meant to be exhaustive. The external links mentioned in this guide may no longer be active or may direct you to content that is outdated or inappropriate. Please check these links before using them with students, as we cannot guarantee they will work. Moreover, the Commission scolaire de la Beauce-Etchemin does not endorse nor shall be held responsible for the reliability or accuracy of these external links or for the consequences of their use. In addition, the Commission scolaire de la Beauce-Etchemin does not accept responsibility for the erroneous interpretation or improper use of this activity guide. Note that the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada Creative Commons licence applies only to the text and images noted as being under this licence. Any use of images or other materials that are copyright protected with all rights reserved for purposes other than for this activity guide, in whole or in part, is strictly forbidden. This work, with the exception of any images or other materials identified as copyright protected with all rights reserved, may be reproduced in full or in part provided the source is acknowledged. 2004, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ca/deed.en_CA You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work. You are free to adapt this work. Attribution. You must attribute the work to its original author. Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. Share alike. If you alter, transform or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same licence as this one. Document number: 1 Document version: 4.0 Year: 2013 Property of the Commission scolaire de la Beauce-Etchemin i A V I A T I O N Table of Contents General information 1 Credits 3 I NTRODUCTI ON 5 ACTIVI TY 1 Introduction to flight planning ACTIVI TY 7 2 Planning a flight: Québec City to Trois-Rivières ACTIVI TY 45 3 Flight simulation 49 CONCLUSI ON 57 ANSWER KEY Activity 2 58 APPENDI X A – Glossary 64 ii General information A V I A T I O N List of materials The following is a list of all the materials and resources required to complete this tool kit on aviation: Aviation Activity Guide Multimedia computer X-Plane 10 Global flight simulator software Visual flight rules navigation chart (VNC) #1 Visual flight rules navigation chart (VNC) #2 Ruler Navigation plotter Graph paper Square protractor Joystick Websites for activities X-Plane Wiki http://wiki.x-plane.com Other recommended websites Aerospace Industries Association of Canada www.aiac.ca Magnetic Declination www.magnetic-declination.com Take Charge www.takecharge.navcanada.ca TranspoCity www.careersintransportation.ca 1 A V I A T I O N Files and other resources Visual flight rules navigation chart (VNC) #2 answer key http://liensppo.qc.ca X-Plane 10 Manual http://liensppo.qc.ca Note that all links mentioned in this section are listed on the POP Links website at http://liensppo.qc.ca in the “Aviation” section. 2 Credits A V I A T I O N French conception and adaptation Denis Godin Private pilot (activities 1 and 2) Pedagogical Validation Committee for POP Activity Guides English conception Rob Costain Education Consultant (Activity 3) English translation and adaptation i-Edit Inc. Translation Avis Anderson Researcher, editor and final reviser Pedagogical Validation Committee for POP Activity Guides Images The Commission scolaire Beauce-Etchemin logo appearing throughout this guide is copyright protected with all rights reserved and is therefore excluded from the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada licence. The cover page photo was taken by user flightlog (“Cockpit PA 28,” Flickr®, accessed March 18, 2013, http://www.flickr.com/photos/flightlog/6362060615/). It is under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic licence. The photo at the beginning of Activity 1 was taken by user Makaristos (“C-FAFJ-2008-09-13-YVR,”Wikimedia Commons, last modified September 25, 2010, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:C-FAFJ-2008-09-13-YVR.jpg). It has been released into the public domain. Figures 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 are cropped and enlarged from visual flight rules navigation chart (VNC) #1, which is provided with this guide courtesy of Nav Canada (http://www.navcanada.ca). These figures are copyright protected with all rights reserved and are therefore excluded from the Creative Commons licence. All other images in Activity 1 were taken by Robert Costain and are under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada licence. 