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Facebook Discussion on Psychological Harassment


Topic: The Moon and NASA: Space Travel and Tourism, and $$$$$ Star Space Hotels

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Danny Hunt - The Moon, Moon colonization and development are linked to space travel and tourism.

- Current space travel and tourism rates to go into outer space and the space station are in the millions.

- Millions to go into outer space and a stay at the space station, how much will people be willing to pay to travel to the moon and a stay at a moon space station?

Fri at 8:24am

Ken Little Lots!

Fri at 9:39am · Report

Michelle Harrison And yet, America still has thousands of homeless people. Personally, I think all the money spent on "space exploration" should take a back seat to humanity. There are CHILDREN sleeping in the street and we are spending billions shuttling back and forth to a space station. Perhaps we'll send all the poor homeless people to the moon...

Fri at 10:38am · Report

Steve Hughes That's what I'd like to do. Send Comrade Loonbat Pelosi with them.

Fri at 11:16am · Report

Danny Hunt Michelle Harrison

I agree that Homelessness needs to be made a part of the Dark Ages.

Fri at 4:22pm · Delete Post

Steve Hughes I think you should take about a half dozen in and let them live with you Danny.

Fri at 4:35pm · Report

Danny Hunt (from other comments)

Canada should build the first Space Science Hotel Station on the Moon complete with a luxury star gazing penthouse suite and charge the first guest ever 10 billion $ for 1 week followed by 1 billion a week for the following guests.

The Space Science Station can have fun attractions like telescope, a game of golf on the moon for extreme golfers, a ride in the Moon mobile, and perhaps even a moon walk to the Moon Grand Crater to slide on the ice, which means for Canadians ... Hockey Night on the Moon!

Fri at 4:41pm · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

So homelessness and the homelessness weapon will always be a part of human history, even on the

Moon or Mars?

Fri at 5:00pm · Delete Post

Danny Hunt I think the colonies on the Moon and Mars won't have a choice but to take these homeless people in, unless they want to throw them out of an airlock.

Fri at 5:02pm · Delete Post

Steve Hughes Chronic homeless persons are more than likely to be mentally ill. They are just nuts. I don't mind as I love diversity.

Fri at 5:23pm · Report

Danny Hunt Yes, trips to Mars are much longer, which makes the Moon a more interesting tourist destination for the beginning.

I think Neil Armstrong already played the first game of golf on the Moon, so I don't know who will play the first hockey game on the Moon.

Let's make it Canada vs. USA. or a play off that includes Russia too.

Fri at 5:25pm · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

So what's is your point?

Fri at 5:25pm · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

Except negativity and provocation?

Fri at 5:26pm · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

Are your comments to provoke anger or stress?

Fri at 5:29pm · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Anger being linked to saying what I consider to be bad things about the homeless, mental illness, and rhetoric.

Stress being linked to using psychological harassment or criminal psychological harassment to induce stress, mental illness, and to eliminate a persons means of subsistence, leading to homelessness or the homelessness weapon.

Fri at 5:48pm · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Being bombarded by negativity and provocation, which is linked to anger is really not healthy for the brain, and what's bad for the brain can lead to homelessness too.

The Homelessness weapon I want to make part of the Dark Ages.

Fri at 5:50pm · Delete Post

Steve Hughes Like how? By taking a few into your home or by giving them the shirt off of my back?

Fri at 5:55pm · Report

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

"Chronic homeless persons are more than likely to be mentally ill. They are just nuts. I don't mind as I love diversity."

Explain what you mean by " They are just nuts. I don't mind as I love diversity."

Fri at 6:58pm · Delete Post

Steve Hughes Nuts-mentally ill. What about this do I have to explain? Mentally ill would be liberalism on steroids. They want zero personal responsibility. If you gave them a place to live they would just turn it into trash. Witness Section 8 housing.

Jeez! Are you some kind of retard who is unable to see what is right in front of your damn eyes?

Fri at 7:05pm · Report

Danny Hunt "Like how?"

Ok, let me ask you a few questions first.

1- Do you believe psychological harassment exists?

2- If it does, can homelessness be used as a weapon?

Fri at 7:12pm · Delete Post

Steve Hughes '1- Do you believe psychological harassment exists?'

Only if you want it to.

'2- If it does, can homelessness be used as a weapon?'

No. The only thing it can be used for is guilt pushing and self aggrandizement. John Edwards for example.

Fri at 7:15pm · Report

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

Please explain this answer "Only if you want it to."

Do you mean it only exists in a person's mind, like the mentally ill?

Fri at 7:35pm · Delete Post

Steve Hughes The mentally ill and liberals.

