1 1. Airborne in situ methane (CH4) measurements 2 The aircraft (Mooney M20M-TLS) was instrumented with an in situ carbon dioxide 3 (CO2), methane (CH4) and water vapor (H2O) cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS, 4 Picarro model 2301-f flight analyzer) [Crosson, 2008] measuring at 0.5 Hz. The analyzer 5 pulled air through a 7.6-m long, 0.00635 m inner-diameter Kynar inlet below the 6 starboard wing. Mole fraction (moles per mole of whole air) measurements from the 7 CRDS analyzer have been corrected for an 11-second time lag, measured prior to flight. 8 The analyzer was calibrated for CH4 between flights with two reference gas tanks of 9 natural air calibrated at NOAA/ESRL on the World Meteorological Organization 10 standard reference scale. Sample air was not dried prior to measurement; the dry mole 11 fraction used in our analysis is derived from an empirical correction to the measured 12 (wet) mole fraction that is a function of ambient water vapor that was measured by the 13 CRDS analyzer, and accounts both for dilution effects and optical interference in the 14 measurement cell. A test of the reported dry mole fraction performed on the ground by 15 injecting water into a stream of gas from a cylinder with a known CH4 mole fraction 16 confirmed that the true dry mole fraction is recovered within 0.5 parts per billion (ppb) of 17 CH4 up to the highest H2O value measured during the flights (2.2%). At this highest H2O 18 value, the correction is approximately 2% for CH4. The stability and consistency of the 19 water correction and calibration for similar models of analyzers has been demonstrated in 20 previous work [Karion et al., 2013; Rella et al., 2012] to be better than 1 ppb of CH4. Dry 21 mole fractions from the CRDS analyzer agree with dry mole fractions measured in flasks 22 that sampled air from a separate identical inlet (described below in Supplementary 23 Methods 2.2) within 2 ppb for CH4 during periods of low atmospheric variability. These 24 values represent the uncertainties associated with both the CRDS and flask measurements 25 and are incorporated in the flux uncertainty analysis. The aircraft was also instrumented 26 for measurement of temperature and atmospheric pressure. Global Positioning System 27 (GPS) location and time were also logged at 1 Hz with the CRDS, flask, and atmospheric 28 measurements. 29 2. Airborne discrete air samples and multi-species analyses 30 Sixty-seven discrete whole air samples were collected in flasks both inside and outside 31 the PBL over the Uintah basin throughout the month of February 2012 and were analyzed 32 for trace gas mole fractions at NOAA in Boulder, Colorado. More than 55 trace gases, 33 including CO2, CH4 and other light alkanes were measured in samples collected with an 34 automated 12-flask sampler (12-pack, High Precision Devices, Inc.). The 12-pack was 35 composed of 0.7 L borosilicate glass flasks, a stainless-steel manifold system, glass 36 valves sealed with Teflon O-rings, and a data logging and control system. Each flask 37 underwent a 10 L flush, and was then filled to 275 kPa over a 10 to 20-second period; 38 there is negligible lag through the 7.6 m line at the high flow rates (~10 L per minute) 39 used to fill the flasks. Samples collected in 12-packs were analyzed at NOAA/ESRL for 40 CH4 on one of two nearly identical automated analytical systems with reproducibility of 41 1.2 ppb. Measurements are reported as dry air mole fractions relative to the same 42 standard scales used for the CRDS calibrations and maintained at NOAA/ESRL 43 [Dlugokencky, 2005; Zhao and Tans, 2006]. The same flask samples were also analyzed 44 for a suite of halocarbons and hydrocarbons using methods documented online 45 (http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/aircraft/analysis.html) and by Montzka et al. [1993] 46 3. High-Resolution Doppler Lidar (HRDL) 47 A High Resolution Doppler Lidar (HRDL) was deployed at a stationary site at Horse 48 Pool, Utah (40.14°N, 109.47°W, elevation 1559 masl), in the Uintah basin gas and oil 49 field [Grund et al., 2001]. This system made range-resolved measurements of line-of-site 50 (LOS) wind speed and aerosol backscatter signal intensity twice per second with 30 m 51 spatial resolution along the beam. Its