3 A V I A T I O N Images (cont.) The photo at the beginning of Activity 2 was taken by Ben Fitzgerald-O’Connor (“IMG_8307,” Flickr®, accessed March 18, 2013, http://www.flickr.com/photos/onega/4678058602/). It is under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic licence. Figure 2.1 is cropped and enlarged from visual flight rules navigation chart (VNC) #2, which is provided with this guide courtesy of Nav Canada (http://www.navcanada.ca). This figure is copyright protected with all rights reserved and is therefore excluded from the Creative Commons licence. The photo at the beginning of Activity 3 was taken by NASA (“AC97-0295-13 a,” Wikimedia Commons, last modified October 17, 2010, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:AC970295-13_a.jpeg). It is in the public domain. All screenshots in Activity 3 are of the X-Plane 10 Global flight simulator software and are used with permission. They are copyright protected with all rights reserved and are therefore excluded from the Creative Commons licence. Figure 3.8 in Activity 3 was created by NASA (“Roll pitch yaw plain,” Wikimedia Commons, last modified November 21, 2009, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rollpitchyawplain.png). It is in the public domain. The vector diagrams in the Answer Key were created by Robert Costain. They are under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada licence. Other copyrighted material The visual flight rules navigation charts (VNCs) provided with this activity guide for activities 1 and 2 are courtesy of Nav Canada (http://www.navcanada.ca). They are intended for use with this guide only; under no circumstances should they ever be used for navigation purposes. The charts are copyright protected with all rights reserved and are therefore excluded from the Creative Commons licence. 4 A V I A T I O N Introduction Aviation is a broad industry that offers many high-paying career opportunities: airline pilot, bush pilot, flight dispatcher, air traffic controller, flight instructor, helicopter pilot, aircraft maintenance engineer, flight service specialist, etc. In Canada, there are four types of airplane pilot permits and licences1: 1) The recreational pilot permit allows the holder to fly non-commercially as a pilot of a single-engine airplane. Only domestic day flying is allowed. 2) The private pilot licence is the most commonly held licence in Canada and is generally the first licence earned by aspiring professional pilots. It allows the holder to fly noncommercially as a pilot or co-pilot of a single-engine airplane. Only day flying is allowed, unless the pilot has earned other ratings by following various courses. 3) The commercial pilot’s licence allows the holder to fly professionally as a pilot of a single-pilot airplane or as co-pilot on a multi-crew airplane. Night flying is included in this licence. 4) The airline transport pilot’s licence allows the holder to fly professionally as a pilot of a single-pilot airplane or as co-pilot on a multi-crew airplane. This licence is required to be a professional airline captain. This activity guide will focus on flight planning, something you would do if you were a flight dispatcher or a bush pilot, who does not have access to a highly automated cockpit. Over the years, instruments in the cockpits of commercial aircraft have evolved to such a point that flight planning now consists mainly of programming flight computers and GPS. Despite these technological advances, flight planning remains an important exercise from an academic point of view, since it allows pilots to learn about the factors that affect flight and understand how these new instruments function. Furthermore, since flight instrument failures do occur, it is of the utmost importance that all pilots know how to fly under visual flight rules (VFR).2 This method involves the use of standard charts and calculations that help direct pilots and set them on the right course. 1. Each permit and licence has an equivalent for helicopter pilots (see “Pilot licensing in Canada,” Wikipedia, last modified April 17, 2012, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilot_licensing_in_Canada, and “On Becoming a Pilot in Canada,” Air Time Canada, accessed April 9, 2012, http://www.airfun.org/bap/index.html). 