January 2014 Members Newsletter Word Version

Winter 2014
The Year Ahead: Scotland 2014
It is nice to open this first 2014 edition of your Newsletter with a message
from DbS Chief Executive Ruth Dorman: “I would like to say thanks to each
of you for your individual contribution during the opportunities and
challenges of 2013, which makes my role easier and so much more
rewarding. I look forward to the 25-year celebrations and achievements
ahead in 2014. I hope you all have all had a joyous Christmas time and that
you have a peaceful new year ahead. Warmest regards, Ruth.”
2014 is an important year for Scotland in general, with lots of important
events happening, such as the XX Commonwealth Games, Glasgow 2014,
and the crucially important Referendum that will ultimately determine
Scotland’s future within the United Kingdom. But perhaps most exciting of all
is that 2014 is also a special year for Deafblind Scotland: it marks the 25 th
Anniversary of the charity and a year ahead full of exciting opportunities and
events everyone can be involved in! Watch this space for more details on all
of these developments in this and future newsletters.
Editorial comments:
I am here to find information on topics you wish to know more about, so
please share any ideas about what you would like to see changed or
included in future newsletters. It would be fantastic to have a “members’
corner” in the newsletter where you can share jokes, short stories, artwork,
or information of any kind you think is interesting to fellow members. You
could also say if there are any events happening in your area that other
members would be interested in. It would be great to have you involved!
To get a “members’ corner” started, please send your contributions in the
Information@deafblindscotland.org.uk; or phone 0141 777 5842.
Main News section
What Are Our Members Up To?
News & Services
Technology & Science
Something for Everyone
Regional News: West, East, Central, North & South
What’s On?
Entertainment (both sections in each region)
Main News
What are our Members up to?
Christmas Fun
DbS Christmas Lunches 2013 were enjoyed venues in Edinburgh, Glasgow
and Aberdeen. Here are some photos featuring our own 3 volunteer Santas,
members Desmond, Michael and George (in that order)!
Deafblind Boxer
Member James Peline is pictured on the left standing with Alex Morrison,
who owns the Glasgow-based ‘Morrisons Gym’ which promotes boxing
matches. Alex also manages boxer Ricky Burns, who is the current
Lightweight WBO. James, who is deaf from birth and who boxed before
losing his sight to Ushers Syndrome later in life, has regained his
enthusiasm for boxing and now trains on a regular basis. This is yet another
inspiring achievement by someone who has also amazed us with his natural
talent for golf!
Member nominated for Queen’s Baton
Dot B., who recently celebrated her 75th birthday, has been nominated to
carry the Queen's Commonwealth Baton 2014! Dot will find out whether she
has been selected in March. The baton weighs 2kgs and if Dot were chosen
she would have to carry it 200metres. Dot was also nominated for a senior
citizens award just before Christmas, which featured in the Northern Scot (a
local Elgin newspaper). All of this happened after Dot qualified as a fitness
instructor last March, the oldest person to do so by 25 years or more! The
course to become a chair based exercise instructor finishes in Edinburgh
soon in Feb/March. Dot will visit groups of 60+ and sheltered housing
complexes to introduce Dancercise, a mixture of dance and exercise. These
classes will encourage folk to be more active and to have fun! Occasionally,
Dot also does Deafblind presentations in the Moray area as well. Watch this
space for Dot’s Dancercise classes and for news on her Queen’s Baton bid.
Good luck Dot!
Creations from Memory
Desmond S., who is fully deafblind, has been building Meccano from the age
of 3, and he makes many of the models through memory alone! Desmond’s
guide, Jackie, refers to one of Desmond’s creations and said: “Desmond
bought a set on the Thursday, and when I went back on the Sunday after
this Desmond had built it with no instructions or help!” If you have any
photos of things you have created, drawn, written or built, then please send
in the prepaid envelope to share here with your fellow members!
Iceland Trek Updates
Member Alison Brownlie has so far raised £3,424.47 for her Iceland Trek,
which she hopes to embark on 2 - 6 July 2014 with her trekking companion
and guide Linda MacKenzie. Alison and Linda’s next fundraising night will be
an 'Alternative Race Night' on Friday 31 January 2014 at Cumbernauld
Village Bowling Club, Springfield Road, Cumbernauld, G67 2RB. The event
begins from 7.00pm and tickets are £5.00 per person. In the meantime, you
can help Alison and Linda reach their target by donating online at:
Race-Night Fundraiser
Charity Race Night
The Abbotsinch
Friday 21st
Raffle &
Free Buffet.
Plenty of
prizes to be
£5 per
Scottish Charity No. SC 031167
John Whitfield is fundraising for his Peru Trek to the mountain range of
Machu Picchu with Paddington in April 2014. See further details at
www.justgiving.com/john-whitfield, where you can also make a donation. All
are very welcome to come along to the Race Night in Grangemouth, which is
organised by one of his guides for the trek, Joy Sharpe. Should be a fun
night, but if you can’t make it then watch this space for updates!
Creative Members at Craft Fayre
This picture is from a craft fayre in Kirkintilloch Baptist Church, which took
place on Monday 9 December. Members are Andy and Linda, and the photo
clearly shows-off their Christmas card-making skills – excellent work!
