I understand that theses charges for today are for the surgical portion of my treatment plan, and that my general dentist will have additional charges for the restoration of the implant(s). Patient Signature: _____________________________ Date: ________ Witness Signature: _________________________ Date: _________ Surgical Procedure: __________________________________________________________ Dr. Hiru Mathur has explained to me the following: _______ 1. The nature of my condition _______ 2. The alternative to dental implants _______ 3. The Risk associated with each alternative. I have been advise that all the following could occur: *Pain and/or discomfort, possible dizziness, infection, swelling, and bruising, bone loss and possible implant failure. * Parenthesis-numbness or loss of feeling sensation in the lip, tongue, chin, cheek or teeth due to nerve trauma during swelling or surgery. * Failure of the implant due to design or placement of the permanent prosthesis on the implant unrelated to the implant placement procedure. * Bone loss can be expected around an implant if there is poor oral hygiene. *Damage to adjacent teeth, roots or crowns during surgery. * Bone grafting procedure have the added risk of paresthesia, tissue sloughing infection, nose bleeding and failure of graft to take. * Fracture of jaw due to infection or inadvertent fracture caused during surgery I accept any of these possible risks listed above. ________ (Initial) I understand that smoking, alcohol, and excess sugar consumption will affect gum healing and may limit the success of surgery. I also consent to photography, filming, recording and x-rays of my procedure for the advancement of dentistry. ________ (Initial) I give the right to the doctor to change treatment during the procedure at any time. This may be due to unforeseen complications that might present itself during the surgery. This will be in consideration of what is the best for your final treatment goals and long-term success of the treatment. _________ (Initial) Additional treatment including other surgeries may be required to obtain the final results acceptable to you and the doctor. Unforeseen complications can arise during any care rendered to a patient. I understand and accept that this may include additional cost and surgeries that was not known at the beginning of the treatment or covered in your consultation. ___________ (Initial) I READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. I FULLY COMPREHEND THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH MY SURGERY AND ACCEPT THESE RISKS. I AM READY TO PROCEED WITH SURGERY. Please rewrite this sentence in your handwriting. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ ______________________________ Patient/Parent/Guardian (print) Patient/Parent/Guardian (Signature) Date: _______________________ Witness: ________________________ IV Sedation Consent I permit Dr.Mathur assisted by appropriate personnel to administer intravenous (conscious) Sedation in the manner in which she deems appropriate in her professional judgment for the purposes of implant surgery. Dr. Mathur has explained the purpose and use of these sedatives, the alternative to their use, and their usual effects. I will not drive, operate heavy machinery or sign legal documents for 24 hours. Dr. Mathur has explained to me that there is always the risk of complications with any anesthesia or sedation, and the doctor has answered all questions to my satisfaction. Date: ______________ Witness: _________________________ Age: _______ Allergies: _________________________________ Weight: ________ I authorize Dr.Matur and/or team members to perform the following procedure: __________________________ Signature ________________ Initial And to administer the anesthesia I have chosen, which is: Local Anesthesia _______________ Initial Local Anesthesia with oral premedication ________________ Initial IV Sedation with oral anesthesia ________________ Initial Implant Maintenance Consent Form As part of this consent, I ______________________________________________, do herby accept full responsibility to see my dentist on a regular basis (every 3-6 months) for routine cleaning and maintenance of my implants. This is to prevent bone loss, which can be expected around an implant if good oral hygiene is not practiced. I will adhere to Dr. Mathur recommendations and instructions after the procedure. An implant guarantee will be offered at the end of the treatment. I will present to this office for an annual exam to preserve the life of my implant. ____________________________ Patient’s Signature _______________________ Date ____________________________ Patient’s Printed Name _________________________ Date _____________________________ Witness’s Signature _________________________ Date Smoking as it relates to Dental Implants IMPLANTS PATIENTS WHO SMOKE DO NOT HEAL AS WELL AS NONSMOKERS. Newly sutured tissue heals by clotting. When a patient inhales, they form a vacuum in the mouth and often times dislodge the newly formed clot. Nicotine then penetrates that clot and can cause necrosis (death in some or all cells in an organ or tissue) of the tissue. To decrease post-op complications, our patients are instructed that they must not smoke after their implant surgery. If the patient at any time resumes smoking after surgery numerous complications could occur. Such as, but not limited to: Dry sockets, bone loss around the implants, infection or failure of the dental implant. Dr. Mathur is not liable for any complications that occur in patients that choose to smoke. I, __________________________________, understand the above statement and agree to stop smoking after my implant surgery. I also understand that I am responsible for any complications resulting from the affects of smoking, such as infection or loss, if I do not follow the above instructions. ______________________________ Patient’s Signature _________________________ Date _____________________________ Witness Signature __________________________ Date ________________________________________________ Does not apply Diabetes Patients Patients with diabetes need to understand that they have numerous problems associated with this disorder. Most of these problems are because of the vascular complications associated with diabetes. This may cause the patient to be more susceptible to bone loss, infection and possibly implant failure. You are being informed that these complications can occur and that you must do four important things to help this situation. 1. Regular checkups and maintain a balanced, controlled, normal sugar level. This can only be obtained with full compliance with your physician’s supervision. 2. Maintain excellent oral hygiene as discussed with our office using Prevident with periogard three times daily. 3. Go to your dentist at least 3 times yearly for cleaning etc. 4. Return to Dr.Mathur annually for a periodic exams. Following these instructions does not guarantee success of your implants, but certainly increases your chances of success. Dr. Mathur is not liable for these complications if they do occur due to non-control or non-compliance with your diabetes. I, ________________________________, do understand the above statements and agree to follow these instructions. ____________________________________ Patients Signature ___________________________ Date ____________________________________ Witness Signature ____________________________ Date _____________________________________________________________ THIS DOES NOT APPLY