The Referral Process Once the SOS team and the Referral Form were in place, we began to focus on the referral process. This is the process that we have developed thus far. 1. Completing a Student Problem Solving Profile Referral Form When a teacher becomes concerned with a student who continually performs lower than his peers in the classroom and does not meet benchmarks, she completes a Student Problem Solving Profile Referral Form In addition to these concerns, the ELL SOS Team asks that the teachers provide narrative information on the individual student. • What are the student's strengths? (academic, behavior, social/emotional) • Please elaborate on any concerns by providing specific examples where possible. • Prioritize concerns and provide ELL SOS Team with desired outcomes after intervention. 2. Holding a Problem-Solving Meeting with the SOS Team Once the form is submitted to the ELL Director, he then reviews the form and gathers information from the other teachers that share the struggling student. If there are assessments and diagnostic information in the student's file, that information is gathered in preparation for the meeting. At the meeting the team comes together to review the information regarding the student. Discussions take place based on the effectiveness (or lack thereof) Tier 1 research-based instructional strategies to promote both language development and academic achievement within the classroom. • Has the student made linguistic and academic gains similar to those of his peers based on formative and summative assessments? • Is teacher instruction appropriate to the level of the students? • Are the majority of the students in the particular class succeeding? Based on the information from the teachers and assessment results, the team decides whether further assessment needs to completed and analyzed. The ELL reading specialist may conduct a Bader Reading and Language Inventory, Attitude Survey, or fluency measurement based on the information discussed at the ELL SOS meeting. After these assessments are given and analyzed, an intervention plan is developed for the student. 3. Implementing a Intervention Plan: A Move from Tier 1 to Tier 2 Supplemental Instruction Based on the data presented and ELL SOS discussions, an intervention plan is developed and carried through. Each intervention plan is tailored to the needs of the struggling student. For example, the team may recommend that the teachers provide specific Tier 1 instructional strategies and monitor student progress measuring the specific skill the intervention is targeting. For students needing more intense support, Tier 2 small-groups or one-on-one tutoring interventions may take place with teacher assistants or ELL Resource Teachers outside of class time. These sessions may last 20 minutes a day, three days a week to 45 minutes a day, five days a week depending on the intervention plan. The duration of the Tier 2 intervention may also vary depending on the skill being mastered. The key pieces to the intervention plan are to: • (1) match the intervention with the skill deficiency • (2) monitor student progress • (3) adjust intervention when necessary. The intervention sessions are not meant to help a student with homework or help study for a quiz or test. Interventions are carried out to help a student master a specific skill. For example, if a student is struggling with reading comprehension, an intervention such as repeated readings or Question-AnswerRelationship strategy would be implemented. Once the student shows gains through progress monitoring and has improved on the specific skill, the Tier 2 intervention stops. But if a student continues to show no gains during the Tier 2 intervention, the ELL SOS Team then discusses possible alternatives, which could include a Tier 3 referral to Special Education if it is determined that the student has received an adequate opportunity to succeed. Moving from Tier 2 to Tier 3 Support If a student continues to show very minimal gains compared to peers after small-group and one-on-one tutoring, the ELL SOS Team would consider referring the student to the School SOS Team for possible assessment for Special Education eligibility. The ELL SOS Team would provide the School SOS Team with valuable information regarding the interventions attempted, the progress of achievement, the duration of the interventions, the level of current performance compared to his peers, and other factors. Once all the information is presented to the School SOS Team, it continues the process to best meet the needs of the student. Final Thoughts In the past two years, the referrals of English language learners to Special Education have declined. In addition, the students who have been referred to Special Education have been eligible to receive services. Our RtI process is a framework towards improved Tier 1 and Tier 2 intervention. By developing a systematic approach to intervention, we are confident that we are providing our English language learners with proper instructional services to improve language proficiency and academic achievement. By constant collaboration with teachers, social workers, psychologists, and counselors, we are able to paint a clearer picture of the types of services a student needs academically and emotionally. We must realize that in today's world of education, our curriculum must meet the needs of our multi-leveled students. The days of having all materials and activities prepared at the beginning of the school year are over. Our curriculum must be dynamic, and our instruction must be research-based. Our assessments must monitor skill development and mastery. We have the opportunity to do what our students need: prepare them for post-secondary opportunities. No matter if you are an ELL teacher, content teacher, or administrator, evaluate your current ELL program and ask, "Are our ELLs succeeding in our program and in the mainstream curriculum? Are they achieving academically? Are they prepared for the next level?" If they are, fantastic! If not, what can be done to ensure academic success? All of our students have the potential to succeed, but it is up to us to create a system of support that helps them reach the agreed-upon curriculum benchmarks. We are proud that the Maine West ELL Program strives to ensure academic success for all English language learners. Most importantly, however, we believe that we are doing our best to realize our goal of giving our students the tools to be able to succeed beyond high school and be productive global citizens in the 21st century workplace.