output beam was directed into the atmosphere using 52 a hemispheric scanner, which performed a repeating 20-minute sequence of scans. Low- 53 elevation-angle azimuthal scans were used to determine the horizontal wind speed and 54 direction from within 12 m of the surface through the top of the planetary boundary layer 55 (PBL). Elevation angle scans were performed along orthogonal azimuthal directions to 56 characterize the spatial variability in the horizontal wind and aerosol in the lower 500 m 57 of the atmosphere. Zenith staring scans were used to characterize the vertical velocity and 58 turbulence from 200 m (the minimum range of the system) through the top of the PBL. 59 HRDL operated continuously for the duration of the February campaign and provided 60 vertical profiles of horizontal wind speed and direction, horizontal and vertical wind 61 speed variance, and uncalibrated aerosol backscatter every 20 minutes. These results 62 were combined to estimate the planetary boundary layer (PBL) depth (the maximum 63 height of the atmosphere that is in contact with the surface through a turbulent process) 64 [Tucker et al., 2009]. These estimates of PBL depth were used to confirm the 65 measurements of the PBL depth from the aircraft. Peak PBL depths on flight days 66 typically ranged from 500 to 1700 magl. 67 4. Details of uncertainty analysis 68 4.1. 69 The mean horizontal wind speed and direction used in equation (1) are the measurements 70 from HRDL, averaged over altitude from the ground to the top of the PBL, and then 71 averaged over the transit time of the air mass across the gas field (approximately 3 hr). 72 Because the mass balance equation applies during conditions of steady horizontal wind 73 speed and direction, variability (both temporal and vertical) in the horizontal wind results 74 in uncertainty in the calculated flux. Variability in the component of the horizontal wind 75 perpendicular to the aircraft heading, V cos , is used to estimate the contribution of wind 76 variability to the total flux uncertainty, to account for correlation that exists between wind 77 speed and direction. Four uncertainty components (measurement uncertainty, vertical 78 variations, temporal variations, and an estimate of spatial variations) are summed in 79 quadrature. Vertical variability is accounted for with a standard error of the mean wind in 80 the vertical dimension (i.e. /√N where N is the number of vertical measurements, 81 typically more than 40). Use of the standard error is justified because there was little 82 evidence of covariance between V cos and height in the measurements above the first 83 50 magl. Temporal variability is estimated as the standard deviation (1) of the mean 84 wind over time, rather than the standard error, because the temporal variability in the Wind speed and direction 85 wind showed significant covariance and structure over the transit time period of the air 86 mass over the gas field. We take the spatial (horizontal) variability of the wind in the 87 basin to be approximately 20%, based on wind speed and direction differences between 88 ground-based hourly measurements in Ouray, UT (40.05°N, 109.69°W, 22 km southwest 89 of Horse Pool) [The University of Utah, 2012] and the HRDL wind measurements at 12 90 magl. Although the same constant wind direction is used for the entire plume, the cos 91 term varies along the path due to changes in the aircraft heading. Supplementary Table 1 92 gives two values and uncertainties for V cos , corresponding to the two main aircraft 93 headings along the path on February 3 (approximately 284 and 331 degrees). The relative 94 uncertainty is 24% in both cases, which is the value used in the flux uncertainty 95 calculation on February 3. 96 4.2. 