2. Visual flight rules are a set of regulations under which a pilot operates an aircraft in weather conditions generally clear enough to allow the pilot to see where the aircraft is going. The pilot must be able to operate the aircraft with visual reference to the ground and by visually avoiding obstructions and other aircraft (“Visual flight rules,” Wikipedia, last modified May 21, 2012, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_flight_rules). A V I A T I O N You will also have the opportunity to fly an airplane using X-Plane, a flight simulator. XPlane is a software tool that can be used to predict the flying qualities of various planes with a high degree of accuracy.3 It is a great way for you to explore the world of aircraft flight dynamics. Enjoy your time as a pilot! Note about units of measurement As a result of the great influence of the United States and England in aviation, imperial units of measurement are most commonly used in this industry to this day. Instruments built in these countries are calibrated in imperial units, which, for consistency’s sake, are used by most countries. The measurements used in the activities in this guide are therefore given in imperial units to more closely reflect pilots’ everyday reality. The following table contains information about imperial units of measurement used in the aviation industry as well as their metric equivalents. Imperial Units of Measurement Type of measurement Length Length Length Weight Volume Speed Unit Inch Foot Nautical mile Pound Gallon (U.S.) Knot Abbreviation in. ft. NM lb. gal. kt. Metric equivalent 1 in. = 2.54 cm 1 ft. = 30.48 cm 1 NM = 1.85 km 1 lb. = 453.59 g 1 gal. = 3.70 L 1 kt. = 1.85 km/h Note that technical terms are indicated in italics throughout the guide and are defined in footnotes the first time they are used. Definitions for these terms can also be found in the glossary in Appendix A. 3. See “About X-Plane,” X-Plane 10 Manual, Laminar Research, 2012. Activity A V I A T I O N 1 Introduction to flight planning Flight planning is “the process of producing a flight plan to describe a proposed aircraft flight. It involves two safety-critical aspects: fuel calculation, to ensure that the aircraft can safely reach the destination, and compliance with air traffic control requirements, to minimize the risk of mid-air collision.” In addition, pilots normally want to minimize flight cost by choosing an appropriate route, altitude and speed and by loading the minimum necessary fuel on board. You are training for your private pilot licence and are learning to plan a flight for a singleengine aircraft providing an air taxi service from Bagotville to Roberval. Since this is a challenging task, your flight instructor will walk you through the steps required to plan this flight. In Activity 2, you will repeat the same flight planning steps on your own for a different flight. What you will need to complete this activity: Visual flight rules navigation chart (VNC) #1 Ruler Navigation plotter Graph paper Square protractor A V I A T I O N Exercise 1: Flight planning training During your training, your flight instructor shows you the steps required to plan a flight from Bagotville to Roberval. Try out each step as you go along and check your answers against those of your instructor. Note that the purpose of this exercise is to fill out a Flight Planner; to do so, the instructor provides you with a virtual flight rules navigation chart (VNC #1), a blank Flight Planner (which you will fill out as you go along) and several tables that contain pertinent information. Step 1 Using figures 1.1 to 1.3 to help you, locate the origin airport (Bagotville Airport) and the destination airport (Roberval Airport) on VNC #1, as well as the set heading point (SHP)4, which in this example is the Shipshaw Dam. A set heading point is an easily identifiable intermediate point, usually located between 10 and 15 nautical miles5 (NM) from the origin airport. Origin airport: Bagotville (Draw the first flight segment starting from the intersection of these two bars) © 2009, Nav Canada Figure 1.1 4. The set heading point (SHP) is a geographic reference point that is easily identifiable and located at a reasonable distance from the take-off runway. The climb segment of the flight ends here, and the cruise segment begins. 5. A nautical mile is a unit of length corresponding to approximately one minute of arc of latitude along any meridian. By international agreement, one nautical mile is exactly 1852 metres. A V I A T I O N A V I A T I O N Set heading point: Shipshaw Dam (Draw the first flight segment to this symbol) © 2009, Nav Canada Figure 1.2 Destination airport: Roberval (Draw the second flight segment to the middle of this bar) © 2009, Nav Canada Figure 1.3 A V I A T I O N Step 2 Once you have located these three points on the chart, use the ruler to draw flight segments from the origin airport to the set heading point and from the set heading point to the destination airport, as shown in Figure 1.4. Figure 1.4 The flight segment between the origin airport (departure point) and the set heading point is called the climb segment, while the flight segment between the set heading point and the destination airport (arrival point) is the cruise segment. A V I A T I O N Step 3 Measure the true track (TT) (or true course)6 for the climb segment using the navigation plotter. To do so, align the top edge of the plotter (where the nautical mile marks are indicated) with the climb segment. Move the plotter left or right along the climb segment until the hole in the plotter lies on a meridian7 (vertical grid line on the chart). Then read the angle between the climb segment and the meridian, using the bottom numbers on the protractor (as the climb segment is heading west) (see Figures 1.5). True track = Approx. 