Former DbS Guide/Communicator Wins National Award
Sheena Holt, who has supported deafblind people for over 10 years and still
supports deafblind people with the North East Sensory Service, was named
Scottish Carer of the Year. Sheena was awarded the accolade for her work
as a senior care assistant in a Montrose Care Home. Congratulations
News & Services
Guide/Communicator In-Service Meetings 2014
For your information the meetings take place on the following dates:
Wed 26 Feb / Friday 30 May / Wed 27 August / Fri 5 Dec
New DbS Health Access Officer
John Whitfield has now taken up his post as Health Access Officer, and he
will work with other health professionals to promote equal access for
deafblind people to all health services in Scotland and in particular to
NHS24. John will encourage deafblind awareness training and make sure
that the communication and support needs of deafblind people are met.
John said: “I hope to work closely with our membership to be involved in
delivering the training and making sure they are included in any health
promotion activities.”
Please take fill out the questionnaire sent with this newsletter, as in these
early stages it is really important for John to gather as much information as
possible to get the best service for everyone.
Appeal for stories
Funding from the National Lottery Heritage will ensure a history of
deafblindness in Scotland will be written. We aim to complete this by
October 2014, with a public exhibition to celebrate!
DbS would like its members who were deaf or blind from birth to think back
to earlier days, about school and starting work, getting married etc. and write
down your memories and life-experiences for the book. Stories can include
information from your family and friends, or from anyone who has made a
difference to your life. Please send your stories to the Information Officer in
the prepaid envelope provided.
BSL NHS24 Service
The BSL Service opening times at NHS24 has been extended and will now
be available Monday to Friday 9.00am – Midnight and Saturday and Sunday
8.00am to Midnight.
New Global Network for Deafblind Youth
There is a new network been established recently – The Deafblind
Internation Youth Network (DbIYN) – which provides a forum for young
deafblind people aged 15 to 24 to share their stories, views, develop ideas
www.deafblindinternational.org/youth-network.html or visit their Facebook
page at www.facebook.com/groups/dbiyouthnetwork/
Warm Home Discount Scheme
If you are a pensioner or are classed as a vulnerable customer then you may
be able to apply for extra financial help with your gas and electricity bills in
the winter months, including the Warm Home Discount Scheme, if you are
on a low income. This grant opening has just passed, but it is definitely worth
bearing in mind applying for later this year. If you are over 62, have a
household income less than £16,190.00, have a child under 5, receive
Income Support, Employment Support Allowance, DLA or some other
benefits, then you could be eligible to apply. For more information on the
energy suppliers taking part in the Scheme visit: www.gov.uk, or ring the
Helpline on 0845 603 9439, which is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to
4.30pm. You can also phone the Home Heat Helpline on the FREE number
0800 336 699.
Fake Sign-Language Interpreter
Nelson Mandela’s funeral on Sunday December 2013 certainly brought the
world together in mourning of a great man, but it also drew the world’s
attention to a serious issue felt by deaf communities everywhere: the
employment of fake sign-language interpreters, such as the man employed
to interpret at Mandela’s funeral Thamsanqa Dyanti. It has been reported in
one online website Limping Chicken that any deaf person could name a few
‘unconsciously incompetent’ signers accepting interpreting jobs they could
not do very well. Sadly, such reports come from all around the world and
sometimes the authorities do not know about it! In one Limping Chicken
interview with Professor Graham Turner, he remarked: “As Mandela himself
said, the time is always ripe to do right.” Perhaps it takes something as
utterly shocking as this situation to bring about a change for the better.
Outdoor Centre Planned
Sense Scotland is embarking on an exciting new project: looking to develop
its current outdoor activities by establishing its own outdoor and
environmental experience centre in Scotland (in the Central Scotland
area). This will be a permanent base from which people with complex
communication support needs can experience wilderness, camp out, plant
trees, and develop paths and light camp fires. Sense is looking into finding a
suitable location for the centre. To ensure it will suit those who will use it,
please complete the survey at: www.surveymonkey.com/s/SVXBQ2V.
Bespoken – Blackwood Foundation
This organization aims to help disabled people improve their independence
and improve the everyday lives of elderly and disabled people through
innovation, design and providing solutions to everyday problems. Bespoken
is an online community for people who face daily challenges in independent
living and provides a forum to share experiences, ask questions as well as to
contribute ideas and solutions. Their website has members from around the
world. Blackwood is happy to provide more information about their work.
They have produced a short video, which you can view by visiting:
Cross-generational Project for Blind / Partially Sighted
This project is being developed in partnership with Hageye, the Scottish
forum for blind and partially sighted young people. The aim is to bring
together young people aged between 18 and 30 years of age and people
aged 55 years old and over who are living with sight loss. There are 4 FREE
events planned across Scotland on the following dates in 2014: Saturday 1
March in Dundee, Saturday 10 May in Inverness, Saturday 23 August in
Galashiels, and Saturday 13 September in Stirling.
At these events you will be able to share experiences and learn new skills.
He focus of each event is on Health, Technology and Culture. Anyone can
attend and those who are not members of RNIB will receive 9 months free
membership for attending.
BSL Bill
The office of Mark Griffin MSP confirmed that no date has been given for the
Stage 1 debate on the BSL Bill because of the Scottish Parliament’s focus
on the Referendum. However, the Non-Government Bills Unit is confident
the BSL Bill will be ready to be formally introduced before the summer
recess from 28 June 2014.
