UTS Research Equity Fellowship - University of Technology Sydney

University of Technology, Sydney
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Equity & Diversity Unit
UTS Research Equity Fellowship
Guidelines and Application Form
for funding commencing 2016
A UTS Research Equity Initiative
UTS Research Equity Fellowship – Guidelines
1. Key dates
Closing date for applicants to submit to
Associate Dean (Research)
Check with Faculty Associate Deans (Research)
Closing date for submission to Equity &
Diversity Unit
31 July 2015
Period of appointment
1 January 2016 – 31 December 2016
Final report
Within 3 months from completion
2. Contacts
Information about the program
Joanna Leonard, Equity & Diversity Unit
Information about the application process,
funding arrangements and administration
T: 9514 1274
E: Joanna.leonard@uts.edu.au
3. Objectives
The UTS Research Equity Fellowship aims to assist academic researchers whose careers have been
significantly affected by periods of sustained caring responsibilities. It is a competitive fellowship which
provides funding for academics to focus intensively on their research, to re-establish or enhance their
research careers.
The fellowship is directed towards staff who have demonstrated a strong research track record but who
have been significantly hindered in their research by career interruption or delay caused by carer
While caring responsibilities are most often associated with women, there are also men who carry
significant and sustained caring responsibilities. Both men and women who have had periods of significant
interruption to their research careers due to caring responsibilities are strongly encouraged to consider
4. Funding options
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) will provide funding for each Fellowship for one of the following
options (pro-rata for part-time fellows):
Funding of up to $50,000 for one year for academic staff (undertaking teaching/research and
administration) for teaching relief and replacement of administrative duties (the exact amount of
funding will depend on the extent of teaching/administrative load being relieved), plus up to
$10,000 as a contribution toward costs directly related to a research project or activities, details
of which are to be specified in the application; or
funding of up to $50,000 for one year for research only staff towards the costs of technical
assistance/ research support under the specific project outlined in the application ; or
one UTS PhD stipend, over 3 years, which is equivalent to over $75,000 of funding. To be eligible for
this option the applicant must be registered as ‘Category 1’ HDR supervisor with the UTS Graduate
Research School (GRS) and the UTS Doctoral Scholarship conditions must be adhered to.
The Fellowship is not intended to support applicants pursuing additional higher degrees by research.
5. Eligibility
To be eligible to apply, applicants must satisfy all of the following criteria:
be an academic or research only staff member currently employed by UTS
UTS Research Equity Fellowship – Guidelines
have either a continuing appointment or a fixed-term appointment with a termination date after the
end of the proposed fellowship1, and have been in UTS employment at least 12 months
have completed a PhD or an equivalent qualification or have relevant research experience in their
field of between 5 years and 15 years prior to application
be able to demonstrate clearly in their application that their research career has been significantly
interrupted by child rearing or other carer responsibilities [such as major responsibility for the
sustained care of a child, partner or dependent family member who may, for example, be elderly,
sick or a person with disability] that commenced within the last ten years
have evidence of significant research achievement (relative to opportunity) and/or demonstrated
research leadership potential, prior to the career interruption.
Applicants who have begun the process of enhancing or re-establishing their academic research careers
through a UTS Research Re-establishment Grant, a fellowship or similar mechanism, are not eligible for
this program.
In addition, applicants who are awarded and accept an external fellowship or similar after submitting an
application to this program will no longer be eligible to hold a UTS Research Equity Fellowship.
6. Selection process
A committee appointed by Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) or nominee will assess eligible applications
on a competitive basis against the selection criteria outlined in Section 7.
The Committee may request further relevant information relevant from applicants or relevant members of
the University [e.g. Dean, Associate Dean (Research)].
DVC (Research) or nominee will make the final decision on the selection of successful application/s.
7. Selection criteria
The committee will consider transformational potential, that is the capacity of the fellowship to significantly
change the circumstances of the applicant to develop their careers substantively, and enable them to
achieve in a way that could not otherwise be so.