305° Meridian Read the angle from the bottom numbers on the protractor Align the top edge of the plotter with the climb segment Figure 1.5 Because you are using a relatively small chart, it is difficult to measure the true track with precision. For the purpose of this exercise, you should therefore round the angle up or down to the nearest 5°. Record your result in the Flight Planner on the following page and compare it to what your flight instructor recorded in the instructor’s Flight Planner on page 13. (As you proceed through this exercise, your instructor’s latest additions to the instructor’s Flight Planner are indicated in red.) You will use your Flight Planner for all steps in this activity; it will help you compare your results to your instructor’s. 6. The true track (TT) (or true course) is the actual path over the ground that the aircraft will follow. It is obtained directly from the angle of the line that connects two points on a map. 7. A meridian (or line of longitude) is an imaginary arc on the earth’s surface that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and connects all locations along it with a given longitude. TOTAL Fuel reserve Destination airport: Roberval Set heading point: Shipshaw Dam Origin airport: Bagotville FLIGHT PATH TT (°) MT (°) Wind (°/kt.) TH (°) MH (°) DIST (NM) Flight Planner GS (kt.) EET (min) FUEL (gal.) MEF (ft.) ATL (ft.) A V I A T I O N A V I A T I O N Flight Planner FLIGHT PATH TT (° ) MT (° ) WIND (°/kt.) TH (° ) MH (° ) DIST (NM) GS (kt.) EET (min) FUEL (gal.) Origin airport: Bagotville Set heading point: Shipshaw Dam 305 Destination airport: Roberval Fuel reserve TOTAL Use the following legend to understand the Flight Planner: Flight Planner Legend Abbreviation TT MT WIND TH MH DIST GS EET FUEL MEF ALT Term True track (°) Magnetic track (°) Wind direction/speed (°/kt.) True heading (°) Magnetic heading (°) Length of segment (NM) Ground speed (kt.) Estimated elapsed time (min.) Expected fuel consumption (gal.) Maximum elevation figure (ft.) Flight altitude (ft.) MEF (ft.) ALT (ft.) A V I A T I O N Step 4 Repeat the same procedure to measure the true track for the cruise segment (see Figure 1.6). True track = Approx. 275° Figure 1.6 Record your results in your Flight Planner and compare them to what your flight instructor recorded in the instructor’s Flight Planner below. Flight Planner FLIGHT PATH TT (° ) Origin airport: Bagotville Set heading point: Shipshaw Dam 305 Destination airport: Roberval 275 Fuel reserve TOTAL MT (° ) WIND (°/kt.) TH (° ) MH (° ) DIST (NM) GS (kt.) EET (min) FUEL (gal.) MEF (ft.) ALT (ft.) A V I A T I O N Step 5 Calculate the magnetic track (MT) (or magnetic course)8 by subtracting the degree of magnetic variation (or magnetic declination)9 from the true track. For the region concerned, the degree of variation is 17 W (−17 degrees from true north). Subtract this number from the true tracks calculated previously. Magnetic track = true track – degree of magnetic variation Climb segment: 305 – (–17) = 322° Cruise segment: 275 – (–17) = 292° Record your results in your Flight Planner and compare them to what your flight instructor recorded in the instructor’s Flight Planner below. Flight Planner FLIGHT PATH TT (° ) MT (° ) Set heading point: Shipshaw Dam 305 322 Destination airport: Roberval 275 292 WIND (°/kt.) TH (° ) MH (° ) DIST (NM) GS (kt.) EET (min) FUEL (gal.) MEF (ft.) ALT (ft.) Origin airport: Bagotville Fuel reserve TOTAL Note that we are assuming the degree of magnetic variation is 17 W for all locations mentioned in Activity 1. You can verify the actual degree of magnetic variation by visiting www.magnetic-declination.com and entering the origin airport and the set heading point in turn. Magnetic variation changes constantly; charts and databases must be updated at least twice a year to reflect the current magnetic variation.10 8. The magnetic track (MT) (or magnetic course) is the true track corrected for magnetic variation. 9. The degree of magnetic variation (or magnetic declination) is the angle between magnetic north (the direction the north end of a compass needle points) and true north. The degree of magnetic variation is positive when the magnetic north is east of true north and negative when it is west of true north (“Magnetic declination,” Wikipedia, last modified April 21, 2012, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_declination). 