Dial 101 for non-emergencies
The new number for calling your local police is now 101. The number to dial
for emergencies only is still 999. You can use the 101 number 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week. People who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech
impaired can textphone: 18001 101.
New Year Message from Scottish Fire & Rescue Service
The Scottish Fire & Rescue Service has issued a call to action as it
continues its work to protect communities across Scotland, especially
warning everyone about the risk of smoking and drinking in the home.
ANYONE in Scotland can arrange a free Fire Home Safety Check by
phoning FREE on: 0800 0731 999.
Breathing Space
The Breathing Space BSL service runs on Sundays from 6.00pm to 9.30pm
and on Thursdays from 6.00pm to 10.00pm; to access the service click ‘BSL
service’ on the www.breathingspace.co.uk page.
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
From Monday 13 January 2014 the following areas will be inviting those
receiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to claim PIP to certain postcodes
in Scotland. These include postcodes beginning with DG (Dumfries &
Galloway), EH (Edinburgh), TD (Galashiels) and ML (Motherwell). For more
information contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau or Department of
Work & Pensions. There is also a handy overview of on who is entitled to
PIP and how to claim online at www.gov.uk/pip.
Access to Work explained
This new website contains documents that you can download and links that
will provide you with information on Access to Work, although it will not
provide individual advice. This website also allows you to share your
experiences: www.DeafAtW.com.
New ‘Trend Spotters’ project launched
The Social Care Ideas Factory (SCIF) have launched a new project called
Trend Spotters, which aims to bring together disabled communities and
campaign for a fairer society all across Scotland. Becoming a Trend Spotter
is free, and all that is required is for you to share your experiences – good
and bad – of everyday life issues, such as benefits, accessing health
services, travelling, or anything that you have a view on! In return the SCIF
team will represent your views to the Scottish government and the wider
Scottish media. The team will also run events and social gatherings, and
they can format any information to your requirements when they have news
to report. For further details visit their new Facebook page at:
Petition for Subtitles on Lovefilm
Action on Hearing Loss has joined the campaign to get Lovefilm to provide
subtitles for members suffering from hearing loss. Lovefilm is one of the
largest online DVD and On-Demand online renting companies in the world,
and the petition has already collected 10 thousand signatures and the
RNIB Talking Books Service
There are some changes to this service worth noting. If you are already a
Talking Books user then you will be able to keep your current loan player for
free. However, the RNIB will no longer loan a player to its new customers.
Technology & Science
Member’s Recommendation
One DbS member, Beth, wanted to share a very clever but cost-effective
invention with fellow newsletter readers! Beth purchased a spikesattachment for her cane, which is only £5.00 to buy and is very easy to fit.
The spikes-attachment is ideal for those really icy days as it stops your can
from slipping along the ground, and therefore you are more balanced as a
result. Beth bought her device from the Paisley Mobility Centre; the free
number is: 0800 756 1119; visit www.paisleymobilitycentre.co.uk/contact_us.
If you have any information you think fellow members might benefit from
then write what it is and return in the prepaid envelope in time for your next
newsletter. Thank you for sharing this Beth!
Useful APP Available Now
Available to download on Apple and on Browser, this product vibrates the
phone to alert a user who is deaf / hearing impaired that a sound which
might be relevant to them is occurring nearby; for example, someone who is
calling out to them. The APP is approved by NHS, MHRA, Vodafone
Gene Therapy Yields Some Promising Results
There has been a recent clinical trial on gene therapy that shows promising
results for the treatment of macular conditions. Some patients suffering from
choroideremia were injected with a small virus into the retina of their eye.
The first 6 patients reported an improvement in their vision and no damage
of the eye found afterwards. This research is promising for the treatment of
age-related macular degeneration or retinus pigmentosa, and shows that
gene therapy can be used before the onset of vision loss.
Can Diet Slow Macular Degeneration?
There is valid scientific research that shows macular degeneration can be
slowed by having a better diet. People who eat a diet high in vegetables and
fruit have a lower incidence of age-related macular degeneration. Dark
green, leafy vegetables are best. It is also advisable to eat fish 3 times per
week and avoid a diet high in saturated fats! All this has been proven to slow
sight loss later in life. But do be aware of companies who try to sell you
vitamins / tablets that claim to slow sight loss later in life! Always check with
your GP that you are getting the right amount of vitamins in your diet to help
improve your general health.
New Hearing Aid that Connects to Apple iPhone
A company from Denmark called GN Store Nord has worked with Apple to
produce a hearing aid with Bluetooth-like technology, which allows users to
stream speech and music from their iPhones without using another device.
The hearing aid is very small and has a battery that lasts for several days at
a time. It would be great in the future if this company could produce a similar
device for android phones after they have launched this device with iPhone.
Updates on when the device is to be launched will be posted here.
Something for Everyone
SAGOD Meeting
The next SAGOD meeting will be held in the Forth Valley Sensory Centre,
Camelon, Falkirk on Friday 14 February,10.30am - 3.30pm. There will be
updates on this meeting in your next newsletter.
