2015 – 2016 MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION – OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARD 17.4 ON-SITE MONITORING DOCUMENT REVIEW AND INTERVIEW FORM POLICIES/PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION Record Review Item POLICIES /PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION FAPE-A Regulation 34 CFR or SBP 7219 300.101 Revised September 2015 Record Review Question Does the public agency have policies that have been approved by the local school board and procedures in effect that address the provisions of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for students with disabilities? Compliant Evidence The public agency has documented policies approved by the school board and procedures to guide implementation. Potential Source(s) of Documentation *Board Approved Policies *Procedures Manual YES Policies and procedures are nonexistent, insufficient, or inconsistent with SBP 7219/IDEA. NO Page 1 of 8 2015 – 2016 MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION – OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARD 17.4 ON-SITE MONITORING DOCUMENT REVIEW AND INTERVIEW FORM POLICIES/PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION Record Review Item POLICIES /PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION FAPE-B Regulation 34 CFR or SBP 7219 300.101 Record Review Question Does the public agency have policies that have been approved by the local school board and procedures in effect that address the provisions of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for students with disabilities? Compliant Potential Source(s) of Documentation Students in alternate school placement or who have been suspended for longer than 10 days receive special education and/or related services. YES Students receive comparable instructional time as their non-disabled peers. (i.e. buses arrive and pick-up at comparable times to nondisabled peers) Students on shortened school day have individual justifications for their placement on their IEPs and have been agreed upon by parents. Students suspended for longer than 10 days or who are in alternative school are not receiving special education and/or related services they would have received if not suspended or expelled. NO NA Revised September 2015 Evidence Transportation schedules indicate arrival and departure times that are not comparable to non-disabled students. Students on shortened days do not have documentation or justification on their IEPs for the shortened school day or no indication the parent was involved in the decision. There are no students in alternative school, no students that have been suspended for 10 days or longer, or on a shortened school day. Page 2 of 8 2015 – 2016 MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION – OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARD 17.4 ON-SITE MONITORING DOCUMENT REVIEW AND INTERVIEW FORM POLICIES/PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION Record Review Item POLICIES /PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION FAPE-C Regulation 34 CFR or SBP 7219 300.106 300.111(a) 300.111(c) 300.131(a) Record Review Question Does the public agency have extended school year services available as necessary to provide FAPE? Compliant Evidence There is documentation that students are receiving ESY and related services as needed. YES There are written procedures for determining criterion for ESY as well as procedures for data collection. ESY services are not offered. ESY services are provided, but there is no evidence of the provision of related services. Potential Source(s) of Documentation *ESY data for the previous summer with the following: Names of students by eligibility category Services provided Amount of time provided NO ESY services are only offered to certain eligibility categories rather than determined on an individual basis. FAPE-D 300.108 Revised September 2015 Does the public agency have physical education available to all students with disabilities? All students with disabilities receive physical education. YES NO If students are not receiving physical education, there is a documented medical reason. There are students who do not receive physical education and have no documentation of a medical reason in the student’s file. *Random samples of class schedules for students in selfcontained placements. *Files for students not receiving physical education Page 3 of 8 2015 – 2016 MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION – OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARD 17.4 ON-SITE MONITORING DOCUMENT REVIEW AND INTERVIEW FORM POLICIES/PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION Regulation 34 CFR or SBP 7219 300.111(a) 300.111(c) 300.131(a) POLICIES /PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION Record Review Item CF-A Revised September 2015 Record Review Question Does the public agency have Child Find (CF) policies and procedures in effect, including those addressing special populations, and specifically state requests for an evaluation may not be limited by the number per year or time of year a request is received? Compliant Evidence CF policies and procedures CF policies are consistent with State Board Policy 7219 and IDEA. YES Potential Source(s) of Documentation *Policy Manual procedures (e.g., procedures manual) CF procedures provide sufficient guidance to implement CF policies CF procedures are in effect to address each of the special populations CF activities addressed in policies and procedures are not limited by a total number per year. Special