Kindergarten Language Arts Map

Kindergarten ELL Language Arts Curriculum Map
Skills taught determined by proficiency level in the four domains of reading,
writing, listening and speaking.
1st Quarter
Word Wall: Content, topical and thematic word wall.
Apply word analysis skills (e.g. phonics, words patterns) using visuals to
recognize new words.
Target Skills: Expand and demonstrate knowledge and comprehension
in these areas with appropriate scaffold and support.
Survival English Skills
Recall & Retell (Sequencing)
Summarize content of reading material using text organization (e.g., story,
 Concepts of Print:
o Left-to-Right Directionality
Read language -appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy.
o Letter vs. Word
Read language -appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy.
o One-to-One Correspondence
Read language -appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy.
o Students will identify letters, spaces, and words in text using visual cues.
Decoding Strategies:
Picture Clues
Comprehend unfamiliar words using context clues and prior knowledge; verify
meanings with resource materials.
 Beginning Sounds
Phonemic Awareness: Students will demonstrate phonological awareness
of sounds in words using visuals cues.
Phonics/ Word Study:
Apply word analysis skills to recognize words at appropriate word
study level
Genre: Identify the current genre (forms and purposes).
Kindergarten Language Arts Map
Skills taught determined by proficiency level in the four domains of reading,
writing, listening and speaking.
2nd Quarter
Word Wall: Content, topical and thematic word wall.
Apply word analysis skills (e.g. phonics, words patterns) using visuals to
recognize new words.
Target Skills: Expand and demonstrate knowledge and comprehension
in these areas with appropriate scaffold and support.
Survival English Skills
Recall & Retell (Sequencing)
Concepts of Print:
o Left-to-Right Directionality
Read language -appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy.
o Letter vs. Word
Read language -appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy.
o One-to-One Correspondence
Read language -appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy.
Decoding Strategies:
Picture Clues
Comprehend unfamiliar words using context clues and prior knowledge; verify meanings
with resource materials.
 Think About What Would Make Sense
Apply word analysis skills (e.g., phonics, word patterns) to recognize new words.
 Beginning Sounds
Apply word analysis skills (e.g., phonics, word patterns) to recognize new words.
Phonemic Awareness: Students will demonstrate phonological awareness of sounds
in words using visuals cues.
Phonics/ Word Study:
Apply word analysis skills to recognize words at appropriate
word study level
Genre: Identify the current genre (forms and purposes).
Kindergarten Language Arts Map
Skills taught determined by proficiency level in the four domains of reading,
writing, listening and speaking.
3rd Quarter
Word Wall: Content, topical and thematic word wall.
Apply word analysis skills (e.g. phonics, words patterns) using visuals to
recognize new words.
Comprehension Strategies: use prior knowledge and experiences to
continuously clarify and check for understanding (before, during, and after
reading) using current strategies.
Target Skills: Expand and demonstrate knowledge and comprehension
in these areas with appropriate scaffold and support.
Survival English Skills
Concepts of Print:
o Left-to-Right Directionality
Read language -appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy.
o Letter vs. Word
Read language -appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy.
o One-to-One Correspondence
Read language -appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy.
Decoding Strategies:
Picture Clues
Comprehend unfamiliar words using context clues and prior knowledge; verify
meanings with resource materials.
 Think About What Would Make Sense
Apply word analysis skills (e.g., phonics, word patterns) to recognize new words.
 Beginning Sounds
Apply word analysis skills (e.g., phonics, word patterns) to recognize new words.
Phonemic Awareness: Students will demonstrate phonological awareness
of sounds in words using visuals cues.
Phonics/ Word Study:
Apply word analysis skills to recognize words at appropriate word
study level
Genre: Identify the current genre (forms and purposes).
Kindergarten Language Arts Map
Skills taught determined by proficiency level in the four domains of reading,
writing, listening and speaking.
4th Quarter
Word Wall: Content, topical and thematic word wall.
Apply word analysis skills (e.g. phonics, words patterns) using visuals to
recognize new words.
Comprehension Strategies: use prior knowledge and experiences to
continuously clarify and check for understanding (before, during, and after
reading) using current strategies.
Target Skills: Expand and demonstrate knowledge and comprehension
in these areas with appropriate scaffold and support.
Survival English Skills
Continue target skills from previous quarters
Summarize content of reading material using text organization (e.g., story,
 Concepts of Print:
o Left-to-Right Directionality
Read language-appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy.
o Letter vs. Word
Read language -appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy.
o One-to-One Correspondence
Read language -appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy.
Decoding Strategies:
Look for key words or picture clues
 Say the beginning sound and read the rest of the sentence
 Ask if it makes sense
Look and Listen for letter patterns
Does it sound right?
Phonemic Awareness: Students will demonstrate phonological awareness
of sounds in words using visuals cues.
Phonics/ Word Study:
Apply word analysis skills to recognize words at appropriate word
study level
Genre: Identify the current genre (forms and purposes).