Kessler Award - Youngstown State University

Greek Sing
Greek Sing Awards
The annual awards program is designed to recognize outstanding chapters and individuals of the
Youngstown State University Greek community and their growth over the previous year.
Judging of the awards will focus on a few major areas including: how the chapter grew,
membership development, building bonds of brotherhood/sisterhood, how your actions/events
are connected to your chapter’s creed/mission/values, the actual events, statistics, proper
grammar/spelling, and clarity.
Application Instruction:
- All applications must be completed and submitted no later than Friday, March 6, 2015 at 5:00
p.m. to the Student Activities Office. Late applications will not be accepted.
- All complete award applications (1 copy of each award)(electronic copy) must be submitted
as an online entry > Chapter Reporting > Recognition and
Awards or via email to
- All applications should incorporate all the preceding aspects listed above, if applicable to the
- All applications will be verified through the Student Activities Office and all statistics
(Philanthropy Money, Community Service Hours, Grades) will also be reported by the Student
Activities Office through online reporting.
- Please do not include any chapter or “Greek” lingo. Remember that not all of our Awards
Committee Members may be completely familiar with these terms. Be specific and explain
- NO supplemental materials will be accepted or reviewed with the awards packet.
- Chapters are encouraged to carefully review the criteria for each award, as these may have
changed in recent years.
- You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of your submission.
If submitting application by email, please use the following instructions:
- All applications must be submitted according to the page limit instructions for each award.
- Applications must have the chapter name and the Award applied for in the top right corner of
every page within the award they are applying for.
 Example: “Alpha Beta Gamma – Kessler Award”
- Applications must be single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1” margins.
- Each award section must begin on a new page, please title each page with the appropriate
award title and your chapter name.
- When answering a new question please provide the question at the top of the page (see
example award submission).
- Please see the example of a proper award submission on the following page.
***Example Award Submission***
Alpha Beta Gamma
***Example Award Submission***
Alpha Beta Gamma – Kessler Award
Question #1: Outline the type of planning that was done for a philanthropic event this year
and how the group encapsulated the “Do Whatever it Take” attitude and mentality
throughout that process. (one-page)
Throughout the past year the men of Alpha Beta Gamma have exceeded expectation. We
have worked on several projects with the university in the past year. In October of last year the
chapter decided to create a new philanthropy event. Initially, we……..
***Example Award Submission***
Alpha Beta Gamma – Kessler Award
Question #2: How did you engage the majority of your chapter members to participate in
the entirety of the philanthropic process, from the initial idea to the conclusion of the
event? (one-page)
One of Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity’s core values is to promote leadership and
brotherhood with the chapter and Greek community. We have worked hard to improve this
portion of our chapter over the past year. During our initial stages of planning……..
Alpha-Omega Award
“Ongoing Membership Education”
Alpha-Omega Award: recognizes a Greek chapter on campus for
outstanding programming from when members first join all the way through
graduation within its chapter, the Greek community, and campus community
during the past year. The areas of programming that will be considered
include, but are not limited to: social, membership education, leadership,
personal development, alcohol/drug awareness, other student health issues,
and membership recognition. Consideration will be given to chapters who
demonstrate additional and intentional programming, educational and
developmental efforts.
Chapters must submit no more than a (1) page answer to each of the
following questions below.
1. Describe programs that your chapter has provided to your
members in the past year, which has improved their overall
development as a chapter member. For each program
explain how the chapter’s philosophy (creed/mission/values)
and programs for all members helped to promote the Greek
Life community during recruitment and throughout the
year on campus?
2. Outline your chapter’s new member education program and
explain the most valued aspect of the program.
3. How has the chapter educated all members on the multitude
of diverse campus resources available to them?
Kessler Award
“Do Whatever it Takes”
Kessler Award: recognizes a Greek chapter on campus that has organized
outstanding philanthropic service event(s) for the community over the past year.
For this award the judges will review the monetary and service contributions to any
and all charitable organizations, the preparation for the events, and the chapter’s
demonstrated and explained philosophy (creed/mission/values) on service will be
considered for this award.
Philanthropy events MUST be submitted using the online form on the Greek
Life website for the committee to review them. The direct link to the form
under the Chapter Reporting Tab or by using:
Chapters must submit no more than a (1) page answer to each of the following
questions below.