Fri at 7:37pm · Report

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

So when a psychiatrist or psychiatrists claim that psychological harassment can be used to induce stress or paranoia in a victim of psychological harassment, are they also mentally ill or wrong?

And how do you explain the laws in regards to psychological harassment, are these laws passed by mentally ill government officials?

Does it exist only in their minds or if they want it to?

Fri at 7:47pm · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

The use of workplace psychological harassment is usually to get rid of someone or cause them to have a burnout, another way of getting rid of them.

And this eliminates their means of subsistence and can lead to homelessness.

The thing about inducing high levels of stress or trying to cause someone to have a burnout is that this can also damage the brain.

So it adds up to a bad combination of eliminating a persons means of subsistence and brain damage, which can lead to homelessness or to homelessness through repetition.

Fri at 8:48pm · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

Criminal Psychological Harassment is similar to workplace psychological harassment but outside the workplace with the same intentions, psychological harm, inducing stress, and burnout.

So similar to workplace psychological harassment being used to get rid of someone at the workplace, criminal psychological harassment is used in modern society to get rid of someone, the homelessness weapon used in modern society.

Fri at 8:54pm · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Michelle and Steve,

Thanks for bring up the topic of homelessness.

Fri at 8:55pm · Delete Post

Steve Hughes 'So when a psychiatrist or psychiatrists claim that psychological harassment can be used to induce stress or paranoia in a victim of psychological harassment, are they also mentally ill or wrong?'

Mentally ill of course. Like you.

Fri at 9:04pm · Report

Steve Hughes 'The use of workplace psychological harassment is usually to get rid of someone or cause them to have a burnout, another way of getting rid of them.'

When you want to get rid of a loser, all is fair. Are you one of the 7 protected as deemed by the government? If not then shut the hell up.

Fri at 9:06pm · Report

Steve Hughes 'Criminal Psychological Harassment is similar to workplace psychological harassment but outside the workplace with the same intentions, psychological harm, inducing stress, and burnout.'

In the words of Donald Trump, you're fired!!


Fri at 9:09pm · Report

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Danny Hunt Steve Hughes,

"Mentally ill of course. Like you."

So psychiatrists who write and document psychological harassment and governments like the Swedish,

France, Quebec, and different States are mentally ill liberals?

What do liberals, left wing, or right wing politics have to do with psychological harassment and mental illness?

Yesterday at 5:39am · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

Is there a conflict?

Liberals acknowledge the existence of psychological harassment and the right wing dismiss its existence to use the homelessness weapon?

Yesterday at 5:45am · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

"When you want to get rid of a loser, all is fair."

So when an employee snaps due to the psychological harassment or burnout they went through and returns with a gun, and blows away his boss, is that fair?

Yesterday at 5:48am · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

"In the words of Donald Trump, you're fired!!"

Firing staff members isn't psychological harassment and I don't think there's any problem with firing employees that are incompetent etc.

The Donald Trump show is a show.

Yesterday at 5:51am · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

"When you want to get rid of a loser, all is fair."

Can poison be put in the coffee machine to slowly get rid of the employee, is that fair or what are the limits?

Yesterday at 5:53am · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

Is there a conflict?

Tell me why the left wing or liberals would acknowledge the existence of psychological harassment being used as a weapon and the right wing would not.

Yesterday at 5:57am · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

Here is an interesting question.

Shouldn't the right wing be advocating gun control?

If there is a conflict, shouldn't the right wing be advocating gun control to protect employers who use psychological harassment to cause an employee to have a burnout and prevent an employee from using a different weapon, a gun, to harm or kill the employer in return?

Yesterday at 6:28am · Delete Post

Steve Hughes what the fuck are you blabbering about loonbat?

Yesterday at 7:44am · Report

Mark Bailey All of humanities problems could be solved if god handed out more condoms.

Yesterday at 8:44am · Report

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

I thought the questions were simple to understand.

Let's take it from the top;

"Mentally ill of course. Like you."

So psychiatrists who write and document psychological harassment and governments like the Swedish,

France, Quebec, and different States are mentally ill liberals?

What do liberals, left wing, or right wing politics have to do with psychological harassment and mental illness?

Yesterday at 10:59am · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Mark Bailey

Condoms or guns, or both?

Yesterday at 10:59am · Delete Post

Steve Hughes 'What do liberals, left wing, or right wing politics have to do with psychological harassment and mental illness?'

Liberalism is a mental illness. A psychosis of the brain which manifests itself as paranoia and always playing the victim.

I hope I made myself clear.