Members Louise W. and Alison D. volunteered at the SAGOD meeting in
September 2013 to gather ideas for future meetings. There was a good
response from the Autumn newsletter appeal for ideas, but more
suggestions are needed. Between now and the next SAGOD gathering,
Louisa and Alison are meeting to discuss ideas and to make plans. They
would like as many members as possible to contribute to making future
SAGOD meetings the voice of deafblind people. What do you want from
your SAGOD meetings? What should SAGOD meetings be focused on or
involve? Are there any issues you would like to discuss at the meetings?
Louisa and Alison would appreciate your suggestions. Please send ideas in
the prepaid envelope, or email Information@deafblindscotland.org.uk or
phone 0141 777 5842.
DbS Gala Ball 2014
DbS Field of Dreams Gala Ball 2014 will take place in the Thistle Hotel,
Glasgow, on Friday 28 March. All proceeds will be dedicated to the building
of a Learning and Development Centre in Lenzie for deafblind people. For
Tickets for DbS members are £45.00 and tickets for guides accompanying
members to the Ball are also £45.00 per person.
NEW Citizens Deaf Theatre Club
This Club provides information and opportunities for deaf and hard of
hearing patrons to enjoy the work of the Citizens Theatre! You can visit them
at www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTG0elggTkM&feature=youtube_gdata
Luxury Caravan at Seton Sands
Epilepsy Scotland’s luxury caravan based at Seton Sands in Lothian is
available for booking by families and individuals affected by a disability and
on a low income. It can sleep up to 6 people for a 1-week stay from March to
October. A one-off fee of £40.00 includes use of all the caravan’s facilities
and a free on-site entertainment pass. Having a short break can make a
huge difference to everyone’s health and wellbeing. For information call
Jacqui on 0131 226 5458 or visit www.epilepsyscotland.org.uk, or email
Homecoming Scotland
This year 2014 is not only a special year for DbS, but also for Scotland more
generally! This year Scotland will host the Ryder Cup and the XX
Commonwealth Games, all celebrated as a part of Homecoming Scotland
2014! For more information on events across Scotland in 2014 visit:
Workshop on Commonwealth Games
The British Association for the Deaf (BDA) is holding a workshop on the
Commonwealth Games 2014 and how that is being made accessible for
deaf people. The meeting will be held on Tuesday 25 February in
Commonwealth House, 32 Albion Street, Glasgow, G1 1LH, between
3.00pm and 5.00pm. For more information and to confirm your attendance
please contact Avril Hepner by email cado.sthscot@bda.org.uk / SMS 07814
386 298.
West News
What’s On
DbS Gala Ball 2014
DbS Field of Dreams Gala Ball 2014 will take place in the Thistle Hotel,
Glasgow, on Friday 28 March. All proceeds will be dedicated to the building
of a Learning and Development Centre in Lenzie for deafblind people. For
Tickets for DbS members are £45.00 and tickets for guides accompanying
members to the Ball are also £45.00 per person.
There is also a Gala Ball poster included with this newsletter, so please
share with others – the more the merrier!
Ushers Social Event
The group meets on Saturday 15 February from 2.00pm in the November
Café/Bar, The Rooftop, Princes Square, Glasgow, G31 3JN. All are very
welcome to attend!
Patient Focus Public Involvement (PFPI) Meeting
You are invited to attend one of our annual PFPI public meetings in February
this year. The meetings provide patients, carers and members of the public
an opportunity to meet members of our staff, talk about the developments in
our service and how patients are listened to in order to make changes from
their contribution. All venues are wheelchair accessible. All meetings start at
10.30am and finish at 14.00pm, including a light lunch:
10th February - Glasgow - Delta House: Delta House, NHSScotland, 50
West Nile St, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G1 2NP
11th February – Ayr - Ayrshire Hospice: Lecture Theatre, 35 Racecourse
Road, AYR, KA7 2TG, phone 01292 269200
The Scottish Ambulance Service will reimburse reasonable expenses;
expenses forms will be available at the Service events or from
danielquee@nhs.net. Please contact us if you require additional support
needs in advance. These may include:
• Materials in another format, e.g. large print or in another language
• A BSL interpreter/ signers
• Hearing loop etc.
DbS Health Project Group Sessions
Recently, the DbS Health Project team held a group session at the Shaw
Centre, Glasgow, which focused on benefit changes and issues. Due to the
success of this session, the Health Project would like to know if you would
be interested in attending another such session. If so, then please phone
0141 777 5842.
Chair-based exercise classes
These hugely popular exercise classes meet every Monday between 1.00pm
and 2.00pm at 39 Napiershall Street, Maryhill, in Glasgow. The classes are
free and all are welcome.
Visibility Events
Wednesday 5 February & Wednesday 2 April – Oban VI peer support group
meets from 1.30pm to 3.30pm in the Undercroft Room, Kilmore & Oban
Church Centre, Glencruitten Rd, PA34 4DN
Thursday 6 February & Thursday 6 March & Thursday 3 April – Hamilton
Peer Support Group meets in St John’s Church, Duke Street, Hamilton
Friday 14 February & Friday 11 April – Helensburgh VI peer support group
meets in The Meeting Place, United Reform Church, 35 West Princes Street,
Helensburgh, G84 8TF
Tuesday 4 March & Tuesday Tuesday 6 May – Dunoon VI peer support
group meets in the Crag Roy Sheltered Housing, Port Riddell, PA23 8BE
Adult Numeracy & Literacy Classes for Women
Classes are available for women aged 16+ for Adult Literacy & Numeracy
(ALN). The classes are in a safe environment for women to get the support
needed with reading, writing and/or numbers. Please read the criteria:
Adult Literacy & Numeracy classes: weekly classes except for bank holidays
/ school holidays
Wednesdays 12.30pm – 2.30pm
- For women who speak English as a first language
- For women who need support with reading, writing and numbers
- For women living in Glasgow Central & West area (postcodes G1, G2,
G3, G4, G5, G11, parts of G12, parts of G20)
FREE crèche places are also available (places are limited). Please call 0141
248 5338 to find out about the next Open Day to go along and register.
