Week 8 Lab Part 1: Gas Reservoir Depletion and Orifice Meter and Critical Flow Part 1. Gas Reservoir Depletion Objectives: Obtain a basic understanding of gas material balance concepts. Be able to estimate original gas in-place given pressure depletion and gas cumulative production data. Equipment: Laboratory set up; safety equipment (covered shoes, safety goggles; no shorts) Discussion: Discuss the objectives of the lab. Discuss the uses of the P/Z versus cumulative production plot. Setup: 1) Close outlet valve from tank and fill with compressed air to 40, 50, 60, and 70 psi (each group will need to do a different starting pressure, but combine all different starting pressures for lab report). 2) While tank is filling, roughly measure tank dimensions so that tank volume can be estimated and draw a sketch of the experimental apparatus. 3) Record the specifications of flow rate measurement device; model, size, type of meter and the units of the output. 4) Reset the cumulative gas volume reading at zero. Your TA will guide you on how to complete this part of the experiment. Procedure: 1) Once tank is filled, close inlet valve to the tank and record the initial pressure. 2) Designate a pressure gauge reader, a cumulative flow meter reader, a valve operator and a recorder from the members of your group. a. Open the outlet valve and vent contents of tank to the room through the flow meter while recording tank pressure and cumulative gas flow. Deplete the pressure in the tank in 5 psi decrements and record the cumulative flow out of the tank at each pressure decrement (see table on next page). Take at least 7 readings. b. After taking measurements, close the tank outlet valve and record the stabilized shut-in tank pressure. Report: 1) Briefly discuss the experimental apparatus (show sketch), procedures and your group’s recordings. 2) Construct a material balance plot for the tank by plotting P/Z versus cumulative gas produced (P must be in absolute pressure, not gauge pressure). What is the initial gas in-place in the tank? Compare this value with the volume of the tank you computed in the setup section of this lab. (Assume ideal gas behavior). P[psig] Cumulative Production[scf ] TA___________ Lab Week 8 Part 2: Orifice Plate and Choke Performance Objectives: Identify and describe different components of Orifice Plate Gas Meter. Determine gas flow rates through orifice plates of different sizes. Determine changes in pressure drops as a function of flow rate, plate diameter and measurement location. Determine how to optimize flow rate measurement using orifice plates. Learn how to change out orifice plate in a flowing gas line A = air/gas entrance from upstream choke B = pressure taps C = orifice plate assembly D = exit to drain E = downstream choke to control back pressure & flow rate B B B E E x x p p l l a a PART A: Measurement of Gas Flow through Fixed Orifice Plates i i by Measurement of Pressure Drop n n Procedure: t t You will record pressure drops across two different orifice h hplates on the marooncolored flow loops. Make sure you know the size of e the orificeein each loop. d d As usual, safety glasses, close-toed shoes, long clothing are required in the lab at all i i times. f f f f Inspect all components from compressed eair inlet toe roof discharge pipe connection. Pay special attention to differential pressure r r measurement quick connects. e e Check that all valves are closed and connections are secure. n n Record pressure at inlet and outlet. c c Open valves to introduce gas flow into one of ethe three flow e loops. Start with the master air valve. Adjust flow with the adjustable choke—record choke settings for s s each flow rate you use. Record pressure at inlet and outlet and volumetric flow rate. Increase the flow rate and record new pressure measurements. Continue for 5 different flow rates. Notify your TA that you have completed your first set of runs. Repeat steps 2-7 for another size orifice plate. Do the experiment for two different size orifice plates (0.5, 1 inch diameter plates). Transfer the quick connect pressure gauge from flow loop to flow loop before proceeding. PART B: Orifice Meter (can be changed while flowing) – Done as Demo Procedure: Close the air inlet valve. Bleed the line pressure down through the fixed orifice plate flow loop. Isolate the flow line incoming to the senior orifice meter. Follow the supplemental orifice plate manual for the removal and replacement of the orifice plate. Ensure that the orifice meter is not leaking after replacing the plate before the next section. Required: 1. Calculate the volumetric flow rate based on pressure drop across orifice plate. 2. Use the orifice pressure calculator (Computer program located only in 301) to compare the recorded flow rate to the calculated flow rate. 3. Compare both to flow rate recorded by Coriolis meter during experiments 4. Discuss/explain differences among the different flow measurements Answer the following (and do for downstream pressure measurement at two locations (1) at the plate (using the quick-release connectors to measure pressure downstream of the plate), plus (2) the permanent Omega gauge further downstream. 5. You may have to use different equations for computing flow rates when measuring downstream pressure at the orifice and further downstream. Why are the downstream pressures different at the two locations. Why are the calculations different? 6. What happens to the pressure drop as the flow rate increases? 7. What happens to the pressure drop as the orifice plate opening increases in size? 8. Are the locations of the pressure taps appropriate? i. How important is the location of the pressure gauge that is upstream of the orifice plate? Why? ii. How important is the location of the gauge that is downstream of the orifice plate? Why? 9. Plot Pressure drop vs. flow rate for both orifice plate diameters. 10. Plot Pressure drop vs. orifice plate diameter at constant flow rate for all flow rates. 11. Describe qualitatively the differences you saw between the pressure drops on the orifice plate. 12. In Appendix A, you are given a typical discharge coefficient. Why this is a reasonable value? 13. Imagine this being field data and the flow rate was not given, and in order to determine gas production you had to calculate flow rate at the given pressure drops. Use the appendix below to calculate the flow rate and compare it to the actual flow rate on a plot of calculated vs. actual flow rate for all orifice plate diameters along with a trend line of y=x. Calculate hw by calculating height of equivalent hydrostatic pressure.You will find useful information in the readings referenced in Appendix B, but don’t feel limited to those readings only. Please reference those readings or any other material you use in your report. Data Sheet PART A Pressure (Inlet) PSI Valve close Pressure ( Outlet) PSI Valve is close 0.50” orifice plate Volumetric Choke flow rate (units) Setting (64ths) Inlet Pressure, psi Outlet Pressure, psi Pressure Drop, psi hw, inches 0.75” orifice plate Volumetric Choke flow rate (units) Setting (64ths) Inlet Pressure, psi Outlet Pressure, psi Pressure Drop, psi hw, inches Inlet Pressure, psi Outlet Pressure, psi Pressure Drop, psi 1.00” orifice plate Volumetric Choke flow rate (units) Setting (64ths) hw, inches TA_______________________________________ Appendix A sc Cd = 0.6 as standard. Appendix B: Choke Flow Orifice plate and choke flow are similar. Below is extracted a discussion of flow through a choke from PPS (pp. 228-9). There is more discussion in PPE (Ch. 5). There are differences in the equations used for nozzle choke and orifice plate. Note especially the differences in discharge coefficient. what they are. Ask Frank Platt for help.