Table S1. Summary of parentage analysis for Gobiusculus flavescens nests collected early and late in the breeding season of 2008. Nest ID, nest substrate, mussel length and nest fullness are given for each nest collected. Total length (TL),wet body mass (WM), number of offspring in nest (# offspring), number of offspring genotyped (# offspring assayed), number of unique reconstructed female genotypes per nest-holding male (# females) and the number of genotyped offspring that do not match the resident nest-holding male at two or more loci (# incompatible) are listed. Nest substrate consisted of empty blue mussels ('mussel'; Mytilis edulis), empty clams (Heterodonta; various species) and/or rock. For nests consisting of a blue mussel with two complete halves, nest size was measured as the length of the shell (mean of the two shell halves) and nest fullness estimated in 10% increments (see Mobley et al. 2009 for details). Nest ID Nest substrate Mussel length Nest fullness (mm) (%) TL (mm) WM (g) # offspring # offspring # incompatible # females assayed Early season 08-01 mussel 68 0 55.0 1.42 0 0 0 0 08-02 mussel* --- --- 44.5 0.67 759 46 0 2 08-03 mussel 66 80 49.0 0.93 4148 43 0 6 08-04 mussel 71 0 51.0 1.11 0 0 0 0 08-05 mussel 74 0 51.5 1.18 0 0 0 0 08-06 mussel 75 30 54.0 1.24 1080 48 2 2 08-07 rock --- --- 43.0 0.58 654 48 0 3 08-08 mussel 74 70 55.0 1.48 2845 45 4 7a 08-09 rock & clam --- --- 51.5 1.22 0 0 0 0 08-10b mussel 68 5 --- --- 101 39 0 2 08-11 rock & clam --- --- 47.0 0.85 0 0 0 0 08-12 mussel 68 80 56.0 1.41 3697 44 3 5 08-13 mussel* --- --- 50.5 1.09 1530 45 1 4 08-14 mussel 65 5 56.0 1.64 35 19 0 1 08-15 rock & clam --- --- 47.5 0.84 2321 47 0 4 08-16 rock & mussel --- --- 43.5 0.65 0 0 0 0 08-17 mussel --- 0 55.5 1.43 0 0 0 0 08-18 mussel --- 0 53.0 1.25 0 0 0 0 08-19 clam --- --- 51.5 1.09 3862 42 0 4 08-20c rock --- --- --- --- 1371 48 0 2 08-21d mussel 64 60 56.0 1.50 2327 --- --- --- 08-22 mussel 51 100 54.0 1.28 2382 45 0 4 08-23 mussel 76 0 59.0 1.86 0 0 0 0 08-24 clam --- --- 55.5 1.32 1120 47 0 6 08-25 clam --- --- 51.0 1.09 0 0 0 0 08-26 mussel 52 40 50.5 1.04 971 43 9 2 08-27 mussel 53 100 53.5 1.33 3897 47 0 4 08-28b rock --- --- --- --- 696 47 --- 1 08-29 clam --- --- 50.5 1.04 2685 44 0 2 08-30 mussel* --- --- 50.0 1.08 41 22 0 1 08-32 clam --- --- 50.5 0.95 4736 47 0 6 08-33 clam --- --- 53.5 1.2 0 0 0 0 08-34 mussel 64 90 43.0 0.62 4119 44 0 5 08-35 mussel 54 60 45.5 0.67 2851 48 1 4 08-36 mussel 72 0 58.0 1.61 0 0 0 0 08-50 mussel 70 80 47.0 0.87 2533 48 0 5 08-51 mussel* --- --- 44.0 0.62 0 0 0 0 08-52d mussel* --- --- 51.0 0.99 --- --- --- --- 08-53d mussel 74 100 48.5 0.90 --- --- --- --- Late season 08-54e mussel 59 70 --- --- 2812 48 0 4 08-55 mussel* --- --- 47.5 0.94 1771 48 0 1 08-56 mussel 75 0 44.0 0.74 0 0 0 0 44.0f 0.68 2778 47 0 5 08-57c mussel 74 60 08-58b mussel 75 70 --- --- 7926 48 0 6 08-59 mussel 59 60 47.5 0.70 1846 47 0 3 08-60 mussel* --- --- 46.5 0.71 1398 46 0 2 08-61 mussel 68 90 46.5 0.80 6048 44 0 5 08-62 mussel 73 70 45.5 0.67 2780 45 0 6 08-63e mussel* --- --- 42.0 0.54 2045 42 0 4 08-64d mussel & rock --- --- 46.0 0.76 --- --- --- --- 08-65 mussel 68 70 47.5 0.79 3472 48 0 5 08-66 rock --- --- 50.5 0.97 3558 48 0 3 08-67 mussel* --- --- 44.0 0.63 954 41 0 2 08-68 mussel* --- --- 40.5 0.44 1290 47 0 2 08-69 mussel* --- --- 45.5 0.72 1629 48 0 3 08-70 mussel 82 80 47.0 0.88 5518 47 0 4 08-71 mussel 78 0 44.0 0.63 0 0 0 0 08-72 mussel 69 90 45.0 0.73 5097 47 0 5 * Nest did not consist of a complete blue mussel consisting of two halves, but single shells, nests on live shells or fragments of blue mussel shells. a Three offspring matching the nest-holding male could not be assigned to any reconstructed female genotypes with certainty. b Nest-holding male not collected or collected male excluded as sire of all genotyped offspring. c Total length and/or wet body mass of nest-holding male was not recorded. d Number of offspring and/or mates could not be assessed correctly and were therefore excluded from analyses. e No male was collected in nest 08-54. Male genotype is consistent with the nest-holding male in 08-63 over all loci. Only 08-54 is used in calculations. f Measured from digital image instead of live fish.