populations include: Homeless children, Wards of the State, Private school children, Children advancing from grade to grade, and Highly mobile and/or migrant children. NO CF activities addressed in policies and procedures address handling CF at times when school is not in session CF procedures do not sufficiently address the following special populations: Homeless children Wards of the State Private school children Children advancing from grade to grade Highly mobile and/or migrant children CF procedures are limited by the number of requests or evaluations per year. Page 4 of 8 POLICIES /PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION 2015 – 2016 MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION – OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARD 17.4 ON-SITE MONITORING DOCUMENT REVIEW AND INTERVIEW FORM POLICIES/PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION Record Review Item CF-B Regulation 34 CFR or SBP 7219 300.131(c) Revised September 2015 Record Review Question Does the public agency conduct sufficient CF activities for all children residing in their area and children attending private schools located in their jurisdiction? Compliant YES Evidence Child Find activities are conducted at least annually using multiple methods and involving all required partners. Potential Source(s) of Documentation *District Child Find Report There is no documentation that Child Find Activities are conducted annually. NO Child Find activities fail to use multiple methods. Page 5 of 8 2015 – 2016 MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION – OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARD 17.4 ON-SITE MONITORING DOCUMENT REVIEW AND INTERVIEW FORM POLICIES/PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION Regulation 34 CFR or SBP 7219 300.115(a)(b) POLICIES /PROEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION Record view Item LRE-A Revised September 2015 Record Review Question Does the public agency have policies and procedures in effect to ensure that a continuum of alternative placements is available to meet the needs of children with disabilities for special education and related services? Compliant Evidence The public agency has documented policies approved by the school board and procedures for determining the continuum of alternative placements including instruction in: YES General Education Special Classes Special Schools Child’s home Hospitals or institutions Make provisions for supplementary services (such as resource room or itinerant instruction) to be provided in conjunction with general education class placement. Potential Source(s) of Documentation IEP – Special Education and Related Services Section Description of Specially-Designed Services Special Considerations Section Placement Consideration and LRE Determinations The public agency does not have policies and procedures for the continuum of alternative placements to meet the needs of children with disabilities. NO No provision for supplementary services to be provided in conjunction with general education placement. Page 6 of 8 2015 – 2016 MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION – OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARD 17.4 ON-SITE MONITORING DOCUMENT REVIEW AND INTERVIEW FORM POLICIES/PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION Regulation 34 CFR or SBP 7219 300.107(a) POLICIES /PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION Record Review Item LRE-B Revised September 2015 Record Review Question Do students with disabilities have an equal opportunity for participation in non-academic and extracurricular services and activities with the use of supplementary aids and services? Compliant YES NO Evidence There is documentation that students with disabilities participate in nonacademic and extracurricular activities with their non-disabled peers. (e.g. Students in self-contained classes eat in the cafeteria with their non-disabled peers.) Potential Source(s) of Documentation *Lists of self-contained classes/students *Interview and/or site verification with teacher and/or administrator There is not documentation that students with disabilities participate in non-academic and extracurricular activities with their non-disabled peers. (e.g. Students in self-contained classes do not eat in the cafeteria with their non-disabled peers.) Page 7 of 8 2015 – 2016 MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION – OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARD 17.4 ON-SITE MONITORING DOCUMENT REVIEW AND INTERVIEW FORM POLICIES/PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTATION Regulation 34 CFR or SBP 7219 300.107(a) POLICIES /PROCEDURES/DISTRICT WIDE IMPLEMENTAION Record Review Item DIS-A Record Review Question Does the public agency have discipline policies that have been approved by the local school board and procedures in effect that ensure compliance with IDEA/SBP 7219 for discipline of students with disabilities? Compliant Evidence The public agency has documented policies approved by the local school board and procedures for the discipline of students with disabilities. YES Potential Source(s) of Documentation *Board approved Policies and Procedures Manual Policies or procedures are in effect, sufficient, and consistent with IDEA and SBP 7219. The public agency does not have documented policies approved by the local school board and procedures for the discipline of students with disabilities. NO Polices or procedures are non-existent, insufficient, or inconsistent with IDEA or SBP 7219. Revised September 2015 Page 8 of 8