1. Outline the type of planning that was done for a philanthropic
event this year and how the group encapsulated the “Do
Whatever it Takes” attitude and mentality throughout that
2. How did you engage the majority of your chapter members to
participate in the entirety of the philanthropic process from
the initial idea to the conclusion and debriefing of the event?
3. Describe the chapter’s philosophy on philanthropic service,
how it is encouraged, and how responsibilities were distributed
amongst chapter members.
Greek Lifetime Achievement Award
Greek Lifetime Achievement Award: is given annually to a fraternity or sorority
member that has shown leadership throughout his or her Greek Life experience.
The criteria for this award is being a leader in your chapter and then writing a short
essay about being a Greek Leader. Answer the following questions with the intent
that the judges will consider the growth, connection to chapter values,
accomplishments, and personal and professional development over the past year.
Name of Applicant:
Banner ID:
Cell Phone:
Chapter Affiliation:
Individual applicants must submit no more than a (1) page answer to each of the
following questions below.
1. How have you been committed to membership in your chapter
and how have you personally and professionally developed
through your membership?
2. How have you given unselfishly and how do you promote
brotherhood/sisterhood within your chapter?
3. What roles have you held that have had an impact within your
chapter and how have you facilitated growth within your
4. What other leadership roles have you had on campus?
Gregory M. Gulas Advisor Award
Gregory M. Gulas Advisor Award: recognizes an advisor that goes “above and
beyond” the description and requirement of their volunteer position. .
1. Attach an essay of NO MORE THAN TWO (2) PAGES
describing the nominee’s outstanding qualities and significant
contributions to the chapter and the Greek community. The
application must include the nominee’s years of service to the
chapter, their title, and their respective chapter.
IFC Service Award
IFC Service Award: This award is intended to recognize a premier man within the
Greek community for his service to the Interfraternity Council and community.
This award will be judged based on the contributions made to both the
Interfraternity Council and their respective chapter throughout the past year, the
personal and professional growth displayed through the individual’s experiences,
and how your contributions reflect your chapter’s philosophy and values.
Name of Applicant:
Banner ID:
Cell Phone:
Chapter Affiliation:
Individual applicants must submit no more than a (1) page answer to each of the
following questions below.
1. List all fraternity and IFC offices held and include dates in
office, along with any committees that you participated in.
2. Describe your contributions made to the Interfraternity
Council and chapter over the past year. Include your personal
and professional growth and how your contributions reflect
your chapter’s philosophy and values.
Fraternity “Man of the Year”
Fraternity “Man of the Year” Award: recognizes the premiere male leader
within the Greek community at Youngstown State University. Demonstrated
academic and peer leadership, within the Greek, campus, and surrounding
communities will be considered. Applicants are required to have served on IFC as
a delegate, officer or as a committee member and served as an officer in his
respective chapter. Answer the following questions with the intent that the judges
will consider the growth, connection to chapter values, accomplishments, and
personal and professional development over the past year.
1. List leadership positions and involvement within the chapter
and Greek community. Please include dates of involvement,
and denote(*) executive council leadership positions. Describe
your accomplishments while involved in these roles.
2. List all affiliations, involvement experiences, and leadership
roles with other campus organizations (non-Greek). Describe
your accomplishments in these roles.
3. Describe your involvement in community service activities.
4. List any honors and/or awards received.
5. Provide an essay of NO MORE THAN TWO (2) TYPED
PAGES describing your involvement, commitment, and
contributions to Greek Life at Youngstown State University.
Please elaborate on any areas within your chapter or Greek
community in which you demonstrated improvement and
growth. Also, explain how these co-curricular activities related
to enhancing your leadership skills and personal outlook
concerning Greek Life.
IFC Delegate of the Year
IFC Delegate of the Year: recognizes an IFC delegate for his contributions to the
IFC community and his individual chapter. The applicant must have served on
IFC as a delegate, officer or as a committee member and held an office in his
respective chapter.
Name of Applicant:
Banner ID:
Cell Phone:
Chapter Affiliation:
Individual applicants must submit no more than a (1) page answer to each of the
following questions below.
1. List all offices you have held within your chapter.
2. What contributions have you made to the IFC Council and
your chapter over the last year?