Renfrewshire Deaf Group Meeting
This group meets from 6.30pm to 9.00pm in Spinners Gate, Maxwellton
Street, Paisley, PA1 2UA. The entry fee is £1.00 and everyone is welcome,
with tea/coffee/soft drinks available.
Interested in bowling?
The Forth Valley Visually Impaired Bowlers are seeking new members to
join them - male or female of any age are welcome. For further information
please contact Thomas Fraser on 01506 834 855 or 07944 086 286.
Home Visit Service
There is a new home visit service by Home Energy Scotland to help reduce
fuel poverty. During a home visit they will provide impartial energy advice
face-to-face and give advice on what financial support is available. Home
visits will be free and are funded by Scottish Government. For more
information and for referral to a Home Energy Scotland representative
please tick the box and return in the prepaid envelope.
DbS Volunteer Open Mornings
There are going to be Volunteer Open morning at the DbS office in Lenzie
on Friday 28 February and Friday 28 March, from 10.00am to 12.00noon.
Come along if you or a family member or friends are interested in hearing
more about our varied and exciting volunteering opportunities in 2014!
Glasgow Museums Tours available
Glasgow Museums offer tours for the public and other interested groups
around our storage facility in Nitshill. Guided tours are available on most
days, so anyone can see the variety of objects that are not out on open
display in the other 8 museums in Glasgow. A maximum of 15 to 20 people
are allowed on each tour (which can be arranged for a time that suits you)
and there is a chance you might be able to handle some of the objects. If
you are interested in a tour then please contact Janice Hamilton, Gallery
Assistant, by email: janice.hamilton@glasgowlife.org.uk.
The production 'Glory' was created by the award-winning duo Janice Parker
& Richard Lyzell. People of all ages / abilities / all walks of life will come
together to collaborate to create a large-scale immersive dance event that
celebrates Glasgow’s rich Commonwealth community & Glasgow 2014! The
dates are:
Wednesday 5 - Monday 10 March 7.30pm
Saturday 8 March 2.30pm
Tickets are £12/£8/£6 - Phone 0845 330 3501 / www.tramway.org
BSL interpreted on Friday 7 March / Audio Description Available by
contacting the box office in advance for details.
Audio Described Listings
Wednesday 26 Feb – Glasgow Girls – Citizens Theatre, 7.30pm
Wednesday 26 Feb – Miss Julie – Citizens Theatre 7.30pm
Wednesday 5 March – This Wide Night – Tron Theatre, 7.45
Wednesday 16 April – Beautiful Cosmos – Citizens Theatre, 7.30pm
BSL Interpreted
Friday 14 Feb – Miss Julie – Citizens Theatre, 7.30pm
Wednesday 5 March – This Wide Night – Tron Theatre, 7.45pm
Friday 7 March – Glasgow Girls – Citizens Theatre, 7.30pm
Saturday 15 Feb – Miss Julie – Citizens heater, 7.30pm
Saturday 1 March – Glasgow Girls – Citizens Theatre, 7.30pm
Thursday 6 March – This Wide Night – Tron Theatre, 7.45pm
Saturday 22 March – The Perfect Murder – King’s Theatre, 2.30pm
East News
What’s On
Could You Help Improve Library Services in Edinburgh?
Please come along on Friday 28 February from 10:00am to 12:30pm for a
meeting with Mr Paul Mc Closkey, who is working with Edinburgh City
Council to improve library services in Edinburgh for deafblind people. People
who attend this meeting are given a £20.00 Marks & Spencer voucher. All
expenses will be paid for. To attend this meeting please tick the box on the
reply sheet and return in the prepaid envelope as soon as possible.
Patient Focus Public Involvement (PFPI) meeting
You are invited to attend one of our annual PFPI public meetings in February
this year. The meetings provide patients, carers and members of the public
an opportunity to meet members of our staff, talk about the developments in
our service and how patients are listened to and how changes are made
from their contribution. All venues are wheelchair accessible. All meetings
start at 10.30am and finish at 14.00pm, including a light lunch:
12 February - Edinburgh – City Chambers: Diamond Jubilee Room, 253
High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1YJ
The Scottish Ambulance Service will reimburse reasonable expenses;
expenses forms will be available at the Service events or from
danielquee@nhs.net. Please contact us if you require additional support
needs in advance. These may include:
• Materials in another format, e.g. large print or in another language
• A BSL interpreter/ signers
• Hearing loop etc.
Access to audio books
You can access hundreds of free audio books via various websites. See
Edinburgh Council’s website: www.yourlibrary.edinburgh.gov.uk/librarytogo.