10. See “Magnetic declination,” Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_declination). last modified April 21, 2012, A V I A T I O N Step 6 Using the navigation plotter, measure the distance in nautical miles (NM) for the climb segment (see Figure 1.7). Make sure the nautical miles side of the plotter is up and start at 0, not at the corner of the navigation plotter. Start measuring from here Figure 1.7 Record your result in your Flight Planner and compare it to what your flight instructor recorded in the instructor’s Flight Planner below. Flight Planner FLIGHT PATH TT (° ) MT (° ) Set heading point: Shipshaw Dam 305 322 Destination airport: Roberval 275 292 WIND (°/kt.) TH (° ) MH (° ) DIST (NM) Origin airport: Bagotville Fuel reserve TOTAL 11 GS (kt.) EET (min) FUEL (gal.) MEF (ft.) ALT (ft.) A V I A T I O N Step 7 Now do the same for the cruise segment (see Figure 1.8). Figure 1.8 Again, record your result in your Flight Planner and compare it to what your flight instructor recorded in the instructor’s Flight Planner below. Flight Planner FLIGHT PATH TT (° ) MT (° ) WIND (°/kt.) TH (° ) MH (° ) DIST (NM) Set heading point: Shipshaw Dam 305 322 11 Destination airport: Roberval 275 292 40 Origin airport: Bagotville Fuel reserve TOTAL GS (kt.) EET (min) FUEL (gal.) MEF (ft.) ALT (ft.) A V I A T I O N Step 8 Determine the maximum elevation figure (MEF)11 for each flight segment. The MEF is the highest elevation, including terrain and other vertical obstacles (towers, trees, etc.) within a given quadrant on the chart (see Figure 1.9). In this case, both flight segments have the same MEF: the highest MEF indicated on the chart within the flight path is 38, which corresponds to 3800 feet (see Figure 1.9). For the purpose of this exercise, add 500 feet to the MEF indicated on the chart as a buffer to account for pilot error. MEF: 3800 + 500 = 4300 ft. Quadrant within both flight segments with the highest MEF Maximum elevation figure Figure 1.9 11. The maximum elevation figure (MEF) represents the highest elevation within a quadrant on the visual flight rules navigation chart. MEF figures are represented to the nearest 100 feet value, and the last two digits of the number are not shown on the chart (e.g. 2800 feet is shown as 28). A V I A T I O N Your flight instructor recorded the MEF for each flight segment in the instructor’s Flight Planner. Record the same values in yours. Flight Planner FLIGHT PATH TT (° ) MT (° ) WIND (°/kt.) TH (° ) MH (° ) DIST (NM) GS (kt.) EET (min) FUEL (gal.) MEF (ft.) Set heading point: Shipshaw Dam 305 322 11 4300 Destination airport: Roberval 275 292 40 4300 ALT (ft.) Origin airport: Bagotville Fuel reserve TOTAL Step 9 Using the magnetic track (MT) for each flight segment, determine the flight altitudes12 based on the predetermined cruising altitudes13 found in Table 1. To avoid burning excess fuel during the climb, pilots generally use the minimum safe altitude unless favourable wind conditions prevail during long-distance flights. In this case, the altitude chosen would be 4500 feet. Table 1 Predetermined Cruising Altitudes Magnetic track (MT) 000-179 180-359 Altitude (ft.) 3500 5500 7500 9500 4500 6500 8500 10 500 12. Altitude is the height of the aircraft above the terrain over which it is flying. 13. Cruising altitude ranges are predetermined based on flight direction for air traffic control purposes in order to avoid mid-air collisions. A V I A T I O N Your flight instructor recorded the altitude for each flight segment in the instructor’s Flight Planner. Record the same values in yours. Flight Planner FLIGHT PATH TT (° ) MT (° ) Set heading point: Shipshaw Dam 305 322 Destination airport: Roberval 275 292 WIND (°/kt.) TH (° ) MH (° ) DIST (NM) GS (kt.) EET (min) FUEL (gal.) MEF (ft.) ALT (ft.) 11 4300 4500 40 4300 4500 Origin airport: Bagotville Fuel reserve TOTAL A V I A T I O N Step 10 Use Table 2 below to determine the climbing speed14 and rate of fuel consumption of the climb segment of the flight for the altitude found in Step 9. Use the average of the two altitudes if necessary (4000 and 5000 feet in this case, since the altitude is 4500 feet, as indicated in Table 1). Retain these values for steps 13 and 19. Climbing speed: (83 + 83) / 2 = 83 kt. Rate of fuel consumption: (9.6 + 9.5) /2 = 9.55 gal./h Table 2 Climb Flight Performance Rate of fuel Altitude (ft.) Speed (kt.) consumption (gal./h) 0 87 10.0 1000 86 9.8 2000 86 9.7 3000 84 9.7 4000 83 9.6 5000 83 9.5 6000 82 9.5 7000 81 9.4 8000 80 9.4 9000 80 9.3 10 000 79 9.3 14. The climbing speed is the speed of the aircraft during the climb segment independent of wind conditions, as indicated on the instrument panel.