NEWPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT/DANIELSON FRAMEWORK FOCUS TEACHER EVALUATION CRITERION 6 RUBRIC Teacher School Choose an item. Grade Level(s)/Subject(s) Date Click here to enter a date. Criterion 6: Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning. 1f: Designing Student Assessments Criterion 6: Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning. Unsatisfactory Assessment procedures are not congruent with instructional outcomes, and lack criteria, by which, student performance will be assessed. The teacher has no plan to incorporate formative assessment in the lesson or unit. Assessments do not match instructional outcomes. Assessments have no criteria. No formative assessments have been designed. Assessment results do not affect future plans. Basic Assessment procedures are partially congruent with instructional outcomes. Assessment criteria and standards have been developed, but they are not clear. The teacher’s approach to using formative assessment is rudimentary, including only some of the instructional outcomes. Proficient All the instructional outcomes may be assessed by the proposed assessment plan; assessment methodologies may have been adapted for groups of students. Assessment criteria and standards are clear. The teacher has a welldeveloped strategy for using formative assessment and has designed particular approaches to be used. Critical Attributes Only some of the instructional All the learning outcomes have a outcomes are addressed in the method for assessment. planned assessments. Assessment types match learning Assessment criteria are vague. expectations. Plans refer to the use of formative Plans indicate modified assessments, but they are not fully assessments for some students as developed. needed. Assessment results are used to design lesson plans for the whole class, not individual students. Distinguished All the instructional outcomes may be assessed by the proposed assessment plan, with clear criteria for assessing student work. The plan contains evidence of student contribution to its development. Assessment methodologies have been adapted for individual students, as the need has arisen. The approach to using formative assessment is well designed and includes student as well as teacher use of the assessment information. In addition to the characteristics of “proficient”: Assessments provide opportunities for student choice. Students participate in designing assessments for their own work. Assessment criteria are clearly written. Teacher-designed assessments are authentic with real-world application, as appropriate. Plans include formative assessments to use during instruction. Students develop rubrics according to teacher specified learning objectives. Lesson plans indicate possible adjustments based on formative assessment data. Students are actively involved in collecting information from formative assessments and provide input. 1f Evidence(date) _U_B_P_D 1f Evidence(date) _U_B_P_D 1f Evidence(date) _U_B_P_D 1 NEWPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT/DANIELSON FRAMEWORK FOCUS TEACHER EVALUATION CRITERION 6 RUBRIC Criterion 6: Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning. 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction Criterion 6: Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning. Unsatisfactory Students do not appear to be aware of the assessment criteria, and there is little or no monitoring of student learning; feedback is absent or of poor quality. Students do not engage in self- or peer assessment. The teacher gives no indication of what high quality work looks like. The teacher makes no effort to determine whether students understand the lesson. Basic Students appear to be only partially aware of the assessment criteria, and the teacher monitors student learning for the class as a whole. Questions and assessments are rarely used to diagnose evidence of learning. Feedback to students is general, and few students assess their own work. Proficient Students appear to be aware of the assessment criteria, and the teacher monitors student learning for groups of students. Questions and assessments are regularly used to diagnose evidence of learning. Teacher feedback to groups of students is accurate and specific; some students engage in selfassessment. Critical Attributes There is little evidence that the Students indicate that they clearly students understand how their understand the characteristics of work will be evaluated. high quality work. Feedback is only global. Teacher monitors understanding through a single method, or without eliciting evidence of understanding from all students. The teacher does not ask students to evaluate their own or classmates’ work. Teacher requests global indications of student understanding. Feedback to students is not uniformly specific and not oriented towards future improvement of work. The teacher makes only minor attempts to engage students in self-assessment or peer assessment. The teacher elicits evidence of student under- standing during the lesson. Students are invited to assess their own work and make improvements. Feedback includes specific and timely guidance, at least for groups of students. The teacher attempts to engage students in self-assessment or peer assessment. Distinguished Assessment is fully integrated into instruction, through extensive use of formative assessment. Students appear to be aware of, and there is some evidence that they have contributed to, the assessment criteria. Questions and assessments are used regularly to diagnose evidence of learning by individual students. A variety of forms of feedback, from both teacher and peers, is accurate and specific and advances learning. Students self-assess and monitor their own progress. The teacher successfully differentiates instruction to address individual students’ misunderstandings. In addition to the characteristics of “proficient”: There is evidence that students have helped establish the evaluation criteria. Teacher monitoring of student understanding is sophisticated and continuous: the teacher is constantly “taking the pulse” of the class. Teacher makes frequent use of strategies to elicit information about individual student understanding. Feedback to students is specific and timely, and is provided from many sources including other students. Students monitor their own understanding, either on their own initiative or as a result of tasks set by the teacher. 