Artlink Gallery Information
Artlink provides information on accessible arts events in Edinburgh and a
membership scheme to support individuals to attend the arts with a
volunteer companion. If you would like more information, contact Susan
Humble susan@artlinkedinburgh.co.uk or phone 0131 299 3555 and choose
option 1. These 2 events are examples of many more, so contact Susan
Humble for further information on other Artlink events:
“Fruitmarket Gallery: Louise Bourgeois, I give everything away” - Takes
place on Thursday 6 February from 6.30pm to 8.00pm. This is an exhibition
tour designed for visually impaired visitors and is open to everyone. The tour
will include detailed descriptions of Bourgeois’s work and practice. Louise
Bourgeois is one of the greatest and most influential artists of our time. In a
career spanning seven decades, from the 1940s until her death in 2010, she
produced some of contemporary art’s most enduring images. To book your
place email: bookshop@fruitmarket.co.uk or phone: 0131 226 8181.
“High Spirits: The Comic Art of Thomas Rowlandson” - Takes place in the
Queen's Gallery, Palace of Holyroodhouse on Wednesday 26 February
10:30am – noon, and is an audio described tour. Thomas Rowlandson was
one of the leading caricaturists of the Georgian period. His comical drawings
explored absurd fashion, the perils of love, political scandal and royal
intrigue. Through Rowlandson’s drawings and prints, the exhibition
examines life at the turn of the 19th century. Join members of the Learning
team for this verbal description tour of key works and themes in the
exhibition. Booking email: learning@royalcollection.org.uk or call 0131 557
2500. Full run on 22 November – 2 March; tickets are £6.25 (£5.70) per
Audio Described
Sat 8 February – War Horse – Festival Theatre, 2.30pm
Sat 15 Feb – Buddy – King’s Theatre Edinburgh, 2.30pm
Sat 22 Feb – Don Pasquale – Festival Theatre, 7.15pm
Thu 27 Feb – Noel Coward’s Private Lives – Lyceum, 7.45
Sat 1 March – Brigadoon – King’s Theatre Edinburgh, 2.30pm
Sat 8 March – Singing in the Rain – Festival Theatre, 2.30pm
Sat 22 March – A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Festival, 2.30pm
Sat 22 March – Eternal Love – King’s Theatre Edinburgh, 2.30pm
Wed 26 March – West Side Story – Edinburgh Payhouse, 2.30pm
Thu 27 March – Never Try This At Home – Traverse, 7.30pm
Sat 29 March – Black Coffee – King’s Theatre Edinburgh, 7.45pm
BSL Interpreted
Sat 8 Feb – War Horse – Festival Theatre, 2.30pm
Sat 15 Feb – Buddy – King’s Theatre Edinburgh, 2.30pm
Sat 1 March – Brigadoon – King’s Theatre Edinburgh, 2.30pm
Sat 8 March – Singin’ in the Rain – Festival, 2.30pm
Sat 22 March – Eternal Love – King’s Theatre Edinburgh, 2.30pm
Sat 29 March – Black Coffee – King’s Theatre Edinburgh, 2.30pm
Thu 13 Feb – Buddy – King’s Theatre Edinburgh, 7.30pm
Thu 6 March – Singin’ in the Rain –Festival Theatre, 7.30pm
Sat 8 March – Noel Coward’s Private Lives – Lyceum, 2.30pm
Thu 20 March – Eternal Love – King’s Theatre Edinburgh, 7.30pm
Thu 27 March – Black Coffee – King’s Theatre Edinburgh, 7.30pm
Thu 27 March – West Side Story – Edinburgh Playhouse, 7.30pm
Central News
What’s On
Action on Hearing Loss drop-in clinics
For information please contact Michelle Donoghue, Project Coordinator by
phone on 01382 201073; mobile 07436543243; email michelle.donoghue@
hearingloss.org.uk; visit the website at www.actiononhearingloss.org.uk; or
phone: 0808 808 0123.
10.00am to 12noon, Mondays 10 February & 10 March in the Broughty Ferry
Library, Queen Street, DD5 2HN
2.00pm to 4.00pm, Wednesdays 12 Feb & 12 March in Lochee Library, 4749 High Street, DD2 3AU
10.00am to 12noon, Tuesdays 11 Feb & 11 March in Tayside Deaf Club,
Dundee DD1 5EF
10.00am to 12noon, Saturdays 22 Feb & 29 March in Blackness Library, 225
Perth Road, Dundee, DD2 1EJ
10.00am to 12noon, Mondays 24 Feb & 31 March in Glenloch Centre,
Station Rd, Forfar, DD8 3DY
10.00am to 12.noon, Wednesdays 19 Feb & 19 March in Arbroath Library,
Hill Terrace, DD11 1AH
10.00am to 12noon, Fridays 28 Feb and 28 March in Links Health Centre,
Marine Avenue, Montrose, DD10 8TY
2.00pm to 4.00pm, Tuesdays 4 Feb & 4 March in Brechin Library, St
Ninian’s Square, Brechin, DD9 7AD
10.00am to 12noon, Wednesdays 5 Feb & 5 March in Perth & Kinross
Society for the Blind, St Paul’s Centre, Perth, PH1 5QA
10.00am to 12noon, Thursdays 13 Feb & 13 March in St Margaret’s
Hospital, Auchterarder, PH3 1JH
2.00pm to 4.00pm, Wednesdays 26 Feb & 26 March in Blairgowrie Cottage
Hospital, Blairgowrie, PH10 6EE
1.30pm to 3.30pm, Wednesdays 5 Feb & 5 March in Crieff Community
Hospital, PH7 3HR
Perth Joint Sensory Group
This new group is also a hearing aid drop-in clinic, which takes place on the
first Wednesday of every month from 10.00am to 12.00pm. There are
refreshments provided, so come along to the Perth and Kinross Society for
the Blind, St Paul’s Centre, 14 New Row, Perth, PH1 5QA. For information
Ice Free Indoor Curling for 50+
This exciting club meets every Thursday 2.00pm to 4.00pm in Logie St
Johns Cross Church, Blackness Avenue, Dundee.