Yesterday at 11:04am · Report

Dalton Dill Stevo - So is your brand of "illness," it is called an individual's perspective, in it's translation to the real world it becomes good character or bad character. There are a few out there who have no character and those are the ones I truly fear.

Danny - To answer your implied question about right wingers, they wish to go back to the good old days where Colt was the only thing that defined a man.

Psychological harrasment is endemic to our society as it is designed to create a population of little selfish consumers (sociopaths) so Adam Smith's "Invisable Hand" can squeeze every single drop of productivity

(Blood, creativity, dreams, etc) out of every single human being.

Yesterday at 12:08pm · Report

Steve Hughes The human race will die out and there is not a damn thing you or anyone else can do about it.

Yesterday at 1:23pm · Report

Marko Freimann Taking money from governmental space exploration would cut jobs and led more homeless, thus that is not a solution. What most people are trying is make NASA more efficient and also make it not the only source to go to for space exploration.

Yesterday at 2:27pm · Report

Thomas Baird Rather focus on a Mars Mission and build a Mars Base etc not a moon mission.

Yesterday at 2:33pm · Report

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

No, I think it's still kind of vague and ambiguous.

And didn't answer this question.

So psychiatrists who write and document psychological harassment and governments like the Swedish,

France, Quebec, and different States are mentally ill liberals?


3 hours ago · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Dalton Dill

I disagree, psychological harassment can be unintentional or intentional.

When it's intentional it is used as an invisible weapon to manipulate and harm others, also linked to using another invisible weapon, the stress weapon and acid-base imbalance, which lead to burnouts.

Is that clear?

3 hours ago · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Dalton Dill

In other words, using psychological harassment to induce a burnout or other medical psychological conditions is to get rid of someone, and not better productivity.

It's an invisible weapon that many would like to keep invisible.

Is that clear?

3 hours ago · Delete Post

Danny Hunt The Gun Weapon

Some people advocate gun control because of the shootings, some related to psychological harassment being used unintentionally and in some cases intentionally.

The Psychological Harassment and Stress Weapon

I advocate letting everyone know about this weapon and destroying its invisibility. Some people may or may not advocate controlling this weapon but I think everyone should know about it and its use, reducing the number victims directly or indirectly.

3 hours ago · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

Try to be clear in your answer to this question.

So psychiatrists who write and document psychological harassment and governments like the Swedish,

France, Quebec, and different States are mentally ill liberals?

3 hours ago · Delete Post

Steve Hughes Something like that. Yes. Two bit vcitim mongers too.

2 hours ago · Report

Richard de la Guardia HEY! PRIVATE INDUSTRY we can ponzi scheme future space tourism about an hour ago · Report

Danny Hunt Richard de la Guardia

How about adding or auctioning off a few galaxies as real-estate investment. about an hour ago · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Richard de la Guardia

And then killing off the human race through environmental catastrophe, I wonder if that would be considered intergalactic fraud. about an hour ago · Delete Post

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

So psychiatrists and government officials who believe in the existence of psychological harassment are also mentally ill, is that your answer?

54 minutes ago · Delete Post

Steve Hughes You mrons sound like some white persosn who headed to the suburbs to escape demtard liberalism and the poverty, misery and hopelessness that comes with it.

54 minutes ago · Report

Steve Hughes Yes. Jesus Christ pay attention! I will explain it one more time since I see you are a little slow. Now listen carefully.

The only way 'psychological harassment' can possible happen is if someone allows themselves to be

'psychololically harassed'. Only crazy people do that. The psychiatrists and politicians who are just taking advantage of the mentally ill which is in itself a mental illness. got it stupid?

49 minutes ago · Report

Richard de la Guardia DUGH!!1

48 minutes ago · Report

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

So here is another strange questions.

These psychiatrist and government officials who believe in the existence of psychological harassment due to a mental illness, according to you, do they need to be treated by other psychiatrists who don't believe that psychological harassment exists?

Please try to be clear.

Your View With Liberals

So liberal psychiatrists are mentally ill and need to be treated by right wing psychiatrists who don't believe that it exists?

47 minutes ago · Delete Post

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47 minutes ago · Report

Steve Hughes Yes and yes. Clear enough?

47 minutes ago · Report


46 minutes ago · Report

Steve Hughes Please do not try and make me some kind of victim. If I am a victim of anything or anyone it is you two bit collectivists.

35 minutes ago · Report

Danny Hunt Steve Hughes

Thanks for your input and discussion on this issue Steve.

16 minutes ago · Delete Post

Steve Hughes I am the yang to your loonbat yin.

13 minutes ago · Report

Hugo Renteria No you are the stink to manure Steve.

9 minutes ago · Report

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