97 Uncertainty in the plume integration is derived from the measurement uncertainty (2 98 ppb), the variability in background value (5 ppb), and the variability of CH4 in the 99 downwind plume (2 ppb), as described below. Upwind CH4 mole fraction values were CH4 plume integral 100 obtained by averaging measurements from the endpoint of the air mass back trajectory, in 101 the northeast corner of the domain and within the PBL. CH4 mole fractions in this area 102 ranged between 1926 (early in the flight) and 1916 ppb (late in the flight), and matched 103 mole fractions along a horizontal transect in the north that was upwind of field emissions 104 and the mole fraction at the edges of the downwind plume (Figures 1 and 2). The average 105 of these values, 1921 ppb, was subtracted from the downwind mole fractions, and 106 assigned an uncertainty of 5 ppb in order to encompass the range of observed background 107 values. We note that choosing the background mole fraction in this manner (agreeing 108 with the values at the plume edges) eliminates the need to account for entrainment of 109 cleaner air into the PBL from the free troposphere above the PBL, because air parcels 110 inside and outside the plume will both undergo the same dilution of CH4. 111 For uncertainty in the downwind plume due to variability, the CH4 data in the plume 112 (Figure 1, right panel) are smoothed with a 30-point (corresponding to ~5.4 km) moving 113 average and subtracted from the actual CH4 data. The standard error of the resulting 114 variability is calculated by dividing its standard deviation by the square root of the 115 number of uncorrelated measurements in the plume (i.e. /√N). We determined that the 116 autocorrelation length scale of the variability in the plume is approximately 0.7 km, while 117 the width of the plume is approximately 50 km along the flight track, therefore N is 118 approximately 71. 119 4.3. 120 The integration of the downwind plume in the vertical dimension introduces several 121 uncertainties. The integral term includes the molar density of air (nair), derived from on- 122 board pressure and temperature measurements, integrated from ground level (zground) 123 (from the U.S. Geological Survey database at 30 m resolution) to the top of the PBL 124 (zPBL). 125 Uncertainty in this term is dominated by the uncertainty in the height to which the CH4 126 plume mixes, which is composed of two elements. The first is uncertainty in the PBL 127 depth, determined using aircraft vertical profiles (Supplementary Figure 1) and HRDL Vertical integration inside the PBL 128 measurements. The second is the degree of mixing within the PBL and the extent to 129 which CH4 enhancements from individual point sources were mixed to the top of the PBL 130 at the point of measurement downwind of the basin. 131 Aircraft profiles from February 3 close to Horse Pool in the center of the basin at 15:05 132 LT (black in Supplementary Figure 1) and to the northwest of Horse Pool, upwind of the 133 basin at 15:53 LT (blue in Supplementary Figure 1), show a sharp drop in H2O and CH4 134 at a given altitude, and that altitude (~3250 masl) is determined to be the PBL height for 135 our calculations. Two profiles near Horse Pool earlier in the flight (at 14:27 LT and 14:54 136 LT, not shown) indicate the same PBL depth at those times, implying that the PBL depth 137 was generally constant during the flight. HRDL measurements also indicate that the PBL 138 depth was relatively constant during the 3-hr time of transit of the air mass sampled 139 downwind of the field at ~15:30 LT. The high variability in CH4 mole fractions inside the 140 PBL over the basin is caused by significant horizontal variability from different nearby 141 point sources that are sampled as the plane moves horizontally during the spiraling 142 altitude profile, which is typically 4-6 km in diameter with ascent and descent rates near 143 2.9 m s-1. The upwind profiles (blue) illustrate that CH4 is well mixed in the PBL when 144 there are no nearby sources present. The first component of uncertainty in the vertical 145 integral term, uncertainty in the PBL height, is judged to be approximately 125 m from 146 the profiles at different locations in the basin and at different times of flight and the 147 HRDL measurements at Horse Pool. 148 The second component of uncertainty in the vertical integral is from the possibility of 149 incomplete mixing of surface emissions to the top of the PBL; this mixing is a function of 150 downwind distance from the source to the measurement location. Measurements of 151 vertical turbulent heat flux at the ground station in Horse Pool were used to estimate the 152 minimum distance downwind of a point source at which a plume is well mixed in the 153 PBL. 154 Vertical turbulent heat fluxes and total incoming radiation were measured at Horse Pool 155 at the 19 m level of a 22 m instrumented tower located just west of HRDL 156 (Supplementary Figure 2). Turbulent heat fluxes were calculated using the TOGA 157 COARE Flux algorithm [Fairall et al., 2003]. At the times of the February 3 flight the 158 incoming radiation and turbulent heat flux were within 10% of each other and the mole 159 fraction of water vapor was below 0.4% indicating that most of the net radiation was 160 being converted to sensible heat flux, providing up to 250 W m-2 to drive rapid vertical 161 mixing from the surface to the top of the boundary layer. 