2 NEWPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT/DANIELSON FRAMEWORK FOCUS TEACHER EVALUATION CRITERION 6 RUBRIC 3d Evidence(date) _U_B_P_D 3d Evidence(date) _U_B_P_D 3d Evidence(date) _U_B_P_D 3 NEWPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT/DANIELSON FRAMEWORK FOCUS TEACHER EVALUATION CRITERION 6 RUBRIC Criterion 6: Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning. 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records Criterion 6: Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning. Unsatisfactory Basic The teacher’s system for The teacher’s system for maintaining information on maintaining information on student student completion of assignments completion of assignments and and student progress in learning is student progress in learning is nonexistent or in disarray. The rudimentary and only partially teacher’s records for noneffective. The teacher’s records for instructional activities are in non-instructional activities are disarray, the result being errors adequate but inefficient and, unless and confusion. given frequent oversight by the teacher, prone to errors. There is no system for either instructional or non-instructional records. Proficient The teacher’s system for maintaining information on student completion of assignments, student progress in learning, and non-instructional records is fully effective. Critical Attributes The teacher has a process for The teacher’s process for recording recording completion of student student work completion is efficient work. However, it is out of date or and effective; students have access does not permit students to gain to information about completed access to the information. and/or missing assignments. The record-keeping systems are in disarray so as to provide incorrect or confusing information. The teacher’s process for tracking The teacher has an efficient and student progress is cumbersome to effective process for recording use. student attainment of learning goals; students are able to see how The teacher has a process for they’re progressing. tracking some, but not all, noninstructional information, and it The teacher’s process for recording may contain some errors. non- instructional information is both efficient and effective. 4b Evidence(date) Distinguished The teacher’s system for maintaining information on student completion of assignments, student progress in learning, and non-instructional records is fully effective. Students contribute information and participate in maintaining the records. In addition to the characteristics of “proficient”: Students contribute to and maintain records indicating completed and overdue work assignments. Students both contribute to and maintain data files indicating their own progress in learning. Students contribute to Maintaining non-instructional records for the class. _U_B_P_D 4b Evidence(date) _U_B_P_D 4b Evidence(date) _U_B_P_D 4 NEWPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT/DANIELSON FRAMEWORK FOCUS TEACHER EVALUATION CRITERION 6 RUBRIC Student Growth Criterion 6: Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning. (Student Growth Cycle) Student Growth Criterion 6: Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning, (Student Growth Cycle) 6.1 Establish Student Growth Goal(s) Unsatisfactory Does not establish student growth goal(s) or establishes inappropriate goal(s) for whole classroom. Goal(s) do not identify multiple, high-quality sources of data to monitor, adjust, and evaluate achievement of goal(s). Basic Proficient Establishes appropriate student growth goal(s) for whole classroom. Goal(s) do not identify multiple, high-quality sources of data to monitor, adjust, and evaluate achievement of goal(s). Establishes appropriate student growth goal(s) for whole classroom. Goal(s) identify multiple, high-quality sources of data to monitor, adjust, and evaluate achievement of goal(s). Distinguished Establishes appropriate student growth goal(s) for students in collaboration with students and parents. These whole classroom goals align to school goal(s). Goal(s) identify multiple, highquality sources of data to monitor, adjust, and evaluate achievement of goal(s). Critical Attributes Does not establish student learning goals. Does not specify assessment(s) to monitor progress towards goal(s). Goals may be missing one or more Goals are specific, measurable and of the following qualities: specific, time bound. measurable and time bound. Based on multiple sources of Goals are not based on prior available data that reveal prior available student learning. student learning. Goals partially aligned to content standards. Goals aligned to content standards. Grain size of goal may be missing one or more of the following: appropriate for the context, instructional interval and content standard(s). Grain size of goal is appropriate for the context, instructional interval and content standard(s). Goal is not connected to a significant impact on student learning of content. Identified formative and summative assessments unable to monitor progress toward specified goals. Proficient Attributes and: Effort to Communicates (twoway)/Collaborates with other staff, families and/or students to establish goals specific to whole class learning needs. Students articulate their understanding of their goals and progress toward goals. Goal demonstrates a significant impact on student learning of content (transferable skills) within the content area. Identifies formative and summative measures aligned to learning targets to monitor progress towards goals. 6.1 Evidence(date) _U_B_P_D 6.1 Evidence(date) _U_B_P_D 6.1 Evidence(date) _U_B_P_D 5 NEWPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT/DANIELSON FRAMEWORK FOCUS TEACHER EVALUATION CRITERION 6 RUBRIC 6.2 Achievement of Student Growth Goal(s) Unsatisfactory Growth or achievement data from at least two points in time shows no evidence of growth for most students. Basic Multiple sources of growth or achievement data from at least two points in time show some evidence of growth for some students. Proficient Multiple sources of growth or achievement data from at least two points in time show clear evidence of growth for most students. Distinguished Multiple sources of growth or achievement data from at least two points in time show evidence of high growth for all or nearly all students. 6.2 Evidence(date) _U_B_P_D 6.2 Evidence(date) _U_B_P_D 6.2 Evidence(date) _U_B_P_D 6