PROGRAMME DETAILS: MODULES and RESOURCES Programme Title: Delete and enter programme title (Note: a separate programme specification is required for embedded programmes, i.e. HNC etc) Partner Delivering Institution: Delete and enter name of partner institution Start Date: Delete and enter academic year for when the programme will first run (i.e. 2015-16) First Award Date: Delete and enter the academic year when this programme will first complete (i.e. 2017-18) Date(s) of Revision(s) to this Document: Delete and enter date when/if changes are proposed post approval (worth highlighting/colour coding those changes) This document contributes further details to support the Programme Specification. It is a definitive document and aligns with recommendations within the UK Quality Code for Higher Education1. The details enclosed, apart from the reverse pages for the module records, are definitively agreed between the delivering institution and Plymouth University at approval, and therefore any requests for changes (post the conditions set at approval) must follow Plymouth University’s procedures for making changes to partnership programmes2. Contents3 PROGRAMME DETAILS: MODULES AND RESOURCES ................................................... 3 PD1. Comparison of Original and Current Programme Structures ....................................... 3 PD2. Module Records ......................................................................................................... 5 PD3. Professional Development (PD) modules within the award/s: ..................................... 6 Additional Information .................................................................................................... 6 60 Credit Certificate of Professional Development (CPD) Awards .................................. 6 1QAA, 2015, Chapter B1: programme Design, development and Approval:, last accessed 11th May 2015. 2 If required please contact Academic Partnerships’ Programme Administration for assistance. 3 To update the contents list: click on table click on ‘Update Table …’ select ‘Update Entire Table’ ‘OK’ Page 1 Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert Academic Partnerships Programme Details: Modules and Resources Version 1.2 (2015-16) Additional Guidance for Learning Outcomes:................................................................... 10 PD4. Staffing and Resources ............................................................................................ 11 PD3.1 Programme Level Strategy for Staffing and Resourcing ................................... 11 PD3.2 Module Level Staffing and Resourcing Requirements - aligned with current staff 11 Appendix: Click here to enter text........................................................................................ 13 Page 2 Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert Academic Partnerships Programme Details: Modules and Resources Version 1.2 (2015-16) PROGRAMME DETAILS: MODULES AND RESOURCES This document contains information pertaining and/or referring to individual members of staff and therefore should only be employed as an internal document for the management and delivery of this programme. PD1. Comparison of Original and Current Programme Structures4 This structure diagram is an extension from PS12 in the Programme Specification, designed to provide instant compare and contrast as the programme develops over time. o o For programme approval: the blue section on the left hand side must replicate exactly the information in PS12. That section of the table will not change over time. For proposals of change to the programme structure (post programme approval): the red section on the right hand side must provide the proposed new programme structure. FHEQ Level: Delete and insert level (n.b. a separate structure for each level) For: Delete and insert programme title Full Time F/T Route Year When in Year? (i.e. autumn, spring etc) Core or Option Module Credits Delete and Replicate PS12 Delete and Replicate PS12 Delete and Replicate PS12 Delete and Replicate PS12 Structure as Agreed at Programme Approval Module Delete and Replicate PS12 Revised Structure (when required) Core or Option Module Credits Module Insert when amended Insert when amended Insert when amended 4 The provided table includes only a single line. This should be multiplied by copying and pasting to produce the correct number of modules for the level of the programme. For ease of consideration and clarity, please include a separate table for each FHEQ level by again copying and pasting this table. Page 3 Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert Academic Partnerships Programme Details: Modules and Resources Version 1.2 (2015-16) FHEQ Level: Delete and insert level (n.b. a separate structure for each level) For: Delete and insert programme title Part Time P/T Route Year When in Year? (i.e. autumn, spring etc) Core or Option Module Credits Delete and Replicate PS12” Delete and Replicate PS12 Delete and Replicate PS12 Delete and Replicate PS12 Structure as Agreed at Programme Approval Module Delete and Replicate PS12 Revised Structure (when required) Core or Option Module Credits Module Insert when amended Insert when amended Insert when amended Page 4 Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert Academic Partnerships Programme Details: Modules and Resources Version 1.2 (2015-16) PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY MODULE RECORD PD2. Module Records A single Module Record template is provided in this programme specification template. The Module Record will need to be replicated to cover the number of modules within this programme: highlight the entirety of the Module Record template right-click ‘copy’ select an area at least one line below the previous Module Record right-click and select ‘paste – keep formatting’ IMPORTANT NOTE: amendments to section B of each Module Record should be undertaken annually. To capture this for reference and auditable purposes, the module records as a programme pack should be submitted annually to the University through Academic Partnerships. NOTE RE EXISTING MODULES: when a new programme incorporates existing approved modules, the current module record should be duplicated/inserted without changes. Changes made to an approved module record during a programme approval (e.g change to element weightings) will, in effect, create a new distinct module, to be identified by a new module code. Page 5 Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert Academic Partnerships Programme Details: Modules and Resources Version 1.2 (2015-16) PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY MODULE RECORD PD3. Professional Development (PD) modules within the award/s: Please outline in the table below any modules from the award/s that will be used for Professional Development delivery. This allows for scrutiny of these modules by Approval Panels. Module names* Using the same Learning Outcomes? Using the same mode of delivery? Using the same mode of assessment? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Additional Information (see below) Additional Information - - Please do not list ‘all’ modules, only those where PD delivery is planned. Wherever you have answered NO, please outline in the Additional Information box, the change to the existing module and the rationale for the change - e.g. the market need or differentiated student experience required. If you have answered NO, a new module record will be required (with a new code); please place this next to the original module record in the section that follows. This information allows Approval Panels to assess the use of these modules for use in other formats and contexts. Note this information is required only for PD delivery where there is assessment and PU credits will be awarded. 60 Credit Certificate of Professional Development (CPD) Awards If any of the modules listed in the table able are to be grouped together to form a 60 Credit CPD Award, please list combinations planned below: Page 6 Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert Academic Partnerships Programme Details: Modules and Resources Version 1.2 (2015-16) PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY MODULE RECORD Page 7 Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert Academic Partnerships Programme Details: Modules and Resources Version 1.2 (2015-16) PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY MODULE RECORD SECTION A: DEFINITIVE MODULE RECORD. Proposed changes must be submitted via Faculty Quality Procedures for approval and issue of new module code. MODULE CODE: Delete and insert MODULE TITLE: Delete and insert CREDITS: Delete and insert FHEQ Level: Delete and insert JACS CODE: Delete and insert PRE-REQUISITES: Delete and insert or state ‘None’ CO-REQUISITES: Delete and insert or state ‘None’ COMPENSATABLE: Delete and insert Yes or No SHORT MODULE DESCRIPTOR: (max 425 characters) Delete and insert – character limit includes spaces ELEMENTS OF ASSESSMENT Use HESA KIS definitions] WRITTEN EXAMINATION COURSEWORK E1 (Examination) % C1 % (Coursework) E2 (Clinical Examination) T1 (Test) % A1 (Generic Assessment) P1 (Practical) PRACTICAL % or Pass/Fail (delete as appropriate) % % SUBJECT ASSESSMENT PANEL Group to which module should be linked: Delete and insert Professional body minimum pass mark requirement: Delete and insert details or ‘N/A’ MODULE AIMS: Delete and enter either a number bulleted list or an overarching paragraph. It is recommended that there is consistency across the modules in this programme ASSESSED LEARNING OUTCOMES: (additional guidance below) At the end of the module the learner will be expected to be able to: 1. Delete and insert as a bulleted list – recommended 4 to 5 LOs for a 20 credit module. 2. All LOs should be specifically measurable (i.e. similar to objectives). 