162 Using measurements of buoyancy flux and PBL height, we estimate a mean mixing time, 163 tm = zPBL/w*, for a tracer to mix from the surface to the top of the boundary layer, where 164 zPBL is the PBL height and w* is the convective velocity scale, following Stull [1991]: 1 165 𝑔𝑧𝑃𝐵𝐿 ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ 3 𝑤∗ = [ (𝑤′𝜃𝑣 ′)] ̅̅̅ 𝜃𝑣 166 In the above relationship, w*, the convective velocity scale, is a function of the mean 167 virtual potential temperature (v), the boundary layer depth (zPBL), and the measured 168 ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ buoyancy flux at the surface (𝑤′𝜃 𝑣 ′); g is the gravitational constant, and the overbar 169 denotes time averages of these quantities. For February 3 the mean mixing time is 16 170 minutes, calculated using the average turbulent heat flux measured at Horse Pool 171 throughout the flight (Supplementary Figure 2). This mean mixing time (tm) is the 172 minimum time needed for a surface plume to reach the top of the PBL, but there are 173 likely to be some heterogeneities in vertical mixing as the point source plume is first 174 lifted vertically as a coherent plume. Within approximately 3 mixing times (3tm) a plume 175 is fully mixed from the top of the PBL to the ground [Stull, 1991; Weil et al., 2004]. In 176 reality, we expect that the mixing profile is also affected by mechanical mixing due to 177 shear caused by variable terrain in sustained winds > 5 m s-1, which the above estimates 178 do not take into account. 179 Using the calculated mixing times (tm) and the mean winds during February 3 2012, we 180 estimate that a downwind distance of 5.3 km is required before a point source plume can 181 be assumed to reach the top of the boundary layer. In our analysis, uncertainty due to 182 vertical heterogeneities and possible incomplete mixing is incorporated in the uncertainty 183 assigned to the PBL height by considering the fractions of point sources within one 184 length scale and between one and three length scales upwind of our measurements. For 185 the fraction within one length scale (the 1% of the portion of Uintah County’s producing 186 gas wells that were upwind of the downwind transect on February 3), we assume a 100% 187 uncertainty and between one and three length scales (the 18% of the producing gas wells 188 that were upwind of the downwind transect on February 3) we assume 20% uncertainty, 189 based on likely vertical mixing profiles at this downwind range [Weil et al., 2004]. This 190 uncertainty would not be a bias necessarily because of the complex evolution of the 191 vertical distribution of the plume with time with respect to the height of the aircraft (400 192 – 600 magl). The PBL height uncertainty for February 3 (8.3%) incorporates an estimate 193 of incomplete mixing for this fraction of sources of 3.7% (100% on 1% of the sources 194 (1%) in quadrature with 20% on 18% of the sources (3.6%)). Gas well locations were 195 obtained from the State of Utah [State of Utah Department of Natural Resources Division 196 of Oil Gas and Mining, 2012b]. 