Self-Management Workshop
Do you have a long term condition and are interested in coming to a Self
management Workshop designed to put YOU back in control? Then register
for your FREE place today. There are 6 short sessions, which include:
healthy lifestyle; staying mobile; managing pain; exercise; benefits;
communicating with health professionals. The next workshop is on Monday
24 February, 2014 once a week for 6 weeks from 10.30am to 1.00pm at St
Aidans’s Centre, 408 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry, Dundee DD5 2EB; or
phone 0141 954 7776 or email takecontrol@arthritiscare.org.uk to book.
Patient Focus Public Involvement (PFPI) meeting
You are invited to attend one of our annual PFPI public meetings in February
this year. The meetings provide patients, carers and members of the public
an opportunity to meet members of our staff, talk about the developments in
our service and how we listen to patients and make changes from their
contribution. All venues are wheelchair accessible. All meetings start at
10.30am and finish at 14.00pm, including a light lunch, and takes place 6
Feb - Dundee – Queens Hotel: Best Western, 160 Nethergate, DD1 4DU
The Scottish Ambulance Service will reimburse reasonable expenses;
expenses forms will be available at the Service events or from
Book launch
Scottish Memories – Immigration Stories: Monday 3 February 2014,
11.00am – 2.00pm in the Central Library, Wellgate Centre, Dundee. For
information speak to Rohini Sharma Joshi, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
DisabledGo Dundee
This was launched by Dundee City Council in February 2011 and has
comprehensive access to over 1000 venues accessible to the public in the
area, and the council continues to regularly update this service. The
Audio Description
Stirling: Wednesday 19 March – Wendy Hoose – Macrobert Arts Centre,
Dundee: Saturday 29 March – And Then There Were None – Dundee Rep
Theatre, 2.30pm
BSL Interpreted
Stirling: Wednesday 19 March – Wendy Hoose – Macrobert Arts Centre,
Dundee: Friday 28 March – And Then There Were None – Dundee Rep
Theatre, 7.30pm
Stirling: Wendesday 19 March – Wendy Hoose – Macrobert Arts Theatre,
Dundee: Saturday 29 March – And Then There Were None – Dundee Rep
Theatre, 2.30pm
North News
What’s On
Patient Focus Public Involvement (PFPI) meeting
You are invited to attend one of our annual PFPI public meetings in February
this year. The meetings provide patients, carers and members of the public
an opportunity to meet members of our staff, talk about the developments in
our service and how patients are listened to and how changes are made
from their contribution. All venues are wheelchair accessible. All meetings
start at 10.30am and finish at 14.00pm, including a light lunch:
5 February - Inverness – Centre for Health Science: Phase 1, Ground Floor,
W012-Classroom 2, Old Perth Road, IV2 3JH
The Scottish Ambulance Service will reimburse reasonable expenses;
expenses forms will be available at the Service events or from
danielquee@nhs.net. Please contact us if you require additional support
needs in advance. These may include:
• Materials in another format, e.g. large print or in another language
• A BSL interpreter/ signers
• Hearing loop etc.
New Moray drop-in audio library
The new library includes a selection of books on cassette and CD. Authors
include Ian Rankin, James Patterson, Wilbur Smith, Rosamunde Pitcher,
Alexander McColl Smith and many more. The library is open every Tuesday
from 10.00am to 12.00pm and there is a volunteer there who can help you
get access to the book of your choice. A one-off joining fee of £10.00 unless
you are already a member of the Hello postal library, in which case it is free.
Tinnitus group in Moray and Aberdeen
The group in Moray meets on the first Tuesday of every month from 2.00pm
to 4.00pm. The group in Aberdeen is new and because of this there are no
fixed times to attend. However, to find out the venues and times for both of
these meetings then please contact the Community Inclusion Coordinators,
clare.harris@sensoryservices.org or kirsty.williams@nesensoryservices.org.
New Year, New You Campaign
During January 2014 NHS Grampian Healthpoints has been promoting their
New Year, New You campaign. Healthpoints will be inviting the public to
come in for information on stopping smoking, weight management, and
physical activity and to get their free mini-lifestyle check. Healthpoint
Advisors will be able to carry out these mini-lifestyle checks. The checks are
confidential and last 20-30 minutes. Contact us: by phone on 0500 20 20 30,
or email healthpoint @nhs.net, or text the word INFO to 827827. A
Healthpoint advisor will call you back during office hours.