The following selection criteria will apply:
the demonstrated nature and extent of the career interruption, in the context of the objectives of
this fellowship program. Please note these details will be confidential and seen only by the
selection committee and the Equity & Diversity Unit program coordinator
the research track record of the applicant, relative to opportunity
the likelihood that the Fellowship will enable the applicant to re-establish or enhance their career
and significantly improve their research track record
the specific statements of endorsement for the application from the Faculty/Head of School and
from the applicant’s nominated Research Adviser
for research only staff whose application involves a research project proposal, the feasibility,
quality and scholarly significance of the proposal and its alignment to UTS and faculty research
strategies will also be taken into consideration.
8. Application process and timeframe
Applications will be made on the attached Application Form and must include all information necessary for
assessment. Applicants must complete the application form; ensure all relevant documents are attached
and that their supervisor, their research adviser and their Associate Dean (Research) have signed.
If funding option (iii) is chosen, the end date of the PhD scholarship is deemed to be the end date of the Fellowship.
The committee will evaluate an applicant’s career history relative to their current career stage, their productivity and
contributions in relation to the opportunities that have been available to them.
UTS Research Equity Fellowship – Guidelines
Applicants should also ensure that they have completed an OPeN project request before submitting their
Applicants will be required to nominate a suitable Research Adviser to provide them with independent
support and advice on the research being undertaken during the Fellowship. The Research Adviser will be
required to indicate that they endorse the application on the application form.
This is an internal grant. Applicants are responsible for checking eligibility and completeness before final
Application closing date: see 1. Key dates
Completed applications should be submitted electronically before the closing date to
Joanna.leonard@uts.edu.au, Equity & Diversity Unit who will forward them to the Selection Committee.
Results of the selection process will normally be announced within two months of the Application
Closing Date.
9. Conditions of award
Successful applicants are expected to commence their research project/activity by 30 June of the following
year. Funding received under this Fellowship will normally be expended and acquitted within 12 months of
the date of commencement.
Fellows will provide a final report within 3 months of completing their project/activity, which will include:
key activities undertaken
key outcomes such as
publications and other outputs, grant applications, new techniques developed, research
students attracted
information on how the Fellowship has assisted applicants to meet their research goals
and enhanced their research career trajectory including challenges, problems or limitations
any further research opportunities, collaborations or research benefits for UTS, arising from the
research funded through the Fellowship.
The Fellowship shall be used for the approved research proposal for which it is awarded and shall not be
used for any other purpose, and may only be used for purposes approved under the Fellowship guidelines.
Successful applicants may be required to submit a revised budget where requested by the Committee.
The research project/activities must be carried out in accordance with appropriate ethics and safety
Fellows are expected to conduct research diligently, and to the best of their ability, in the field outlined in
their application and approved by the committee. Fellows may be requested to participate in a future
evaluation of this program and in promotional activities for the Fellowship.
10. Financial provisions
Management of Funds
Research activity codes for successful projects/activities will be established with FSU by the Research &
Innovation Office (RIO).
Carry forward of unspent money beyond one year from the commencement of the project is not permitted.
If the Fellowship recipient is in breach of contract, or relinquishes the Fellowship, any continuation of
funding would be at the discretion of the DVC Research or nominee. In most circumstances early
termination of a Fellowship will require the return of unpaid funds.
Any funding which is used for a purpose or purposes not approved must be repaid to the University.
Any funds not acquitted will be returned.
UTS Research Equity Fellowship – Guidelines
Any equipment purchased with funding from the project shall remain the property of UTS.
11. Final reports
The final report is an important component of the Fellowship. It allows UTS to judge whether the
Fellowship has been used effectively and whether there were tangible outcomes.
Within 3 months from completion of the Fellowship, the following is required:
a final report on activities, research outcomes and achievements, as outlined in Section 9
a report from the Research Adviser on the research outcomes, challenges and achievements of
the fellowship
a financial statement from the Faculty verifying that the funding was used for the purposes outlined
in the Fellowship and a brief evaluative comment on the Fellow’s final report
The Fellow should send these reports to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) or nominee, with a copy
to the Equity & Diversity Unit.