3. All LOs should use appropriate descriptors (see benchmarks) DATE OF APPROVAL: Click here to enter a date. FACULTY/OFFICE: DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION: Click here to enter a date. SCHOOL/PARTNER: DATE(S) OF APPROVED CHANGE: Click here to enter a date. TERM/SEMESTER: Academic Partnerships Delete and insert delivering partner institution name Delete and insert either ‘All Year’ or name the term/semester Additional notes (for office use only): For delivering institution’s HE Operations or Academic Partnerships use if required Page 8 Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert Academic Partnerships Programme Details: Modules and Resources Version 1.2 (2015-16) PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY MODULE RECORD SECTION B: DETAILS OF TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT Items in this section must e considered annually and amended as appropriate, in conjunction with the Module Review Process. Some parts of this page may be used in the KIS return and published on the extranet as a guide for prospective students. Further details for current students should be provided in module guidance notes. ACADEMIC YEAR: Delete and insert (this page NATIONAL COST CENTRE: Delete and insert should be updated in advance of every academic year) OTHER MODULE STAFF: Insert or enter ‘None’ MODULE LEADER: Delete and insert SUMMARY of MODULE CONTENT Delete and insert SUMMARY OF TEACHING AND LEARNING [Use HESA KIS definitions] Scheduled Activities Hours Comments/Additional Information Delete and insert as per HESA / KIS definitions Component Weighting Element Category Component Name % Total = 100% % Total = 100% % Total = 100% % Total = 100% E_ Written exam T_ Coursework C_ Practical P_ Updated by: Delete and insert (this should be updated on an annual basis) Comments include links to learning objectives (NB: 1 credit = 10 hours or learning; 10 credits = 100 hours, etc) Total Date: Click here to enter a date. Approved by: Delete and insert (this should be updated on an annual basis Date: Click here to enter a date. Recommended Texts and Sources: Delete and insert a list. You may wish to create sections if relevant. Texts should be relatively up to date unless there are key reasons to include older texts. Page 9 Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert Academic Partnerships Programme Details: Modules and Resources Version 1.2 (2015-16) PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY MODULE RECORD Additional Guidance for Learning Outcomes: To ensure that the module is pitched at the right level check your intended learning outcomes against the following nationally agreed standards Framework for Higher Education Qualifications Subject benchmark statements SEEC level descriptors (scroll to pdf link at bottom of page) Professional, regulatory and statutory (PSRB) accreditation requirements (where necessary e.g. health and social care, medicine, engineering, psychology, architecture, teaching, law) QAA Quality Code Additional Guidance for Module Record Completion (including KIS definitions): Full guidance on the completion of module records and further information, including details of KIS definitions is located on the Academic Partnerships portal. Please contact Academic Partnerships Programme Administration if further advice is required. JACS codes. A list of current codes (JACS3) can be found at: National Cost Centres. A list of current (2012/13 onwards) Cost Centres is available at: Page 10 Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert Academic Partnerships Programme Details: Modules and Resources Version 1.2 (2015-16) PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY MODULE RECORD PD4. Staffing and Resources PD4.1 Programme Level Strategy for Staffing and Resourcing While staff appointments remain the remit of the partner, the University must assure itself of the quality and quantity of staff and resources for Plymouth University awards. In order to assist in underpinning this assurance, an explanation of strategy for staffing and resourcing follows: Delete and replace with an explanation that covers the following questions: - How will an appropriate balance of teaching staff be guaranteed across the years of delivery? How will staff absence and turnover be accommodated? How does the programme draw on staff who teach on other programmes? What proportion of the teaching team is made up of full and part-time staff? Where staff appointments are required post-approval, what is the outline of the profile of staff that will be appointed and to what timescales? PD4.2 Module Code, Title and Credits: Delete and insert module code and title 5 Module Level Staffing and Resourcing Requirements - aligned with current staff 5 Module’s Total Contact Hours Delete and insert the sum of contact hours (not including selfdirected learning Essential Staff Qualifications and Experience Resources / Facilities Delete and list these concisely Delete and list these concisely Desirable Additional Skills Sets Delete and list these concisely. Such as technical, practical, lab based skills etc. Copy and paste the provided row to ensure all modules are covered. Page 11 Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert Academic Partnerships Programme Details: Modules and Resources Version 1.2 (2015-16) Current Staff Name Ensure this is current on an annual basis PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY MODULE RECORD etc) Page 12 Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert Academic Partnerships Programme Details: Modules and Resources Version 1.2 (2015-16) PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY MODULE RECORD Appendix: Click here to enter text. (To create additional appendices simply copy and paste the above heading.) Page 13 Delete and insert institution title Delete and insert programme title Date of approval or most recent subsequent amendment: Delete and insert Academic Partnerships Programme Details: Modules and Resources Version 1.2 (2015-16)