197 5. Fraction of total production 198 To relate our CH4 emissions estimate to leakage of natural gas we have determined other 199 possible CH4 sources within the study region bracketed by upwind and downwind 200 measurements. While there is no evidence for landfills [US Department of Agriculture, 201 2009] or coal mining [State of Utah Department of Natural Resources Division of Oil 202 Gas and Mining, 2012c] in this region, we must account for cattle emissions and natural 203 CH4 seepage. An estimate of 44,000 head of cattle in Uintah County, based on the 2007 204 US Census of Agriculture [US Department of Agriculture, 2009], with an average CH4 205 emission rate of 342 g d-1 head-1 [Griffith et al., 2008] leads to an estimate of 630±340 kg 206 hr-1, or approximately 1.1% of the total emissions estimated on February 3, 2012. This 207 per head emission rate was measured for free-ranging cattle, which emit more CH4 than 208 feedlot or dairy cows; Uintah County contains all three types so we use the higher rate as 209 a conservative estimate here. A 54% uncertainty is assigned to this value based on a 20% 210 uncertainty in the total number of cows (derived from the difference in the number of 211 heads of cattle between the 2002 and 2007 census reports), and a 50% uncertainty in the 212 emission rate, based on ranges found in other literature, as cited in Griffith et al. [2008], 213 and summing the two uncertainty estimates in quadrature. 214 Natural seepage CH4 fluxes measured in nearby Rangely, CO (an oil field 57 km from 215 Horse Pool) during 200-2002 showed a wide range of values, with seasonal means from 216 0.10 to 17.8 mg m-2 day-1 [Klusman, 2003]. We scale the mean of these estimates 217 (~9.0±8.8 mg m-2 day-1) to the approximate area of our measurement footprint (~2000 218 km2) to estimate CH4 seepage of 750±733 kg hr-1, or approximately 1.3% of the February 219 3 CH4 flux. Given possible emission of cattle and natural CH4 seepage, the best CH4 220 emissions estimate from the mass balance approach is reduced by 1.4±1.1x103 kg hr-1 to 221 give 54.6±15.4x103 kg hr-1 as the CH4 emissions from natural gas and oil production and 222 related operations in the field. 223 To relate this CH4 emissions estimate to natural gas production we use a volume fraction 224 of CH4 in natural gas of 0.89 (based on an estimate of the raw gas composition in the 225 Uintah basin from A. Bar-Ilan, personal communication, 2012). We assign an uncertainty 226 of 0.1 to the volume fraction, based on a realistic range of average CH4 content of the 227 leaked gas of 0.89±0.10 (i.e. the top value of 0.99 represents the extreme case of a leak of 228 99% CH4). We convert our estimate of gas leakage from mass to volume using industry 229 standard conditions of 288.7 K (60°F) and 101.35 kPa (14.7 psia). We calculate average 230 hourly production from the total natural gas production from oil and gas wells in Uintah 231 County for February 2012 (7.06x108 m-3) [State of Utah Department of Natural 232 Resources Division of Oil Gas and Mining, 2012a]. Our leakage estimate includes a 5% 233 uncertainty on the production amount, estimated from the change in average daily 234 production from January to February, 2012 and from February to March, 2012. 235 6. Representativeness of emissions on February 3 2012 236 During the time of the study the Uintah oil and gas basin was an actively growing field, 237 with an average growth rate in production of 2% month-1 between December 2011 and 238 April 2012 (Supplementary Figure 5). While February production jumped by 4% from 239 January production, daily activity (in terms of new wells spudded or starting production, 240 Supplementary Figure 6) was not significantly different in the week surrounding 241 February 3 than most in January, February and March of 2012 (average number of 242 spudded wells, January through March = 2.0 per day and average number of wells 243 starting production = 1.7 per day, during the entire time period from January through 244 March). From this perspective, we have little reason to suspect potential sources of 245 emissions were significantly greater or fewer on the day of the measurements than in the 246 surrounding days and have no reason to discount them as unrepresentative of emissions 247 in the basin during February 2012. However, we also note that we have no specific 248 knowledge (via emissions estimates from other days) as to the extent of day-to-day 249 variability of emissions in this basin and would caution against any extrapolation of this 250 data. 251 Supplementary Table 1. Summary of measurements and parameters used to calculate 252 the total CH4 molar flux, February 3, 2012 (numbers may not sum up due to rounding). 