fMRI/DTI addendum

TITLE OF STUDY: Neuroimaging of Human Cognitive, Perceptual and Motor Systems
INVESTIGATOR(S): Lars Strother, Ph.D., Primary Investigator (775) 384-7109
Gideon P. Caplovitz, Ph.D. (775) 682-8673
Marian E. Berryhill, Ph.D. (775) 682-8692
Jacqueline Snow, Ph.D. (775) 682-8688
Michael Crognale, Ph.D. (775) 682-8690
Jeffrey Hutsler, Ph.D. (775) 682-8694
Michael Webster, Ph.D. (775) 682-8691
Fang Jiang, Ph.D. (775) 784-6828
PROTOCOL #: B12-034
The neuroimaging study that you’re being asked to participate in relies on the use of magnetic
resonance imaging or MRI technology. MRI is used all over the world by doctors and researchers
because it is a very safe way to look at brain structure and activity. Several different ‘filters’ can be used
with the MRI machine so that researchers can collect a lot of different data. We can look at anatomy,
connections between different brain regions, or activity of brain regions over time.
The MRI machine is just a large, spinning magnet in the shape of a big tube. You will be asked to lie
down on a table that slides into the middle of the magnet. A metal coil may be placed on the surface of
your head to help boost the MRI readings of your brain activity. Inside the magnet, you will be able to
see a computer screen that will play videos or stimuli. A button inside the machine will let you talk to
the researcher whenever you want. If you are feeling worried or uncomfortable about anything, use the
You may hear some strange or irritating noises inside
the MRI machine as it is operating; beeps, clicking, etc.
These sounds are normal, but if you are worried use the
button to talk to the researcher. There are no known
risks associated with participating in an MRI scan.
However, since the machine generates an extremely
strong magnetic charge it is important that you do not
participate if you have any ferrous-magnetic metals on
your person. You cannot go into the MRI room if you
are wearing any kind of jewelry, belts, etc. If you have
any surgical pins, tattoos with metal inks, braces, metal
dental fillings, etc. you cannot participate in this experiment. If you are unsure whether or not you
should participate, please ask the researchers any questions.
Although MRIs are commonly used by physicians for various diagnostic reasons, we are not trained in
the field of medicine and cannot provide any medical advice. If we observe any anomalies on your MRI
scan, we will notify you immediately. Should you choose to seek medical advice about the anomaly, we
will provide you with all collected data at no cost. However, we cannot direct you to medical experts nor
will we assist in any medical costs that may arise from investigating the results of your MRI.