UTS Research Equity Fellowship - Application Form
Please refer to Fellowship terms and conditions. Applications are to be discussed with your supervisor and
chosen Research Adviser. Completed applications should be sent to your Faculty Research Office/ADR for
sign off, and then sent to Joanna Leonard (Equity & Diversity Unit)
Closing date for applications: 31/07/ 2015
Section 1: Applicant details
1.2 Email
1.3 Current appointment (full-time or parttime/sessional; continuing or fixed term)
1.4 Department/School/or equivalent
1.5 Faculty
1.6 Research Strength alignment for the
purpose of this project
1.7 Percentage breakdown of research,
teaching, and administration in your
current position
1.8 Name and year of highest research
Section 2: Curriculum Vitae
Please attach short curriculum vitae covering the following areas (max three A4 pages excluding
Full name, telephone and email contact
Details of education, relevant postgraduate training
Details of major awards or prizes and grants/fellowships received over past 10 years (include name
of participants and your role; year of award/grant/fellowship; name of funding body, scheme and
round; and amount awarded)
Details of any postgraduate and undergraduate teaching and supervision
Publications/research outputs: list 10 most significant works you have published over the past 10
years (these can include: refereed journal articles [the date of acceptance should be provided for
papers not yet published]; reviews; books; chapters; conference papers; patents; and/or other
significant research outputs)
Section 3: Research Background
Please attach a summary of your research background covering the following areas (max two A4 pages)
A profile of your research areas, key activities and experience
A description of the most significant contribution you have made to your field of research to date
A description of the research opportunities you have had with reference to your employment
conditions over the past 10 years, including: the periods of career interruption, unemployment or
part-time employment you have had; the research and non-research components of your positions;
research mentoring you have received and research facilities which have been available to you.
Name and details of any grants/awards/fellowships currently held.
Section 4: Career Interruptions
UTS Research Equity Fellowship - Application Form
Please attach statement describing the nature and impact of the career interruptions due to your caring
responsibilities. (max one A4 page)
Include the following:
Details of the interruption against the trajectory of your research from the time you completed your
PhD or commenced academic employment. Provide evidence of how the career interruption affected
your research potential.
If career interruption has occurred for more than one consecutive period, provide information
regarding each period and the reasons for the interruption. (While the Fellowship is principally for
interruptions due to caring responsibilities, additional career interruptions for other factors, eg child
bearing, illness, misadventure or disability, may be taken into consideration if relevant)
Section 5: Proposed use of Fellowship
5.1 Proposed research project/use of fellowship and budget justification (max two A4 page)
Teaching/research staff,please provide:
summary of key research activity/project you will be undertaking
summary of teaching and administrative duties from which you seek relief (please include an
estimate of the total hours per semester)
Research only staff, please provide:
summary of key activities of the specific research project you will be undertaking
summary of the technical assistance/ research support
Budget justification
Show all budget items that need to be funded for the proposed research activity/project: teaching
support3, research assistance, equipment, project specific travel, etc. Please explain why each item
listed is important in terms of the proposed Fellowship use.
5.2 Please provide a brief statement of your career plans and research goals for the next 3–5 years (max
half A4 page)
5.3 Outline how this Fellowship will help develop your capability as a researcher, and assist in the reestablishment or maintenance of your research track record and career trajectory (max half A4 page)
5.4 Outline anticipated research impact and likely benefits to UTS (max half A4 page)
5.5 Fellowship timeframe – Fellowships will normally be completed within 12 months of commencement
Anticipated commencement date
Anticipated completion date
Section 6: Nominated Research Adviser
Please ensure your Research Adviser has a copy of the Fellowship Guidelines and your application.
6.1 Nominated Research Adviser details
Please note teaching relief is paid at Fellow’s salary level
UTS Research Equity Fellowship - Application Form
Position /
6.2 Research Adviser support statement (Please attach).
Your research adviser will be required to fill in, sign and submit the attached statement of support.