253 Two values of the wind component perpendicular to the aircraft track are given, one for 254 each mean heading of the aircraft; they have the same relative uncertainty (24%) when 255 we account for correlation between V and cos . Parameter wind speed V wind direction 256 257 258 Mean Value Variability (one-sigma) Relative Uncertainty 5.2 m s-1 1.2 m s-1 24% 55.2° 7.2° wind component perpendicular to aircraft track V cos 𝜃 3.8/5.1 m s-1 0.7/1.0 m s-1 24% methane enhancement ∆XCH4 56.3 ppb 5.6 ppb 10% boundary layer height zPBL 3250 masl (~1700 magl) 125 m 7*% flux on Feb 3 fluxCH4 3.5x106 mol hr-1 1.0x106 mol hr-1 27% * Does not account for a 3.7% error due to incomplete mixing. 259 260 Supplementary References 261 Crosson, E. R. (2008), A cavity ring-down analyzer for measuring atmospheric levels of 262 methane, carbon dioxide, and water vapor, Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt., 92(3), 403-408. 263 Dlugokencky, E. J. (2005), Conversion of NOAA atmospheric dry air CH4 mole 264 fractions to a gravimetrically prepared standard scale, Journal of Geophysical Research, 265 110(D18), 8. 266 Fairall, C. W., E. F. Bradley, J. E. Hare, A. A. Grachev, and J. B. Edson (2003), Bulk 267 Parameterization of Air–Sea Fluxes: Updates and Verification for the COARE 268 Algorithm, Journal of Climate, 16(4), 571-591. 269 Griffith, D. W. T., G. R. Bryant, D. Hsu, and A. R. Reisinger (2008), Methane emissions 270 from free-ranging cattle: Comparison of tracer and integrated horizontal flux techniques, 271 J. Environ. Qual., 37(2), 582-591. 272 Grund, C. J., R. M. Banta, J. L. George, J. N. Howell, M. J. Post, R. A. Richter, and A. 273 M. Weickmann (2001), High-Resolution Doppler Lidar for Boundary Layer and Cloud 274 Research, J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 18(3), 376-393. 275 Karion, A., C. Sweeney, S. Wolter, T. Newberger, H. Chen, A. Andrews, J. Kofler, D. 276 Neff, and P. Tans (2013), Long-term greenhouse gas measurements from aircraft, Atmos. 277 Meas. Tech., 6(3), 511-526. 278 Klusman, R. W. (2003), Rate measurements and detection of gas microseepage to the 279 atmosphere from an enhanced oil recovery/sequestration project, Rangely, Colorado, 280 USA, Appl. Geochem., 18(12), 1825-1838. 281 Montzka, S. A., R. C. Myers, J. H. Butler, J. W. Elkins, and S. O. Cummings (1993), 282 GLOBAL TROPOSPHERIC DISTRIBUTION AND CALIBRATION SCALE OF 283 HCFC-22, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20(8), 703-706. 284 Rella, C. W., et al. (2012), High accuracy measurements of dry mole fractions of carbon 285 dioxide and methane in humid air, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 5(4), 5823-5888. 286 State of Utah Department of Natural Resources Division of Oil Gas and Mining (2012a), 287 Summary of Production Report, 288 https://fs.ogm.utah.gov/pub/Oil&Gas/Publications/Reports/Prod/County/Cty_Feb_2012.p 289 df. 290 State of Utah Department of Natural Resources Division of Oil Gas and Mining (2012b), 291 Well Information Query, 292 http://oilgas.ogm.utah.gov/Data_Center/LiveData_Search/well_information.htm. 293 State of Utah Department of Natural Resources Division of Oil Gas and Mining (2012c), 294 Utah Coal Mining: Site Location, 295 http://linux1.ogm.utah.gov/WebStuff/wwwroot/coal/coalsiteinfo.php. 296 Stull, R. B. (1991), An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology, Kluwer Academic 297 Publishers, Boston, MA. 298 The University of Utah, MesoWest, (2012), Station AN768 Data Download, 299 http://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/meso_base.cgi?stn=AN768. 300 Tucker, S. C., C. J. Senff, A. M. Weickmann, W. A. Brewer, R. M. Banta, S. P. 301 Sandberg, D. C. Law, and R. M. Hardesty (2009), Doppler Lidar Estimation of Mixing 302 Height Using Turbulence, Shear, and Aerosol Profiles, J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 26(4), 303 673-688. 304 US Department of Agriculture (2009), 2007 Census of Agriculture, Utah, State and 305 County Data, Volume 1, National Agricultural Statistics Service. 306 Weil, J. C., P. P. Sullivan, and C. H. Moeng (2004), The use of large-eddy simulations in 307 Lagrangian particle dispersion models, J. Atmos. Sci., 61(23), 2877-2887. 308 Zhao, C. L., and P. P. Tans (2006), Estimating uncertainty of the WMO mole fraction 309 scale for carbon dioxide in air, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111(D8), D08S09. 310 311 312 313