Healthpoint opening times and venues are as follows:
Aberdeen Health Village – Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary – Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Dr Gray’s Hospital, Elgin – Monday – Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
58A High Street, Fraserburgh Tuesday - Friday 11.00am – 3.00pm
The Hot Spot 1-3 Kirk Street, Peterhead – Tuesday – Friday 11.00am –
Audio Described
Saturday 8 February – Ghost – His Majesty’s Theatre, Aberdeen, 2.30pm
Saturday 8 March – Moon Tiger – His Majesty’s Theatre, Aberdeen, 2.30pm
Saturday 15 March – Pygmallion – His Majesty’s Theatre, Aberdeen, 2.30pm
Saturday 5 April – Chariots of Fire – His Majesty’s Theatre, Aberdeen,
BSL Interpreted
Thursday 6 February – Ghost – His Majesty’s Theatre, Aberdeen, 7.30pm
Thursday 13 March – Pygmalion – His Majesty’s Theatre, Aberdeen, 7.30pm
Saturday 8 February – Ghost – His Majesty’s Theatre, Aberdeen, 2.30pm
Saturday 8 March – Moon Tiger – His Majesty’s Theatre, Aberdeen, 7.30pm
Saturday 5 April – Chariots of Fire – His Majesty’s Theatre, Aberdeen,
South News
What’s On
Visibility: Training Available
This Introduction to Sensory Impairment course may help other people who
help to look after you. The course teaches the learner about eye conditions,
hearing loss and how this impacts on people. The sessions are informative,
interactive and free!
- Dumfries: Tuesday 11 Feb, 10.00am-1.00pm, North West Resource
Centre, Lincluden
- Stranraer: Tuesday 25 Feb,10.00am-1.00pm, Trinity Church Hall,
London Road
Places are limited, so to avoid disappointment secure your place today!
Patient Focus Public Involvement (PFPI) meeting
You are invited to attend one of our annual PFPI public meetings in February
this year. The meetings provide patients, carers and members of the public
an opportunity to meet members of our staff, talk about the developments in
our service and how patients are listened to and how they can make
changes from the contribution. All venues are wheelchair accessible. All
meetings start at 10.30am and finish at 14.00pm, including a light lunch:
12 February - Edinburgh – City Chambers: Diamond Jubilee Room, 253
High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1YJ
The Scottish Ambulance Service will reimburse reasonable expenses;
expenses forms will be available at the Service events or from
danielquee@nhs.net. Please contact us if you require additional support
needs in advance. These may include:
• Materials in another format, e.g. large print or in another language
• A BSL interpreter/ signers
• Hearing loop etc.
Visibility events
Dumfries Visual
Dumfries Social
Feb Club
7pm to
Dumfries VI club meet on the third
Tuesday of every month at St George’s
Church Hall, George St, Dumfries.
Dumfries Social Club venue varies contact
Andrea Houston tel 01387 263652. Last
Friday evening of every month.
The Newton Stewart group meet on the
Newton Stewart
Feb group
last Monday of every month in the
Cinnamon café, Victoria Street, Newton
2pm to
Stranraer Group meets on the of first
Tuesday every month at Custom House,
North Strand Street in Stranraer
Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living (LCiL)
LCiL are launching their new website, which is developed in partnership with
disabled people to ensure that it is relevant to their needs. It is hoped this
website brings more opportunities for disabled communities. For further
Artlink Gallery Information
Artlink provides information on accessible arts events in Edinburgh and a
membership scheme to support individuals to attend the arts with a
volunteer companion. If you would like more information, contact Susan
Humble susan@artlinkedinburgh.co.uk or phone 0131 299 3555 and choose
option 1. These 2 events are examples of many more, so contact Susan
Humble for further information on other Artlink events:
“Fruitmarket Gallery: Louise Bourgeois, I give everything away” - Takes
place on Thursday 6 February from 6.30pm to 8.00pm. This is an exhibition
tour designed for visually impaired visitors and is open to everyone. The tour
will include detailed descriptions of Bourgeois’s work and practice. Louise
Bourgeois is one of the greatest and most influential artists of our time. In a
career spanning seven decades, from the 1940s until her death in 2010, she
produced some of contemporary art’s most enduring images. To book your
place email: bookshop@fruitmarket.co.uk or phone: 0131 226 8181.
“High Spirits: The Comic Art of Thomas Rowlandson” - Takes place in the
Queen's Gallery, Palace of Holyroodhouse on Wednesday 26 February
10:30am – noon, and is an audio described tour. Thomas Rowlandson was
one of the leading caricaturists of the Georgian period. His comical drawings
explored absurd fashion, the perils of love, political scandal and royal
intrigue. Through Rowlandson’s drawings and prints, the exhibition
examines life at the turn of the 19th century. Join members of the Learning
team for this verbal description tour of key works and themes in the
exhibition. Booking email: learning@royalcollection.org.uk or call 0131 557
2500. Full run on 22 November – 2 March; tickets are £6.25 (£5.70) per
We hope you enjoyed this newsletter and are happy to continue to receive information
on behalf of DbS’s services and activities as we really value your interest and support.
Our newsletter is available in various formats, including: audio CD, Moon, Braille and
also via email. For information on any aspect of DbS do not hesitate to contact us:
Deafblind Scotland, 21 Alexandra Avenue, Lenzie, Glasgow, G66 5BG / Phone: 0141
777 6111 / Fax: 0141 775 3311 / Email: info@deafblindscotland.org.uk.