Section 7: Faculty support
Head of School/Centre or Department, or Supervisor as appropriate
Please ensure your HOS/Supervisor has a copy of the Fellowship Guidelines and your application
Position /
HOS/Supervisor support statement (Please attach).
Your supervisor/HOS will be required to fill in, sign and submit the attached statement of support.
7.2 Associate Dean (Research)
Please ensure your ADR has a copy of the Fellowship Guidelines, your application and a copy of your
HOS/nominated supervisor’s and Research Adviser’s support statements
ADR support statement
I support this proposal and the Fellowship being undertaken in my Faculty
 I certify that this Fellowship proposal can be accommodated within the general facilities of the Faculty
 I certify that this Fellowship proposal is consistent with the aims and direction of the Faculty’s
research plan and the UTS Research Strategy
 I certify that I have reviewed the EHS Risk Management Plan for this proposal and am satisfied to the
best of my knowledge that the EHS risks and appropriate management responses have been
 I believe this Fellowship will have a positive impact on the applicant’s research profile and research
Please note: a confidential statement may be forwarded to Equity & Diversity Unit if advisable.
Section 8: Applicant’s signature
 I have attached all required information and statements of endorsement as required
Applicant’s name:
UTS Research Equity Fellowship – Statement of Support Proforma
The following template is to be completed by the applicant’s Research Adviser and by the applicant’s
Head of School/Centre or Department (or alternative supervisor as appropriate) - separately- and
both completed templates are to be attached to, and submitted with, the application.
Information for HOS/Research Adviser re Statement of Support
The University of Technology Sydney is offering the UTS Research Equity Fellowship to assist
promising academic researchers whose careers have been significantly affected by periods of
sustained caring responsibilities to re-establish or enhance their research careers. The program
provides eligible academic staff with funding to allow an intensive period to focus on their research.
The Fellowships Selection Committee is seeking a frank assessment of the applicant in the context of
this program with regard to:
the track record of the applicant, relative to opportunity
the demonstrated nature and extent of the career interruption or delay because of carer
the appropriateness and feasibility of the proposed use of the Fellowship, and its alignment to
UTS key research priorities
the likelihood that the Fellowship would assist the applicant to re-establish or enhance their
career, improve their research track record and compete more effectively for academic
Please provide your statement of support in the following format (max one A4 page for any
additional comments/document) to the applicant 4.
Please note: applicants are required to submit the statements together with their application by email
to Joanna.Leonard@uts.edu.au by 31/07/2015. Please ensure your statement is provided to the
applicant in sufficient time. Late statements of support will not be accepted.
Final report
Research Advisers and HOS/supervisors will also be asked to provide a brief reflection from their
perspective on the outcomes, key challenges and achievements of the Fellowship, to accompany the
Fellow’s final report.
In some circumstances a HOS/supervisor or an Adviser may wish to make a confidential statement of support.
In this situation, they should advise the applicant, and send the report directly to Joanna Leonard, Equity &
Diversity Unit.
UTS Research Equity Fellowship – Statement of Support Proforma
Statement of Support
Please indicate if you are the applicant’s: Research Adviser
or their HOS (or equivalent) 
1. Applicant’s Details
2. HOS/Research Adviser Details
Work telephone
3. HOS/Research Adviser’s Statement of Support:
Track record of the applicant, relative to opportunity
Nature and extent of the career interruption, in the context of the objectives of this program
Appropriateness and feasibility of the proposed use of the Fellowship and its alignment to the
University and/or Faculty key research priorities
UTS Research Equity Fellowship – Statement of Support Proforma
Appropriateness of proposed use of the Fellowship to be successful in significantly enhancing the
research career of the applicant
Capacity of the applicant to make a significant contribution to the academic life of the
The applicant and I have discussed our respective expectations about my role as Research Adviser,
and have agreed on how this relationship will work.
If yes, please provide a short summary of your understanding of your role in supporting the applicant.
I have discussed this statement of support with the applicant :
If no, please indicate why not?