3. Elaborate on any areas within your chapter and the IFC
community in which you demonstrated personal growth and
IFC Philanthropy Award
IFC Philanthropy Award: recognizes a fraternity for outstanding monetary and
service contributions to charitable and/or non-profit organizations. Philanthropy
encompasses charitable fundraising events. Philanthropies can be for a number of
organizations; they do not have to be solely for one organization or for the
fraternity’s recognized national philanthropy. This award will be judged on the
monetary contributions made by the chapter by taking the total amount of money
raised and dividing that by the number of members to get the amount of money
raised per person. Committee members will also consider how the chapter
engaged their members throughout the planning process, membership
development, building bonds of brotherhood, and how events aligned with the
philanthropic philosophy (creed/mission/values) of the chapter.
Philanthropy events MUST be submitted using the online form on the Greek
Life website for the committee to review them. The direct link to the form
under the Chapter Reporting Tab or by using:
Chapters must submit no more than a (1) page answer to each of the following
questions below.
1. The five key stages of effective, meaningful service include community
voice, orientation and training, meaningful action, reflection, and
evaluation. Please describe how the chapter implements the five
components into service-learning for the membership.
2. Describe how the chapter engaged the members throughout the
planning process through the conclusion and debriefing of the events
and the skills that members took away from the planning process
and/or events.
3. Describe your events and how they align with the chapter’s and
Interfraternity Council’s philanthropic philosophy.
4. Describe the progress and improvements your chapter has made in the
philanthropic efforts over this past year.
Panhellenic Delegate of the Year
Panhellenic Delegate of the Year: recognizes a Panhellenic delegate for her
contributions to the Panhellenic community and her individual chapter. The
applicant must have served on Panhel as a delegate, officer or as a committee
member and held an office in her respective chapter.
Name of Applicant:
Banner ID:
Cell Phone:
Chapter Affiliation:
Individual applicants must submit no more than a (1) page answer to each of the
following questions below.
1. List all offices you have held within your chapter.
2. What contributions have you made to the Panhellenic Council
and your chapter over the last year?
3. Elaborate on any areas within your chapter and the
Panhellenic community in which you demonstrated personal
growth and improvement.
Panhellenic Service Award
Panhellenic Service Award: recognizes a sorority that that displays the highest
level of involvement in the Panhellenic Community. They are the group that gives
so willingly of their time to both their community and philanthropic endeavors.
The sorority’s best overall service program, the chapter’s inclusion of service
learning, the chapter’s demonstrated and explained philosophy
(creed/mission/values) on service, and the service contributions will be considered
for this award. At least two events that had 51% of the chapter in attendance must
be incorporated in the answers to the questions listed.
Philanthropy events MUST be submitted using the online form on the Greek
Life website for the committee to review them. The direct link to the form
under the Chapter Reporting Tab or by using:
Chapters must submit no more than a (1) page answer to each of the following
questions below.
1. Please describe the chapter’s philosophy on community service
and how community service is encouraged in the chapter.
2. Describe your best overall service program and how it has
evolved or developed from previous years.
3. The five key stages of effective, meaningful service include
community voice, orientation and training, meaningful action,
reflection, and evaluation. Please describe how the chapter
implements the five components into service-learning for the
Sorority “Woman of the Year”
Sorority “Woman of the Year” Award: recognizes the premiere female leader
within the Greek community at Youngstown State University. Demonstrated
academic and peer leadership, within the Greek, campus, and surrounding
communities will be considered. Applicants are required to have served on Panhel
as a delegate, officer or as a committee member and served as an officer in her
respective chapter. Please answer the following questions with the intent that the
judges will consider the growth, connection to chapter values, accomplishments,
and personal and professional development over the past year.
Name of Applicant:
Banner ID:
Cell Phone:
Chapter Affiliation:
Individual applicants must submit no more than a (1) page answer to each of the
following questions below.
1. List leadership positions and involvement within the chapter and Greek
community. Please include dates of involvement, and denote(*) executive
council leadership positions. Describe your accomplishments while
involved in these roles.
List all affiliations, involvement experiences, and leadership roles with
other campus organizations (non-Greek). Describe your accomplishments
in these roles.
Describe your involvement in community service activities.
List any honors and/or awards received.
Provide an essay of NO MORE THAN TWO (2) TYPED PAGES
describing your involvement, commitment, and contributions to Greek
Life at Youngstown State University. Please elaborate on any areas within
your chapter or Greek community in which you demonstrated
improvement and growth. Also, explain how these co-curricular activities
related to enhancing your leadership skills and personal outlook
concerning Greek Life.